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Is it ok for me to have close platonic female friends?



Jul 7, 2020
platonic is redundant since no romance will blossom. I find many women can be nice if your incelness makes them comfortable that you won't pursue them romantically. Like a gay friend except you're the dickless eunuch friend. Is this the closest approximation we can have to relations with women? It sucks when they leave you eventually but most relationships end so it's not unexpected.

Not sure if I'd be considered a fakecel if I keep platonic relationships? What do you guys think?
No. That’s cucked as fuck and you can’t have females as friends if you are blackpilled on their nature.
Fuck there goes my cope.
Shes using you for something. Also have fun keeping her company inbetween her dick appointments with chad
Don't ask us for permission. Suppose you are a "fakecel." It's a convenient problem to have, right? I wish I were a fakecel.
That’s cucked as they will just be using you. You are probably a fakecel if you have foid friends. Best thing to do is ask them to have sex and if not ditch them
Thats doesnt mean you are a fakecel lol, but its just very unhealthy, at some point you are going to fall in love and trust me, being an incel in love is a thousand times worse than just being an incel, think about that gut wrenchiing feeling you have when you imagine chad fucking a hot girl that you are simply attracted too, now i tell you, its a billion times worse than that when you imagine, and even confirm sometimes, like in my case, that the girl you LOVE is getting pounded a 6'3 chad
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That’s cucked as they will just be using you. You are probably a fakecel if you have foid friends. Best thing to do is ask them to have sex and if not ditch them
Colleagues and I wouldn't risk things at work no matter what
this seems really counter-intuitive and will do you more harm than good. And plus females wanting to be near you is kind of sign of a fakecel
Similar to an oneitis, it's CUCKED.
my answer was ironic
do whatever makes you happy
There are no rules to inceldom , either you are a virgin or not
and how you cope is a private affair
its a weird question to ask anyway


Fucking greycels, I swear to God.
you can have it if u want
Go ahead and bluepill yourself and you will see it leads you nowhere.
Its also a bad idea because after she ditchs you, you are going to miss her SO SO FUCKING BAD, TRUST ME I KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT, so i would say its just better to stay away from women, if you wanna try just download tinder or something, if you cant get anything there then you are subhuman and trying is just a waste of time, trust me this "tinder is just for chads" is just coping bullshit, all my normies friends met many girls using online dating
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Yes, but you should evaluate why they even talk to you.
Also, I find every female friend I've ever had, I developed a mini crush for them after we stopped talking
Colleagues and I wouldn't risk things at work no matter what
The thing is that she will eventually ditch you first. Do you really want to feel the pain of having been betrayed? Just think about why you are friends with foids and evaluate what you are getting out of it.
No. That’s cucked as fuck and you can’t have females as friends if you are blackpilled on their nature.
Based. They're just not friend material.
Thats doesnt mean you are a fakecel lol, but its just very unhealthy, at some point you are going to fall in love and trust me, being an incel in love is a thousand times worse than just being an incel, think about that gut wrenchiing feeling you have when you imagine chad fucking a hot girl that you are simply attracted too, now i tell you, its a billion times worse than that when you imagine, and even confirm sometimes, like in my case, that the girl you LOVE is getting pounded a 6'3 chad
story time?
all of what you say is true
story time?
all of what you say is true
Basically i made a female friend fell in love then she started taking very long to reply after i sent her a picture of my face, then she started posting romantic stuff i asked if she was in love with someone and she confirmed that she was in love with a 6'3 guy, im 5'2 for comparason lol, also she posted some memes making fun of short men, obviously ive already seen that kind of shit a thousand times on the internet, but coming from the girl you love, and knowing that shes in love with a fucking giant hurts a billion times more :feelsrope:
Do what you want, but know that they will never better your life in any way
Basically i made a female friend fell in love then she started taking very long to reply after i sent her a picture of my face, then she started posting romantic stuff i asked if she was in love with someone and she confirmed that she was in love with a 6'3 guy, im 5'2 for comparason lol, also she posted some memes making fun of short men, obviously ive already seen that kind of shit a thousand times on the internet, but coming from the girl you love, and knowing that shes in love with a fucking giant hurts a billion times more :feelsrope:
Do whatever you want.
I feel like if you are friends with a foid and you are ugly then she is only friends with you because you offer some type of resource or benefit to her therefore she will allow you to be her "friend", but eventually the "friendship" will die off as you slowly lose your uselessness for her and she will stop talking to you.

However, if you are good looking or CHAD then she will actually want to be your friend for more organic and natural reasons because of your looks she will try to keep the friendship alive and communicate/ hangout with you on a regular basis.

Final thoughts chads or chadlites that have foid friends that actually enjoy being their friend and its a real genuine friendship because they like being around him because he is good looking.
Normies that have foid friends come and go, most are only temporary because they offer some value to the foid therefore she will tolerate them in the friendzoneish type of way and occasionally some normies may get somewhere with her.
Incels who have foid friends are usually only their "friend" because they offer some sort of use to her, so she will keep him around until she no longer sees any reason to interact with him anymore.
platonic is redundant since no romance will blossom. I find many women can be nice if your incelness makes them comfortable that you won't pursue them romantically. Like a gay friend except you're the dickless eunuch friend. Is this the closest approximation we can have to relations with women? It sucks when they leave you eventually but most relationships end so it's not unexpected.

Not sure if I'd be considered a fakecel if I keep platonic relationships? What do you guys think?
I my opinion the status of a friendship with a female and a male is strictly determined by the guys attractiveness, if the foid finds the guy good looking then they may actually be legitimate friends because she enjoys being around him due to his looks, but if the guy is ugly the case is usually the guy offers some benefit or resource to her so she allows him them to be "friends".
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Man and woman can never be friends.
No tbh. It’s not ok.
No one is stopping you, but remember that they will attempt to exploit you. You will likely gradually be saddened, because deep inside, you have a burning desire for the relationship to ”blossom” into romance.
platonic is redundant since no romance will blossom. I find many women can be nice if your incelness makes them comfortable that you won't pursue them romantically. Like a gay friend except you're the dickless eunuch friend. Is this the closest approximation we can have to relations with women? It sucks when they leave you eventually but most relationships end so it's not unexpected.

Not sure if I'd be considered a fakecel if I keep platonic relationships? What do you guys think?
well your incel pass is taken away now. see you later schlomo
Inceldom isn’t an ideology. It’s a state of being. There are no rules, no commandments, you do what you will
Yes, you can have platonic female friendships, and no it won't make you a fakecel, in fact that's what happens to friendzoned people, the girl likes your personality but doesn't feel sexually attracted by you, so you become her platonic friend. The problem with platonic friendships between men and women is that more often than not, one side falls in love with the other, and since you're the incel here, we know who is going to fall in love with who. So, as you can see, it's a slippery slope, if you have enough emotional control then you'll be fine, but probably you're going to put yourself at an enormous risk of heartbreak.

If you wanna be safe, aim to be a "casual acquaintance", nothing more. And if you feel love, passion, or similar emotions growing in you, distance yourself from the person untill the feelings subside, do this enough times and you'll be so hardened you won't grow any emotions for her, even if you become friends.
platonic is redundant since no romance will blossom. I find many women can be nice if your incelness makes them comfortable that you won't pursue them romantically. Like a gay friend except you're the dickless eunuch friend. Is this the closest approximation we can have to relations with women? It sucks when they leave you eventually but most relationships end so it's not unexpected.

Not sure if I'd be considered a fakecel if I keep platonic relationships? What do you guys think?

IDK, is it ok for you to do work for free?

Yes, but if you think that's a good option you are an idiot
Why would you bother with foid friends? Foids are worthless

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