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Blackpill It is still devasting after all this time remembering that 100% of women I encounter in my active life (gym, work, socializing) find me UGLY



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017
100% of women find me unappealing on a physical level. I can't even get Tinder matches anymore (I have had under 5 in my life IIRC). These days, I get excited if a foid coworker says hello to me out of politeness.

It's not so much the dying alone that I hate the idea of, but rather, I have to wait another 40-50 years before it happens.

Unless I take mattERs into my own hands.i wonder if I AM that kind of guy.
women think anyone who is not above average is ugly
On the flipside, it's fucking sucks to know that most women find you somewhat attractive and you can't even form a cohernt sentence to save your life, and even if you could you don't have any friends or normie hobbies to keep them interested.
being autistic sucks.
Women find 80% of men ugly...
The only way for litteraly most men to have a woman and a family nowadays is through female slavery or male slavery (betabuxxing).
I really hate the time ive been born. Even if i was a NT normie, i would have been a virgin until 20+ and probably never fucked more than 2 or 3 ugly girls. Dont know how some people like catfishman can have had sex with +30.... Litteraly beyond my comprehension.
On the flipside, it's fucking sucks to know that most women find you somewhat attractive and you can't even form a cohernt sentence to save your life, and even if you could you don't have any friends or normie hobbies.
being autistic sucks.
So much COPE!
Reminder that OP is a:

1. Tall Black Thug Type
2. Card Carrying BBC
3. Had a longterm WHITE girlfriend

and most hypocritically is a...

4. Standardcel
And TBH, she is probably a little below my looks level because
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while most dudes can can have surgery to fix or at least lessen the faults - asprager is uncurable, unfixable and is a nightmere to handle even boyond the realm of relationships.
i am not some sort of chad either, as face and lms describes it - i am a bit above average - which is not compenseting for my autism.
On the flipside, it's fucking sucks to know that most women find you somewhat attractive and you can't even form a cohernt sentence to save your life, and even if you could you don't have any friends or normie hobbies to keep them interested.
being autistic sucks.
Cabbage tier IQ post
On the flipside, it's fucking sucks to know that most women find you somewhat attractive and you can't even form a cohernt sentence to save your life, and even if you could you don't have any friends or normie hobbies to keep them interested.
being autistic sucks.
Being a mentalcel sucks. Can confirm. But at least we don't get treated like subhumans due to our appearance.
Being a mentalcel sucks. Can confirm. But at least we don't get treated like subhumans due to our appearance.
I get treated like a subhuman for my social skills. I have severe social anxiety and I would trade it for a -2 in looks everyday just to be able to speak to people without stuttering like a retard.
So much COPE!
Reminder that OP is a:

1. Tall Black Thug Type
2. Card Carrying BBC
3. Had a longterm WHITE girlfriend

and most hypocritically is a...

4. Standardcel

lolwut faceandlms is like one of the only truecels here, stop fucking coping
So much COPE!
Reminder that OP is a:

1. Tall Black Thug Type
2. Card Carrying BBC
3. Had a longterm WHITE girlfriend

and most hypocritically is a...

4. Standardcel
If im correct he wants a loving LTR which none of those things you mention will help him achieve. His looks have declined since he had a girlfriend (norwood) if i recall
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I have severe social anxiety and I would trade it for a -2 in looks
Stop. Actually think about what you're wishing for here. I seriously doubt being a socially adept uggo is a better alternative based on the stories I've heard around here.
Stop. Actually think about what you're wishing for here. I seriously doubt being a socially adept uggo is a better alternative based on the stories I've heard around here.
Being mental is worse. People always start talking with me with a smile and then after a minute of 'conversation' with me they look at me like I'm some retard, or sometimes even worse, as if I am some serial killer.
Having hope at a healthy relationship with people shattered each day is worse than not having it in the first place.
Being mental is worse. People always start talking with me with a smile and then after a minute of 'conversation' with me they look at me like I'm some retard, or sometimes even worse, as if I am some serial killer.
Having hope at a healthy relationship with people shattered each day is worse than not having it in the first place.
This may be besides the point but have you tried therapy? Social anxiety is with you for life if you're introverted, but social skills and confidence can be improved upon for some people. Though I never stuttered, I had horrific social skills until I got a job where I was surrounded by normies. That and getting involved in politics helped improve my assertiveness and confidence and it opened me up to the world. I'm still celibate against my will, but I now can at least get through everyday life without coming off as a cringey retard.
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lolwut faceandlms is like one of the only truecels here, stop fucking coping

LOL @FACEandLMS is the ultimate troll/PUA entrepreneur...
muh niggah runs a PUA empire out of the U.K.
He is atop the pickup artist pyramid scheme.
tbh kinda surprised he hasn't retired from gaming incels yet...

I mean how many luxury cars & mansions does one man need?

This may be besides the point but have you tried therapy? Social anxiety is with you for life if you're introverted, but social skills and confidence can be improved upon for some people. Though I never stuttered, I had horrific social skills until I got a job where I was surrounded by normies. That and getting involved in politics helped improve my assertiveness and confidence and it opened me up to the world. I'm still celibate against my will, but I now can at least get through everyday life without coming off as a cringey retard.
Therapy is a meme, what roastie psychologist could know about being incel and social anxiety/depression, you got that mental illness because you know deep down you've been rejected by society due inferior genes which makes you look like ugly monster, you're ugly as fuck and hate being in your body?
At same time she was always successful in her life, she had won 1 billion usd lottery ticket just because she was born female, she will ask you to take SSRI which will castrate you and you will never be able to achieve orgasm ever again along with permanent loss of libido, you could get memory loss, dystonia, parkinson, aksthisia and many more illnesses, since nobody have ever tested those poisonous pills.

I want to try MDMA, and then maybe LSD and Magic Mushrooms they will be better cope and more efficient way to destroy social anxiety and depression than worthless therapies and jewish ssri/benzo pills.
Therapy is a meme, what roastie psychologist could know about being incel and social anxiety/depression, you got that mental illness because you know deep down you've been rejected by society due inferior genes which makes you look like ugly monster, you're ugly as fuck and hate being in your body?
At same time she was always successful in her life, she had won 1 billion usd lottery ticket just because she was born female, she will ask you to take SSRI which will castrate you and you will never be able to achieve orgasm ever again along with permanent loss of libido, you could get memory loss, dystonia, parkinson, aksthisia and many more illnesses, since nobody have ever tested those poisonous pills.

I want to try MDMA, and then maybe LSD and Magic Mushrooms they will be better cope and more efficient way to destroy social anxiety and depression than worthless therapies and jewish ssri/benzo pills.
Therapy is a meme, what roastie psychologist could know about being incel and social anxiety/depression, you got that mental illness because you know deep down you've been rejected by society due inferior genes which makes you look like ugly monster, you're ugly as fuck and hate being in your body?
At same time she was always successful in her life, she had won 1 billion usd lottery ticket just because she was born female, she will ask you to take SSRI which will castrate you and you will never be able to achieve orgasm ever again along with permanent loss of libido, you could get memory loss, dystonia, parkinson, aksthisia and many more illnesses, since nobody have ever tested those poisonous pills.

I want to try MDMA, and then maybe LSD and Magic Mushrooms they will be better cope and more efficient way to destroy social anxiety and depression than worthless therapies and jewish ssri/benzo pills.

It could be different from you, but i tried all this stuff multiple times also in hope that it will better my social anxiety but in the end it didnt do shit.
I still recommend this stuff (take MDMA only 1-2x per year tho) because its one of the best copes available.
Go for the blind ones.
Am I the only one who wouldn't be able to be with a blind girl?
Not because i'd find her too much of a burden or because I have a thing against blind people, but I feel like i'd be deceiving them. If someone knows exactly how I look like and they want to be with me I would love that, but a blind person doesn't know and would never be able to fully grasp how far up they can go from me.
Am I the only one who wouldn't be able to be with a blind girl?
Not because i'd find her too much of a burden or because I have a thing against blind people, but I feel like i'd be deceiving them. If someone knows exactly how I look like and they want to be with me I would love that, but a blind person doesn't know and would never be able to fully grasp how far up they can go from me.
Yea basically you wouldn't be validated in knowing that if she had sight she'd be with you
Therapy is a meme, what roastie psychologist could know about being incel and social anxiety/depression, you got that mental illness because you know deep down you've been rejected by society due inferior genes which makes you look like ugly monster, you're ugly as fuck and hate being in your body?

If therapy is to be strictly defined as seeing a therapist then I would say it's a largely a meme. In order to help someone, I would think you would have to at least relate to that person's experience. This makes therapist a largely ineffectual profession. You're much better off looking up success stories of, and communicating with, people who overcame what you experienced than seeing a therapist.

Now if therapy can be loosely defined as any method or experience or acquired insight that leads to self-improvement, then I can say for a fact that it's not a meme.

Go for the blind ones.

What could possibly go wrong?

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Yea basically you wouldn't be validated in knowing that if she had sight she'd be with you
Validation isn't my concern, I know i'm ugly, no one can really convince me otherwise.
It's the fact that i'd feel deceitful because she can't truly comprehend my looks and how far down she's settling by being with me.
Validation isn't my concern, I know i'm ugly, no one can really convince me otherwise.
It's the fact that i'd feel deceitful because she can't truly comprehend my looks and how far down she's settling by being with me.
You're doing better than me. I used to think i would find one girl in a billion that would find me attractive.

Not anymore..
Go for the blind ones.

They can feel your bone structure, hear about your looks assuming they’re not deaf-blind, and can smell low testosterone. Nature will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS fuck us over.

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