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RageFuel Islam is Jewish Inspired Nonsense

Transcended Trucel

Transcended Trucel

Peace & Dharma ; Vishwaguru India!
Feb 16, 2019
Gay nigger circumcision. Just chop and perma deform your penises for God bro:feelsEhh:, just trust me bro! You'll go to hell if you don't!:feelsaww:

Just pray 5 times a day bro! just brainwash yourself for (((Allah))). Just mind control yourself bro! Just be a cult bro!:feelskek:

Just starve yourself daily for a month bro:feelsohh:! Just don't eat bro! Just celebrate holidays based on the (((moon))) bro! :feelsokman:

Don't eat pork bro! Make animals suffer and bleed or no halal bro! Or you go to hell:feelsdevil:!

Don't celebrate Christmas:feelsXmas:, don't celebrate others holidays bro! it's shirk, it's blasphemy. just be a lonely shitskin nigger wageslave bro!You'll goto hell if you don't!:feelsLSD:

Don't looksmax bro! don't be vain, don't be shallow! just arrange marriage max bro! you totally won't get cucked bro! just trust me! you'll love a nagging bitchy parasite as your wife bro!:dab:
All religion is nonsense.
Islam has many silly things, I agree. I didn't even fast during Ramadan and don't pray JFL. I like the policies towards foids (not polygamy)
Trust me bro the source of infinite wisdom and morality said there will be a global Muslim empire haha that wasn’t a lie to cripple the Arab economy with useless and pathetic wars constantly so Israel and America can later buy you out and make you a banana republic for oil haha
Despite the common geographical roots of the three Abrahamic religions, both Judaism and Islam indeed preserved some kind of a Middle Eastern flavor, while Christianity was very westernized over the centuries.
religion per se is really retarded and useless
(((God))) is a jewish invention.
Gay nigger circumcision. Just chop and perma deform your penises for God bro:feelsEhh:, just trust me bro! You'll go to hell if you don't!:feelsaww:

Just pray 5 times a day bro! just brainwash yourself for (((Allah))). Just mind control yourself bro! Just be a cult bro!:feelskek:

Just starve yourself daily for a month bro:feelsohh:! Just don't eat bro! Just celebrate holidays based on the (((moon))) bro! :feelsokman:

Don't eat pork bro! Make animals suffer and bleed or no halal bro! Or you go to hell:feelsdevil:!

Don't celebrate Christmas:feelsXmas:, don't celebrate others holidays bro! it's shirk, it's blasphemy. just be a lonely shitskin nigger wageslave bro!You'll goto hell if you don't!:feelsLSD:

Don't looksmax bro! don't be vain, don't be shallow! just arrange marriage max bro! you totally won't get cucked bro! just trust me! you'll love a nagging bitchy parasite as your wife bro!:dab:

Based astralprojectionmaxxingcel
Islam has many silly things, I agree. I didn't even fast during Ramadan and don't pray JFL. I like the policies towards foids (not polygamy)
They are based in some ways, but in too many ways they are awful. Might as well throw the jizya or whatever it's called into that list of negatives about the sand religion.
And judaism itself is a nigga scam. the bible itself claims that moses had a kushite (black) wive. Monotheism is the nigerian prince scam of the antiquity
Religion on an individual level is just cope. However, a state-sponsored traditional religion could reduce degeneracy and control hypergamy through institutions
All religions and dogmas are cuckery.
Only a beta will obey such idiotic nonsense written by charlatans ages ago.
I hate Islam ngl
I'm certainly not going to shill for kikes because of it.
Islam is absolute bullshit and is probably the main reason for my inceldom and I hate it, but I've never said anything about that so far because of this exact reason. Can't give fuel to the enemy.
And judaism itself is a nigga scam. the bible itself claims that moses had a kushite (black) wive. Monotheism is the nigerian prince scam of the antiquity
Judaism started out as an Egyptian heretic sect of outcasts sent into exile, which as far as heretic sects are concerned wasn't very unique as it stole much from Zoroaster into Egypt at the time.
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Despite the common geographical roots of the three Abrahamic religions, both Judaism and Islam indeed preserved some kind of a Middle Eastern flavor, while Christianity was very westernized over the centuries.
In a way you could say that Europeans appropriated Christianity.
In a way you could say that Europeans appropriated Christianity.
Christianity was enforced by a sword where they slaughtered anybody who wouldn't convert in worshipping the crucified kike on a stick. Europe was better when it was worshipping Zues, Jupiter, Odin, and Lugh.
Christianity was enforced by a sword where they slaughtered anybody who wouldn't convert in worshipping the crucified kike on a stick. Europe was better when it was worshipping Zues, Jupiter, Odin, and Lugh.

This is so historically inaccurate it borders on the absurd.

I'm sorry but Christianity was at the recieving hand of violence for over a thousand years. Christians were persecuted by the Romans for over three hundred years, until the conversion of Constantine and even then there was a return of persecution under Julian. Then the Empire fell and Rome layed prostrated at the mercy of a series of barbarian hordes. Got sacked several times, and the Papacy was on the verge of being annhilated by the Lombards and got saved at the last second by Charlemagne. The Franks themselves converted out of their own volution, and so did most of the Northern barbarians. A lot of them even converted to an heretic version of Christianity hostile to the Papacy (Arianism). The Normans actually converted after conquering the Franks. They came to France to loot and conquer and came back as Christians out of nowhere.

The only instance of a "Christian" king putting the "noble" Nordic pagans to the "sword" is when Charlemagne destroyed the Saxons but those bastards had it coming in every way imaginable. They constantly broke any treaty they signed, send invading parties into Frankish territory the second Charlemagne went campaigning elsewhere, agreed to "convert" to Christianity then plotted with the Norwegian king to topple the Frankish empire while Charlemagne was busy protecting Europe from the Muslims. Fedora atheists who don't know anything about history go on and on about the 5000 thousand Saxons Charlemagne executed, allegedly to force them to "convert". Except they weren't executed for that. Charlemagne killed them because they were traitors who made incursions into Frankish territory even though the Saxon leaders had already signed a treaty declaring submission to the Frankish empire, meaning those 5000 got executed not as Saxons, but as FRANKS (the penatly for treason at the time being death).

As for the Crusades, that wasn't a Christian phenomena, but a Nordic one. First, the Byzantines never engaged in any Crusade, but were in fact the victims of one. Second, it just so happens that the "peaceful" pagans had war in their blood and it's likely the Crusades were merely a manifestation of the Nordic spirit rather than anything pertaining to Christianity. After all, the pagans were invading before Christianity, and kept invading after. While Christ said that those who live by the sword die by the sword, the Nordic traditions believed anyone who died in battle earned paradise. Now which culture valued the sword more than the other?
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This is so historically inaccurate it borders on the absurd.

I'm sorry but Christianity was at the recieving hand of violence for over a thousand years. Christians were persecuted by the Romans for over three hundred years, until the conversion of Constantine and even then there was a return of persecution under Julian. Then the Empire fell and Rome layed prostrated at the mercy of a series of barbarian hordes. Got sacked several times, and the Papacy was on the verge of being annhilated by the Lombards and got saved at the last second by Charlemagne. The Franks themselves converted out of their own volution, and so did most of the Northern barbarians. A lot of them even converted to an heretic version of Christianity hostile to the Papacy (Arianism). The Normans actually converted after conquering the Franks. They came to France to loot and conquer and came back as Christians out of nowhere.

The only instance of a "Christian" king putting the "noble" Nordic pagans to the "sword" is when Charlemagne destroyed the Saxons but those bastards had it coming in every way imaginable. They constantly broke any treaty they signed, send invading parties into Frankish territory the second Charlemagne went campaigning elsewhere, agreed to "convert" to Christianity then plotted with the Norwegian king to topple the Frankish empire while Charlemagne was busy protecting Europe from the Muslims. Fedora atheists who don't know anything about history go on and on about the 5000 thousand Saxons Charlemagne executed, allegedly to force them to "convert". Except they weren't executed for that. Charlemagne killed them because they were traitors who made incursions into Frankish territory even though the Saxon leaders had already signed a treaty declaring submission to the Frankish empire, meaning those 5000 got executed not as Saxons, but as FRANKS (the penatly for treason at the time being death).

As for the Crusades, that wasn't a Christian phenomena, but a Nordic one. First, the Byzantines never engaged in any Crusade, but were in fact the victims of one. Second, it just so happens that the "peaceful" pagans had war in their blood and it's likely the Crusades were merely a manifestation of the Nordic spirit rather than anything pertaining to Christianity. After all, the pagans were invading before Christianity, and kept invading after. While Christ said that those who live by the sword die by the sword, the Nordic traditions believed anyone who died in battle earned paradise. Now which culture valued the sword more than the other?
Yeah, lets forget the burning down of the Great Library Of Alexandria, the destruction of Greek or Roman temples everywhere along with a very great big list of other atrocities. Christians are always the same clinging to their kike God with their constant hypocrisies and annoying utopian notions always enforced with the threat violence hiding behind a faith that preaches love, tolerance, compassion, and forgiveness. You're all the same and always quite predictable in your reactions.

And of course there's always the thing where the only thing Christians are good at other than killing nonbelievers is other Christians.
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Yeah, lets forget the burning down of the Great Library Of Alexandria, the destruction of Greek or Roman temples everywhere along with a very great list of other atrocities. Christians are always the same clinging to their kike God with their constant hypocrisies and annoying utopian notions always enforced with the threat violence hiding behind a faith that preaches love, tolerance, compassion, and forgiveness. You're all the same and always quite predictable in your reactions.

You are just citing Edward Gibbons, who is anything but an unbiased source for any of that.

That there was attrition between Christian converts and Romans and Greeks who had remained pagans is a fact, but first of all, the irruption of violence, such as they occurred, went both ways, and second, there was always a catalyst.

Here's a more detailed summary of what happend during the second distruction of the library of Alexandria:

The second story of the Library's destruction is more popular, thanks primarily to Edward Gibbon's "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire". But the story is also a tad more complex. Theophilus was Patriarch of Alexandria from 385 to 412 AD. During his reign the Temple of Serapis was converted into a Christian Church (probably around 391 AD) and it is likely that many documents were destroyed then. The Temple of Serapis was estimated to hold about ten percent of the overall Library of Alexandria's holdings. After his death, his nephew Cyril became Patriarch. Shortly after that, riots broke out when Hierax, a Christian monk, was publicly killed by order of Orestes the city Prefect. Orestes was said to be under the influence of Hypatia, a female philosopher and daughter of the "last member of the Library of Alexandria". Although it should be noted that some count Hypatia herself as the last Head Librarian.

Alexandria had long been known for its violent and volatile politics. Christians, Jews and Pagans all lived together in the city. One ancient writer claimed that there was no people who loved a fight more than those of Alexandria. Immediately after the death of Hierax a group of Jews who had helped instigate his killing lured more Christians into the street at night by proclaiming that the Church was on fire. When the Christians rushed out the largely Jewish mob slew many of them. After this there was mass havoc as Christians retaliated against both the Jews and the Pagans - one of which was Hypatia. The story varies slightly depending upon who tells it but she was taken by the Christians, dragged through the streets and murdered.

Some regard the death of Hypatia as the final destruction of the Library. Others blame Theophilus for destroying the last of the scrolls when he razed the Temple of Serapis prior to making it a Christian church. Still others have confused both incidents and blamed Theophilus for simultaneously murdering Hypatia and destroying the Library though it is obvious Theophilus died sometime prior to Hypatia.

A bit more complex than just saying that Christians destroyed the library because they hated all "pagan" knowledge (even though a lot of said knowledge got incorporated into Christianity, many times, ironically, from people from Alexandria itself, such as Clement for instance).

My rebuttal to Edward Gibbons is simply that pagan culture wasn't anywhere near as valuable or as interesting as Christian culture. Outside from neoplatonism, pagan culture was rotten to the core. Anything of "value" they had to offer was passed on to the Christians and the Muslims through Plato and Aristotle and much of Hellenic culture actually survives in Orthodox Christianity. And for the supposed "destruction" of Roman or Greek temples, assuming that actually happened (more often those places were turned into Churches), so what? The structures that the Christians build are far more impressive.
No true Scotsman. And they were approved by popes who represent God on Earth according to Christianity (or at least Catholicism).

The Crusades were approved by the popes, but not the wanton violence that followed, especially in the later Crusades. Pope Innocent III literally excuminacted the whole crusading army after they destroyed Zara and sacked Constantinople, which they did against his express orders.

And my question still stands. If those crusades were a manifestation of the spirit of Christianity, why was there no such thing among the Greek Christians?
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(((God))) is a jewish invention.
That's what Muslims don't really understand. The concept of a singular all powerful god that must be worshipped, and the belief that the people who do are superior to all others, is Jewish concept.

Islam is just a knockoff of Judaism that appeals to sandniggers.

Christianity is just a cuckold version Judaism where they also worship a cheating whore and her bastard kid.

You have to be fucking retarded to believe in any of this shit.
You are just citing Edward Gibbons, who is anything but an unbiased source for any of that.

That there was attrition between Christian converts and Romans and Greeks who had remained pagans is a fact, but first of all, the irruption of violence, such as they occurred, went both ways, and second, there was always a catalyst.

Here's a more detailed summary of what happend during the second distruction of the library of Alexandria:

A bit more complex than just saying that Christians destroyed the library because they hated all "pagan" knowledge (even though a lot of said knowledge got incorporated into Christianity, many times, ironically, from people from Alexandria itself, such as Clement for instance).

My rebuttal to Edward Gibbons is simply that pagan culture wasn't anywhere near as valuable or as interesting as Christian culture. Outside from neoplatonism, pagan culture was rotten to the core. Anything of "value" they had to offer was passed on to the Christians and the Muslims through Plato and Aristotle and much of Hellenic culture actually survives in Orthodox Christianity. And for the supposed "destruction" of Roman or Greek temples, assuming that actually happened (more often those places were turned into Churches), so what? The structures that the Christians build are far more impressive.

The Crusades were approved by the popes, but not the wanton violence that followed, especially in the later Crusades. Pope Innocent III literally excuminacted the whole crusading army after they destroyed Zara and sacked Constantinople, which they did against his express orders.

And my question still stands. If those crusades were a manifestation of the spirit of Christianity, why was there no such thing among the Greek Christians?
All I'm reading is Christian bias in this post defending a foreign crucified kike sandnigger that invaded Europe removing and replacing the original native religions that already existed. :feelsjuice:

[Also, it's almost my bedtime here, maybe I'll humor your posts at a later time.]:feelsokman:
Only valid religion is European paganism
That's what Muslims don't really understand. The concept of a singular all powerful god that must be worshipped, and the belief that the people who do are superior to all others, is Jewish concept.

Islam is just a knockoff of Judaism that appeals to sandniggers.

Christianity is just a cuckold version Judaism where they also worship a cheating whore and her bastard kid.

You have to be fucking retarded to believe in any of this shit.
All the Abrahamic religions are related in some way IMO
The ironic part is that Christians borrowed elements of Judaism and claimed the Jews were misguided and needed to repent and acknowledge the real savior, only for Muslims to later borrow elements of Judaism and Christianity and claim the Jews and Christians were both misguided and needed to repent and acknowledge the real savior

@ilieknothing @get_even @MarquisDeSade
That's what Muslims don't really understand. The concept of a singular all powerful god that must be worshipped, and the belief that the people who do are superior to all others, is Jewish concept.

Islam is just a knockoff of Judaism that appeals to sandniggers.

Christianity is just a cuckold version Judaism where they also worship a cheating whore and her bastard kid.

You have to be fucking retarded to believe in any of this shit.
Neanderthal IQ understanding of religious theology. Judaism believes in chosen people from birth and doesn't want converts. Islam is a proselytizing religion that wants converts.
Neanderthal IQ understanding of religious theology. Judaism believes in chosen people from birth and doesn't want converts. Islam is a proselytizing religion that wants converts.
That doesn't matter, and that doesn't contradict anything I said.
Gay nigger circumcision. Just chop and perma deform your penises for God bro:feelsEhh:, just trust me bro! You'll go to hell if you don't!:feelsaww:
Muslim circumcision is apparently called "khitan" and advocated in the hadith/sunna but not the Quran, so hopefully the Quranists don't practice it.

I would hope the same for the Karaites and Samaritans since circumcision is not advocated at all in the Pentateuch: only "milah" which is a much less invasive surgery compared to the circumcision introduced by the genocidal Rabbinist sect that conquered Judaism in 600 AD after most of the good boys left to Christianity.

Muslim circumcision is apparently more extreme than classic milah (glans must be fully exposed at all times) but less extreme than what Rabbinists presently do, since Muslims don't engage in priyah/metzizah involving the raking of a newborn boy's penis with their fingernails and then licking up the penis blood.

I expect if we go back far enough the old muslims probably practisced a more concervative form (akin to classic milah) and that it became more extreme over time due to jewish influence.

TBH wish the Karaites would team up with the Quranists and just wipe out the rest of degenerate muslims and jews, too bad they're like 1% of 1% and have no chance

afterwards maybe they can do a compromise between "absolutely no cutting" (Quranism) and amputation of the akroposthion (Karaites) to merely do one single ritualistic incision to make the ridged band discontinuous (immune to phimosis) while still leaving it intact

there'd still be a scar but you wouldn't actually remove any tissue, you're just making 100% sure phimosis won't happen by "snipping the ring"

it's still unnecessary of course. Lady nurses should be giving baby boys handjobs with healthy oils to stretch out their rings, there's no need to actually break the rings.

I have the same view about the hymens of girls: with proper oil and gradual stretching I think theoretically a hymen could just get super super flexible (wide opening) without actually tearing/bleeding

You could do that if you just let us as shotas to fuck the older girls, our cocks would be so tiny we couldn't tear them but we'd massage them to get larger.

IE if I am 10 a 15 year old virgin girl should be assigned to me to fuck, and my penis would grow slowly enough so as not to tear her open
Despite the common geographical roots of the three Abrahamic religions, both Judaism and Islam indeed preserved some kind of a Middle Eastern flavor, while Christianity was very westernized over the centuries.
Eastern Orthodox cucks the Western one

Gay nigger circumcision. Just chop and perma deform your penises for God bro:feelsEhh:, just trust me bro! You'll go to hell if you don't!:feelsaww:

Just pray 5 times a day bro! just brainwash yourself for (((Allah))). Just mind control yourself bro! Just be a cult bro!:feelskek:

Just starve yourself daily for a month bro:feelsohh:! Just don't eat bro! Just celebrate holidays based on the (((moon))) bro! :feelsokman:

Don't eat pork bro! Make animals suffer and bleed or no halal bro! Or you go to hell:feelsdevil:!

Don't celebrate Christmas:feelsXmas:, don't celebrate others holidays bro! it's shirk, it's blasphemy. just be a lonely shitskin nigger wageslave bro!You'll goto hell if you don't!:feelsLSD:

Don't looksmax bro! don't be vain, don't be shallow! just arrange marriage max bro! you totally won't get cucked bro! just trust me! you'll love a nagging bitchy parasite as your wife bro!:dab:
brootal islam pill
@MuslimCell @RREEEEEEEEE thoughts?

(((God))) is a jewish invention.
We just plagiarized it from Zoroatrianism tbh
Gay nigger circumcision. Just chop and perma deform your penises for God bro:feelsEhh:, just trust me bro! You'll go to hell if you don't!:feelsaww:

Just pray 5 times a day bro! just brainwash yourself for (((Allah))). Just mind control yourself bro! Just be a cult bro!:feelskek:

Just starve yourself daily for a month bro:feelsohh:! Just don't eat bro! Just celebrate holidays based on the (((moon))) bro! :feelsokman:

Don't eat pork bro! Make animals suffer and bleed or no halal bro! Or you go to hell:feelsdevil:!

Don't celebrate Christmas:feelsXmas:, don't celebrate others holidays bro! it's shirk, it's blasphemy. just be a lonely shitskin nigger wageslave bro!You'll goto hell if you don't!:feelsLSD:

Don't looksmax bro! don't be vain, don't be shallow! just arrange marriage max bro! you totally won't get cucked bro! just trust me! you'll love a nagging bitchy parasite as your wife bro!:dab:
BASED it doesnt make sense
Allah is gay and Mohammed is a goatfucker
That doesn't matter, and that doesn't contradict anything I said.
The concept of a singular all powerful god that must be worshipped, and the belief that the people who do are superior to all others, is Jewish concept.
Lol lemme guess you're a hu-white atheist. According to Judaism it doesn't matter if you convert to Judaism and worship their God it doesnt make you superior. Only those born Jewish from a Jewish mother are considered superior. Islam is the opposite. So it actually does contradict what you said.
Don't celebrate Christmas:feelsXmas:, don't celebrate others holidays bro! it's shirk, it's blasphemy. just be a lonely shitskin nigger wageslave bro!You'll goto hell if you don't!:feelsLSD:
Holidays are for normalfucks
Don't looksmax bro! don't be vain, don't be shallow! just arrange marriage max bro! you totally won't get cucked bro! just trust me! you'll love a nagging bitchy parasite as your wife bro!:dab:
Yes, you won't get cucked because she is at death threat if she cucks you and beatings are allowed
You sound like a male feminist :soy:cuck who support women rights
Religion on an individual level is just cope. However, a state-sponsored traditional religion could reduce degeneracy and control hypergamy through institutions
Holidays are for normalfucks

Yes, you won't get cucked because she is at death threat if she cucks you and beatings are allowed
You sound like a male feminist :soy:cuck who support women rights

there are no death threats for Islamic foids in USA. only if u marry and stay in the shithole
there are no death threats for Islamic foids in USA. only if u marry and stay in the shithole
I meant true islam, in the west everything is soyified but even then some still do honour killings even if they go to prison

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