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Serious Is society going to collapse and if so is this lifefuel?

Which scenario do you think is more likely?

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jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018
Might as well be lifefuel in part because this makes hypergamy and whoring a lot harder. The world becomes a place where tinder is something you need to start a fire instead of a hookup app, a fever is something you need to worry about instead of a euphemism for a paraphilia, the clap makes cunts infertile (antibiotic resistant snapchat clap has no hospitals to be treated in sorry ladies), rape becomes something women take seriously instead of use as a legal weapon and political football, whores don't even have access to coathangers so good luck dealing with the consequences of being liberated, AIDs is back in action (r9k trannies drop dead) and ZOG can't stop you from beating your wife if she doesn't listen to you. Life will suck but life sucks anyway, just in different ways.


He completely glosses over nuclear power and stuff like breeder reactors though, the barriers to which some say are largely political due to sperging over radioactive waste but idk I'm not a nuclear engineer. If anyone has any insights on nuclear power it would be interesting to hear. Anyway if that's not implemented billions of people are guaranteed ded, also adjusting infrastructure to work in this scenario would probably require ten times the effort of Stalin's industrialisation all over the planet in the midst of an economic collapse so lmao. Electrifying transportation also creates a lithium shortage that can only be fixed by going into lower grade reserves which are more energy intensive to extract, right as we transition to energy extraction methods with a way lower EROI.

We are probably fucked, I imagine the following scenarios happening:

1. Some US democratic president elected by mestizos, North American purple gummed welfare apes and disabled queer transbians, after literally just printing more money to get UBI because 4 more years is all that matters anymore, "decides" (the CIA decides because it isn't salvageable at this point anymore and they have no reason to care anyway) to provoke either chinkland or a half-collapsed Russia into starting a retarded war that probably mangles the Earth with something worse than nuclear weapons. Almost everyone or everyone is killed, either by genetically-engineered bacterial meningitis that contaminates every surface the infected touch, by grey goo that turns everything with cholesterol in its cell walls into paperclips or by salting the Earth with cobalt-60. What happens after depends on what they have up their sleeve but I'm sure glowniggers have some nasty shit they'd be willing to use to bring down everything with them. You're straight up dead bro, if you post on this forum you have no hope.

2. Great depression 2.0 but it doesn't get better, food prices and electricity prices stay an order of magnitude higher than what they were before. Nobody knows why, big think, must be kikes/whypipo/capitalism/big government, social cohesion breaks down, poorfags go multiracial LA-baltimorex100000 all over the developed world while the third world starts starving to death a bit before the first world does. The poos may or may not nuke each other and this may or may not significantly damage the ozone layer. Industrial centres and cities are eventually either abandoned, become open-air mass graves or both. Feds, billionaires and the PMC jannisaries who turn on Mark Zuckerberg and take his shit as soon as the world has finished ending now live in literal castles with aquaponics, hydroelectricity, everyone else are peasants. The Earth's population, crowding arable land and probably reverting to some form of feudalism in response to the new mode of production, "hovers" at its carrying capacity, meaning people are constantly dying en-masse of famine every time the weather goes bad and soyboys don't get to see space (they're all dead anyway though). If you get laid it's with some thot selling you her body to survive, but if not you're either an incel peasant or dead.

3. The system collapses partially but the industrial-technological system is kept around. Things """recover""" (shoddy save by the elites but they knew a full save wouldn't work). The average person has the same living standards as a ganges water-drinking currycel and lives next to a breeder nuclear reactor. The slum may or may not have wifi. You are given just enough to keep you alive in exchange for being compliant and doing what little work you could be needed for, you probably don't have healthcare or running water and you live on soylent. Jeff Bezos' half Chinese, quarter Azhkenazi Jewish grandchild conceived from one of his heir's skin cells owns a rocket that regularly fills your slum with the smell of chemical exhaust and the sound of mining expeditions to 16 Psyche for basic industrial metals. You can't get laid and you also have to boil your drinking water.

4. The Jews do a quick save somehow preventing even a standard in living drop even though it doesn't look like they care about saving anything at this point because they know it's too difficult, history vindicates Ted Kaczynski because the alternative to collapse is a very well-managed, comfortable nightmare. You can't get laid but sex robots are cheap and the government pays you minimum wage to LDAR in peace so you don't breed and the population can contract peacefully. You're hopped up on something constantly and the kikes zap your brain to get rid of depression monthly.
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According to research done by J.D Unwin

"Unwin studied 80 primitive tribes and 6 known civilizations through 5,000 years of history and claimed there was a positive correlation between the cultural achievement of a people and the sexual restraint they observe"

"According to Unwin, after a nation becomes prosperous it becomes increasingly liberal with regard to sexual morality and as a result loses its cohesion, its impetus and its purpose. The effect, says the author, is irrevocable"

Society is falling apart gradually. Snowball affect
2 or 4 is the most likely tbh. All of these sound like absolute nightmare fuel though.
This globalist society will collapse eventually, just like grand societies in the past have collapsed. Everything that has a beginning has an end, no matter how much the ruling class would like to believe otherwise. The question is only how fast it will come. We all know we can not continue on the path we're on now. Do we continue to let it fester, work hard like proles to keep the heads of the ruling class above water, try to maintain the delusion? Or do we let it burn now, today, and see what rises from the ashes?
This globalist society will collapse eventually, just like grand societies in the past have collapsed. Everything that has a beginning has an end, no matter how much the ruling class would like to believe otherwise. The question is only how fast it will come. We all know we can not continue on the path we're on now. Do we continue to let it fester, work hard like proles to keep the heads of the ruling class above water, try to maintain the delusion? Or do we let it burn now, today, and see what rises from the ashes?
I mean honestly bro we can't do shit. Whether we let it burn now or later is irrelevant because everybody else will hold it up until the system can no longer hold itself up, the idea that we can change any of this even a little is a coping mechanism.

the real question is whether you're going to have access to this by half way through the century
Whether we let it burn now or later is irrelevant because everybody else will hold it up until the system can no longer hold itself up, the idea that we can change any of this even a little is a coping mechanism.
I disagree. I'm not saying this will happen, but if even a fraction of a percent of young men unsatisfied with the globalist society started blowing up banks, stabbing bureaucrats, shooting up CNN headquarters, etc. it could easily cause a domino effect. It doesn't take a huge percentage of the whole, a tiny bit of committed people can utterly upend things.
Stock up on sacks of whole wheat seeds boyos! (Available at "feed and ranch" stores) and a grinder.

Argentina was a prelude to Venezuela is a prelude to America.

9mm Ammo is $5@ in Venezuela right now. So you have to be rich to steal (or kill) over there! (Saw an article about how "crime doesn't pay" in Venezuela)

Don't forget salt and water purification devices! And popcorn.
nothing short of nukes and meteors would be sufficiently expedient and entertaining tbh
2 is most likely. The average american is 2 missed paychecks away from homelessness, wealth inequality is worst since the great depression, and socialism/communism is on the rise (the dsa has an all time high donation/membership).

This neoliberal economic system cant go on forever, and when it does collapse feminism and liberalism will finally be eradicated.

Chris hedges wrote a good book on this called "The Farewell Tour". He argues that America has a decade, two at most until the collapse.
Waiting for the day the earth goes ER on everyone (ded srs)
Chris hedges wrote a good book on this called "The Farewell Tour". He argues that America has a decade, two at most until the collapse.
People like him and Noam Chomsky have been saying this for decades, though.
Economic collapse is the most likely scenario.
A mix of 2,3, and 4 seems the most realistic
2 is most likely. The average american is 2 missed paychecks away from homelessness, wealth inequality is worst since the great depression, and socialism/communism is on the rise (the dsa has an all time high donation/membership).

This neoliberal economic system cant go on forever, and when it does collapse feminism and liberalism will finally be eradicated.

Chris hedges wrote a good book on this called "The Farewell Tour". He argues that America has a decade, two at most until the collapse.
Try not to focus too hard on the political aspect of the ongoing decline->collapse

It is very much a problem of physically maintaining that which currently makes most human life possible
I voted for two .

I think it will be blazingly fast . Once the next recession hits ( already started according to some data and it's global) it will only take one big geopolitical event to completely annihilate the financial markets .
Traders will lose faith , start panicking, liquidity will evaporate as everyone scramble to sell, markets will flash crash on every continent then they will suspend quotations as things get really chaotic.
Unlike previous near misses, LTCM in 1998 and Lehman Brothers in 2008, there is no room this time for central banks and governments to save the system by restarting it trough accommodative policies or other gimmicks since the debt load is already unbearable throughout the world .
As markets freeze it will impossible to price anything from commodities to currencies and the world economy will just completely implodes in a few days .
Eventually normies will take notice by watching CNN that something is off and will go batshit crazy brawling in the supermarkets trying to find diapers for their retarded kids .
After that it’s complete and utter chaos and it will be an interesting event for us misanthropes to finally witness human nature in all its glory ...

As for what happened next it has already been mentioned in previous threads about the coming collapse it's all about what will happen to the 450 or so nuclear reactors and their cooling pools scattered around the world.
Without active cooling to decrease the heat it will just restart their fission process ( see fukushima ) and they will probably burn like that for centuries.
That amount of radiation will completely destroy the global ecosystem so you can forget escaping it by hiding in New-Zealand or Patagonia with beans and lead ...
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I think that the over-technologization of society will go down once we keep running out of fossil fuels, driving the prices too high to compete
Another day,another societal collapse thread. I stopped believing after the whole 2012 end of the world bull shit, fuck all these tin foil hat wearing motherfuckers for getting my hopes up and I'm pretty sure that guy from the 90s with his cardboard sign "the end is near" is still preaching his bull shit to this day....

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Another day,another societal collapse thread. I stopped believing after the whole 2012 end of the world bull shit, fuck all these tin foil hat wearing motherfuckers for getting my hopes up and I'm pretty sure that guy from the 90s with his cardboard sign "the end is near" is still preaching his bull shit to this day....

It's kind of unnerving when tinfoil hat theories based on a maya calendar prophecy and people high on crack can be confused with a logical analysis of what's unfolding before our eyes.

The worst pollyannas in this world are foids ( why wouldn't they be ? just spread your legs and everything will go smoothly as usual) and normies who are too preoccupied about staying afloat in this society to really wonder about where they are heading .

So at least as incels we can have the wonderful joy of grasping how this degenerate world will most probably end in a degenerate way ...

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