After Highschool its over.
That said Highschool wasnt too pleasant either, always shitty homework and learning for tests (even tho I rarely learned) and screaming Normies.
I was always chilling at my desk or sometimes going to the restroom and just sitting on a toilet the whole time until the next lecture started because my ADHD brain couldnt stand that whole hassle of people running around and slapping each other on the back of the head.
And after college you are just burned out lol. 20 years of learning shit and constantly husteling and then you enter the "Workforce" its just finished.
I remember after one of my final college exams a Prof told us "Once you get your degree, the fun is over and the 'real life' starts!" I was like "Nigga wtf are you even talking about?"
We got another Prof who was delusional as fuck thinking all of us are rich and are constantly doing vacations and drive nice cars. That said 80% of us didnt even own a car and those that did used a shitty 10 yo car.