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Is online dating/hypergamy/whore culture the cause of the migrant crisis in the UK???



Dec 4, 2017
Strange theory I know but I've heard it discussed a couple of times. Basically years ago people would meet their sweethearts when they were very young and then settle down for life which was great for the economy because mothers would teach their daughters traditional feminine values and skills such as being a typist or looking after their man while Father's would encourage their sons to be hardworking and be a good man which would allow them to reap the rewards of doing so. They would also have children at a younger age and cheating was practically impossible due to their being so few opportunities to do so.

Now we have about 80% of the population struggling to touch a girl nevermind settle down and have a child with her and this is causing them to think what the fuck is the point in working whatsoever when I am literally a tax machine receiving no validation, love or thanks for my efforts so I might as well drop out of the system. The lucky ones who do get past that threshold likely realise what a nightmare women are and carry on just casually fucking different girls while girls do the same right back until it's no longer an option with regular baby murders thrown in here and there where required so birth rates drop. And any births that do happen cause broken homes where the woman either leaches off a man or fakes disability for life sucking more resources out of the system.

Overall this of course leads to a severe shortage of what makes the world go round, hard working happy MEN. So how do you solve that shortage? Import more and hope that they actually do what your actual home grown population should be doing regardless of the problems that they may cause or that this increase in numbers may cause. Ridiculous solution as this is some would say the direct cause of the decline in the nhs due to a now even higher demand. My solution would be to make it harder for this to happen such as banning Tinder so that people are actually limited to the people they meet face to face at least and I pray that is the starting point for someone who has the balls to make a change.
This is the case everywhere, not just in the UK. The mutually-supporting norms of full employment and monogamy have been destroyed.
Its the jews.
flush your theories boyo
Sexual liberation -> Birth rates declining -> Importation of immigrants to compensate
Import of immigrants aka new slaves to the system so that housing keeps afloat.

Everywhere wealth is parked and inflated in houses.
They are all different tools by (((them))) to destroy western society.
Everything did change after the introduction of the smart phone re: dating so you aren't wrong.

There are other factors involved though, mainly just tech (ex. I read that Brazilians (i.e. Syrians, Muslims, etc) said that having a smart phone made getting up and leaving to seek asylum into the US much much easier...directions, hacks, resources, etc. AKIN to how dating is much easier for foids with phones)...also some political-forces saying all-cultures are equal and should be afforded the same opportunities.

Isn't it weird how political-correctness/mass immigration/open society seems to only apply to developed Western nations? No one is chastising China for not having more diversity and they have the money to support it as well as the UK.

Cliffs: It's Over
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As far as i know yes at least in part
Sweden and some other Euro countries are so cucked that immigrants gang raping white women is so common and rarely prosectued. And word has gotten out to Africa and Muslim countries that its open season on sweet white poontang.
Sweden and some other Euro countries are so cucked that immigrants gang raping white women is so common and rarely prosectued. And word has gotten out to Africa and Muslim countries that its open season on sweet white poontang.

You aren't wrong either and its due to tech again. Porn is overfuckingwhelmingly white foids. That is why curries think every white foid wants to show "bobs & vagine". Imagine being in Zimbabwe, getting a govt issued smartphone, finding tons of white foid porn? Of course they are going to up and move for better opportunity. I think Sweden imported so many Muslim males, the fertility ratios will be affected.

Cliffs: Primitiveness
its women being given the right to vote
Overall this of course leads to a severe shortage of what makes the world go round, hard working happy MEN. So how do you solve that shortage? Import more and hope that they actually do what your actual home grown population should be doing regardless of the problems that they may cause or that this increase in numbers may cause.
My theory is that the elites want the low iq population to increase (so they can brainwash them into supporting the governement). They only want people to be high iq enough to do their job, but not high iq enough to question their environment.

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