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is looks and height really everything?



Jan 28, 2019
i am a little tall and still very bullied because of my personality and how much of a beta i am (i cant even look people in the eyes when i talk to them about something serious even if they are shorter than me). i got bullied most of my high school life because i got called weird and gay for some reason and people would make fun of how i talk and how i act and i still get made fun of by people younger than me
How does your face look?
How does your face look?
i dont know i never get complimented on it but i saw what incels talk about for beauty standards i dont have hunter eyes or nice round cheekbones that are visible and my nose is big my mouth is not wide and i am underweight
i dont know i never get complimented on it but i saw what incels talk about for beauty standards i dont have hunter eyes or nice round cheekbones that are visible and my nose is big my mouth is not wide and i am underweight

Over if you have a big nose
ive been skinny all my life i dont know how to gain weight and no one cares enough to help me i might be anorexic
Get medical help (physician not psychiatrist)
oh okay. what do i tell them? ive never been to one
Tell them that you think you weigh too little and ask what you can do about it
how tall are you

Today's standards are taller than 6 feet to be seen as manly
i am a little tall and still very bullied because of my personality and how much of a beta i am (i cant even look people in the eyes when i talk to them about something serious even if they are shorter than me). i got bullied most of my high school life because i got called weird and gay for some reason and people would make fun of how i talk and how i act and i still get made fun of by people younger than me

From what you are describing, your problem unironically seems to be your personality. Can you give more details (IE: age, height, and where you are from) ?
From what you are describing, your problem unironically seems to be your personality. Can you give more details (IE: age, height, and where you are from) ?
18 i think 6 foot 1 and i am from canada
Perhaps I could give stilt-walking a try
18 i think 6 foot 1 and i am from canada
Nice, another fellow maple syrup cel. You will firstly, need to find a way to drill out that shyness out of you by whatever means necessary (Enrolling in boxing classes, get into a fight at school, some other extracurricular activity to help build people skills, or even a customer service job) so you can atleast look people in the eye. You already have a great height. Have you thought about gymming? Also since you are 18, is this your last year in HS or have you already graduated?

Which province are you from just out of curiousty?
Nice, another fellow maple syrup cel. You will firstly, need to find a way to drill out that shyness out of you by whatever means necessary (Enrolling in boxing classes, get into a fight at school, some other extracurricular activity to help build people skills, or even a customer service job) so you can atleast look people in the eye. You already have a great height. Have you thought about gymming? Also since you are 18, is this your last year in HS or have you already graduated?

Which province are you from just out of curiousty?
it is my last year in hs, i really want to do gymming but im underweight and its hard for me to gain weight and i dont know what im doing in the gym. i dont think i can do boxing i get called a stick alot. i'm in ontario
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it is my last year in hs, i really want to do gymming but im underweight and its hard for me to gain weight and i dont know what im doing in the gym. i dont think i can do boxing im 130 pounds and get called a stick alot. i'm in ontario
Then i reckon, its time for you to do your own research on diet plans, and watch tutorials on exercises. Try to experiment what works for you. There are tons of resources available on youtube (Even if you dont wanna goto the gym, you can start at home, plenty of great calisthenics and full body workout plans are available online). Maybe just focus on 1 thing and start somewhere, and i think that somewhere for you is exercising and eating healthy. It will build discipline and good health. Once that starts going, you can look into adding more stuff in your plate like a job or finding hobbies that may interest you. Think of it as a construction plan where what you are trying to construct, is you.
Then i reckon, its time for you to do your own research on diet plans, and watch tutorials on exercises. Try to experiment what works for you. There are tons of resources available on youtube (Even if you dont wanna goto the gym, you can start at home, plenty of great calisthenics and full body workout plans are available online). Maybe just focus on 1 thing and start somewhere, and i think that somewhere for you is exercising and eating healthy. It will build discipline and good health. Once that starts going, you can look into adding more stuff in your plate like a job or finding hobbies that may interest you. Think of it as a construction plan where what you are trying to construct, is you.
i really want to leave canada and start my life new in the states... away from the bullying and these people
regarding the title, yes height and looks are everything. Everything besides that is just a plus
i really want to leave canada and start my life new in the states... away from the bullying and these people
In the states, the bullying is even more rampant than canada. Atleast over here we have anti-bullying day and anti-bullying rallies. Over there, they have school shootouts, and the idiots think that gun laws are the problems...
In the states, the bullying is even more rampant than canada. Atleast over here we have anti-bullying day and anti-bullying rallies. Over there, they have school shootouts, and the idiots think that gun laws are the problems...
i know but i would be in a completely new area and i would know no one and no one would know me
No, its not. Personality does matter, but you will never get to that phase if you never pass the looks barrier, which we all fail to do
Looks and height are not EVERYTHING, don't listen to the incel cult when they speak such nonsense.

Looks, height, shoulder width, hair, race, and penis size are EVERYTHING.
The incels wiki has loads of good science to read about the effect of looks and personality, status, wealth, etc., and looks are the most important factor for any kind of relationship as well as the exclusively important factor for hookups and casual sex. Looks also determine how you are treated in every area of your life. Jobs, making friends, school, etc. Lookism poisons everything and we are all the victims of it. Sounds like you are as well.

Personality is more important between males so that could be a reason that you experience bullying even though you are tall, which usually commands some respect. You need to tell people to fuck off when they mess with you. People who bully other people are not 150 IQ geniuses so your message needs to be simple and effective. You can hit them or yell at them, or any number of things like that. Good luck and you can always post here on the forum brother
I think the reality is more complicated than people can grasp, therere examples of people who lack height who have gfs and people who lack looks who get gfs, but we never know to what girls are attracted to in those men and who they are for these girls or if theyre even attracted to them or if it is far beyond attraction or maybe theyre just cucks, I think its true for all these examples combined together, but every particular case is unique. Like were different, females are different too, some thirsty to sex attracted to big dicks, some midget girls attracted to tall height, normal girls attracted to face and NTness and theres a very narrow number of men who posses everything. I think that everything is important to some extent.

your face is your problem OP
i am a little tall and still very bullied because of my personality and how much of a beta i am (i cant even look people in the eyes when i talk to them about something serious even if they are shorter than me). i got bullied most of my high school life because i got called weird and gay for some reason and people would make fun of how i talk and how i act and i still get made fun of by people younger than me
No, height and looks are not everything. They are the most important though but personality still matters.
I would say that this is the correct order:
Height > Face > Body > Dark triad personality > Money

You should start hitting the gym though. This might help you get rid of your beta personality.
Yes definitely. Not really bragging, but with a little looksmaxxing (contact lenses, clean shave, clothing etc) I notice a change in peoples' behaviour around me.
Your are your looks, period. That's the blackpill.
Looks and height are not EVERYTHING, don't listen to the incel cult when they speak such nonsense.

Looks, height, shoulder width, hair, race, and penis size are EVERYTHING.
And social skills
i know but i would be in a completely new area and i would know no one and no one would know me
True, but then again, you only have 1 last year of HS left. College is different than HS, people care less there from my experience.

I also want to move to the states cus their guns laws arent completely cucked like ours.
Eat more OP, simple succinct advice. Eat additional 1000cals everyday. Try peanut butter nuts or ice cream or sugary drinks.
Eat Calorie dense foods and Gymmax bro this will help you a lot.
Eat more OP, simple succinct advice. Eat additional 1000cals everyday. Try peanut butter nuts or ice cream or sugary drinks.
Eat Calorie dense foods and Gymmax bro this will help you a lot.
wouldnt that just make me fat? would gymmaxing stop that if i eat really bad food then workout? im afraid it would be even worse if i bcome fat too
wouldnt that just make me fat? would gymmaxing stop that if i eat really bad food then workout? im afraid it would be even worse if i bcome fat too
Yes it would. The extra Calories will be stored as fat. But since you're anorexic you need more fat in your body. You won't gain muscles when you're anorexic. Your metabolism is beyond fucked up so you need those extra calories. You need to get fatter initially and once you have gained 50-60 extra pounds after 2-3 years of gymcelling you cut and drop down to 10-12% bf with decent newbie gains. This was you'll look your best and restore your fucked up metabolism.
And no, weightlifting hardly burns 150-200 Calories. Weightlifting is for muscle growth and cardio is for fat loss.
it all boils down to that anyways, just like how everything boils down to small fragments

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