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Is there an end goal to inceldom?



Dec 6, 2017
We just LDAR and shitpost here lamenting about how lonely we are.

We hate being lonely/incel and not having a relationship.
But if we get a girlfriend, it's because we are betabuxx OR are gonna get cucked inevitably OR she only got with us to keep as a side-orbiter to pay for dates and has her real affection towards Chad.

If we find pretty much any girl, we are settling for a slut who fucked a bunch of guys before us.
But looking for virgins is like a needle in a haystack unless you go to a religious 3rd world country.

What's the "win condition" for incels? What's the true way to escape inceldom (if there is one)?

OR are we just doomed in hell, in an endless circle of self-loathing. Just shitposting online until we either rope or die of old age.

I think there is an objective win condition for incels. You have to transform into a Chad. To be Chad, you need to:
Have good face, good height, good body, and flirtiness skills. The only prerequisite is height. If you're a tallcel, you're fine. If you're a manlet, it's truly over.

Incel to Chad Transformation:

1) Face: Go to college, get a good job, save up money, get full-on face surgery
2) Body: just looksmax hard at the gym
3) Flirtiness: just work on your social skills, they are something that can be trained and exercised just like a muscle

The problem is 99% of incels are deadbeat morons who will never get good jobs and be able to afford surgery.
ascending obviously. you dont have to be a chad you just have to ascend.
Necking yourself is the only end goal for trucels
No end goal for me. I will just survive for as long as I can, it's human nature to do so. As much as I hate that I will try my best to just cope until the end.
ER or rope. basically copes until death.
Surgery can't make you gl it can only fix some flaws.
Jockcel said:
Yeah, I lmao'd for 10 minutes straight.

I think this is funnier. Its all context though

UncannyValley said:
I think this is funnier. Its all context though


Badass. Didn't regret shit for a second.
Jockcel said:
Badass. Didn't regret shit for a second.

Best situation, all people mad at you and your´e just sitting there with a smirking smile, while they can do nothing against it. :heh:
DestroyedLife said:
Best situation, all people mad at you and your´e just sitting there with a smirking smile, while they can do nothing against it. :heh:

What do they do if you start laughing hysterically in court?
UncannyValley said:
What do they do if you start laughing hysterically in court?

More punishment ofc. But you can laugh subtile like him and most people will  not recognize it. tbh  Ofc when youre a famous serial killer like him there are too much cameras to hide your smirking smile.
Quantum archaeology being an actual thing in the future.
We are doomed to this living purgatory, which is why we must ascend with the Black Pill, accept it is over and move on to other fundamentals for our personal survival, like food and shelter. Workcels should strive for financial independence.

Red Pill is cope. Most of us are too far gone for that, or too poorcel. Some of them have the tools to escape, we do not. It is over. Acceptance is key to minimize the pain of inceldom's sexual exclusion. Most modern FHOs are insufferable cunts anyway and would cuck us immediately if we somehow escaped.
there is no goal for incel just ldar
ArtoriasWolf said:
No end goal for me. I will just survive for as long as I can, it's human nature to do so. As much as I hate that I will try my best to just cope until the end.
ER or Rope.
The only way to cease the suffering is through death.
incels never win and chads never lose.

If I don´t become chad after all my surgeries I´ll move to SEA or rope.
The only end goal is that our shitty genes die off and the better genes live on, and also to make normans feel better. Yay

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