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It's Over Is having sex even worth trying anymore??



Aug 4, 2024
Escortmaxxing is gross, and if you want to be a normie with a successful social and romantic life in order to have sex with girls, well you don't. You're an incel, and you're everything an incel can define. One of them is that there was a shit load of milestones you needed to experience through your youth in order to grow up knowing it all about life. And guess what ?You've missed out on all of them. Which means you cannot talk to girls simultaneously like this, you can not date intuitively and so logically you can not get any foid to want sex with you. Truth is that you're a fucked up, broken, and inexperienced man-child, and even ugly maybe. Considering the unrealistic high expectations of every foids as well as the fact that you're completely off-competition, do not even try. Do not even attempt anything except if you're still not convinced that you're black-pilled. You can not dig yourself even deeper than where you are. Technically you hit the rock bottom, but making any attempt of ascension when you've been proven all your life how worthless and despicable you are to society will just drain you energy, at least what's left. So give it all up. I know I said in another thread that I could fuck any whore, but now that I think about it, if I were you I wouldn't even want to do this. I would just keep rotting my whole life and end up dying labelling myself: the wasted life of a man who has had absolutely 0 experience.
Depends what effort you put down for it. Appealing to some bitch just to maybe get laid? Fucking hell no. Not in a million times. You checklist 1000 things and then still, someone else might be better, hit better criteria of a foid or is just more lucky and mehh.
With escort and if its cheap then yes.
Using escorts to learn sex is like trying to wear a prosthetic arm on your missing arm. The prosthetics get better and better but there's a ceiling, and foids want you to be above that ceiling which your doctors (hookers) cannot help you with. It's over.
it is if you care
My care is going down actually.
You cannot have sex if you haven't learned to socialize your whole life. It's like as if you tried to jump every step you had to reach before getting there. As if you wanted to immediately eat a fruit but having forgotten to plant the seed, water it several times, wait for it to grow and then harvest it first.
Using escorts to learn sex is like trying to wear a prosthetic arm on your missing arm. The prosthetics get better and better but there's a ceiling, and foids want you to be above that ceiling which your doctors (hookers) cannot help you with. It's over.
Great comparison
They're usually not very attractive as the most attractive ones are expensive and they're usually high risk for STD's to come up. It's not something I would want to do regularly.
They're usually not very attractive as the most attractive ones are expensive and they're usually high risk for STD's to come up. It's not something I would want to do regularly.
Use a condome. Its a risk worth taking. There are some cheap ones but idk where you life and dont want to know it.
Cheaper than sponsoring multiple meals to women and then getting told "oh its not a fit between us"
And i dont think any of us can just pick someone up at a bar or nightclub like a chad.
Depends what effort you put down for it. Appealing to some bitch just to maybe get laid? Fucking hell no. Not in a million times. You checklist 1000 things and then still, someone else might be better, hit better criteria of a foid or is just more lucky and mehh.
With escort and if its cheap then yes.
Our SMV is so inexistent whores are our only hopes.
Cheaper than sponsoring multiple meals to women and then getting told "oh its not a fit between us"
And i dont think any of us can just pick someone up at a bar or nightclub like a chad
That is based :yes: I also agree that it's a risk worth taking. But I'm in a point where I'm asking myself do I even want to ever experience it?
We missed way too many milestones to ever recover.
No. It really isn't we will get sex robots soon so it won't matter if you can get a foid pussy. The amount if effort us subhumans have to put in for zero results isn't fucking worth it when everyone looks better than us.
Yep. Certain things need to happen at the correct times, or it will never be right. Many fail to understand this
Once I learned this, I stopped getting baited by social media telling me that I'm not behind in life I'm just moving at my own rythm just like everyone else and I'm perfectly in time. That is untrue, in reality I @NeverEvenBegan. The moment you felt that something went wrong in your life, it actually did go wrong. I've been rejected and bullied during my whole scholar life. When I was about to enter highschool, my mom gaslit me once more telling me that I was gonna have a wonderful youth and lots of friends and it wouldn't be the same as what I previously lived at all. Actually, I spent my whole 3 years the same way as the previous ones but even lonelier as my only friend (normie) wasn't even there. I was expecting to make friends, hang out, be invited to parties, meet girls, but all of that once again only happened in the fruit of my imagination. All I ever did IRL was rot alone in my room stimming, going crazy running around with all these exciting fake scenarios going on in my head or playing videogames.
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Once I learned this, I stopped getting baited by social media telling me that I'm not behind in life I'm just moving at my own rythm just like everyone else and I'm perfectly in time. That is untrue, in reality I @NeverEvenBegan. The moment you felt that something went wrong in your life, it actually did go wrong. I've been rejected and bullied during my whole scholar life. When I was about to enter highschool, my mom gaslit me once more telling me that I was gonna have a wonderful youth and lots of friends and it wouldn't be the same as what I previously lived at all. Actually, I spent my whole 3 years the same way as the previous ones but even lonelier as my only friend (normie) wasn't even there. I was expecting to make friends, hang out, be invited to parties, meet girls, but all of that once again only happened in the fruit of my imagination. All I ever did IRL was rot alone in my room stimming, going crazy running around with all these exciting fake scenarios going on in my head or playing videogames.
Yep. This is how it is. When you feel like you are behind and your needs are not met that's because you ARE behind and your needs AREN'T being met. Too many people fail to realize this. How old are you BTW? I'm 19. Shit hasn't gotten better. In fact, things got worse because my father passed away, and he was my best friend in life. We always did car stuff together and had a cabin we maintained together. Now I don't even have him on top of no gf, no sex, and barely any friends
No, it's not worth it unless it's with a teen girl or a virgin girl under 20.

Imagine being like me, a mid-30s incel that's a "bottom 2% dicklet" then having sex with a slut who rode big cocks, or a washed up slut roastie as my first sex partner? That's a humiliation.

At this point, even if I had sex, I know that I couldn't enjoy it because of my borderline micropenis. I just want to see what it's like once with a teen girl. If I don't have at least a 5" then it's ovER for me. Mine is 3.8" so I am might be a eunuch even if I got a girlfriend.

And me paying a girl? That would be a humiliation to begin with (unless she's a teen or a virgin). Add in my borderline micropenis then I would be paying for a humiliation. And for what? To stick my condom-wrapped dick in a dirty slut where she gets easy money and a better life then she'll eventually "settle down" with a betabuxx simp loser Cuck. No, I'd never do that. It's not worth it...

I'd rather just have money for alcohol or tasty burgers then eventually rope. I'd rather die an incel than a humiliated escortcel or a Cuck.

Sex typically isn't worth it anymore, especially if you get past age 22+.
Atleast you're not a curry that even escorts reject
Yep. This is how it is. When you feel like you are behind and your needs are not met that's because you ARE behind and your needs AREN'T being met. Too many people fail to realize this. How old are you BTW? I'm 19. Shit hasn't gotten better. In fact, things got worse because my father passed away, and he was my best friend in life. We always did car stuff together and had a cabin we maintained together. Now I don't even have him on top of no gf, no sex, and barely any friends
Yeah I'm 19 too and I heard earlier that your father passed away and you used to do car stuff together on a muscle car (Dodge) more precisly, I'm extremely sorry for this I can't even imagine how bad it hurts. I think remaining members of the family is really one of the only things we're all holding onto as incels. So when these unique things go away, it's very likely to hurt even more. I do not know how your relationship goes with your mother but if it hasn't been going pretty bad, I'd recommend you to get closer to her, it surely will not replace what you had with your father but sharing memories should help a little bit. I hope you're Ok
Yeah I'm 19 too and I heard earlier that your father passed away and you used to do car stuff together on a muscle car (Dodge) more precisly, I'm extremely sorry for this I can't even imagine how bad it hurts. I think remaining members of the family is really one of the only things we're all holding onto as incels. So when these unique things go away, it's very likely to hurt even more. I do not know how your relationship goes with your mother but if it hasn't been going pretty bad, I'd recommend you to get closer to her, it surely will not replace what you had with your father but sharing memories should help a little bit. I hope you're Ok
Otherwise you can also share about it in my DM's whenever you're free to
Yeah I'm 19 too and I heard earlier that your father passed away and you used to do car stuff together on a muscle car (Dodge) more precisly, I'm extremely sorry for this I can't even imagine how bad it hurts.
Thanks. It was rough as hell losing him so early. Car is a Chevy Camaro though, not a Dodge.
I think remaining members of the family is really one of the only things we're all holding onto as incels. So when these unique things go away, it's very likely to hurt even more. I do not know how your relationship goes with your mother but if it hasn't been going pretty bad, I'd recommend you to get closer to her, it surely will not replace what you had with your father but sharing memories should help a little bit. I hope you're Ok
Yeah, family relationships are about all we have as incels. I am close with my mother as well, which is good. I also do my best to stay somewhat close with the only other family members nearby, my grandpa and uncle
in reality I @

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