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SuicideFuel Is it just me, or is simply everything suicidefuel?



Ugly male
Sep 1, 2018
Going outside is suicidefuel, but so is staying inside.
I feel like every single thing in life is suicidefuel when you are an incel,
I cant even watch a movie or a youtube video without getting mogged.
I wish there was a place were there were no chad, we are lucky to have this website but its filled with soyboy cucks and chad larpers who make fun of us.
Does anyone have a single posetive cope?
I wish there was a place were there were no chad, we are lucky to have this website but its filled with soyboy cucks and chad larpers who make fun of us.
The idea that Chads visit this website is cope. Sure, we've had some Chadlites or some BDD motherfuckers, but a real Chad is too busy socializing with friends or having fun with girls. An overwhelming majority of Chads (Or just anyone for that matter) don't even know incels exist. If you're on this website, I don't care who you are, you're obviously not attractive.
drugs. most cucks and larpers get banned pretty fast.
Using advance hacks on multiplayer games like dota, europa universalis 4 , Knight Online .

Every game Every time , Every Genre I am always be cancer of people.
Using advance hacks on multiplayer games like dota, europa universalis 4 , Knight Online .

Every game Every time , Every Genre I am always be cancer of people.

:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: I have actually tried this myself, great cope.
There aren't any good copes tbh, you can't stop sui thoughts only supress them and forget, life is a suffering so pick hobbies you like to keep your mind off rope or worst. Unless you want to be a fakecel and put all your energy and effort to ''ascent'' to another tier.
Only and biggest suifuel is my fucking face.
The idea that Chads visit this website is cope. Sure, we've had some Chadlites or some BDD motherfuckers, but a real Chad is too busy socializing with friends or having fun with girls. An overwhelming majority of Chads (Or just anyone for that matter) don't even know incels exist. If you're on this website, I don't care who you are, you're obviously not attractive.

I agree, but there are so many here that think of themselves as "incel" when they are probably about average in looks.
Us truecels cannot get laid no matter what we do.
I agree, but there are so many here that think of themselves as "incel" when they are probably about average in looks.
Us truecels cannot get laid no matter what we do.
Cope til ya rope, I guess
:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: I have actually tried this myself, great cope.

Than hi my fellow cancer comrade. Did you read Game hacking from Nick Cano ? For me that was a good cope too.
I use drugs as a cope I guess it’s not really a positive cope but it’s the best one I’ve found thus far as far as movies and YouTube videos I have to be careful what I watch as I can’t stand to see romantic scenes so I’m limited to documentary’s mostly.
I use drugs as a cope I guess it’s not really a positive cope but it’s the best one I’ve found thus far as far as movies and YouTube videos I have to be careful what I watch as I can’t stand to see romantic scenes so I’m limited to documentary’s mostly.

Documentarys is a great cope tbh, I like to watch documantarys about people who just snapped. Most of them were like us :feelsbadman:
Face >>> everything
Nope, if you are manlet tier guy , it's not the most important , unless you talk about a 9/10 face but even then they will make jokes about your height , being short is a curse bro.
Nope, if you are manlet tier guy , it's not the most important , unless you talk about a 9/10 face but even then they will make jokes about your height , being short is a curse bro.

Too some extent, but I know several manlets who are better of than me.
I know what you mean I want to watch Asterix and Obelix vs. Ceasar for nostalgia but I know Obelix has a crush on this insanely hot girl and I know how tormenting it will be to watch her beauty tease me.
also, i have to ask because you joined today, are you the person from this post? https://incels.is/threads/lmfao-she-will-hunt-us.71419/page-2#post-1335631:what::feelswhere::feelshehe::feelshmm:

Me? Not at all, I wish.
I know what you mean I want to watch Asterix and Obelix vs. Ceasar for nostalgia but I know Obelix has a crush on this insanely hot girl and I know how tormenting it will be to watch her beauty tease me.

Asterix is a manlet and obelix is bloatmaxxed :lul:
Going outside is suicidefuel, but so is staying inside.
I feel like every single thing in life is suicidefuel when you are an incel,
I cant even watch a movie or a youtube video without getting mogged.
I wish there was a place were there were no chad, we are lucky to have this website but its filled with soyboy cucks and chad larpers who make fun of us.
Does anyone have a single posetive cope?
Lifting is more of a goal for me , but you could call it a cope. There's also armycelling , career-celling (if you have any talents) , computercelling (with shit like linux , but i'm a dumbass and use Lubuntu) , anime and videogames get boring after a while. [fug , forgot philosophycelling , Max Stirner's Anarcho-Egoism is GOAT]
drugs. most cucks and larpers get banned pretty fast.
degenerayt , drugs are bad m'kay?

Using advance hacks on multiplayer games like dota, europa universalis 4 , Knight Online .

Every game Every time , Every Genre I am always be cancer of people.
are you one of those griefing niggers? Cool i've always thought of doing that
Documentarys is a great cope tbh, I like to watch documantarys about people who just snapped. Most of them were like us :feelsbadman:
Too some extent, but I know several manlets who are better of than me.
True , a manlet from my class mogged the shit out of me , he has a gf and a nice car , height-thing is based on country honestly
Honestly eating healthy, doing schoolwork, and shitposting on here is the only copes I have. I don't even watch youtube anymore because I get mugged into oblivion.
Lifting is more of a goal for me , but you could call it a cope. There's also armycelling , career-celling (if you have any talents) , computercelling (with shit like linux , but i'm a dumbass and use Lubuntu) , anime and videogames get boring after a while. [fug , forgot philosophycelling , Max Stirner's Anarcho-Egoism is GOAT]

degenerayt , drugs are bad m'kay?

are you one of those griefing niggers? Cool i've always thought of doing that


True , a manlet from my class mogged the shit out of me , he has a gf and a nice car , height-thing is based on country honestly
View attachment 38833

Fuck if that isnt the most brutal picture ever
Lifting is more of a goal for me , but you could call it a cope. There's also armycelling , career-celling (if you have any talents) , computercelling (with shit like linux , but i'm a dumbass and use Lubuntu) , anime and videogames get boring after a while. [fug , forgot philosophycelling , Max Stirner's Anarcho-Egoism is GOAT]
Honestly eating healthy, doing schoolwork, and shitposting on here is the only copes I have. I don't even watch youtube anymore because I get mugged into oblivion.

It sucks when you realize 80% of every single successful person is good-looking, actually the % might be even higher.
be happy if you can lift and have good gains its a nice cope. Tfw starting too early, getting shoulder and lower back pain, full effort but no progress=true subhuman
Here is some cope for you. Maybe one day with enough money you can betabux.


  • 17200873_10211287952411205_5233810409392229756_n.jpg
    112.3 KB · Views: 75
Fuck if that isnt the most brutal picture ever
Yep , you can't outlift bad height , that's why you lift for strength not aesthetics , there's always a guy taller and more handsome so you gotta disfigure him to set the bar lower. :redpill: (fug i wish we had hijak emoticons , mods please get them)

It sucks when you realize 80% of every single successful person is good-looking, actually the % might be even higher.
Jews are ugly ass hell , nepotism works too but you gotta have the right (((connections)))
be happy if you can lift and have good gains its a nice cope. Tfw starting too early, getting shoulder and lower back pain, full effort but no progress=true subhuman
trigger point therapy , don't know why i'm telling you this
Here is some cope for you. Maybe one day with enough money you can betabux.
Why is he squinting like an asian? nani the fuck
are you one of those griefing niggers? Cool i've always thought of doing that

İf you only thought but never did it or need it than you have not a bad faith player soul.

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