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IT are massive dipshits who can't quit contradicting themselves.



Feb 16, 2019
I hardly talk about them, but I thought I would talk about them this time. Namely because they keep using the same fucking talking points often, but then manage to contradict themselves all the time. It's quite the spectacle, isn't it? Them preaching about how we should just look past the way we look, and how personality truly matters. But then, they make a bestiality or comment about how ugly we are. Very spectacular.

Then, in their patent obsession with homosexuality and sexualizing everything, they even go as far as to make comments about rape against incels in a childish stupid manner. Mostly because they can't stop thinking about gay sex for 5 seconds and constantly fantasize about dick and man-ass like the faggots they are.

But my real personal favorite is them calling to murdering us. They foam at the mouth about how we all are just a bunch of psychotic murderers waiting to be unraveled enough to go postal, but then say we should be murdered.

You know why they say this shit? Because every night before they go to sleep, they tell themselves that everything that ever happened to us is ALL OUR FAULT. They all hate us with a passion and want us all killed, but if they try and cherrypick the worst of us to rationalize being the absolute scumbags they are, suddenly they don't look like the bully anymore. Suddenly, they can make themselves look like the victims when they make all incels look like the ones that DID lash out.

That way, when you call to question their morals, they can cherrypick and then use it as an excuse for hating you. "Oh, you think it's wrong for us to want to kill you? Well, a couple individuals who may or may not have been incels killed poor innocent wahmen! That means it's okay for us to kill you!" Of course, they are 100% silent when the topic of islam comes up.

You see how this works now? This was never about us, this was all just a war on ugly undesirable men. They can forever cherrypick so that they can turn us into martyrs. And they never will stop coming up with new reasons to hate us, because their minds are already made up. You can't shake them because they desperately want to remain solid in their hatred against men who are rejects of society.

This goes to show without a shadow of a doubt that everyone on that sub doesn't actually care about us and likely want us dead, just like the rest of every scumbag in society who hates men. Never ever try to reason with these assholes or show any mercy whatsoever, they all the same want you dead and will never show you any mercy. Them trying to argue is nothing more than them trying to rationalize them wanting to kill you, which is why you will find that their opinions or feelings will absolutely never change when presented with facts and evidence. They will simply come up with a new rationalization, grasp at straws, and hang on to the same opinion. They desperately want to keep hating us no matter what, and they certainly don't want to ever feel any empathy for us. So why should we?

No more arguments with them, no more discussions with them, and no more negotiations with them. This is war, and they, along with society, have already sent a clear message to us all. Do not dwell on what they have to say, because it is no more than noise. They all have nothing to truly say to us, except "I hate you."
I can't tell what's worse, people who whine about not being able to get laid or people who whine about people whining that they can't get laid.
I don't understand why they're so obsessed with us tbh, the vast majority of us are nothing more than ugly, isolated men.
I don't understand why they're so obsessed with us tbh, the vast majority of us are nothing more than ugly, isolated men.
they are basically a bully group that likes to LARP that they are not bullies. I see them as no different than any other bully place like lolcow and cringeanarchy.
IT won't touch this.
The ultimate blackpill is that most people want us perma-virgin men dead.
Of course they won't.
Fucking scumbags have nothing to say for themselves when confronted with their bullshit, what a surprise.

they are basically a bully group that likes to LARP that they are not bullies. I see them as no different than any other bully place like lolcow and cringeanarchy.
Yes. You have summarized it perfectly, they're no different than the bullies in elementary and middle school. They always make the victim look like the bad guy, and when you finally lash back at the bully, everyone sides with the bully. It's basically this shit all over again.
Just goes to show that you can't ever win when literally everyone hates you.
I notice how they always say that sex doesn't matter yet they brag about having sex with their girlfriend and virgin shame us.

They also often make posts about how a specific post is "genuinely sad" like they are having empathy for us but the very existence of that sub shows their lack of empathy, that's like showing compassion for Jews on a Nazi sub.
I notice how they always say that sex doesn't matter yet they brag about having sex with their girlfriend and virgin shame us.

They also often make posts about how a specific post is "genuinely sad" like they are having empathy for us but the very existence of that sub shows their lack of empathy, that's like showing compassion for Jews on a Nazi sub.
First thing's first, it's always the people who already get something that take that thing for granted. Of course they take sex for granted, because they get it already and absolutely never have to go through NEVER getting it. They wouldn't know that though, because self awareness is something they don't possess. Maybe it's the fluoride in the water.

Secondly, on the subject of "ooohhh that's so saaad obobobobobobo :((((((((" posts, they don't fucking mean it in a sympathetic way, they all mean it in a demeaning way. But they just love to take a jab at us and insult us, but then pretend they meant it sympathetically when they actually didn't. Similarly to how people act like total dicks and then try to pretend they were just joking to avoid any confrontation.

They aren't feeling sorry for us, they're mocking us. They're insulting us and making light of our shitty hand dealt to us. They won't even grant us the permission to feel sorry for ourselves for fucks sake, because how dare you ever use your head, and how dare you not just happily and obediently die.
You shouldn’t expect a neat, unified message from a collective of atomized individuals
If killing incels were suddenly made legal, literally every normie and their high-ups would go on hunting parties in a heartbeat.
Most guys on Inceltears are incels in denial. They are more than likely fat ugly cunts that no woman wants. They hate themselves. You should hit back and tell tell them to go kill themselves. Losers in denial are the worse of the worse.
I understand. When they see men who still have testicles standing up for themselves, they're still trying to get society's approval when that ship sailed long ago for us. Pathetic.
But I think most of them also consist of fat feminists with a "Male Tears" mug. Explains the anti-male sentiment that they all seem to have.

If killing incels were suddenly made legal, literally every normie and their high-ups would go on hunting parties in a heartbeat.
Realistically, they would probably only do it with a gun from a far away distance since they're all massive pussies. Don't forget having at least 5 other people to back them up and jump you too if you start seriously fucking one of them up.
Ugly feminists on IncelTears: fat/obese males and females. The incel guy could be fit or average build but his ugly face is the only thing that matters in this world.
They even dare try and paint us all as lazy fat neckbeards, when quite the opposite is true for most of us. I have a somewhat nice body with a very flat stomach, but my face just ruins it all. People see my face and think I'm fat when they can't even see my body.
I'm the male equivalent of butterface, except women don't really have preferences for anything besides absolute perfection.
I've a theory about the IT user base. I think that these reactions to our existence is simply a tantrum at pure reality. They don't like the fact that foids /the world acts in such a darwinistic manner. They don't want to believe that life is over from the beginning if your genes are simply trash for the birds. Most people i've seen argue that "traditionalism" or "old times" were the peak of a "mostly perfect society" yet this is simply untrue. In media/movies/stories the ugly men are given negative connotation. They are seen as degenerates. Even in 1950 or whatever time era you want to spew about hierarchy existed. Women just needed to settle more because chad wasn't available instantly via phone. This doesn't mean that you aren't just a thing to "settle with because there's no other options". This was a forced move. You're given negative connotation. This is why shit with women's rights started in the 20s - 50s; they hated the fact that their "culture" forced them to be with the shit-tier men and they couldn't "evolve". It wasn't due to anyones influence that they are the way they are. It's INNATE. "incels" are a simple manifestation of the machinations of our society. The more women have a chance at "chad genetics" the more incels you will see. We're not destroyable. Even if you created a utopia where all people looked relatively like and acted like chads there will still be hierarchy. The human brain will constantly cycle through the various people you encounter and classify them into a "system". It is simple human nature. Foids would find the next thing to classify. It could be something stupid at that point. Foids could literally deny these "chads" over something like their eyelashes not having enough hairs on them. And these "eyelash mogged" chads would simply turn into incels. Because why would foids go for something they generally find "inferior". There is no cope. There is no "evolving from incel status". If you can "evolve or max" you are a volcel. There are no exceptions
I must say very high IQ thread & posts.

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