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Is their any drug that can kill all desire for a social situation altogether



Julias dracul romanov the 2 eyed abyss
May 20, 2019
Is such a thing possible
A drug that can invoke depression?
Try vyanse or venlafaxine systemic
Potassium chloride
I´d say any opioid/opiate. But don´t try it.
weed kill desire to be around people
the tricky thing with drugs is that you're replacing a problem with another problem.
heroin for example will kill your social desires, but at the same time the addiction will become an issue
the tricky thing with drugs is that you're replacing a problem with another problem.
heroin for example will kill your social desires, but at the same time the addiction will become an issue

Is their a drug that stop's any desire for human interaction in general i imagine this pill i would ironically call it the black pill
wish i could be on this drug tbh
Is their a drug that stop's any desire for human interaction in general i imagine this pill i would ironically call it the black pill
There is, but you don't want to play around with it, it's for schizo & bipolar people. It's called Olanzapine, a very potent antipsychotic medication. But like i said, it's nothing you want to fuck with unless you're schizo or bipolar.
There is, but you don't want to play around with it, it's for schizo & bipolar people. It's called Olanzapine, a very potent antipsychotic medication. But like i said, it's nothing you want to fuck with unless you're schizo or bipolar.
Isn´t this the drug that ((they)) developed to slowly kill off psychiatric patients through obesity, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and diabetes? I would never eat such a pill.
Isn´t this the drug that ((they)) developed to slowly kill off psychiatric patients through obesity, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and diabetes? I would never eat such a pill.
Yup, that's the one. I went off it immediately. It's not only dangerous, but it will render you an empty shell of a human, sleeping 18 hours a day, and staring at the floor for the remaining 6. It's not a good drug.
humans are hardwired to want to be validated and approved

any drug you take would be merely coping with your mentally-degrading isolation
humans are hardwired to want to be validated and approved

any drug you take would be merely coping with your mentally-degrading isolation

Yes cause nature cucked their has to be something that kill's any connection with other normies you know your a truecel when not only do foid's reject you implicitly but even men do cause i'm to high iq for them i don't say that to brag but i say that as a very very pissed of person cause some of these people are smarter than me but in conversation i'm the only 1 who bring's up interesting topic's that turn them off so fuck it their has to be something
No there isn't any sort of drug that can permanently remove the desire to have social interactions with other human beings, its impossible because social interaction is hardwired into our brains and our biology since humans first arrived.
You could give yourself seratonin syndrome on purpose. (I don't recommend this)
There is, but you don't want to play around with it, it's for schizo & bipolar people. It's called Olanzapine, a very potent antipsychotic medication. But like i said, it's nothing you want to fuck with unless you're schizo or bipolar.

Yes can you give me 1 that isn't particularly going to make you go insane
Not having real life friends or social contacts for 10+ years makes you lose hope and you don't really care anymore. Atleast for me that's how it is.
No there isn't any sort of drug that can permanently remove the desire to have social interactions with other human beings, its impossible because social interaction is hardwired into our brains and our biology since humans first arrived.

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck nature it is cucked me for way to long
Not having real life friends or social contacts for 10+ years makes you lose hope and you don't really care anymore. Atleast for me that's how it is.

Yes cause of fucking our cucked biology i swear if i could take something that kill's all desire for normie's or foid's and let's me just worship my ownself i would take that in a heart beat
well, I have schizoid personality disorder and no need for social interaction is the major symptom
I wouldn't say I have literally 0 need, because why would I stay on this forum otherwise (although it's literally the only interaction I get and I've gone though periods of not talking to anyone, not even online; I think total isolation could be possible if not for other issues in my life)
being schizoid doesn't really solve anything unless you can manage to NEET until you die - you will probably need to wageslave at some point and that's unbelievably hard if you think it's 100% waste of time (I believe even people who hate their jobs get some dopamine just from social interaction and the feeling of "accomplishing" something)
it's an incredible social handicap, but it's not recognised as such (at least in my country), so unless you're born dirty rich, you'll suffer greatly
well, I have schizoid personality disorder and no need for social interaction is the major symptom
I wouldn't say I have literally 0 need, because why would I stay on this forum otherwise (although it's literally the only interaction I get and I've gone though periods of not talking to anyone, not even online; I think total isolation could be possible if not for other issues in my life)
being schizoid doesn't really solve anything unless you can manage to NEET until you die - you will probably need to wageslave at some point and that's unbelievably hard if you think it's 100% waste of time (I believe even people who hate their jobs get some dopamine just from social interaction and the feeling of "accomplishing" something)
it's an incredible social handicap, but it's not recognised as such (at least in my country), so unless you're born dirty rich, you'll suffer greatly

I just want a drug that not only kill's all desire for it but let's me focous only on 1 desire a super drug if you will that make's you like Casanova but in 1 passionate field
I have been on sertraline for 2 months and it has put my mind in a neutral state
i invented it in my lab so i can sell you it

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