I don't blame Chad for the simple fact that I'm a failed Chad myself. I don't care for sexual marxists theories or for the sake of western civilization, I only care about my dick's needs, and that makes me a failed Chad, a wannabe who can't succeed due to my look. But I hate women and I think they are inferior, so if someone is treating them the way they deserve to be treated I really can't blame him, because he's doing the same thing I would do at his place. I'm not better than Chad, I'm just uglier and probably more resentful and misogynist, more like a male chauvinist.
Ps. Misoginy isn't the thing that stops males from having sex. I admired lord Byron for his blackpilled view of women, but Leopardi had a similar idea of the women's nature and he was a sexless loner. There are a lot of examples in literature of heavily blackpilled authors who had tons of sex with women and still managed to treat them exactly how foids deserved to be treatened, like the scum they are, just pumped, and dumped when they get too old, like every mentally healthy male should do.
Only look does matter, Chad isn't a proper "enemy", we are born ugly, so the thing that is stopping us is our look, not a random Chad. Chad is only acting the way he want, because he can.