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LifeFuel Islam Is The Solution To Inceldom.

  • Thread starter BlackPilledOverdose
  • Start date


(Self Deleted)
Mar 12, 2022
Under Islam. Foids are the legal property of men. They also can't leave the house without a male guardian. They would also not be allowed to be sluts and reject most men apart from Chad and Tyrone. It would solve inceldom overnight if it became the world religion.
This is from some cuckservative website:
I'm agnostic but islam was based. 40 years ago, Turkey was a good place to live. There were arranged marriage, no cucks and simps etc.
Under Islam. Foids are the legal property of men. They also can't leave the house without a male guardian. They would also not be allowed to be sluts and reject most men apart from Chad and Tyrone. It would solve inceldom overnight if it became the world religion.
This is from some cuckservative website:
Get fuck nigga no body want to worshipp lightskin chaddam wifemaxxer 24/7.
Now there are more men than women.
The number of men and women in the world is roughly equal, though men hold a slight lead with 102 men for 100 women (in 2020). More precisely, out of 1,000 people, 504 are men (50.4%) and 496 are women (49.6%).
Chad will resort to polygamy and take all the women. You dumbass.
I'm agnostic but islam was based. 40 years ago, Turkey was a good place to live. There were arranged marriage, no cucks and simps etc.
Islam is very based and red pilled.
Under Islam. Foids are the legal property of men. They also can't leave the house without a male guardian. They would also not be allowed to be sluts and reject most men apart from Chad and Tyrone. It would solve inceldom overnight if it became the world religion.
This is from some cuckservative website:
"Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, "This white man reclining on his arm."
"He said: Yes, he had a white handsome face."

Jfl imagine being some arabcel getting rejected by females left and right in favor of white Chad's, and then you go home to pray towards a white Chad
Under Islam. Foids are the legal property of men. They also can't leave the house without a male guardian. They would also not be allowed to be sluts and reject most men apart from Chad and Tyrone. It would solve inceldom overnight if it became the world religion.
This is from some cuckservative website:

Jurairi reported: I said to Abu Tufail: Did you see Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him)? He said: Yes, he had a white handsome face. Muslim b. Hajjaj said: Abu Tufail who died in 100 Hijra was the last of the Companions of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him).

Narrated Abu Juhaifa: By chance I went to the Prophet at noon while he was at Al-Abtah (resting) in a tent. Bilal came out (of the tent) and pronounced the Adhan for the prayer, and entering again, he brought out the water which was left after Allah's Apostle had performed the ablution. The people rushed to take some of the water. Bilal again went in and brought out a spear-headed stick, and then Allah's Apostle came out. As if I were now looking at the whiteness of his leg. Bilal fixed the stick and the Prophet offered a two-Rakat Zuhr prayer and a two-Rak'at 'Asr prayer, while women and donkeys were passing in front of the Prophet (beyond the stick).

Anas (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) set out on an expedition to Khaibar and we observed our morning prayer in early hours of the dawn. The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) then mounted and so did Abu Talha ride, and I was seating myself behind Abu Talha. Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) moved in the narrow street of Khaibar (and we rode so close to each other in the street) that my knee touched the leg of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him). (A part of the) lower garment of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) slipped from his leg and I could see the whiteness of the leg of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him). As he entered the habitation he called: Allah-o-Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)...

Narrated 'Abdul 'Aziz: Anas said, 'When Allah's Apostle invaded Khaibar, we offered the Fajr prayer there yearly in the morning) when it was still dark. The Prophet rode and Abu Talha rode too and I was riding behind Abu Talha. The Prophet passed through the lane of Khaibar quickly and my knee was touching the thigh of the Prophet . He uncovered his thigh and I saw the whiteness of the thigh of the Prophet. When he entered the town, he said, 'Allahu Akbar! Khaibar is ruined...

Narrated Al-Muttalib: When Uthman ibn Maz'un died, he was brought out on his bier and buried. The Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered a man to bring him a stone, but he was unable to carry it. The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) got up and going over to it rolled up his sleeves. The narrator Kathir told that al-Muttalib remarked: The one who told me about the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) said: I still seem to see the whiteness of the forearms of the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) when he rolled up his sleeves. He then carried it and placed it at his head saying: I am marking my brother's grave with it, and I shall bury beside him those of my family who die.

Narrated Al-Bara' bin 'Azib: The Prophet was carrying earth with us on the day of the battle of Al-Ahzab (confederates) and I saw that the dust was covering the whiteness of his abdomen, and he (the Prophet ) was saying, "(O Allah) ! Without You, we would not have been guided, nor would we have given in charity, nor would we have prayed. So (O Allah!) please send tranquility (Sakina) upon us as they, (the chiefs of the enemy tribes) have rebelled against us. And if they intend affliction (i.e. want to frighten us and fight against us) then we would not (flee but withstand them). And the Prophet used to raise his voice with it. (See Hadith No. 430 and 432, Vol. 5)
Under Islam. Foids are the legal property of men. They also can't leave the house without a male guardian. They would also not be allowed to be sluts and reject most men apart from Chad and Tyrone. It would solve inceldom overnight if it became the world religion.
This is from some cuckservative website:
Cucked thread worshipping this :chad::chad::chad::chad:
I hope islam takes over the whole world so I can finally have a foid :fuk:
"Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, "This white man reclining on his arm."
"He said: Yes, he had a white handsome face."

Jfl imagine being some arabcel getting rejected by females left and right in favor of white Chad's, and then you go home to pray towards a white Chad
A arab or currycel could go to some Muslim country in South Asia or the Middle East and Ascend there. proving my point that islam is the solution.
Islam is the way to go, Christianity is cucked beyond belief
A arab or currycel could go to some Muslim country in South Asia or the Middle East and Ascend there. proving my point that islam is the solution.
Only the rich chad one
There is a private military(legion) called SADAT in Turkey. Lots of faggots says SADAT's goal is to bring sharia back to Turkey.
Can't wait to enlist as a legionnaire :dab:
So mr smartass and how are we gonna enforce islam idiot . We have to go to through wars and shit ,we dont have any military and also no firearms
Literally every post i see starts with
"If islam.................."
Enforce a pedo worshipping religion in the modern era is useless
Plus we have to go against wars with multiple countries .
So mr smartass and how are we gonna enforce islam idiot . We have to go to through wars and shit ,we dont have any military and also no firearms
Literally every post i see starts with
"If islam.................."
Enforce a pedo worshipping religion in the modern era is useless
Plus we have to go against wars with multiple countries .
Another GRaYcel.
Another GRaYcel.
Bro just give me an answer dont talk like an idiot im literally 140 posts behind to become an officer

Secondly mr smartass how are we gonna enforce islam idiot ???
islam (and all other forms of patriarchy) is a huge cope
actually it is not. There is no solution to inceldom cause it’s human nature. Those who say islam is the solution don't live in an islamic country and aren’t muslims themselves. Let me tell you the ground reality:

1. Undesirable low smv men get butt fucked from childhood by their madrasa teachers.

2. When they grow up they butt fuck their students and rape little kids as young as age four.

3. The chad imams keep lots of wives and mistresses. A imam got caught with his friends wife. Another got caught sex chatting.

4. Undesirable men often are used as cannon fodders to die in the hopes of getting pussy in afterlife.

5. Even the whole face covered burkhawalis secretly have sex. A full covered hijabi left her home to marry a chaddam not the local imam who is an incel.

6. i personally know an imam who tried committing suicide several times because his wife a niqabi mocks him for his black skin color and small dick. she even beats him and curses him.

I can provide newspaper reference of all of these if anyone want.

To end it all you low iq islam copers nothing can solve inceldom cause it’s human nature.
Even the whole face covered burkhawalis secretly have sex. A full covered hijabi left her home to marry a chaddam not the local imam who is an incel.

6. i personally know an imam who tried committing suicide several times because his wife a niqabi mocks him for his black skin color and small dick. she even beats him and curses him.
Chad will resort to polygamy and take all the women. You dumbass.
polygamy is allowed in islam due to the surplus of women from conquered nations being all alone, men were allowed to take more than one wife so these women wouldnt just rot. it was not something that was put into practice just regularly.

and then you go home to pray towards a white Chad
Cucked thread worshipping this :chad::chad::chad::chad:
they dont worship muhammad idiot, that would be polytheism which is essentially the #1 sin in islam.

its always uneducated dumb fucks who spout shit about islam that literally know nothing at all about it. theres no point to argue with you about anything, because if you think fucking polytheism is a part of being a muslim you are beyond fucking retarded and dont know a single fucking thing about the religion
polygamy is allowed in islam due to the surplus of women from conquered nations being all alone, men were allowed to take more than one wife so these women wouldnt just rot. it was not something that was put into practice just regularly.

they dont worship muhammad idiot, that would be polytheism which is essentially the #1 sin in islam.

its always uneducated dumb fucks who spout shit about islam that literally know nothing at all about it. theres no point to argue with you about anything, because if you think fucking polytheism is a part of being a muslim you are beyond fucking retarded and dont know a single fucking thing about the religion
Lol go search it yourself.
I live in muslim country nigga so i know it.
Bro just give me an answer dont talk like an idiot im literally 140 posts behind to become an officer

Secondly mr smartass how are we gonna enforce islam idiot ???
I am gonna respond to that bro

You don’t need to go to war to enforce Islam.

France is becoming an Islamic country Without much resistance, you know how ?

White are not making children or aborting + Muslim Arab and African are making ton of children

simple as that

it’s true boyo if you were in Afghanistan you would be married with a nice afghan girl
Another sand-nigger religion worship thread.
Retarded cope chad gets 4 wifes you get zero
Get fuck nigga no body want to worshipp lightskin chaddam wifemaxxer 24/7.
Now there are more men than women.
The number of men and women in the world is roughly equal, though men hold a slight lead with 102 men for 100 women (in 2020). More precisely, out of 1,000 people, 504 are men (50.4%) and 496 are women (49.6%).
Chad will resort to polygamy and take all the women. You dumbass.
This nobody wants to fucking worship Chadamm while he has 50 JB wives and arabcels are rotting with nothing :reeeeee:
The only solution is Marxism-Rodgerism :reeeeee:
This nobody wants to fucking worship Chadamm while he has 50 JB wives and arabcels are rotting with nothing :reeeeee:
The only solution is Marxism-Rodgerism :reeeeee:
The only solution is ultravisionary blackpilism
Lol go search it yourself.
I live in muslim country nigga so i know it.
living in a muslim country has nothing to do with it. ive read the quran like 8 times and have read tasfirs. in fact, living in a "muslim" country is actually a bad thing, because none of them actually follow the rules correctly like it is layed out.
living in a muslim country has nothing to do with it. ive read the quran like 8 times and have read tasfirs. in fact, living in a "muslim" country is actually a bad thing, because none of them actually follow the rules correctly like it is layed out.
Retards conflate barbarian south asian/arab/etc nigger cultural practices with Islam too often.
The reasoning behind Islam being cope is cope. Chad will always win, that’s just how the earthly life is. IDK why some incels try to cope over some ‘blackpill Marxist’ ideology that will make them ascend. No Chad will still get all the foids while you rot.
No its not its just a cope:cryfeels:
It's pure mathematics. If a rich chad gets 4 wives, incel get nothing. You need to bring 20-30 camels or gold to her father. How can you get this money if you are highinhib, no NT, autistic incel?
Good god, the sheer amount of coping in this thread…:feelsugh:
What’s important is that Islam is the one true religion. So even if it’s over for you in the earthly life, as long as you focus on your deen and serve Allah subhana wa ta’ala you can ascend with hoor al ayn in Jannah.
Religion is cope but Islam is the most based religion

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