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JFL IT admits blackpill

Why u on there?
riddled with contradictions yep
It's true though. I am chad without the looks.
It will be too late when they realize that our philosophy is true.
So Chad gets away with supposed bad behavior because of looks? Who would've thought?
So Chad gets away with supposed bad behavior because of looks? Who would've thought?
bbbbbbut sweetie they are not discriminating and lookism does not exist and the male patriarchy is to blame

making sense now or never
says its a coping mechanism while getting slapped and spitroasted by some chad or tyrone. toilet says we are projecting our bad qualities whereas they never met any one of us. we are just trying to spread awareness about what really foid likes by observing the reality. we saw that foids like dark traid guy and chad guy who treats them like the toilet they are.
I get dopamine shots when I see their subhuman faces :feelskek:
Ofc they do. It's ingrained into every human being. But is every human being aware of their attraction bias and know what the blackpill is? no... but it's still present no matter what ideology you subscribe to. :blackpill:
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if incels were good looking they wouldnt be incels lol
@BlkPillPres bluepillers lack so much self-awareness that they prove the blackpill without even realising it.

if chad is just as misogynistic as us incels but the only difference between his sexual success and incels’ sexual failure is due to the difference in looks, then that just proves that looks (rather than personality) is the determining factor for sexual success.
You guys don't understand, they know the blackpill is true deep down. The only reason they hate it is because they despise unattractive males who are vocal about their problems pertaining to their looks.

They hate you.

From further down the thread. This kind of thing cracks me up. Go on to ANY FEMINIST WEBSITE ever and look at anything involving men, and you'll see foids complaining about objectively attractive men getting away with being abusive pricks. What the fuck was the whole West Elm Caleb thing about if not an objectively attractive man getting away with being an abusive prick? There is every piece of evidence in the world confirming that yes, objectively attractive men do get away with being abusive pricks, there can be no question about that.

The real question is - why doesn't "unoriginalcait" get that? I would venture a guess - like most bluepillers, she doesn't realize that her belief in a just world is a fallacy. She believes that every dog has its day, that every wrong is eventually righted, etc., and her belief in that is very important to her. It's why she spends so much time on IT, because she needs to know that we're bad people, otherwise her illusion of the world might shatter. She might have to confront the fact that good things happen to bad people, and vice-versa. Fuck you, unoriginalcait.
@BlkPillPres bluepillers lack so much self-awareness that they prove the blackpill without even realising it.

if chad is just as misogynistic as us incels but the only difference between his sexual success and incels’ sexual failure is due to the difference in looks, then that just proves that looks (rather than personality) is the determining factor for sexual success.
Based, this is the entire point of this thread, you made it understandable for redditors.
You deserve a "based".
I thought they were banned long time ago
funny how they admit in the OP that chad is a shitty guy who's loved only because of his looks, but in the comments they revert to their usual spiel of >chad is loved because he has a good personality, inkels, you just hallucinate about evil people getting good treatment
it's so tiring :feelsseriously: it feels like talking with AI, they don't even keep track of their own arguments and definitions, it's actually not unusual for them to admit blackpill but then they just pretend it didn't happen and say something opposite right away
Incels act just like "Chad". The only difference is they don't have the looks to get away with it.
I thought they were banned long time ago
they made an another subreddit
funny how they admit in the OP that chad is a shitty guy who's loved only because of his looks, but in the comments they revert to their usual spiel of >chad is loved because he has a good personality, inkels, you just hallucinate about evil people getting good treatment
it's so tiring :feelsseriously: it feels like talking with AI, they don't even keep track of their own arguments and definitions, it's actually not unusual for them to admit blackpill but then they just pretend it didn't happen and say something opposite right away
Maybe they are AI after all?
Maybe they are AI after all?
I honestly keep thinking this as I interact with normies on the internet, but I'm afraid there are just plenty of stupid people out there :feelshaha:
What a ground breaking revelation by incel tears
The real question is - why doesn't "unoriginalcait" get that? I would venture a guess - like most bluepillers, she doesn't realize that her belief in a just world is a fallacy. She believes that every dog has its day, that every wrong is eventually righted, etc., and her belief in that is very important to her. It's why she spends so much time on IT, because she needs to know that we're bad people, otherwise her illusion of the world might shatter. She might have to confront the fact that good things happen to bad people, and vice-versa. Fuck you, unoriginalcait.
It’s because she’s weak-willed. She’s scared of reality and is too weak to accept. It comes from weakness which I find to be very disgraceful. She doesn’t value truth over her feelings. It’s quite cowardly when you really think about it.
It’s because she’s weak-willed. She’s scared of reality and is too weak to accept. It comes from weakness which I find to be very disgraceful. She doesn’t value truth over her feelings. It’s quite cowardly when you really think about it.
Women will never be truthful when it concerns dating, sexual relationships, or the opposite sex because the mental psychological way they operate concerning men is pure deception. That is why when I hear anything from a woman I believe the direct opposite to always be true. Foids care nothing about truth, their entire mindset is pure fantasy, false security, and deception. They will always shun away from the truth or twist it in a deceptive manner, always. Never expect truth from foids, always expect comforting lies from them instead. :feelsjuice:
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Foids care nothing about truth, their entire mindset is pure fantasy, false security, and deception. They will always shun away from the truth or twist it in a deceptive manner, always. Never expect truth from foids, always expect comforting lies from them instead. :feelsjuice:
They shouldn’t have rights. Understanding the world and how it works requires a brutal honesty that foids will never have. Understanding is truth and without it you won’t advance.
They shouldn’t have rights. Understanding the world and how it works requires a brutal honesty that foids will never have. Understanding is truth and without it you won’t advance.
We're on the verge of human civilization collapse currently and with it feminism along with the hypocritical absurdity known as women's rights will be gone with it, I for one look forward to all of it. They had their chance, they fucked it up, they literally destroyed the social contract, and now we can proceed to move past all of that ridiculous bullshit permanently. :feelsjuice:
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For the record and for the reddit lurkers, yeah, for once, you're right, looks are the only thing matters.
That's not what he said though. Actually he kinda said the opposite of that.

He said looks are the only thing that matters IF you have no other redeeming features. He did in fact seem to suggest that if you had other good qualities you did not need looks.

Not that I particularly care for his opinion, however just pointing out you are wrong. And your post being pinned makes us look like the retards IT think we are.
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You guys don't understand, they know the blackpill is true deep down. The only reason they hate it is because they despise unattractive males who are vocal about their problems pertaining to their looks.

They hate you.
I think this is very close to the truth tbh
You guys don't understand, they know the blackpill is true deep down. The only reason they hate it is because they despise unattractive males who are vocal about their problems pertaining to their looks.

They hate you.
Utter ERfuel.
What the fuck was the whole West Elm Caleb thing about if not an objectively attractive man getting away with being an abusive prick?
He wasn't though. He was an upper tier normie, and that's it.

I really do think, deep analysis in blackpill here, that there is argument that a 6/10 guy can slay more than a 8/10 guy today, I really do. Something to do with the 6 Caleb guy making women put their guard down, they wouldn't expect him to do that, so he has an advantage. However a real Chad they suspect, so watch like a hawk.

I think about stuff like this, much deeper than mundane objectivity for me.
riddled with contradictions yep
I don't know why people can't just admit that looks matter tremendously when determining (especially a man's) dating pool. It's so fucking obvious, the gaslighting gets tiring. Have these people never read any dating/sex studies in their lives? Speed dating, online dating, rating men and women's attractiveness I mean whatever you go to it becomes obvious real fucking fast that men aren't picky and women are very picky.

There's very clearly an equation that exists that entails stuff like looks, social status, wealth, and such (some parts of looks are sort of tweakable such as weight, but height/face nah dawg) -- on the other hand men prefer to date and fuck young fit attractive virgin women (women fucking seethe like there's no tomorrow about the virgin/low notch count part, but this clearly isn't nurture since it's a common preference that men have that transcends cultures -- there are evolutionary theories such as related to paternity fraud that have been proposed as for why, but the preference is definitely there) but are far far more willing to compromise than women.

Almost everyone on this site would be fine with their looks-match, but the issue fundamentally is that women date up and men simp. This was probably different in the past because social dynamics weren't the same in western society, but probably it was the sexual revolution/birth control perhaps that made everything go haywire to start I wonder.

That one graph from the OKCupid founder's book Dataclysm pretty much sums up the whole situation -- men rate women on a bellcurve (expected) but women rate men with an aggressively harsh cutoff point beneath which the vast majority of men were labeled as "below average". My own brother once said that doesn't make sense because we have an even number of men and women, but what people like this miss is that how it actually goes is you have the small handful of top Chads that basically fuck all the women then only later when the women hit the wall and need to "settle down" either because they desperately want kids (being a stay at home mom is a fucking cake walk compared to most industry 9 to 5s -- there's a reason why most people man or woman say in surveys they'd rather be a home maker -- being a mom requires no education and is easy as shit compared to what you'd actually be doing if you had to support yourself) or because they want a man to support them and they're at the point where they can't get Chad.

Perhaps part of our problem is that we're outnumbered -- Chads are a small percentage of men, but combined with women make up the majority of people so if the system works for them we're already behind assuming everyone has equal political/voting power. Beyond that at least half of us are indoctrinated bluepillers and traitors though it's maybe hard to blame them when all of us were indoctrinated from birth to be pro-woman simps with no self respect for our own interests. Western society is great in some ways, I don't deny that, but most men are treated like second class citizens -- we're just workhorse tax payers while women get lots of choices on easy mode (for example, women actually get to choose whether they work or not, men don't -- also they can get as much or as little sex as they please, again most men don't).

Video games and porn aren't a real replacement for genuine human needs -- I don't have the power to change the system, but I guess the best we can do is try to blackpill as many men as possible.
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85k subscribers??! Where Do they get Their material?
So, i will be short and concise: why they act like this? Women are emotional, crazy creatures, that for the sake of being right and not ruining their dream, will do any kind of mental gymnastic for it. Solution? Beat femoid npc ( in gta v )
It's true though. I am chad without the looks.
I mean my face is kinda okay the only problem is my height. I am 5'4 manlet. Foids find me attractive when they only see my face however as soon as they see my height their all the attractions wear off. I personally think they curse themselves after seeing my height that how could they like someone like me:feelsbadman:
Blackpill admits IT
I mean my face is kinda okay the only problem is my height. I am 5'4 manlet. Foids find me attractive when they only see my face however as soon as they see my height their all the attractions wear off. I personally think they curse themselves after seeing my height that how could they like someone like me:feelsbadman:
First resident Chadcel. :feelsLightsaber:
@BlkPillPres bluepillers lack so much self-awareness that they prove the blackpill without even realising it.

if chad is just as misogynistic as us incels but the only difference between his sexual success and incels’ sexual failure is due to the difference in looks, then that just proves that looks (rather than personality) is the determining factor for sexual success.
Couldn't have said it better
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot

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