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Is the incel community dying or growing?



Nov 20, 2017
Answers down below begin the debates
growing thanks to normies who gives us more and more attention
growing thanks to normies who gives us more and more attention
Yup I found out about this place and phenomenon after watching youtube videos making fun of them. Funny thing is that instead of laughing I related kek
Growing. Hypergamy is getting worse and gen Z is the most socially conservative in a while. These will cause an increase in incel/blackpilled men.
Just look at the articles being written about us, and the media trying to group us with the alt right kek
The amount of incels is growing. I'm not sure how many identify with us and how many swallow blue pills.
We need the ideology of the blackpi to spread first, there are millions of virgin guys like us but they haven't realised the blackpill yet.
Would you say this place is better or r/Incels?
Would you say this place is better or r/Incels?
The only reason the reddit page was better was because it was alot easier to trigger normalfags/feminists. We're secluded here.
Yup I found out about this place and phenomenon after watching youtube videos making fun of them. Funny thing is that instead of laughing I related kek
I found out about incels after ER, but I never got into it because they shut down pua hate. Then I started browsing a site called sluthate, but it wasn't that entertaining and all the blackpills they had were already things I knew. Then later I decided to take a look at this site to see what all the cucks were whining about on youtube and ended up getting hooked because the blackpills were too good. I think those whiteknights making videos are a good thing, and when I hear them talking they sound like bluepill retards, so it's no wonder incels would rather be here than listen to them.
Yup I found out about this place and phenomenon after watching youtube videos making fun of them. Funny thing is that instead of laughing I related kek
Same. Found out about this place from a news article, at first i had the normie reaction of "what a bunch of crazed virgins, women aren't that bad lul .At least im not like that" and now i'm in the top dozen posters on incels.is LOL
It'll grow as long as the sexual marketplace is getting worse for men, and not just the incel community, but all factions of the manosphere.
Gonna keep growing rapidly in my opinion. As woman's standards of men keep rising, an as normie's allow sub-human roasties to fuck 6/10-7/10 fellow, less and less men will get laid, and out of those probably around 10% will find out about the black pill.
i think growing.
we are growing in a fast way
Growing braincels seems more packed then incels during mid-late 2017
As an oldfag, definitely expanding whilst simultaneously rotting. Social circles were so small when people didn't even have mobile phones. I remember some really fucking bizarre kids in my school, and despite being absolute social pariahs and outcasts, they still managed to score ugly girlfriends.

Its not like that now. Those kids just stay inside and play videogames and rot, the girls are all on social media improving their odds.
growing exponentially

won't make one iota of difference though
Growing because of the tinder + instagram ascension + feminist ascension + "normies" and media making us famous.
Growing because society is becoming more degenerate.

We just need to start recruiting people from subreddits like r/short.
Growing because society is becoming more degenerate.

We just need to start recruiting people from subreddits like r/short.
Lol we need to start recruiting people like the US military does. Richcels should create tv ads and propaganda
Growing rapidly, viewing any normalfag off-topic board will confirm this. There was none of this incel rhetoric ~10 years ago.
Incels are fringe of the fringe tbh.
We are like lowest of the low,bottom 20%. Most of us here are not only low value but mentally ill,depressed,bipolar,suffered from bad childhood and many many other issues.
Same. Found out about this place from a news article, at first i had the normie reaction of "what a bunch of crazed virgins, women aren't that bad lul .At least im not like that" and now i'm in the top dozen posters on incels.is LOL
There are more and more incels every day but it's also normies infiltrating us
Obviously growing
We are unstoppable.
We need the ideology of the blackpi to spread first, there are millions of virgin guys like us but they haven't realised the blackpill yet.
Don,t forget China alone has millions of virgin men
Considering the rate at which hypergamy is growing, I'd say in 20-30 years from now close to half of all men will be incels
growing exponentially

won't make one iota of difference though
If beta male sub6's refuse to get cucked, american roasties who couldn't find careers will be forced to work in brothels for cheap. It will benefit us in the end.
Growing like a fucking wildfire
Just look at the articles being written about us, and the media trying to group us with the alt right kek
How are we associated with those coping cucks?
How are we associated with those coping cucks?
Honestly they try to find anything to lump us in with things we dont relate too. I think they lump us automatically because they believe the alt right hates women too? Lol
Honestly they try to find anything to lump us in with things we dont relate too. I think they lump us automatically because they believe the alt right hates women too? Lol
JFL @ that reach, normies are retarded.
JFL @ that reach, normies are retarded.
Ikr, this was the femoid that started the BS about the alt right and incel stuff
we need to start organising brigades against reddit pages
Obviously growing. MGTOW is already popular in the US. I can only expect inceldom to grow in a similar trend.
Wait till all the incels in China join in.
We are growing brothers.

If r/incels wasn't nuked, incels would be massive right now, over 250k subs easily and more famous.

Now we can grow nice and steady though, more and more people hate women every day. It's against primal human nature for women to larp as our equals.
Well logically hypergamy only has one direction. Today's chads are tommarow's incels
r/incels was growing a lot till cucks shut it down.
Here we do not get much visibility as we had on Reddit even if the media are watching us.
We need a personality, a messiah with charisma who can lead us, just like M.L. King was for black people.
the amount of incels in japan is insane, aswell as china. they obv just dont come on here, most of this forum is NA/EU

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