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Serious Is this legit or cope



Jan 20, 2018
(09-06-2017, 10:33 PM)lefterio13 Wrote:
(09-06-2017, 09:41 AM)Narcissnus Wrote:
"90% of appearance/sexually related anxieties go away when you are getting laid and have a social group. Its cool and interesting to talk about looks and appearance in an objective and analytical way, but if you actually believe this stuff has anything to do with how the real world works, you've been on the internet too long. Of course looks matter, and of course being attractive brings some bonuses, but there are just as many insecure and lonely girls out there as there are guys, and they will fuck you and even fall in love with you like you are the only guy for 3,000 miles, because thats how humans work. We aren't these perfectly rational robots who mathematically analyze ratios and norwoods on sight, we are just stupid monkeys who want to get laid and enjoy each other's company. If you think you are lonely, insecure, and desperate, every girl out there is 10x more so, but you don't realize this because you think all the girls in the world are against you, when really they are just as scared as you are, if not more so.

This idea of some elitist attractive group of people who are fucking and everyone else is excluded is just super retarded. Getting laid or talking to girls is literally as glamorous as taking a shit or eating a meal. That's the sad truth, is that there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for the perfect looksmaxer or the natural male model. This utopian male model ideal life is great to talk about, but it doesn't exist. Its a fantasy. I don't mean a fantasy in the sense that "you will never attain it so stop trying." I mean a fantasy in the sense that, if you actually did attain it, you would literally wana kill yourself because of how dissapointed you were.

very well written, hyper-charismatic word artist

all of this helps you cope until you see how the group of sluts next table DROOLS over the CHAD OVER THERE while you will be treated like a subhuman beggar- dare you approach them

lately ive come to the conclusion that denying looks law is a sign of basement dwelling - schizophrenia/delusions
Not saying looks law isn't real, just saying looks will only bring you validation, which won't make you happy. The entire idea of chasing validation by existing as a superficial persona is a symptom of a complete perversion of the human psyche that has intensified and spread as a result of western culture over the last 40 years. Some thinkers have called it narcissism. It is as strange and unhealthy a way to live your life as a man dying of thirst in the desert drinking glasses of sand, but nobody sees the bizarreness of it because it is basically the zeitgeist by now. This website is a just an altar at which we worship the gods of validation.

The only reason I'm making this point is that what we "worship" and "revere" in our leaders as a culture is ultimately manifested on a larger scale and basically becomes our cultural identity. So if we respect and admire qualities like discipline, perseverance, stoicism, rationality, humility, etc., they will manifest in our lives individually and shape who we are, and then ultimately shape our society as a whole. Otoh, if we worship people based on superficial qualitities that have no relevance to actual success or functioning in the real world, what impact do you think that has individually and culturally? When you basically strip yourself of agency by saying "the only good that will ever come into my life will be as a result of forces entirely outside my control", what kind of person do you think you will become as a result of that thinking? What do think will happen to western civilization if everyone starts thinking like that?

But maybe its irrelevant now. Our lives are easier than they've ever been, so we have the luxury of living in a fantasy world detached from reality. Maybe this is the fate of humanity, in that the more suffering we alleviate, the less we need heroes and heroic qualities in the world, and the more our heroes will become benefactors of circumstance. Our Achilles will be the guy who won the lottery, our Hercules will be the guy with great cheekbones and abs. Everyone will be living on a universal basic income and snapchatting pics of their latest body modification from the bathroom at the gym where they sculpt their pecs 16 hours a days.

Otoh, I think there's still hope if you wana adopt some of those deeper qualities and become powerful and successful in a real sense. People who go out know that if you are playing the validation game, looks always win, but if you play the power game, looks are completely irrelevant. In fact, real men are so rare now, that if you go out and show even the slightest sign that you are having fun instead of aggressively duckfacing and flexing like a fucking clown, girls will aggressively pursue you, even if you are ugly as shit, because FUN represents real abundance and power as an individual, whereas standing in the corner and posing represents someone who spends more time interfacing with a computer than with other humans.

If you are saying you want to be that guy who girls drool over, you are basically saying you want to be a purse or a nice necklace because that is exactly what you will represent to that girl, something to show off in public to increase her own status, while norwooding fat gorilla alpha chad plows her over his desk and then kicks her out, so she comes back to the apartment to watch netflix with you and use you as an emotional tampon. When you win at the validation game, you lose, because you are giving the girl the keys to your autonomy by giving her complete control over your self-esteem. Build your self esteem in the real world from real accomplishments, not from what stupid fucking girls think about your face"
Can u give a tldr with ur questions?
But yes, psl extremely overrate looks, yes they are everything for tinder and very important for nightclubs, but normal people get their partners from social circles, where as long as u arent repulsive to look at ur fine
just leave the basement theory
I'm too tired for this shit.
Semi legit but cope at the same time. It's true for normies but not for ugly people
Can u give a tldr with ur questions?
But yes, psl extremely overrate looks, yes they are everything for tinder and very important for nightclubs, but normal people get their partners from social circles, where as long as u arent repulsive to look at ur fine

You serious, I stress about looks too much I think it's time to focus on other things....omg that's sounds like cope I don't know what to do
I skimmed through this and it sounds like cope, especially that last paragraph calling a high value guy a purse or necklace. Just sour grapes because they realize only Chad is treated like a god by femoids and only he truly wins, so this person copes by saying you don't want to be Chad anyway.
I skimmed through this and it sounds like cope, especially that last paragraph calling a high value guy a purse or necklace. Just sour grapes because they realize only Chad is treated like a god by femoids and only he truly wins, so this person copes by saying you don't want to be Chad anyway.
Please don't refute this it's my only last cope it seems like
90% of appearance/sexually related anxieties go away when you are getting laid and have a social group.

Its cool and interesting to talk about looks and appearance in an objective and analytical way, but if you actually believe this stuff has anything to do with how the real world works, you've been on the internet too long

Of course looks matter, and of course being attractive brings some bonuses, but there are just as many insecure and lonely girls out there as there are guys, and they will fuck you and even fall in love with you like you are the only guy for 3,000 miles, because thats how humans work.
extreme cope.

We aren't these perfectly rational robots who mathematically analyze ratios and norwoods on sight, we are just stupid monkeys who want to get laid and enjoy each other's company.
cope. It's not something we do consciously, but it's been proven by science.

If you think you are lonely, insecure, and desperate, every girl out there is 10x more so, but you don't realize this because you think all the girls in the world are against you, when really they are just as scared as you are, if not more so.
science nigger gif

This idea of some elitist attractive group of people who are fucking and everyone else is excluded is just super retarded.
legit. Sub-8 theory is cope IMO

Getting laid or talking to girls is literally as glamorous as taking a shit or eating a meal.
extreme cope.

That's the sad truth, is that there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for the perfect looksmaxer or the natural male model.
legit because age pill.

I mean a fantasy in the sense that, if you actually did attain it, you would literally wana kill yourself because of how dissapointed you were.
who knows.
I will finish my analysis tomorrow. Goodnight
You serious, I stress about looks too much I think it's time to focus on other things....omg that's sounds like cope I don't know what to do
Well it makes sense, either u are 50-50 looks-NT, or u can compenstate poor social skills with looks so 80-20 looks-nt


extreme cope.

cope. It's not something we do consciously, but it's been proven by science.

science nigger gif

legit. Sub-8 theory is cope IMO

extreme cope.

legit because age pill.

who knows.
I will finish my analysis tomorrow. Goodnight

Good night nigga
Cope of the year. It's impossible for trash like me to find love or have sex no matter whatever EVER happens. There's a higher chance that animes universes are real than a chance of me ever having a gf.
Social groups are legit extremely important.
Most normies get laid through their social group due to the exposure effect.

Remember, most normal people actually do have sex and manage to get loving gfs.
Social groups are legit extremely important.
Most normies get laid through their social group due to the exposure effect.

Remember, most normal people actually do have sex and manage to get loving gfs.

social groups are the easiest way to meet women if you're sub 7

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