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Is incel community dying?

Ropeless Incel

Ropeless Incel

Aug 27, 2020
I miss the 2018s boom
there's no content anymore, like everything was already said...
there's no other places other than this forum, we are just more and more lonely as years pass by.
Are you brazilian?
The what community?
We're all dying.
Wtf did you expect? :feelshehe:

All the truecels are killing themselfes over time, fakecels are moving on :feelsokman:

Next generation will be able to turn gay cuz it will be/is normal for them :feelshaha:

Communitys like this are doomed from the beginning :feelsjuice:

Inceldom will slowly die out :hax:
When some guy goes ER again and the incel movement receives massive media attention we'll have another boom
bettER get started
all that had to been said has been said.i mean there is some other stuff we could speak about,but the more important points have been talked about.now it's more about the community then creating content or arguing on random topics.
que parte do br tu é? só queria ter um amigo incel na rl

Tu não conhece nenhum virjão na RL? Não é como se fosse algo difícil de achar
Wtf did you expect? :feelshehe:

All the truecels are killing themselfes over time, fakecels are moving on :feelsokman:

Next generation will be able to turn gay cuz it will be/is normal for them :feelshaha:

Communitys like this are doomed from the beginning :feelsjuice:

Inceldom will slowly die out :hax:
we are the last guardians of virginity.
Well there is nothing left to discover on the blackpill for example everything has already been explored and many incels end their lives being an incel is gonna be the norm in a few years make my word.
Inceldom can be changed but the blackpill can not.
Well there is nothing left to discover on the blackpill for example everything has already been explored and many incels end their lives being an incel is gonna be the norm in a few years make my word.
I'd never rope over used roast flap's validation. Escortceling is better than being cucked by a landwhale like most normies.

Tu não conhece nenhum virjão na RL? Não é como se fosse algo difícil de achar
Eu sou do RJ, tenho dois amigos só.
um 6/10 manlet tbm que vez ou outra tá comendo alguma do tinder (não sei como ele consegue) e o outro é um semi virjão, mas é bem mais desenrolado que eu, eu sou BV ainda kk
I miss the 2018s boom
there's no content anymore, like everything was already said...
there's no other places other than this forum, we are just more and more lonely as years pass by.
Let's be honest, Reddit's algorithm was fucking great, and the much despised karma system rewarded artcels. Both /r9k/ and /r/braincels had lots of memes and visual gags. This website has no humour, which is why everyone went to discord, but discord is frankly shit as well. We need our own imageboard or something
No, but the problem is that there's a lot of Fakecels that think they're Incels.
Wtf did you expect? :feelshehe:

All the truecels are killing themselfes over time, fakecels are moving on :feelsokman:

Next generation will be able to turn gay cuz it will be/is normal for them :feelshaha:

Communitys like this are doomed from the beginning :feelsjuice:

Inceldom will slowly die out :hax:
As long as short woman and autistic woman continue to breed, Inceldom will never cease to exist and the cycle of misery will continue
I miss the 2018s boom
there's no content anymore, like everything was already said...
there's no other places other than this forum, we are just more and more lonely as years pass by.
Mainstream social media is banning blackpill speech. This is a must watch

View: https://youtu.be/OU6CuSMzNus

So less people are getting into it, plus lookmaxxing is a must. I've seen tiktok videos of 6'0 ft men saying that they will use lifting shoes to be 6'4 or ad spaces in videos (diferent from ads put y youtube) promoting hair grow treatments.
Let's be honest, Reddit's algorithm was fucking great, and the much despised karma system rewarded artcels. Both /r9k/ and /r/braincels had lots of memes and visual gags. This website has no humour, which is why everyone went to discord, but discord is frankly shit as well. We need our own imageboard or something
Yeah. The forum format is not for newcomers. Facebook must be the new Reddit. Is more free than Reddit and more open to debate.
Mainstream social media is banning blackpill speech. This is a must watch

View: https://youtu.be/OU6CuSMzNus

So less people are getting into it, plus lookmaxxing is a must. I've seen tiktok videos of 6'0 ft men saying that they will use lifting shoes to be 6'4 or ad spaces in videos (diferent from ads put y youtube) promoting hair grow treatments.

Wtf did you expect? :feelshehe:

All the truecels are killing themselfes over time, fakecels are moving on :feelsokman:

Next generation will be able to turn gay cuz it will be/is normal for them :feelshaha:

Communitys like this are doomed from the beginning :feelsjuice:

Inceldom will slowly die out :hax:
It's just harder to make memes with a forum format like this. r/incels, braincels, and shortcels were all more effective at essentially spreading our propaganda. You go there see a funny meme and leave with our message. We had a memes section but it was rarely used. We would need to reinvigorate that first. However, this site's nature causes many to be hesitant to join
It's like the emos all over again, when one of the cores of a community is feeling shitty and being dead inside, it doesn't take that much until they start to off themselves...
If you come here to be entertained, you're doing it wrong. It also probably means you're fakecel or just not incel. If you were, you wouldn't see the forum as a place of entertainment content. Getting entertained from some comedic post or thread is entirely tertiary and is not the point of this place. First and foremost, we're here to talk about our inceldom and the black pill. We're not here to jestermaxx for you and give you new meme content, you fucking faggot.

the incel movement
Hey bros, we're a movement. We're a political movement of uglies, virgins, and ugly virgins venting and shit posting on the internet.

We're not a movement, greynigger. Inceldom is not a movement. You being ugly and unable to get laid doesn't make you part of some movement. JFL. That's precisely what the Jewstream media calls us to paint us like we're some collective of white nationalist supremacists in order to vilify us.
After all social media sites banned us it was over. The community is going to slowly dwindle down for the next few years. However, the incel idea is definitely not dying. More and more people are waking up to the realities of sex and gender every day. I had a conversation with an irl normie friend a week or two ago where we talked about gynocentricity, and while just a few years ago this would have been extremely taboo and involved a lot of convincing, to my suprise he basically 100% agreed with me and even brought up some of our talking points (such as how ~45% of men haven't had sex in the past year but for women it's only ~15%)

The thing about subcultures such as ours is that it's never sustainable. For the vast majority of people that full redpill will never be something that they can bring themselves to accept. However, if you can redirect the conversation of normies to be about the topics that we discuss here instead of ignoring them as they did in the past, then you can fundamentally change the way society treats a topic.

Inceldom probably peaked around 2018 before glowniggers perma-banned us off the internet but our ideas live on, and even if they're half appropriated by normies it's still good. I notice a lot more people on normie apps like Instagram or TikTok care about religion/marriage (the cure for inceldom for 1000s of years) than in the past, and actively shame sluts and sex-havers in the comments lel, so maybe that will save some people from this shitty lifestyle
its more that in 2018 there were more mayocels LARPing as edgelords, but obviously no one white stays incel for long so they leave this place naturally-- either because they score, or they realize that ethnics are doomed, and their entire alt-right worldview is incorrect and they become soypilled redditors.
It'll never die
Nothing to talk about, just rotting. :fuk:
Foids will continue to make new incels with their behaviour, the ILGBT community will never die


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    Tokimeki Memorial - Densetsu no Ki no Shita de (Japan) (Rev 1)_00001.png
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It's just harder to make memes with a forum format like this. r/incels, braincels, and shortcels were all more effective at essentially spreading our propaganda. You go there see a funny meme and leave with our message. We had a memes section but it was rarely used. We would need to reinvigorate that first. However, this site's nature causes many to be hesitant to join
Facebook is a good format for it.
Yeah. The forum format is not for newcomers. Facebook must be the new Reddit. Is more free than Reddit and more open to debate.
Are there incel spaces on facbook? I don't want to be tracked by Zuckerburg
This is why I browse the Slavic internet using google translate now. It's much better.
What websites do you use? Any incel spaces there?
its more that in 2018 there were more mayocels LARPing as edgelords, but obviously no one white stays incel for long so they leave this place naturally-- either because they score, or they realize that ethnics are doomed, and their entire alt-right worldview is incorrect and they become soypilled redditors.
I don't miss edgelords
Nothing to talk about, just rotting. :fuk:
We could discuss what porn we watched
I came to the point I don't know what to say anymore, I'm so damn tired of everything about real life, I went back to coping with hardver and Vidya and barely spend time here. I have nothing else.
Communitys like this are doomed from the beginning :feelsjuice:

Inceldom will slowly die out :hax:
Nah, if trannies and faggots can thrive into the future I don't see why inkwells can't.

The biggest thing killing the incel community is FAGMAN censorship. The moment you say something critical of women or dating, you will get shadow banned. If you want to keep the blackpill alive we have to circumvent fagman. :feelsthink:
WTF is the “2018s” 2018 is a singular year not plural :feelsUgh:
I think blackpill is getting more and more normalized as men overall understand how its mostly about looks. Even red pillers have started to drop black pills.
I know your nigga phony, hit me if you horny
This rap shit is fugazi, I just do it for my homie
Early in the morning, Through the town I'm roaming
Take your swig ride and all my niggas they be on it


when it’s all said and done I did it for my hometown!

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