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it's bluepilled to say you are an incel because you have ''''bad social skills''''

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Nov 6, 2021
i see this being constantly posted here. so many threads about ''how am i gonna get gf if i couldn't develop social skills''.

first off you are lowkey implying personality matters, you are also implying your social skills are the only reason you are an incel, without any mention of lookism in the process

i find hard to believe anyone here lacks social skills, it's pretty braindead easy to learn, even if you are an outcast you can develop it.

you are also blaming yourself instead of the root cause of inceldom: lookism.

i have normal social skills just like others, the only reason i'm octranized is because of my bad physical looks. in top of that i got a shitty voice due to my genetics ( my brothers have the same voice problems too) and that makes things worse if i want to be taken seriously.

correlating inceldom with lack of social skills it's like literally correlating inceldom with retardation

it's also a cope since no matter how much '''''social skills''''' you have, if you don't met the looks and height requeriments, you won't get laid.

chad doesn't need social skills, nor personality, nor being a nice person to get laid, period.
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i see this being constantly posted here. so many threads about ''how am i gonna get gf if i couldn't develop social skills''.

first off you are lowkey implying personality matters, you are also implying your social skills are the only reason you are an incel, without any mention of lookism in the process

i find hard to believe anyone here lacks social skills, it's pretty braindead easy to learn, even if you are an outcast you can develop it.

i have normal social skills just like others, the only reason i'm octranized is because of my bad physical looks. in top of that i got a shitty voice due to my genetics ( my brothers have the same voice problems too) and that makes things worse if i want to be taken seriously.

correlating inceldom with lack of social skills it's like literally correlating inceldom with retardation

it's also a cope since no matter how much '''''social skills''''' you have, if you don't met the looks and height requeriments, you won't get laid.

chad doesn't need social skills, nor personality, nor being a nice person to get laid, period.
If you don't pass the looks threshold, it's over for you and there's nothing you can do about that
I think the bad social skills thing is a product of inceldom. Most of the guys cant develop those types of skills becuase they're so fucking ugly no one want to even been seen breething next to them. I'm very ugly and the lack of interaction with others due to my ugliness is the reason I have bad social skills.
I think the bad social skills thing is a product of inceldom. Most of the guys cant develop those types of skills becuase they're so fucking ugly no one want to even been seen breething next to them. I'm very ugly and the lack of interaction with others due to my ugliness is the reason I have bad social skills.
well even if you develop social skills it doesn't matter, biology and soyciety is rigged against you. chad can literally scream like a retard in a classrom and will get praised for it. you try to say a joke in the classrom and nobody laughs and tell you to shut up, meanwhile chad says the exact same joke and everybody laughs and cheers.

it all comes down to halo effect.
I think the bad social skills thing is a product of inceldom. Most of the guys cant develop those types of skills becuase they're so fucking ugly no one want to even been seen breething next to them. I'm very ugly and the lack of interaction with others due to my ugliness is the reason I have bad social skills.
High IQ, most normies don't even realize this
Bad social skills are just a bi-product of being left alone and ostracized, and not the cause of those issues.
I'm same as OP in the sense that I don't really lack social skills as I'm able to talk with people online and make them laugh at my jokes, but I could never see that happening irl because I'd just be treated as a ghost.
I think the bad social skills thing is a product of inceldom. Most of the guys cant develop those types of skills becuase they're so fucking ugly no one want to even been seen breething next to them. I'm very ugly and the lack of interaction with others due to my ugliness is the reason I have bad social skills.
Much of the time negative reinforcement and constantly getting shat on because of your looks correlates to bad social skills and anxiety so the two are related
Bad social skills are just a bi-product of being left alone and ostracized, and not the cause of those issues.
yeah that's the point of those threads but they also imply that bad social skills can cause you to be incel when in reality it's all about looks.

and ofc the root cause of being octranized in the first place is being ugly.

mentally ill chad with no social skills pull foids.
No it's too black and white to think literally the only thing that metters is looks. Obviously they are extremely important for life in general. But I have seen ugly guys have girlfriends, simply because they socially mog me and they have a big social circle. Even if I socialmaxxed I would still be incel tho, due to frame and low t.
Never underestimate autism though.
Never underestimate autism though.
i don't
But I have seen ugly guys have girlfriends, simply because they socially mog me and they have a big social circle.
what are social skills even
i'd say it's something basic everyone has. you can't do much with it since looks matter. you can't improve you social skills to a point where you magically get foids with it.

you can however fit in by being funny, but that's pure genetics, like there's no way you can improve your ability to make jokes, that's part of an ingelligence that's been gifted since you were born. that's why there's always one ''comedian'' in the classrom and not 20.

and even if you fit in by being funny, if you are short and ugly, it won't get you nowhere besides being ''that guy that makes funny jokes every now and then''

not to mention that generally even if you make a good joke, if you are ugly nobody laughs. meanwhile chad says the same joke and everyone laughs, even normies at some point aknowledge this fact.
i don't


i'd say it's something basic everyone has. you can't do much with it since looks matter. you can't improve you social skills to a point where you magically get foids with it.

you can however fit in by being funny, but that's pure genetics, like there's no way you can improve your ability to make jokes, that's part of an ingelligence that's been gifted since you were born. that's why there's always one ''comedian'' in the classrom and not 20.

and even if you fit in by being funny, if you are short and ugly, it won't get you nowhere besides being ''that guy that makes funny jokes every now and then''

not to mention that generally even if you make a good joke, if you are ugly nobody laughs. meanwhile chad says the same joke and everyone laughs, even normies at some point aknowledge this fact.
It's cope to think it's all about lookism.

And example after example of lookism being utterly obliterated here have been posted so tbh you'd have to be a retard to still push it.
It's cope to think it's all about lookism.

And example after example of lookism being utterly obliterated here have been posted so tbh you'd have to be a retard to still push it.
go ascend then
go ascend then
You'd have to be a retard to respond with that also.

Many things are even more difficult to change/improve than looks, especially if you're above a certain age. 1 of those things could well be "social skills" you talk of, for someone on the autism spectrum telling someone to improve his social skills will not be easy
You'd have to be a retard to respond with that also.
not as retarded as thinking a finite number of cherrypicked examples that aren't even valid is a ''obliteration'' of lookism.
Many things are even more difficult to change/improve than looks, especially if you're above a certain age.
such as?
1 of those things could well be "social skills" you talk of,
why you talk in plural if you only bring one example. also, as i said, social skills is not a requeriment because almost everyone has. this is akin to say ''you must breathe to get laid'', pointless.
for someone on the autism spectrum telling someone to improve his social skills will not be easy
it's ironic because there's example of autistic chads ascending, once again proving looks matter over whatever cope you have.
not as retarded as thinking a finite number of cherrypicked examples that aren't even valid is a ''obliteration'' of lookism.

such as?

why you talk in plural if you only bring one example. also, as i said, social skills is not a requeriment because almost everyone has. this is akin to say ''you must breathe to get laid'', pointless.

it's ironic because there's example of autistic chads ascending, once again proving looks matter over whatever cope you have.
"That's an outlier bro" :lul: the new sad cope.

No not everyone has good social skills, in fact many autists here confess that they are friendless shut ins. It's why pushing lookism is dangerous as telling a guy to work to spend time to improve looks rather than improve social skills/circle could be a huge mistake.
And when he's too old and almost out of chance only then will the truth become apparent.

Another huge factor is location. A retard lookist may not understand where he lives is horrible and shit and moving somewhere else is his best bet.

It's why I mention age in previous post, an aged oldcel blaming looks sure looks probably was his problem. An aged incel saying he should have done this or that (eg. Worked on social circle more, gone out more etc.), Looks probably were not the problem. It's nuanced, you're a retard to think it's all lookism.
"That's an outlier bro" :lul: the new sad cope.
oh so cherrypicking a finite number of pseudo-cases in constrast of billions of people and also in constrast of thousands of evidences that prove lookism it's not a cope?
No not everyone has good social skills,
not everyone, but almost everyone. extremely mentally ill people of course can't, but this type of people don't represent the demographic of this forum not even in the slightest.
in fact many autists here confess that they are friendless shut ins.
because they are ugly
It's why pushing lookism is dangerous as telling a guy to work to spend time to improve looks rather than improve social skills/circle could be a huge mistake.
looks are more effective than social skills. halo effect also ensures mistakes aren't seen as bad as without looks.
An aged incel saying he should have done this or that (eg. Worked on social circle more, gone out more etc.),
yeah it's like a videogame. foids will see you are friend of someone and fuck you instead of looking at your height and face, haha.
what kind of retarded cope is this? lol
also, how are you even going to get social circle if you are being octranized for being ugly in the first place, huh?
Looks probably were not the problem.
looks are always a problem and an important factor, you implied yourself in your previous posts.
none of your copes works if you have good looks. heck, even if you are ugly you aren't going to ascend
you're a retard to think it's all lookism.
is this why foids date domestic abusers, criminals etc while blatanty admitting they don't care about good ''personality''?

it just never began for 6'3 chadlite cels bro
never began for chadcels
never began for tallcels
both mogged with 5'3 balding indian janitor with personality bro
oh so cherrypicking a finite number of pseudo-cases in constrast of billions of people and also in constrast of thousands of evidences that prove lookism it's not a cope?

not everyone, but almost everyone. extremely mentally ill people of course can't, but this type of people don't represent the demographic of this forum not even in the slightest.

because they are ugly

looks are more effective than social skills. halo effect also ensures mistakes aren't seen as bad as without looks.

yeah it's like a videogame. foids will see you are friend of someone and fuck you instead of looking at your height and face, haha.
what kind of retarded cope is this? lol
also, how are you even going to get social circle if you are being octranized for being ugly in the first place, huh?

looks are always a problem and an important factor, you implied yourself in your previous posts.
none of your copes works if you have good looks. heck, even if you are ugly you aren't going to ascend

is this why foids date domestic abusers, criminals etc while blatanty admitting they don't care about good ''personality''?

it just never began for 6'3 chadlite cels bro
never began for chadcels
never began for tallcels
both mogged with 5'3 balding indian janitor with personality bro
Lol what billions and thousands. How about the examples YOU'RE thinking of how about THEY'RE the fucking outliers, how about that dipshit.

I notice you didn't touch my location point. Location is more important than looks, many people here probably agree.

Ugly guys (including guys here) have friends. So your point is debunked again. You see you make baseless assumptions tailored to the narrative that you want to believe. It's your cope.
Ugly guys also have gfs btw, but we'll forget that one for now.

A very recent "dark triad" boyfriend story came out and the bf was a complete subhuman :lul: so, again, your point is completely crushed and debunked.

I'd maybe stop the discussion here, I think I've said enough. I'd advise you at least start with LMS (looks with status and money factors also) to help you beyond looks being everything blindness
Lol what billions
the entire population?
and thousands.
this forum posting evidence daily, in top of the scientific blackpill wiki that has files in top of files of data?
let's not even mention that we have decades of in real life experiences with this.
How about the examples YOU'RE thinking of how about THEY'RE the fucking outliers, how about that dipshit.
they are finite numbers, and some are not even valid.
I notice you didn't touch my location point. Location is more important than looks, many people here probably agree.
i don't recall reading you mention that. even in those cases looks matter, such as you have to be white, attractive or tall to SEAmaxx
Ugly guys (including guys here) have friends.
not all of them, and those that have do have are not of a social hierarchy that gets laid
You see you make baseless assumptions tailored to the narrative that you want to believe. It's your cope.
this is the most ironic, except you don't actually apply your cope to go and ascend and instead stay a virgin while saying you can easily ascend if you ''work in your personality bro''
Ugly guys also have gfs btw, but we'll forget that one for now.

A very recent "dark triad" boyfriend story came out and the bf was a complete subhuman :lul: so, again, your point is completely crushed and debunked.
that's a thing of the past, foids standards are high and increasing. back then a bald ugly manlet like my father could ascend in a lasting faithful marriage, nowadays those traits make you automatically a creep just by staying 10 meters away from a foid in the street.

good luck seeing foids in the 80's having height requeriments as well.

i guess the age plays a role in this.
I'd maybe stop the discussion here, I think I've said enough.
it's counterproductive to discuss this anyway, actions speak louder than words.

i already tried your advice as well even back before i became blackpilled and knew what ''incel'' meant.
I'd advise you at least start with LMS (looks with status and money factors also) to help you beyond looks being everything blindness
that's out of my reach. and even if i get to tryhard, i won't get commitment, i'll get some single mom roastie only interested in my money that will divorce rape me eventually. better pay yourself a prostitute than get your entire salary drained off in a dead bedroom relationshit
i don't


i'd say it's something basic everyone has. you can't do much with it since looks matter. you can't improve you social skills to a point where you magically get foids with it.

you can however fit in by being funny, but that's pure genetics, like there's no way you can improve your ability to make jokes, that's part of an ingelligence that's been gifted since you were born. that's why there's always one ''comedian'' in the classrom and not 20.

and even if you fit in by being funny, if you are short and ugly, it won't get you nowhere besides being ''that guy that makes funny jokes every now and then''

not to mention that generally even if you make a good joke, if you are ugly nobody laughs. meanwhile chad says the same joke and everyone laughs, even normies at some point aknowledge this fact.
Well said
Yes, my bad social skills and voice only confirm to foids what they already know - that I'm not something they'd call a "man."
i see this being constantly posted here. so many threads about ''how am i gonna get gf if i couldn't develop social skills''.

first off you are lowkey implying personality matters, you are also implying your social skills are the only reason you are an incel, without any mention of lookism in the process

i find hard to believe anyone here lacks social skills, it's pretty braindead easy to learn, even if you are an outcast you can develop it.

you are also blaming yourself instead of the root cause of inceldom: lookism.

i have normal social skills just like others, the only reason i'm octranized is because of my bad physical looks. in top of that i got a shitty voice due to my genetics ( my brothers have the same voice problems too) and that makes things worse if i want to be taken seriously.

correlating inceldom with lack of social skills it's like literally correlating inceldom with retardation

it's also a cope since no matter how much '''''social skills''''' you have, if you don't met the looks and height requeriments, you won't get laid.

chad doesn't need social skills, nor personality, nor being a nice person to get laid, period.
Based. I would also add that femoids don't need to have social skills to have sex with chads or other guys.
Based. I would also add that femoids don't need to have social skills to have sex with chads or other guys.
true. they also get away from being pieces of shit because of pussy pass.

reminds me years ago in a birthday a foid was slandering everyone and talking shit openly and everyone could listen to her but she got away with it. if this foid didn't have a hole between her legs she would instantly get called out of her bullshit behavior.
i just made a thread related to this.
I have seen many socially retarded, autistic, and beyond repair men get laid. It has nothing to do with personality or social ability.
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One of the best threads out here right now; however your point is somewhat medium to weak. I mean improving your social skills could help if you don’t even know how to talk. Some effort is required by even chad, I mean he has to at least be able say hi my names chad.
One of the best threads out here right now; however your point is somewhat medium to weak. I mean improving your social skills could help if you don’t even know how to talk. Some effort is required by even chad, I mean he has to at least be able say hi my names chad.
everyone has social skills, that was the point of my post
i just made a thread related to this.
I have seen many socially retarded, autistic, and beyond repair men get laid. It has nothing to do with personality or social ability.
you try to say a joke in the classrom and nobody laughs and tell you to shut up, meanwhile chad says the exact same joke and everybody laughs and cheers.
What about classclowns? I admit most classclowns were good looking in my class, but I was still seen as funny guy despite being 5'4" shitskin skinnyfat. I believe the only thing that can save me now is my humor, that is if 3 years of depression and social isolation hasn't completely destroyed it.
Can confirm. I used to respect foids, because that is how my single mother raised me. By the time I was in college, and I listened to a chad brag about fucking multiple foids in one day - I realized I was wrong.
What about classclowns? I admit most classclowns were good looking in my class, but I was still seen as funny guy despite being 5'4" shitskin skinnyfat. I believe the only thing that can save me now is my humor, that is if 3 years of depression and social isolation hasn't completely destroyed it.
shitty greycel take. only chads get to be the finny guy in the class. youll only be funny as an ugly short kid if you humillate yourself
A few thoughts..... a) I think someone can't call themselves an Incel unless they have a history of failed attempts at contact with women b) this is reinforced by sustained isolation c) they don't necessarily hate women but believe that hypergamy basically reduces the chances of doing so to nill d) their physical features preclude the possibility of trying.

Me personally? I've been brutally put down by both males and females. I don't hate women, I simply believe that my chances of attaining a relationship are impossible. Others have different perspectives of course - it varies from individual to individual. Incelism itself is a lose group of disaffected males, not an ideology.
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shitty greycel take. only chads get to be the finny guy in the class. youll only be funny as an ugly short kid if you humillate yourself
Makes sense, most probably they were laughing *at* me, not *with* me.

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