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Hypocrisy ITcel wants to genocide all curry and ricecels



Nov 19, 2017

It's official: IT is a sfcel sub now :feelskek:
Fuck India, fuck China.
it are more nazis than the nazis lol
What's their fucking obsession with women?
Report it! I hope people are reporting it!!!
Biggest white libfags on the planet are in IT
Lol , These weak cucks and pink haired landwhales think they can do shit
It's official, currys are hated by everyone.
Tell us something we don't know.

Purple haired SJWs are the most racist pieces of shit out there, ethnics are nothing but a vote bank and tax generating wage-cucking slaves to them.
At least they've stopped pretending they're for racial equality and are admitting they straight up hate indian and chinese men. It's always been obvious these liberal types just whiteknight for black people and muslims but are happy to be racist to indians and asians, hypocrites such as they are.

The irony that after all this time of calling incels racist we're unironically more accepting of other races than they are.
I think it's hilarious how incels have actually managed to become one of the most racially tolerant groups on the internet, many times more so than the supposed "woke" liberal groups wanting to genocide entire races due to the fact that their societal structure is different. JFL
Keep crying you mayo bitch, what is the point of you "boycotting" china when your Cucknited states bends over for them on a national scale JFL
This guy comes off as racist and appears to blame the Chinese and Indian populace for the actions of their governments. I understand blaming the Indian populace because it has comparatively democratic political institutions, but China is a totalitarian hellscape that can and will disappear you if you look at an official the wrong way.

But he's not wrong about the Chinese Communist Party.

Modern-day China is 1930s Germany. Rapid militarization backed by a solid industrial sector. Orwellian control and censorship. Absolute disregard and disdain for the human rights of minorities, lawyers, journalists, and other political dissidents. Blatant and frequent racism against non-Han peoples (And I'm Han myself). The Communist Party views the South China Sea and Taiwan the way that the Nazis viewed the Sudetenland. Winnie the Pooh making himself President for life.

If other countries in the Asia-Pacific aren't already building up their military, they should now.

No government should be brazen enough to send in tanks to literally crush hundreds of college kids in a public square. When WW3 starts, maybe Xi and Putin will meet the fate they deserve.

Free Hong Kong.
I've noticed even a lot of news outlets have dropped the whole "incels are angry white men" angle recently after pretty much every incel community survey showing that it's not the case, instead they've resorted to just being racist to curries.

I think the "angry white men" angle was nonsense that a couple of Vice and Vox staffers just made up on the spot. Some Google staffers analyzed the use of language on this forum; their results indicated a certain level of linguistic diversity.
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Nobody likes curries. Soon the whole nation will be taken over by foids who'd cuck every curry and make them watch their women getting fucked and impregnated by white Chads.
From what I've read it seems that the primary motivation of female infanticide is economic reasons, as raising a daughter that can't do hard manual labor, will get pregnant, etc., would be a luxury.
So while the popular view is 'omg these people are so sexist fuck men' the practice is actually a nightmare only to men as they're born to be an expendable cheap workforce for their families with millions being unable to ever find a mate due to simple math, while women don't actually suffer from this as they're spared an undignified life in poverty.
As if his boycott would affect those countries anyway, lol.
From what I've read it seems that the primary motivation of female infanticide is economic reasons, as raising a daughter that can't do hard manual labor, will get pregnant, etc., would be a luxury.
So while the popular view is 'omg these people are so sexist fuck men' the practice is actually a nightmare only to men as they're born to be an expendable cheap workforce for their families with millions being unable to ever find a mate due to simple math, while women don't actually suffer from this as they're spared an undignified life in poverty.
Are you saying that having a daughter would be the ultimate and final cuck for a lower class Indian peasant?
Fuck China, indeed, let me fuck a cute Chinese foid.
Are you saying that having a daughter would be the ultimate and final cuck for a lower class Indian peasant?
I cannot think or comprehend of any other explanation.
This guy comes off as racist and appears to blame the Chinese and Indian populace for the actions of their governments. I understand blaming the Indian populace because it has comparatively democratic political institutions, but China is a totalitarian hellscape that can and will disappear you if you look at an official the wrong way.

But he's not wrong about the Chinese Communist Party.

Modern-day China is 1930s Germany. Rapid militarization backed by a solid industrial sector. Orwellian control and censorship. Absolute disregard and disdain for the human rights of minorities, lawyers, journalists, and other political dissidents. Blatant and frequent racism against non-Han peoples (And I'm Han myself). The Communist Party views the South China Sea and Taiwan the way that the Nazis viewed the Sudetenland. Winnie the Pooh making himself President for life.

If other countries in the Asia-Pacific aren't already building up their military, they should now.

No government should be brazen enough to send in tanks to literally crush hundreds of college kids in a public square. When WW3 starts, maybe Xi and Putin will meet the fate they deserve.

Free Hong Kong.

I think the "angry white men" angle was nonsense that a couple of Vice and Vox staffers just made up on the spot. Some Google staffers analyzed the use of language on this forum; their results indicated a certain level of linguistic diversity.
Hong Kong is a bunch of white cock worshipping noodlewhores and their cucked male counterparts fighting for "democracy".
They should all be round-up and shot, communist China is the only way for ethnic subhumans like the Han Chinese to survive and thrive otherwise they will be mogged to death by whites and their women will genocide their own men.
Poor ethniccels never began for them neither did they ever do anything to deserve this. Imagine being hated so much that even the virtue signaling SJW cucks want you dead while at the same time praising the retarded holes that are the noodle/currywhores.
Hong Kong is a bunch of white cock worshipping noodlewhores and their cucked male counterparts fighting for "democracy".
They should all be round-up and shot, communist China is the only way for ethnic subhumans like the Han Chinese to survive and thrive otherwise they will be mogged to death by whites and their women will genocide their own men.

JFL imagine being naive enough to believe that the Chinese government's leadership cares about anyone apart from themselves.

They did a good enough job "genociding themselves". The one-child policy set up China's lopsided gender balance: there are simply more men then there are foids. Tens of millions of Chinese men are condemned to die miserable and alone -- i.e. they are involuntarily celibate.

Who do you think are incels in China? The wretched offspring of Communist Party kleptocrats ? Upper-class Changs in major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Chongqing? Of course not. It's those who are farthest removed from their inner circle -- peasants and wageslavers.

And of course you're going to gloss over the fact that they're brutally oppressing men of non-Han origin.

The irony of someone on this website praising a government which censors half the internet. How many social credit points did you earn for making this post?

@AsiaCel @Anonymous MG thoughts?
Human trafficking is human trafficking. No matter how the guy looks, the end result is the same. He could look like Hitler's Aryan wet dream and she'd still hate him.
JFL fucking retard
Chinese foids are insufferable hyper materialistic entitled princesses. Thanks daddy CCP for the one child policy a few decades ago.
How is that different from any other race of women? White women want looks because most of them already have money. Make all the Chinese rich and they will only focus on looks too. All women are insufferable by nature.
Lol china and india have a population of what, almost 3 billion people? So they want 1.5 billion of men to die for being born the wrong race and gender. How progressive.
How is that different from any other race of women? White women want looks because most of them already have money. Make all the Chinese rich and they will only focus on looks too. All women are insufferable by nature.
I wouldn’t say any different although their grandparents grew up in poverty so they tend to spoil their only child in this case a foid even more. She has this entitled persona about her that only the best high end material objects will do.
JFL imagine being naive enough to believe that the Chinese government's leadership cares about anyone apart from themselves.

They did a good enough job "genociding themselves". The one-child policy set up China's lopsided gender balance: there are simply more men then there are foids. Tens of millions of Chinese men are condemned to die miserable and alone -- i.e. they are involuntarily celibate.

Who do you think are incels in China? The wretched offspring of Communist Party kleptocrats ? Upper-class Changs in major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Chongqing? Of course not. It's those who are farthest removed from their inner circle -- peasants and wageslavers.

And of course you're going to gloss over the fact that they're brutally oppressing men of non-Han origin.

The irony of someone on this website praising a government which censors half the internet. How many social credit points did you earn for making this post?

@AsiaCel @Anonymous MG thoughts?
As was already said, the one child policy and female infanticide is mostly caused by the inability of females to be a part of the industrial workforce, and the huge cost of raising a female child for the little payoff gained compared to raising a male child.
Uyghur men are by default better off than Han Chinese men, Han Chinese are by definition truecels, therefore it is justified to take Uyghur women captive.

Again, supporting Hong Kong is as cucked as one can be.Hong Kong rioters want "democracy" and "freedom from communist Chinese oppression" aka the men are naive weak beta male cucks and the women want to import white chads to fuck their brains out and kill any Chinese man they can see as to not let the noodlewhore remind herself of her own subhumanity through the mirror of Han Chinese men's subhumanity.
Noodlewhores foremost hate Han Chinese men because they remind them of their own subhumanity.

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