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JFL IT nigger bragging about his dick



Nov 19, 2017
nothing but gaslighting when they pick out dickpill posts, even if inkwells dont get to use their shit, the mental aspect is still a brutality.
nothing but gaslighting when they pick out dickpill posts, even if inkwells dont get to use their shit, the mental aspect is still a brutality.
"Its not important for me how the guy look like, its the important how his personality is. btw by boyfriend is two meters tall and look like Brad Pitt but really its not important for me..."
Bu- bu- but promise i am 10 inch okay? Don't you dare question this fucking thing! Even if it doesn't matter!:feels:
Height > Face > Dick is still true though. Dick size honestly does not matter as much in the grand scheme of things.
This website is the only thing an IT cuck can look forward to so they can feel better about themselves. I can't even seethe at them because they either prove our point or reveal that they do this out of insecurity.
Dick size does not matter if you are incel cause foids won’t see it
There's no shortage of bottom feeding losers on inceltears who need to feel superior to someone so they pick a target that is essentially free-to-bully, incels. Because nobody is going to defend ugly male loners that have been branded as "dangerous terrorists" when the truth is that most of us are just ugly social outcasts.

These losers need us, which is why they are constantly posting there. For once in their pathetic existences they can lifemog someone and feel like they are doing better than someone, by laughing at the misfortune of ugly and often mentally ill reject men.

He's a self-proclaimed autist so I can already guarantee that he's a social sperg and a reject too. But as long as he gets to laugh at other spergs who are a little bit more misfortunate than him, then that's all good for him.
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This made me laugh hard asf :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

They are animals following their basic instincts. Basically brag for foids, defend foids and put down other men (while thinking they are somehow above nature but they are the most feral beings actually). Their mental algorithm is so simple and basic it’s actually pitifull @GeckoBus
if the foid its not a virgin your dick its never gonna be enough for her expect if you are above average
I’m 99.99% sure that guy’s a LARPer. Check his Cuckit history, he has posts about how he heckin cAtFiSheS aNd BeAtS uP pEdOs:soy::soy:
They are animals following their basic instincts. Basically brag for foids, defend foids and put down other men (while thinking they are somehow above nature but they are the most feral beings actually). Their mental algorithm is so simple and basic it’s actually pitifull @GeckoBus
its a well known thing even among normies, that people hang out with ugly people to boost their own looks by contrast. In the past, similar behaviors were literally legalized - see the concept of the "whipping boy." Nobles had servants that were tasked with receiving punishment FOR THEM.

I have said this before - normies need us on a level. They love the feeling of mogging someone. We give them perverse pleasure. If we didnt exist, they would find a new victim. Just think about how many words there have been in the past to shit on men like us, "nerd" - tons of mainstream movies made fun of this stereotype, "revenge of the nerds" etc. Or "neckbeard."

I also observe this natural instinct to assume superiority in my IRL interactions. When you are not naturally in a "confrontational" stance, when you don't think in terms of hierarchy because you have autism, you come of as giga submissive to normies. And they always abuse that. I have yet to meet someone, even professional social workers, doctors etc, who does not end up taking shots at me in conservation. Some are more subtle, some less. Some just do it with their body language. Must without fail, every single one has to say some shit at some point.

The only time I got any respect from people was when I fucking lost it against my family, after months of torture, and said I would slaughter all of them and burn down the house. The most fucked up thing was that they treated me much nicer for the next three days. That shocked me, it is literally animalistic as fuck. If you demonstrate a little bit of resistance, that you cant be fucked with, they back down, like fucking monkeys.
how can you claim to be straight while flexing your dick on other men
Average ITard shows their room temperature IQ
its a well known thing even among normies, that people hang out with ugly people to boost their own looks by contrast. In the past, similar behaviors were literally legalized - see the concept of the "whipping boy." Nobles had servants that were tasked with receiving punishment FOR THEM.

I have said this before - normies need us on a level. They love the feeling of mogging someone. We give them perverse pleasure. If we didnt exist, they would find a new victim. Just think about how many words there have been in the past to shit on men like us, "nerd" - tons of mainstream movies made fun of this stereotype, "revenge of the nerds" etc. Or "neckbeard."

I also observe this natural instinct to assume superiority in my IRL interactions. When you are not naturally in a "confrontational" stance, when you don't think in terms of hierarchy because you have autism, you come of as giga submissive to normies. And they always abuse that. I have yet to meet someone, even professional social workers, doctors etc, who does not end up taking shots at me in conservation. Some are more subtle, some less. Some just do it with their body language. Must without fail, every single one has to say some shit at some point.

The only time I got any respect from people was when I fucking lost it against my family, after months of torture, and said I would slaughter all of them and burn down the house. The most fucked up thing was that they treated me much nicer for the next three days. That shocked me, it is literally animalistic as fuck. If you demonstrate a little bit of resistance, that you cant be fucked with, they back down, like fucking monkeys.
Most normies are very similiar to foids. They are the quintessence of earthly mind. They cannot differentiate between “nice” and “good” that’s why they always assume “nice” guys like us are just pretending to manipulate them into doing our biddings. They have a near total lack of abstract morality. They are de facto morally handicapped and way nearer to a animal than we are.

That’s why i think we really should be left ouf of this realm and be able to join more advanced species
Fucking retards thinking they gonna get laid from hating on us. Faggot
Bu- bu- but promise i am 10 inch okay? Don't you dare question this fucking thing! Even if it doesn't matter!:feels:
That's the real comedy of it. If this dude's girlfriend said his dick wasn't above average he would lose his shit. Yet he claims size doesn't matter. Same exact thing with tall guys, it's an integral part of their ego that they know they will never lose, so they just say random bullshit like "dick size doesn't matter" because they know it's something they''ll never have to struggle with.
I also observe this natural instinct to assume superiority in my IRL interactions.
And they always abuse that. I have yet to meet someone, even professional social workers, doctors etc, who does not end up taking shots at me in conservation. Some are more subtle, some less. Some just do it with their body language. Must without fail, every single one has to say some shit at some point.
YES, I'm glad someone else has noticed this, I'M NOT A FUCKING SCHIZO.
Even today I said "excuse me" to some old couple as I was walking past and the old broad said "oh but please" in sarcastic tone. If I just squeezed past them and grunt out "sorry" she wouldn't say such a thing.
It's the same shit as with this:
Usually when I hear other people approaching to sit there I just up and leave because my conversations with strangers tend to be either retarded as fuck or forced and awkward, but this time I though to myself “eh, who knows, maybe talking to people will improve my mood a little”. Silly me.
It was some middle aged heavily balding guy and the kind of broad that looks like she has amateur Instagram model career (well, most women these days try their hand at this but you know what I mean).
They asked me “will we bother?” and I said no.
As soon as they sat down jestermaxxing marathon began. Not a single thing that came out of this guys mouth during fifteen minutes while I was there was for any other purpose other than trying to humor the broad :feelsugh:
We’re talking top-brass oofy doofy jestermaxxing “game” beyond your wildest dreams. Unless it would land me a deepthroat I wouldn’t be able to look myself into eyes in a mirror for a couple of days after doing shit like this.
I tried to make small talk with them a few times, bullshit like “where are you from?”, mostly to not feel awkward about being silent but I was getting only hasty one word responses.
Seeing that talking to them was going nowhere and I was planning beforehand to move to another bench anyway - which I don’t like all that much but I have internet there, half of the point of this trip was to watch latest dbdr video – after finishing cigarette I wished them nice day and left.
Now here is the part that made me hate that nigga and regret I even allowed them to sit there – as I was walking away he said something in lowered voice to the broad.
Gee, I WONDER WHY HE SAID THAT HE SUDDENLY HAD TO LOWER HIS VOICE RIGHT AFTER SOME STRANGER LEFT. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out that 99% it was some snarky shit about me to appear cool to the broad.
Come to think of it, one of the first things he said was “am I obscuring the view?”, I didn’t made anything out of it back then but realized later that it was meant to mock that I was starring off into the distance before they approached (I was sad, k?) considering that it caused broad to burst into laughter (it’s a common motif with women I noticed over the years, the thing that makes them laugh the most is one man mocking or abusing another in some way, such a nice gender, rape isn’t morally wrong btw).
If I either flat out said "no" or agreed but kept blowing smoke grumpy as shit as if they weren't here they would have left after few minutes without saying a word, but since I made mistake of interacting with them as if they weren't golems the oofy doofy took a chance to jestermaxx off of me right after coming into my personal space.

The only thing that I miss from my bluepilled days is time back when I wasn't perceptive enough to notice this shit, once you start to notice, you have two options:
A) Constantly be aware and stand-offish of every person in your perimeter as if they are your fucking enemy, even if you interact just for two seconds, the result is that you are drained by every interaction, stressed and tired but at least you keep some dignity.
B) try to DGAF and not pay attention to people, the result is that you won't be stressed that much and interacting with outside world won't be that tiring but disrespect will keep piling up and you'll feel sad and resentful as shit.
These are two modes that I'm switching between depending on how mentally exhausted I feel. This is where feeling like these come from:
Going outside has been kind of a bitch since a year. My contempt and frustration with people in general has grown to such proportions that my mood worsens every time I even pass someone on the sidewalk.
I’m not doing this consciously or “on purpose”, my brain just acts up as if I’m surrounded by enemy tribe, nothing I can do about it.
There is no third option other than moving to middle of nowhere and cutting yourself off from civilisation.
It's no wonder that some people don't leave their house.
YES, I'm glad someone else has noticed this, I'M NOT A FUCKING SCHIZO.
Even today I said "excuse me" to some old couple as I was walking past and the old broad said "oh but please" in sarcastic tone. If I just squeezed past them and grunt out "sorry" she wouldn't say such a thing.
It's the same shit as with this:

If I either flat out said "no" or agreed but kept blowing smoke grumpy as shit as if they weren't here they would have left after few minutes without saying a word, but since I made mistake of interacting with them as if they weren't golems the oofy doofy took a chance to jestermaxx off of me right after coming into my personal space.

The only thing that I miss from my bluepilled days is time back when I wasn't perceptive enough to notice this shit, once you start to notice, you have two options:
A) Constantly be aware and stand-offish of every person in your perimeter as if they are your fucking enemy, even if you interact just for two seconds, the result is that you are drained by every interaction, stressed and tired but at least you keep some dignity.
B) try to DGAF and not pay attention to people, the result is that you won't be stressed that much and interacting with outside world won't be that tiring but disrespect will keep piling up and you'll feel sad and resentful as shit.
These are two modes that I'm switching between depending on how mentally exhausted I feel. This is where feeling like these come from:

There is no third option other than moving to middle of nowhere and cutting yourself off from civilisation.
It's no wonder that some people don't leave their house.
I will try to write clearer now, because I sound retarded when re-reading my shit.
Yes, you are definitely not schizo. While most psychologists would accuse us of illusory thinking when describing feelings of hostility around others, it is provably not so.

Number one, we are aware that our feelings may be invalid and both of us have tested the "illusion" by deliberately engaging with people. We are not engaging in bitch-basic confirmation bias where we take everything people say as a "slight" against us. That would be paranoid or narcissistic.

Further, until my early twenties, I was staunchly opposed against the idea that others might simply dislike me and hate me. I held this belief because that is what I was taught to assume - that other people are too busy with their own life to care about me. Hence, whenever I heard others laugh or whisper behind my back, as you described, I would literally tell myself that I was

a) narcissistic for thinking other people were talking about me.
b) hallucinating, falling victim to some sort of auditory illusion, similar maybe to how you sometimes think you hear your name in the noise of a crowd.

As you wrote, after I became blackpilled and started paying more attention, I realized that I was in-fact not imagining things. People do shit on you right in front of you. I have had grown adults, a female doctor talk to me like a baby. I have had grown women call me a young man, smirk and laugh at me after I told them about things that happened in my childhood. I have been mocked in front of groups of people.

I have been filmed in public by people. Like you, I also learned to just stare into the distance or out the window of the train/bus I was in. You become apathetic to cope, sometimes scarily so. There is little room for empathy when nobody spares you any sympathy for your entire life.

Again, as I am writing this, I am imagining some mental health professional reading this text and projecting his worldview into my words. I am aware of how these people think now and I am self-aware enough to understand when I am projecting my feelings onto people and when not. I know for a fact when someone is mocking me or making underhanded comments. I have had people comment on my appearance in public for fucks sake, like literally say shit like "oh, look at his face."

I don't like going out for this reason - I have to be in constant fight or flight around people. Every time I go outside, people look at me like Shrek just entered town. People change side of street, avoid me in super markets. Another extremely common phenomenon is that people in-front of me turn around to look at me and then increase their speed to get away. Men, women - this year a little girl with a schoolbag ran away from me, stopped, looked behind herself, and then continued running.

Even my own family has been participating in this behavior since I was a child. Another common thing that you, @Sergeant Kelly may be familiar with is being ignored. People refuse to talk to you, even if you repeat yourself multiple times. Again, I can hear the dismissive comments: "Maybe they were busy, maybe they did not hear you" - this is untrue. In multiple instances I was alone with the person in an empty room, no noise, nothing. And they refused to acknowledge my existence.

My family does this very prominently. Whenever they are around me, they just talk to each other, while I just sit there. When I try to enter conversation, they just ignore me, talk over me, or deliberately let the conversation fall into awkward silence before ignoring me and picking up where THEY Left of. For instance, on my last birthday my parents visited. The entire day we just did what THEY wanted. They talked, I listened. I only tried to speak once and they promptly ignored me.

This has been happening since I was a toddler. I even remember them openly saying it in-front of me when I was a child. Like, my father would turn to my mother and openly say, do not talk to him, or you will "reinforce his behavior." Yet, these same people will virtue signal at you for not talking to them. But when you try to talk, they punish you. This is called the double-bind method of manipulation, where you trap the victim between two impossible options and burn them out, until they enter learned-helplessness. At some point I just stopped caring and learned to take the L, they would punish me anyway, regardless of what I did.

In stores, when you are in a queue, waiting to be served, they may ignore you until you verbally approach them aggressively. Then they act like you are the problem. They may also skip you, or address another person next to you before you. If the problem is looks related, this treatment may not happen if the person serving you is on your looks level - i.e. you get treated better by ethnics if you look ethnic.

I have also been suspected of stealing, being on drugs, carrying drugs, deliberately crashing vehicles, "bullying myself," and even of having "schizoid personality disorder" - aka, chronic self-enforced social isolation and shunning of all social relationships. This I was labeled with after weeks in a mental hospital with young people that pretended to have issues like social anxiety, while openly taking drugs, having sex all over the place and going out to party in the evening. Naturally, these "mentally ill" people shunned a true mentally fucked up person like me, so I just sat around all day and listened to music. I could not relate to them anyway.

This was then interpreted as me deliberately not seeking interaction. It would be like being thrown in prison as a black person, being housed in the white aryan brotherhood section, trying to avoid trouble by hiding in the library all day, and then getting labeled as "criminally insane" and "non-compliant" for doing so.

I was not the only one suffering like this in there. Outside myself, there are a maximum of 2-3 other people out of like 20 on my floor that I would confidently say suffered from mental disorder. And they were obvious cases. One was molested as a kindergarten child. The other had severe autism. They were bullied and excluded.

In my school days I was called various things, like Hitler, rapist, school shooter, nazi, war-monger (as crazy as that sounds, that was in gradeschool). Again, I refused to interact with people after a while to avoid hostility. It does not help, they just continue shitting on you. So much for personality being the cause of all this.

Here are another few things that may happen when people openly hate you:

- cashier refuses to touch your hand and puts receipt paper down for you to pick it up. May have disgusted look on face while doing it.
- people stare at you, even from long distance away, and turn their head when you catch them
- people film you in public/school - I have heard this one many many times now, on this forum and elsewhere
- teachers in school extend their arm super long when handing shit to you, similar to cashier refusing to touch you
- hairdresser is giga rude to you, even when you try to be nice
- people snap at you at any opportune moment. It's like they are waiting for some little fuck-up on your part to attack you and release their anger

- people refuse to acknowledge when you do well. I've had teachers literally tell me to my face they gave me a worse grade for some made up reason, like gloating in my face (i.e. we had to write fictional story and I misspelled the name of a place - remember, "fictional" - she came up to me after and said she looked up the name and it does not exist so she gave me worse grade. Same teacher once yelled at me for giving a reply, then praised a girl right after for same reply verbatim)

- people feel free to openly mock you. Example: Driving teacher called me whiny, said you always make a face like this and aped me, yelled at me. Extremely rude and unprofessional. Had people at job openly call me retarded, say shit like "next time we wont get someone who is fucking stupid" etc

- people talk to each other, then look over and smirk at you
- people just LOL when you get injured, even when it's potentially life-threatening. At school, teachers made me run for 30 minutes and just lolled at me. When I stopped finally the teacher got scared because my head was bright red. Faggot told me to walk up and down so I wouldn't get heart attack.

Another time my bully gave me a concussion and the teacher didn't care even though I was basically knocked out on floor and felt like vomiting. My parents also did not notice. It was so bad that a few days later, another teacher noticed and informed my parents, forcing them to do something so they didn't look like bad people.

This is another pattern - people only care about you if
a) its literally their job to do so - social workers, nurse, doctor. They forget about you the second your professional relationship ends though kek
b) they are forced to care because it would reflect negatively on them. Like when you get injured on a teachers watch. Or someone else notices you have health issue that your parents are responsible for.

My parents used to larp to public that they cared for a bit, then quit helping me again. For example someone told them in 5th grade that I am mentally cooked. So they send me to child therapy for 3 sessions, then pulled me out and just went, "if there is trouble, just say so."

- people honk at you in public. I have had multiple cars honk at me in public and scream my name at me from rolled down window
- random people know you out of nowhere even though you don't talk to anyone. I seriously don't know how this happens, but I have 4 siblings, so maybe that's why. People will recognize you in public and make fun of you.

- street peddlers and criminals, psycho people target you -> there is research where they showed criminals groups of people walking through a hallway. And they could spot "victims" aka, people who had been robbed before. So psychos can spot good victims.

- in the same vein, police always stops or fucks with you

- people may say you smell bad when that's impossible. I used to shower for like an hour in puberty because of this, slather up in palmfuls of shampoo and make my parents angry because I wasted hot water. It changed nothing. If you are suffering from this accusation, look around. You will see plenty of smelly people that are not being targeted in your social vicinity. Foids smelling like cum, booze and vomit after partying etc. Nobody cares. It is not you, it's your looks. Reminder: There is literal porn about stinky women, stinky female feet, stinky female armpits. It is your looks dude, not your smell, even if you DID smell, it would just be looks.

- in the same vein, people make fun of how you dress, your haircut or beard, regardless of what you wear, or what haircut you get. Same shit as smell, it is not your clothes or hair, it is your bones.

- notice how people around you get praise and attention for shit that would send you to jail or at least a beating. The worst example I remember was a guy in my school who literally took a shit-log from the toilet and smeared it on the walls in the hallway, yet received nothing but adoration and praise from other students. He even had a hot gf. The same individual later when to juvi-jail again, this time for stealing alcohol, arson and breaking into someones house.

Meanwhile I was bullied for a good...nine years in HS alone, not counting 4 yrs of gradeschool which would make it 14 years total (i was held back 3x) by teachers, students and parents, for... nothing. I never talked to anybody, just read books and self-isolated. Never believe the gas-lighting. There is nothing wrong with you, you are good enough. It's your looks and other peoples biases, period.

Anyway, that's enough rambling for now.
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Well, my situation in life isn’t as severe as yours but I can still relate to a lot of these:
people look at me like Shrek just entered town
Come the think of it, I aspire to be like Shrek, life would be very peaceful :feelskek:

But yeah, I know what you mean - on one hand they pretend to be oh so scared and weirded out by you, but on the other they disrespect you whenever they get a chance, it's especially apparent with women:
Once I was chilling doing something on my phone at the edge of the forest and unmistakably jewish faggot that I went to class with who is son of some rich business owner in the area slowed down his car and said “are you alive?” in a smug tone causing cumrag that he was cruisin' with to burst into laughter.
Other time I was sitting and playing some games on my phone at the bench near the road and some broad (probably knew me from school, idk) yelled something like “don’t be sad!” in contemptuous tone from car. There is a TONNE of shit happening in public places (well, as much as bumfuck nowhere forest is public I guess) like this that I barely remember.
There is also small epidemic of broads walking alone near edges and less deep parts of the forest at any given time of the day. Of course, every time I happen to be going same way they become paranoid and start to turn around to take a look how far am I about every 10 seconds.
Like, stupid bitch, if you’re so uncontrollably terrified of average polish male no.112148623456 walking the same way as you and minding his own business then what the fuck are you doing:
a) walking alone without company
b) in a skimpy blouse/tight leggings
c) near a forest road at night
By the way, can you see discrepancy? On one hand I am such a joke that it’s okay to yell goofy shit at me from car, but at the same time I am terrifying rapist rape man that will strike if the broad doesn’t make visual contact every 10 seconds like I’m some sort of animatronic from FNAF:lul:
Schrodinger incel, either laughing stock or terrifying menace to society depending on situation.
This is why I hate that “you can’t be truly good if you aren’t capable of evil” logic that redditors and normies love to bring up.
Another common thing that you, @
Sergeant Kelly
@Sergeant Kelly may be familiar with is being ignored. People refuse to talk to you, even if you repeat yourself multiple times. Again, I can hear the dismissive comments: "Maybe they were busy, maybe they did not hear you" - this is untrue. In multiple instances I was alone with the person in an empty room, no noise, nothing. And they refused to acknowledge my existence.

My family does this very prominently. Whenever they are around me, they just talk to each other, while I just sit there. When I try to enter conversation, they just ignore me, talk over me, or deliberately let the conversation fall into awkward silence before ignoring me and picking up where THEY Left of. For instance, on my last birthday my parents visited. The entire day we just did what THEY wanted. They talked, I listened. I only tried to speak once and they promptly ignored me.
Good part of why I ditched majority of my normie friendships. I realized that I'm just following them around while they talk to each other :lul:
I don't have as severe family problems as you do but some of it still stand: my parents sometimes complain that I don't talk to them, meanwhile when I actually talk to them about anything at all they just completely DGAF, sometimes they don't even say a word :feelskek:.
Like, my father would turn to my mother and openly say, do not talk to him, or you will "reinforce his behavior."
Holy shit, this one 1:1, happened a couple times even when I'm an adult. Certified hood classic :feelskek:
I've noticed that parents of sub5 children tend to act less like they have a child and more like they have an unruly pet/beast they have to take care of.
I have also been suspected of stealing, being on drugs, carrying drugs, deliberately crashing vehicles, "bullying myself," and even of having "schizoid personality disorder" - aka, chronic self-enforced social isolation and shunning of all social relationships.
This I was labeled with after weeks in a mental hospital with young people that pretended to have issues like social anxiety, while openly taking drugs, having sex all over the place and going out to party in the evening. Naturally, these "mentally ill" people shunned a true mentally fucked up person like me, so I just sat around all day and listened to music. I could not relate to them anyway.
That mental hospital story is so brutal in general, I have a bit outdated "insane asylum" view of these institutions, meanwhile looks like it's just summer camp for zoomers, what a joke, fuck me, thank God my father talked out my mother out of sending me there when I cut myself as a teen.
I think zoomer "I'm too anxious to function" is modern counterpart of boomer "let's pretend to be veteran to get discounts" grift, DBDR talked about zoomer with anxiety papers like this in one of his jobs, he would claim to have panic attack every time he was asked to work but would talk non-stop to everyone when management wasn't around.
Meanwile, I can bet that if I tried to get "anxiety papers" on the basis that I'm constantly anxious around people and sometimes wouldn't leave my house for months unless necessary I'd get laughted off and told that I'm bullshitting. That's the fucking irony of it - you would need to be "normal" to talk doctors into giving you papers that confirm you're "not normal" :lul:
- people refuse to acknowledge when you do well. I've had teachers literally tell me to my face they gave me a worse grade for some made up reason, like gloating in my face (i.e. we had to write fictional story and I misspelled the name of a place - remember, "fictional" - she came up to me after and said she looked up the name and it does not exist so she gave me worse grade. Same teacher once yelled at me for giving a reply, then praised a girl right after for same reply verbatim)
I was "prodigy" at english in school (I never really bothered "learning" it, I just spent all my time at english speaking parts of the internet and would pick it up naturally) - I always got almost 100% scores etc. Every english teacher was always nasty to me, as if they were pissed off that I'm doing good, In middle school fat bitch gave me "-" on my mark, I asked her why and she said it's "just because".
In elementary I once got terrible slant for working though material in the book ahead of schedule. I always got ignored when I raised my hand, but asked anyway and humiliated when I didn't etc.

I always had huge imagination and penchant for sculpting things out of plasticine - you know these physical latex models that they used to make for reference in old videogames?
I used to make shit that would rival these in terms of detail. Out of fucking plasticine. In elementary.
Guess what? My mother gave me insane religious speeches about how I'm posessed/have evil in my heart (to this day bitch has a belief that deep down I have "evil" in me, like I'm fucking anakin skywalker or some shit, JFL) and that I should stop, because creatures that I was making were scary.
When I later tried to come back to this hobby in middle school (middle school is when mother turned home life into psycho bitch thunderdome) she would mock me for making things out of plasticine, or she would (unsolicited) make expression as if someone just smeared feces into her face and say "disgusting".

This year I started to learn programming, all on my own - I kinda overstated my potential when blitzing through beginner material, I though it will take me couple of months to get good enough to get certificate, in reality I'll need more like year-year and a half.
My parents gave me some weird "intervention" speech and said that I should consider giving it up and becoming forklift operator or going to work in magazine (as in, the hall where you store items) instead :lul: Then there's also this:
Well, maybe I exaggerated with souncloud rapper comparsion, it's probably possible to make a living out of it if you're putting out games regularly even if none of them blow up in popularity, but my parents would kick me out of house if I decided I'm making videogames for a living.
I had enough of a hard time convincing my mother that programming is a real job, she kept harrasing me and making arguments over my time spent on computer until she ran into some shitty clickbait article about how programmers supposedly earn gorilions of $ :feelsseriously:
That's the fucked up thing about being an incel - in practice talents and ambitions often require support or at least a single positive nudge from enviroment to be realized - if you have any talents, most likely you'll squander them.
In my school days I was called various things, like Hitler, rapist, school shooter, nazi, war-monger (as crazy as that sounds, that was in gradeschool).
That doesn't sound crazy to me at all, kids in elementary would throw insults at each other like "little whore", "worthless bitch" etc.
The kind of shit you'd hear male actor saying to female actress in hardcore porno :lul:
- people just LOL when you get injured, even when it's potentially life-threatening. At school, teachers made me run for 30 minutes and just lolled at me. When I stopped finally the teacher got scared because my head was bright red. Faggot told me to walk up and down so I wouldn't get heart attack.
This one especially rings true, every my own father makes fun of me when I accidentally burn myself or something.
Also, fuck middle aged insecure male teachers, they always try to show off how "cool" they are to popular kids (just JFL at being in your 40's and trying to show off to teenagers) and show how oh so wise and experienced they are, literally larping as old wise sages, while taking out their frustrations on lowest status kids, had one bald faggot used to literally mock me and repeat what I'm saying, one of worst archetypes of a person that exists.
- street peddlers and criminals, psycho people target you -> there is research where they showed criminals groups of people walking through a hallway. And they could spot "victims" aka, people who had been robbed before. So psychos can spot good victims.
No shit, every time when I'm outside of local globohomo city station waiting for something, every beggar or moron who doesn't want to buy his own cigs zeroes in on me, people sometimes have audacity to fucking ask me "why?" or call me names when I refuse.
- people may say you smell bad when that's impossible. I used to shower for like an hour in puberty because of this, slather up in palmfuls of shampoo and make my parents angry because I wasted hot water. It changed nothing. If you are suffering from this accusation, look around. You will see plenty of smelly people that are not being targeted in your social vicinity. Foids smelling like cum, booze and vomit after partying etc. Nobody cares. It is not you, it's your looks. Reminder: There is literal porn about stinky women, stinky female feet, stinky female armpits. It is your looks dude, not your smell, even if you DID smell, it would just be looks.
Shit, I was obsessed with hygiene for a couple of years, same as you, it was because people were pointing out that I smell when I was younger. Year or two ago I realized that:
a) I am now more hygienic than 90% of people that I meet through the day, and yet I’m as much of pariah as I used to be.
b) It has turned into neurotic habit. I would apologize to people if I did not managed to take a shower before going out of my house, and they would be weirded out as shit (it's only socially inept redditors who think it's that important) :feelskek:
c) People absolutely DGAF about how you smell or how hygienic are you, as with everything only looks and social status matter, see:
Tbh, all that neurotic redditor crap with being obsessively hygenic is a gaslight, 80% of peoples breath stinks like shit, I knew people with skid marks, people who stank like feces or unwashed penis (you could feel it while standing meter away from them) and people who looked like bums who had girlfriends and/or somewhat regular casual sex, the same reddit where muh showers meme comes from is filled to the brim with "my boyfriend doesn't shower/doesn't wipe, redditors of reddit what should I do" horror stories.
Just take good care of your teeth and wash your crotch/ass regularly and thoroughly with just water, everything else is a meme.
d) Using all these chemical beauty products is kind of a psyop, they fuck up your skins bacterial flora and make you reliant on them to not smell like garbage, if you lay off all chemical products and stick only to water you’ll stink bad for a few days and then it’ll turn into sort of “neutral” natural smell of your body.
- in the same vein, people make fun of how you dress, your haircut or beard, regardless of what you wear, or what haircut you get. Same shit as smell, it is not your clothes or hair, it is your bones.
This one is good, back in my coping days I tried all sorts of different styles:
-when I tried wearing classic "tracksuit/casual wear", well, idk how to call it, think a bit stereotypical gopnik attire - people would straight out say that I look like a bum, random teens would call me hobo and shit while I was out picking up delivery (while riding with his I asssume gf on electric scooter, much to the whores amusement - fucking 80% of the time someone is shitting on me it's always to impress women) - keep in mind, I live in polish flats, many people dress like this here and back when I was a kid something like 80% of people were dressing like that. You can't believe how much I was fuming that I'm getting shit for way most people around here dress, of course back then I didn't understood that it's about your looks.

-when I tried more "teen"/"youngster" attire people would point out that I "decked out as if I'm god knows who" (meanwhile every other fucking zoomer dresses like that :feelsree:)

-back when I wearing more stylish clothes people would say that I dress like old person or a square

-my hair gets curly when it grows longer, I used to have haircut like this for many years - random kids would call me names alluding to it whenever they saw me, even when I'm taking out the trash - meanwhile EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ZOOMER IS WEARING BROCCOLI HAIR.
etd. etc.

Best one however is people giving me shit over the years for my body language/way I move, including:
-the way I walk
-the way I sit
-the way I move my head
-the way I move my eyes (wtf)
-the way I crouch
-the way I pick something up
-the way I stand up
I could list out could every kind of movement human being is capable of executing here :lul:

All of these things with people only caring about you when they're obliged or when it makes them look bad, random people fucking with you, cashiers being weirdly unpleasant - all of it rings true, I just got tired of ranting.
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