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SuicideFuel its insane the amount of damage getting bullied do to you in long term



Its not over - its just never began
Aug 13, 2018
so i was bored af just sitting in bed and i started thinking about how much i got bullied in school..... im 22 now and its still fucks me up

1-6 grade well it wasnt something bad, i had alot of friends but i was a cry baby so alot of times when i got bullied i just cried. no1 was obsessed about me but people liked to picked on me cuz i was small af.

7 grade its pretty much the same just worst... 7 grade is new school so everyone trying their best to look "cool" so there were alot of bullies but it wasnt so bad i guess. had good amount of friends.
in the middle of 7 grade its where it got really bad.... i was sick in a hospital for 3 months (they found in the end i got crohn), in the proccess i lost alot of weight and got even smaller. life was really bad then mostly because of my crohn but the i guess the bullies werent so bad, almost everyone felt sorry for me.

8 grade i switched city to live with my dad. first couple of months were fine but then some bully piece of shit started fucking with me.... i was small weak and weird so i was a easy target. he humilated me so many times. i remember one time i was getting ready at home for the school annoual big trip, my grandma made me some food and everyone wished me to enjoy and i just thought to myself "damn... thats not gonna happen. its gonna be a nightmare, and why? what i did to make it happen? nothing."

9 grade i went back with my mom and got back to my previous school. this time some of my old friends rejected me but after 2-3 months of staying in the bathroom during breaks (so people wont see me alone) i found some other friends. i got bullied sometimes but most days were fine i guess.
still i remember one time in the middle of the class a bully behind me just gave me a "chop" hit to the neck... it wasnt painfull but legit all class looked, and i just did nothing. acted like nothing happened. the guy that did it was legit 60-70kg bigger than me. everytime i remember that i just wished i would get up and smash my chair in his face.

HS aka 10-12 grade: i barely made it to 10 grade because i didnt went much to school during 9 grade (you can guess why..) ..
anyway they putted me in the most stupid kids class. and you can guess what kind of people were there...
i barely got touched, maybe 2-3 times all this 3 years but a foid in my class in the begining of 10 grade made a humilating nickname for me, and like 50% of my class called me that for 3 years. even to this day sometimes i can still hear that nickname from hs "friends" i ecounter..

all this shit fucked me up completely. major depression, major anxiety. and why? i wasnt blackpilled back then. i was with normie mentallity, i was kind to everyone. i was respectfull to everyone. how did it helped me? it didnt.
everyone talks about us like we are so bad... like we are monsters. but the truth is we just express our feelings how it is, while most society act like they are so good but in reality all of them crush and destroy the weak.

im glad in usa some people that are getting bullied are fighting back with some bullets. sometimes i wish i had that privilege in my country back then....
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Damn..it really does leave a scar which lasts for a long time.
Why doesn't anyone take revenge on their bullies in adulthood? Especially those with nothing to live for. Instead meek weaklings keep being meek weaklings while bullies enjoy their lives built on the pain of their victims.
even to this day sometimes i can still hear that nickname from hs "friends" i ecounter..

I am now home, I was at the gym and I am now reading this line. This makes angry. I want to kill those people. But before that, I will give them a nickname as well. I call them ''my little bitch''. Those rotten creatures need to get down to kiss my shoes and afterwards I will punch them to death.
Yeah I still have some mental scars from bullying. I doubt they will ever fully heal.

I wish people weren't such assholes. I was a good kid for the most part, I don’t think I deserved to be bullied constantly.
yeah i had bullies in primary school and highschool.. i had 4 proper bullies in highschool, they consistenely bullied me in highschool when i was in any contact with them. they say stuff like "Who are your freinds?" "what are you good at?" also the CONSTANT copy-bulling. the copy-bulling was the worst and most common form of bulling, i say or do anything that is slightly weird or random and then they copy that action to mock me or put me down. i have a diary and i write down the thoughts of anything bad. i realised after highschool that LYING is the most important social skill that you must do.
Why do people do bullying? What do they earn from that? I still don't understand.

At least most of the people that bullied me ended up fucked.
Yeah I still have some mental scars from bullying. I doubt they will ever fully heal.

I wish people weren't such assholes. I was a good kid for the most part, I don’t think I deserved to be bullied constantly.
exactly, the guys that dont deserve to be bullied the most are the guys that are bullied the most. they are the center of gravity of the bulling
I'll never fully trust people because of it.

We had student photographers for one of our picture days in High, and a group of kids picked on my looks until I was nearly in tears, then snapped the picture. I have red, watery looking eyes in the yearbook because I was about to have a breakdown. And of course everyone thought that was hilarious.
Why do people do bullying? What do they earn from that? I still don't understand.

At least most of the people that bullied me ended up fucked.
for laughs, amusement, kill the boredom
Yeah I still have some mental scars from bullying. I doubt they will ever fully heal.

I wish people weren't such assholes. I was a good kid for the most part, I don’t think I deserved to be bullied constantly.
What kind of bullying they did to you?
What kind of bullying they did to you?
Call me names, bruise me, soak me with water, etc.

I fought back a few times though, there’s only so much a person can take.
Call me names, bruise me, soak me with water, etc.

I fought back a few times though, there’s only so much a person can take.
I rarely got called names, but they literally beated me everyday. I never fought back, through. It could get worse.
I rarely got called names, but they literally beated me everyday. I never fought back, through. It could get worse.
I’m sorry about that bro. You should’ve fought back though. If you don’t fight back then you’re just a punching bag to be used to them.

Learning how to defend yourself is always useful.
I think I was bullied but I was too retarded to recognize that I was being bullied
I remember those times, they were the worst. From dropping my lunchbox in the urinal, shoving me when I walked home from school, thrown against a brick wall, picked last in groups, sitting in the teacher's room because I was too humiliated to go sit in the cafeteria alone at a table, etc... It never ends, we're just given different circumstances.
I’m sorry about that bro. You should’ve fought back though. If you don’t fight back then you’re just a punching bag to be used to them.

Learning how to defend yourself is always useful.
I know, but i would be lynched by half of the school if i did that. That's how things work in this shithole.
fuck youre not alone bro. i dont even get how bullies are still a thing, they are just entitled dumbasses who havent accomplished anything at all to feel superior, at least in previous generations it was about family status. Fucking fags feeling better because they waste all their time in a shitty sport only to realize later nobody cares
in my case I was severely bullied by my sisters and nieces (all girls and i was the only boy, they were also two years older and above) i could write a 10k page book describing everything I had to suffer every christmas week and summer when everyone reunited. I struggle hard communicating with foids now because of it (cant trust them, i get severely anxious) and my second theRAPIST says im too hostile with them (btw he is male, the first one was a foid and i noped and i even paid her so i didnt have to talk with a foid even if it was for a refund)
nowadays in my current lab neet-like job when i am forced to talk with foids i treat them like bugs, i am not buying the hollywood BS about foids being like a princess, they are all mental and when they outnumber the males they form a hivemind to take over ALWAYS.
I remember hiding behind the schools stairs after the “chad” of the class humiliated me and calling me names in front of around 30 other pupils in the playground. I tried not to cry but it went like a river. I was scared I might have gotten asthma as I started having difficulties breathing after 20 minutes of it.

Also, my school introduced us to computers in primary classes by learning how to create an email account, and the danger of the internet. The first email I’ve ever gotten was, and I quote:
“Ohhhh looooll, you are such a VICTIM”

I’m out of school now and happier than ever.
Why doesn't anyone take revenge on their bullies in adulthood? Especially those with nothing to live for. Instead meek weaklings keep being meek weaklings while bullies enjoy their lives built on the pain of their victims.
View attachment 89689
As if we needed a “study” to know that
“Studies show water is wet”
I got the shit beaten out of me on the bus in elementary school but none of the kids got suspended. I was just given a seat up front by the bus driver but I still saw them in school and on the bus. But those were just older kids, the insults, “pranks,” and general humiliation I received from my peers was 10 times worse.
and yet still we are the bad guys while our bullies are what kind of males society accepts "confident" "high self esteem" "domimant"and lets be honest here most of the times attractive too this is the first edgy shit i will say on this site but people that bully (it will depend on your definition of bulliying yes) should be publicly executed
but bullies grow up to become losers bro
this is a coping mechanism

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