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Serious Is it worth being religious while being a trucel



brain damaged from kikepills
Aug 18, 2023
Title. Today I was listening to the radio and I heard some Islamic foid go on and on about “gratitude” which I just see as some form of Stockholm syndrome. Undeniably my life is complete shit compared to what other people are living while they’re not “moral” and into this gratitude cope or religious.

If you’ve got nothing, what can you really be grateful for? Surely intense suffering such as trauma from bullying and family would make you resentful, a reflection of how you were treated? Having no friends, social circle, mistreated for non NT etc. very very little to be grateful for.

Trying to be grateful for how you were ruthlessly punished by your environment it feels incredibly dishonest and weird. Gratitude cope only works if you have a decent life already.

I feel it’s so cuckish to be grateful for being mistreated. I don’t want to be more accepting. I wish I had the power to change my life so it can become normal. I don’t want to be docile, accepting and passive. I don’t want to be those copers.

But some chads and stacies rope for some reason. Point standing that they experienced highs that I will never in my lifetime experience.

Religion is basically based on being grateful to whatever god or something.
Not really "is it worth", but more like "do you believe in it?"
Yes. You may not have a happy life on Earth, but when you die you can be happy in heaven if you were faithful in said religion
Title. Today I was listening to the radio and I heard some Islamic foid go on and on about “gratitude” which I just see as some form of Stockholm syndrome. Undeniably my life is complete shit compared to what other people are living while they’re not “moral” and into this gratitude cope or religious.

If you’ve got nothing, what can you really be grateful for? Surely intense suffering such as trauma from bullying and family would make you resentful, a reflection of how you were treated? Having no friends, social circle, mistreated for non NT etc. very very little to be grateful for.

Trying to be grateful for how you were ruthlessly punished by your environment it feels incredibly dishonest and weird. Gratitude cope only works if you have a decent life already.

I feel it’s so cuckish to be grateful for being mistreated. I don’t want to be more accepting. I wish I had the power to change my life so it can become normal. I don’t want to be docile, accepting and passive. I don’t want to be those copers.

But some chads and stacies rope for some reason. Point standing that they experienced highs that I will never in my lifetime experience.

Religion is basically based on being grateful to whatever god or something.
not at all, but I guess some people would need it as a cope mechanism to avoid suicide, wouldn't recommend it.
If god loved us he wouldnt let us suffer like this or being ugly
Not really "is it worth", but more like "do you believe in it?"
I don’t man. I’ve prayed and prayed I believed in religion for a bit but nothing came out of it. “Oh but you didn’t take action yourself god can’t do everything!!” I did take action yet nothing came of it. It’s just some sort of elaborate coping mechanism and a narrative you program into your mind. Sure it helps people but not me it just made me feel like an animal chasing a carrot on a stick
Not really "is it worth", but more like "do you believe in it?"
This. Whether our lives are bad or not, if God is Almighty, then we must subject ourselves regardless. Christians would say it's not his fault out lives suck, it is the fault of sin.
I c. I believe in it so I'm gonna keep following it.
If god loved us he wouldnt let us suffer like this or being ugly
God was laughing his ass off when he made me on the character customisation screen that’s if he does exist. He doesn’t though in the way that religion teaches . God is more abstract he doesn’t have human qualities like feelings like feeli my angry and punishing etc. that’s just human projection. Like giving him father and mother characteristics
nah no point worshipping a god who hates you

schizomaxx and become a gnostic or devil worshipper or sth cool like that
This. Whether our lives are bad or not, if God is Almighty, then we must subject ourselves regardless. Christians would say it's not his fault out lives suck, it is the fault of sin.
Well if the Christian god is real then the sinners will face retribution?? When will that be. Soddom and gomorrah style :feelshaha::feelsPop:
This. Whether our lives are bad or not, if God is Almighty, then we must subject ourselves regardless. Christians would say it's not his fault out lives suck, it is the fault of sin.
True :yes:, Muslims would say it's God putting us through a test.
If you don't believe, no point in participating in religion unless it helps you fit in.
It's hard to be religious when you look at the world around you and everyone is suffering. Some days I'm mad at God, other days I'm just sad. I wish I could cope with Christianity, I just don't see how any of this is justified when the suffering far outways any of the joy.
True :yes:, Muslims would say it's God putting us through a test.
But in Islam aren’t things planned and predetermined? Or is that a half truth. Shit is so paradoxical I don’t understand it
But in Islam aren’t things planned and predetermined? Or is that a half truth. Shit is so paradoxical I don’t understand it
That would imply that all the evil in the world was planned and satan’s evil was planned? Idk at this point it feels like god playing chess with himself for the lulz. He knows everything he’s gonna do. So what’s the point
It's hard to be religious when you look at the world around you and everyone is suffering. Some days I'm mad at God, other days I'm just sad. I wish I could cope with Christianity, I just don't see how any of this is justified when the suffering far outways any of the joy.
If determinism is true then this means all the evil was sort of predetermined. Brutal as fuck
It's hard to be religious when you look at the world around you and everyone is suffering. Some days I'm mad at God, other days I'm just sad. I wish I could cope with Christianity, I just don't see how any of this is justified when the suffering far outways any of the joy.
They would say because our reward is eternity in heaven. Here is simply a place to do good works and glorify him
If you don't believe, no point in participating in religion unless it helps you fit in.
I hate to sound like a Redditor but they’re right about religion being social control. But seeing how retarded people can be, that’s not such a bad thing? But religion breeds tribalism to the maxx and autistic religoon wars start
But in Islam aren’t things planned and predetermined? Or is that a half truth. Shit is so paradoxical I don’t understand it
They are both predestined, and humans have free will. Like God knew what we were gonna do and it's written down.
He knows everything he’s gonna do. So what’s the point
It might be so humans can't complain "why are we being punished" in the Afterlife, they get to see and reflection on their actions and the thoughts of their souls.
I find zero reason to conform to that truckload of bs which won't elevate my life either way
They are both predestined, and humans have free will. Like God knew what we were gonna do and it's written down.
So humans get to choose which path to go down? But each path will bring about a predetermined result?
I hate to sound like a Redditor but they’re right about religion being social control. But seeing how retarded people can be, that’s not such a bad thing?
Exactly, 300 years without religious dominance in the West and we already have homosexuals, trannies, cucks etc.
Religion is just a tool the Elites used to brainwash people. Being religious is not worth it for incels and its not worth it for non incels either
They would say because our reward is eternity in heaven. Here is simply a place to do good works and glorify him
And I would argue that this doesn't make sense because people are literally killing themselves from how miserable they feel. There is a statistic that says that a suicide occurs every 30 seconds. What type of loving creator would do something like this to someone? He purposely designed our bodies so that we would experience pain, and as time goes on our bodies will literally break down further and further.

And then you have the kids getting bombed in these third world countries, school shootings going on, people dying from random circumstances out of one's control. None of it makes sense when you take a step back and look around at what everyone in general is feeling and going through.
So humans get to choose which path to go down? But each path will bring about a predetermined result?
Not sure exactly how it works tbh. Either as you said, or some other theory e.g. God is not bound by linear time, whatever we are going to do, he already knows.
Religion is just a tool the Elites used to brainwash people. Being religious is not worth it for incels and its not worth it for non incels either
If it’s not religion then it would be programming some other dogma into people’s minds to weaken them. Trannydom, LGBTQ, love gooberment, foid freedumb and degeneracy etc.
the people always need some sort of creed
I hate to sound like a Redditor but they’re right about religion being social control. But seeing how retarded people can be, that’s not such a bad thing? But religion breeds tribalism to the maxx and autistic religoon wars start
I don't care about religion wars, normies bring it upon themselves. Religion doesn't breed tribalism, normies force tribalism wherever there's a difference between themselves and an other. Just look at how they fight over football when their team loses. There's no point removing religion because normies will always find something else to hate others for.

This tribalism is why if someone lives in a religious society and there's a chance they can fit in, they need to keep practicing the religion.

And yes, religion is social control (regardless of whether the religion is correct or not).
For some it can bring peace and enlightenment, but for the masses making them behave themselves through fear of divine retribution is good enough.
I'm also pondering it
I have no objections but it's to put my faith in it which the last hurdle due to rejection and having to forgive those who choose the lifestyle of the modern day Becky
Plus I cant coon outside of marriage is the wall I cant scale
well you have to think about it are you willing to invest so much time into something that is most likely false? religions themselves have no real evidence, and faith alone is not a good method of determining the truth.
Only if it helps you have meaningful relationships and ascend
I don’t think so. If it makes you feel good and you believe, go for it though
I don't care about religion wars, normies bring it upon themselves. Religion doesn't breed tribalism, normies force tribalism wherever there's a difference between themselves and an other. Just look at how they fight over football when their team loses. There's no point removing religion because normies will always find something else to hate others for.

This tribalism is why if someone lives in a religious society and there's a chance they can fit in, they need to keep practicing the religion.

And yes, religion is social control (regardless of whether the religion is correct or not).
For some it can bring peace and enlightenment, but for the masses making them behave themselves through fear of divine retribution is good enough.
I kind of agree there’s a lot of similarities that link most religions together anyway. It’s just the giga normies who turn everything into tribalism. I remember hearing that the jews were allowed to be Jews under Muslim ruled Spain as long as they payed tax or something. That sounded lax.
There’s also crypto Jews, crypto Christians etc who only pretend to practice so they fit in…
well you have to think about it are you willing to invest so much time into something that is most likely false? religions themselves have no real evidence, and faith alone is not a good method of determining the truth.
It’s literally “just trust me bro” mentality. All their “evidence” is just self referencing. There’s never been objective hard evidence of god. Will we ever find it
I don’t think so. If it makes you feel good and you believe, go for it though
I decided I’m not. In the long run it’s going to mess up my mind trying to force it to believe something that I doubt. And my life is literally nothing compared to others. It’s not like this religiosity would transform me. When I was young and gullible I was very religious because of family but my life was still dog shit with no “blessings” and “improvement”. I don’t want to be an animal chasing after a carrot on a stick anymore
أحيانًا أكون متدينًا وأحيانًا لا أكون كذلك. ليس من السهل أن أكون متديناً عندما أكون قبيحاً. لكني أقول أنني ماروني عندما يسألني الناس.
IMG 2441
Yes. You may not have a happy life on Earth, but when you die you can be happy in heaven if you were faithful in said religion
What would you do in heaven for 10000000000000000000000000000000000000 years? Fucking stacies would get boring after the first 1000 years imo.
Serving God
That would also get boring after 1000 years. Also, an omnipotent, benevolent superbeing shouldn't need servants. Also, my idea of heaven does not include serving someone. I'd want to play vidya instead.
I decided I’m not. In the long run it’s going to mess up my mind trying to force it to believe something that I doubt. And my life is literally nothing compared to others. It’s not like this religiosity would transform me. When I was young and gullible I was very religious because of family but my life was still dog shit with no “blessings” and “improvement”. I don’t want to be an animal chasing after a carrot on a stick anymore
Smart decision. I feel the same way

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