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JFL Its Funny That The Various National Agencies Of The World Know They Are Fighting A Losing Battle But Still Keep At It



Feb 28, 2018
Society will never be safe unless the social contract is being adhered to, the contract that assures that men can have a fair and reasonable chance at sex and reproduction, the contract that was being maintained by patriarchal societal structures, which are no more in many parts of the world and are ever decreasing day by day

I've spoken about the social contract in more detail in a previous thread:

I hope people get the point here, the purpose of these laws and societal norms were to ensure a code of conduct amongst men, so that we would as a collective agree to allow each other to pursue and court women in a safe and organized manner, unimpeded by other men in an "unfair" manner, we all had a fair chance. There was a "social contract" at play here.

In these modern times the social contract is no longer functioning, expecting men not to regress and go back to the days of rape and violence when the contract is no longer being enforced and/or adhered to, is what is truly outrageous, and not the acts themselves. Men aren't entitled to sex?, true I agree, but women aren't entitled to safety either, they never were entitled to it and they never will be, it was a "provision" offered by men to women for co-operating with men to facilitate the social contract. The safety resided within the rule set of the social contract, which is no longer at play here, so a significant and increasing number of males are seeing no reason to function as "civil" men, there's no logical reason too, why be civil when you essentially are not even part of civilization, civility its no longer to our benefit. Women's actions have thrown the entire system out of order, and the violent responses of men today are retaliatory. Society is basically trying to make average/below average males into somewhat of a "slave class" that offers their labor and utility, contributes to society, all while being barred from enjoying a basic pleasure that all the female citizens get to enjoy despite contributing less and having to risk their lives less.

Ask yourself who are really the crazy ones, the men who go out committing acts of violence or "opt out" of society, or the society that expected these men not to do this, despite significantly ruining the quality of life for the collective male populace, and having the gall to ask them to keep up their end of the social contract and be "good little boys and contribute to society as upstanding citizens" :feelskek:. Are you fucking serious, no wonder men are opting out of society, no wonder men are going out on murder rampages.

If the various agencies of the world (FBI, Mossad, etc) aren't aware of this fact, then that's an even bigger joke

Do you know why its so easy for islamic terrorist groups to "radicalize" men of varying nations and cultures, its because all men at their core want the same thing, and the changes that are taking place across the world are making these things less and less attainable to the average man

Normies are so concerned about incel mass shootings, agencies too, but more and more men are essentially becoming incel so the scope will become so large it is going to be impossible to stop all of these varying attacks

Lets not also forget that even men who aren't incel, are being greatly affected by hypergamy and the feminization of society

The fact that the "red pill" and "MGTOW" exist should be EXTREMELY WORRYING to normies, I don't think they get it, you literally have a portion of men who can date, get married, but want nothing to do with women or modern society, because it is no longer beneficial to them, every single one of these men is primed for "radicalization", and that goes double for incels, especially those who were religious to begin with, the promise of 72 virgin wives to a man who thinks he's going to die a virgin anyways is a dream come true, why wouldn't he jump at it

Also technology is advancing at a fast pace and becoming cheaper, we will reach a point where a single man with enough planning could literally destroy a country on his own, its inevitable: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/...om-vulnerable-world-global-catastrophic-risks

If incels still exist during this era, then the world is truly fucked, of course incels are going to move on from mass shootings and do more extreme shit with a larger scope for death and destruction, its only natural

Normies don't get it because they don't have all the information and data that the various agencies have access to, but I'm sure all of these agencies are aware of whats taking place in the world today, and they are planning for whats next, you create a society where men can't satisfy their base needs, and these men will become anarchistic and try to "get back" at society, or join up with any group looking to restructure society back to what it was

Imagine if some feminist group got arranged marriages completely banned and criminalized in India, at first there would just be a little outrage from the place population but nothing huge, then after a few years, you'll start to notice an increase in rape and the murder of women (even more so than is already happening), shit would go nuclear there, because arranged marriages are one of the essential institutions that make men in these countries think they have a chance, the only thing that keeps society as a whole civil is the illusion of "meritocracy" - "I HAVE A CHANCE", take that away and people stop giving a fuck, and that goes doubly for men


That is a society committing suicide

Civility is an illusion, men created society's to facilitate this illusion, and most importantly facilitate a meritocratic means of men attaining sexual and reproductive resources, that is the core purpose of a society, sex and reproduction is primary, everything else is secondary, so a society that no longer facilitates this contract, facilitates this "service", is a society that men will always rebel against

The average blue pill guy isn't going to rebel yet because shit hasn't reached its peak yet, all of these men are still coping telling themselves - "well I still have a chance, too bad for those other guys", its understandable, humans are mostly selfish, and so long as something doesn't affect you and on top of that it benefits you, you'll ignore it, in fact some of these guys aren't coping, they are good looking enough that this will never affect them and they know it, but women don't know limits, they don't show restraint, they don't think ahead, they are going to keep pushing until men who in a patriarchal world would never dream of struggling to date, will be indentifying with incels and relating to your "doctrine"
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Great thread.
This is essentially what happened in many Islamic countries like Egypt and Iraq to cause the civil unrest that we have seen in recent years. The ability to marry in these countries is entirely dependent on having a stable income but many young men were unable to get one or lived off the land and did not have enough money for a bride price and then you get a bunch of sexually frustrated men grouping together to get wives through force.

The Economist did a good article (somewhat indirectly) mentioning this: https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2018/03/19/why-polygamy-breeds-civil-war
Polygamy nearly always means rich men taking multiple wives. And if the top 10% of men marry four women each, then the bottom 30% cannot marry at all. This often leaves them not only sexually frustrated but also socially marginalised. In many traditional societies, a man is not considered an adult until he has found a wife and sired children. To get a wife, he must typically pay a “brideprice” to her father. When polygamy creates a shortage of brides, it massively inflates this brideprice. In South Sudan, it can be anything from 30 to 300 cattle, far more wealth than an ill-educated young man can plausibly accumulate by legal means.

In desperation, many single men resort to extreme measures to secure a mate. In South Sudan, they pick up guns and steal cattle from the tribe next door. Many people are killed in such raids; many bloody feuds spring from them. Young bachelors who cannot afford to marry also make easy recruits for rebel armies. If they fight, they can loot, and with loot, they can wed. In a paper published last year, Valerie Hudson of Texas A&M University and Hilary Matfess of Yale found that a high brideprice is a “critical” factor “predisposing young men to become involved in organised group violence for political purposes”. Jihadist groups exploit this, too. One member of Pakistan’s Lashkar-e-Taiba, which carried out the attack on Mumbai in 2008 that killed 166 people, said he joined the organisation because it promised to pay for his siblings to get married. During its heyday the so-called Islamic State offered foreign recruits honeymoons in Raqqa, its former capital. In northern Nigeria, where polygamy is rife, Boko Haram still arranges cheap marriages for its recruits.
Whoever invented religion and enforced monogamy was high iq as fuck. The old sages of the past knew what would happen without it.
Whoever invented religion and enforced monogamy was high iq as fuck. The old sages of the past knew what would happen without it.

When you think about it, it seems genius to us, but to your common man back in the past who wasn't raised to be blue pilled, indoctrinated, politically correct, etc, this was common sense, a system of control is obviously needed, the concept of God is something inherent to human existence, it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together, to decide to create a doctrine of rules to bring order to society and then use the concept of God to get people to adhere to said doctrine

The men who created and led religions weren't geniuses, they were rich and powerful to begin with, they were men who had resources and were in positions of power and influence, and that allowed them to utilize the doctrine and spread it, if some random street bum came up with religion it would not matter because nobody would have listened to him

Great thread.

This is essentially what happened in many Islamic countries like Egypt and Iraq to cause the civil unrest that we have seen in recent years. The ability to marry in these countries is entirely dependent on having a stable income but many young men were unable to get one or lived off the land and did not have enough money for a bride price and then you get a bunch of sexually frustrated men grouping together to get wives through force.

The Economist did a good article (somewhat indirectly) mentioning this: https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2018/03/19/why-polygamy-breeds-civil-war

Damn, this is pretty spot on, indisputable proof of exactly what I'm talking about, why haven't I seen this in a thread already, this is the kind of post material that should get pinned, normies can't argue with this shit, when 30% of men can't get sex, marraige or children they become radicalized and criminal, so imagine what's going to happen to modern western societies, normies must be very naive not to see whats coming
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Above average thread with below average number of views and replies :feelswhere:
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Despite what most people think, I don't believe that sex is the motivation of most incels. It's wanting the love of others. I'm sure most of us just want someone's shoulder to lean on. And that isn't going to change unless society does.
Also technology is advancing at a fast pace and becoming cheaper, we will reach a point where a single man with enough planning could literally destroy a country on his own, its inevitable: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/...om-vulnerable-world-global-catastrophic-risks

If incels still exist during this era, then the world is truly fucked, of course incels are going to move on from mass shootings and do more extreme shit with a larger scope for death and destruction, its only natural

If incels still exist during this era, then the world is truly fucked, of course incels are going to move on from mass shootings and do more extreme shit with a larger scope for death and destruction, its only natural

My desire to reach this stage is MUCH greater than ever losing my virginity or ''''ascending''''. It's really only a matter of time, the structure of western civilization is living on borrowed time. Imagine thinking your society can strive with hypergamous roots, it WILL come back and bite them.


That is a society committing suicide

Civility is an illusion, men created society's to facilitate this illusion, and most importantly facilitate a meritocratic means of men attaining sexual and reproductive resources, that is the core purpose of a society, sex and reproduction is primary, everything else is secondary, so a society that no longer facilitates this contract, facilitates this "service", is a society that men will always rebel against

What I really want to know is when is that threshold going to be passed? Especially in the west? I can imagine the middle east may already be beyond the initial stage of awakening, perhaps because of the strict nature they possess.
The amount of people that are aware of this issue is a tiny minority and I have a hard time believing we'll ever truly see a society that can see past the gold sprayed shitpile that is our civilization.
They're gov workers. They just want to collect a paycheck. They don't give a shit about performance and they're not emotionally invested in it.
Reason people joined isis is because a lot of them were incels and haven't achieved shit in life so they depend on being rewarded in the afterlife
They're gov workers. They just want to collect a paycheck. They don't give a shit about performance and they're not emotionally invested in it.

thats more likely, but he is right
thats more likely, but he is right

he's right and it's a good post, but that same shit applies to most jobs which are pointless make work

same shit goes for postal workers

i want to believe that shit will get crazy and men will start destroying society but then I look at asia and it seems men love to be shit on and cucked, at least if you're asian
Great thread.

This is essentially what happened in many Islamic countries like Egypt and Iraq to cause the civil unrest that we have seen in recent years. The ability to marry in these countries is entirely dependent on having a stable income but many young men were unable to get one or lived off the land and did not have enough money for a bride price and then you get a bunch of sexually frustrated men grouping together to get wives through force.

The Economist did a good article (somewhat indirectly) mentioning this: https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2018/03/19/why-polygamy-breeds-civil-war
  1. Men aren't entitled to women's bodies
  2. Have you ever tried being a decent person and not so shitty?
  3. Men's egos are so fragile.
Whoever invented religion and enforced monogamy was high iq as fuck. The old sages of the past knew what would happen without it.
So much this
Society will never be safe unless the social contract is being adhered to, the contract that assures that men can have a fair and reasonable chance at sex and reproduction, the contract that was being maintained by patriarchal societal structures, which are no more in many parts of the world and are ever decreasing day by day

I've spoken about the social contract in more detail in a previous thread:

If the various agencies of the world (FBI, Mossad, etc) aren't aware of this fact, then that's an even bigger joke

Do you know why its so easy for islamic terrorist groups to "radicalize" men of varying nations and cultures, its because all men at their core want the same thing, and the changes that are taking place across the world are making these things less and less attainable to the average man

Normies are so concerned about incel mass shootings, agencies too, but more and more men are essentially becoming incel so the scope will become so large it is going to be impossible to stop all of these varying attacks

Lets not also forget that even men who aren't incel, are being greatly affected by hypergamy and the feminization of society

The fact that the "red pill" and "MGTOW" exist should be EXTREMELY WORRYING to normies, I don't think they get it, you literally have a portion of men who can date, get married, but want nothing to do with women or modern society, because it is no longer beneficial to them, every single one of these men is primed for "radicalization", and that goes double for incels, especially those who were religious to begin with, the promise of 72 virgin wives to a man who thinks he's going to die a virgin anyways is a dream come true, why wouldn't he jump at it

Also technology is advancing at a fast pace and becoming cheaper, we will reach a point where a single man with enough planning could literally destroy a country on his own, its inevitable: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/...om-vulnerable-world-global-catastrophic-risks

If incels still exist during this era, then the world is truly fucked, of course incels are going to move on from mass shootings and do more extreme shit with a larger scope for death and destruction, its only natural

Normies don't get it because they don't have all the information and data that the various agencies have access to, but I'm sure all of these agencies are aware of whats taking place in the world today, and they are planning for whats next, you create a society where men can't satisfy their base needs, and these men will become anarchistic and try to "get back" at society, or join up with any group looking to restructure society back to what it was

Imagine if some feminist group got arranged marriages completely banned and criminalized in India, at first there would just be a little outrage from the place population but nothing huge, then after a few years, you'll start to notice an increase in rape and the murder of women (even more so than is already happening), shit would go nuclear there, because arranged marriages are one of the essential institutions that make men in these countries think they have a chance, the only thing that keeps society as a whole civil is the illusion of "meritocracy" - "I HAVE A CHANCE", take that away and people stop giving a fuck, and that goes doubly for men


That is a society committing suicide

Civility is an illusion, men created society's to facilitate this illusion, and most importantly facilitate a meritocratic means of men attaining sexual and reproductive resources, that is the core purpose of a society, sex and reproduction is primary, everything else is secondary, so a society that no longer facilitates this contract, facilitates this "service", is a society that men will always rebel against

The average blue pill guy isn't going to rebel yet because shit hasn't reached its peak yet, all of these men are still coping telling themselves - "well I still have a chance, too bad for those other guys", its understandable, humans are mostly selfish, and so long as something doesn't affect you and on top of that it benefits you, you'll ignore it, in fact some of these guys aren't coping, they are good looking enough that this will never affect them and they know it, but women don't know limits, they don't show restraint, they don't think ahead, they are going to keep pushing until men who in a patriarchal world would never dream of struggling to date, will be indentifying with incels and relating to your "doctrine"
Another based hiQ thread by pbp.
Reason people joined isis is because a lot of them were incels and haven't achieved shit in life so they depend on being rewarded in the afterlife
The only thing men want to achieve is hardcore sex with firtile women of high genetic quality. "B-but mr shekelstein g-gave me a n-nobel prize" :soy: :soy: :soy::soy::lul::lul::lul: There is no other "achievemet", it's all cope.
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I think that India is a key country to start seeing this kind of thing, given that the Arabs are being exterminated and the rice men seem to don't care to impose patriarchy. Imagine millions of curries raping women in droves, that can mark a before and after.
(((They))) don't want stability
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They eat we starve.

That's why everyone should learn about permaculture farming and edible wild plants!
If any group is planning to destroy the society then hit me up.

Also wait till blackpill ideology hits high iq slerpercels. It’s not like chad is guarding the nuclear weapons. It’s some tech incel.

Just need to blackpill him so he releases the nukes
Also wait till blackpill ideology hits high iq slerpercels. It’s not like chad is guarding the nuclear weapons. It’s some tech incel.

Exactly, I don't think society realizes how much danger its in, its the betas of the world that are the geniuses and have access to all these dangerous technologies, they are also the hackers, the serial killers, etc, it would take but a few of these men to band together to fuck society up
If any group is planning to destroy the society then hit me up.

Also wait till blackpill ideology hits high iq slerpercels. It’s not like chad is guarding the nuclear weapons. It’s some tech incel.

Just need to blackpill him so he releases the nukes
cope. I'd love to see it occur, but there are systems in place that are designed to prevent disgruntled people from ERing the world/country.

nuclear silos - systems requiring dual authority, off site authorisation also required.
submarines - in soviet union, political officer, and unanimous agreement from all officers on board to fire nukes. officers were always rotated out on random basis so that they didn't get too pally and plot something. plus the KGB was watching them
militaries - officers cannot conspire to overthrow a gov in the west, cos there are internal agencies that solely monitor their activity.
The men working in these agencies are selfish just like everyone else. Also with fewer men having children, they have less stake in the future. They probably hope that shit won't hit the fan until they're alive and just collect the paychecks.
Above average thread with below average number of views and replies :feelswhere:
This is one of BPB's stronger threads.

Society keeps us under heel because we're weak enough at this point that they can get away with it, but as more disenfranchised surplus men realize the raw hand they've been dealt, and as the number of them grows larger, that won't be the case forever.
This is one of BPB's stronger threads.
I am more dangerous to women because its more painful for them to deal with a wimpy soyboy than to be shot or stabbed by a chad or incel.
Literally I make women's faces cringe so hard whenever I tell them I take bubble baths. I even make them cringe so hard, it ruins their faces. I am a real menace.
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I think that India is a key country to start seeing this kind of thing, given that the Arabs are being exterminated and the rice men seem to don't care to impose patriarchy. Imagine millions of curries raping women in droves, that can mark a before and after.
Based Curries. If anyone can go nuts it's got to be them. They are already the Low Inhibition gods. Super Power 2020! :feelsokman:
Another high IQ thread being overshadowed by mediocre threads. Seriously high IQcels are very under appreciated. Nonetheless I have nothing else to add, the OP is spot on with his post.
High IQ thread right here.
I'm glad that I'm not the only one that's noticed the cliff approaching, it should be beyond alarming to see this many disturbed young men resolute in checking out of life in the most savage ways possible, inflicting the maximum amount of violence on society that they are able capable of.

I'd like to believe that there is still time to turn things around... However, super high IQ blackpills like what the OP posted do anything but reassure me of that though.
Another high IQ thread being overshadowed by mediocre threads. Seriously high IQcels are very under appreciated. Nonetheless I have nothing else to add, the OP is spot on with his post.

It won't get pinned, mods are too scared, I mean........ we wouldn't want to scare the normies with a reality check now would we? JFL
Despite what most people think, I don't believe that sex is the motivation of most incels. It's wanting the love of others. I'm sure most of us just want someone's shoulder to lean on. And that isn't going to change unless society does.
Lack of sex is only the beginning of men's problems. Unemployment, having to live with parents or being homeless, being socially isolated, not having a family of their own, and being hated just for existing.
cope. I'd love to see it occur, but there are systems in place that are designed to prevent disgruntled people from ERing the world/country.

nuclear silos - systems requiring dual authority, off site authorisation also required.
submarines - in soviet union, political officer, and unanimous agreement from all officers on board to fire nukes. officers were always rotated out on random basis so that they didn't get too pally and plot something. plus the KGB was watching them
militaries - officers cannot conspire to overthrow a gov in the west, cos there are internal agencies that solely monitor their activity.
All these guys are betabux /incel.
They will do it together once they realize their wives used the Cashcows
great thread @BlkPillPres .

It's a huge fucking issue and historically accurate. we know in the human genetic record there are periods of mass hypergamy. the red pilll guys try and say "see this is what happens men should all have harems" but because they're low IQ they don't look at the surrounding data from these periods.

Disease, famine, massive bloodshed.

Cause like you say once men realise they aren't going to get to have kids, they have nothing to lose. Middle East is a perfect example of this. you have sultans who shit on 100 whores like tag the sponsor and the rest of the lower classes are committing jihad.

Incels are an easy target because they're "muh privileged white men" (even though they're not) but the extreme incels like ER and Columbine are incel jihadists.
This is pretty much the sexual version of the drug wars or the Iraq invasion, if you think about it these problems exist because (((they))) are the ones that created the problem in the first place

Also didn't' read your post but I think I got the gist of it

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