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Is anyone else a "gawker"?



Nov 15, 2017
I have (and always had, ever since puberty) a tendency to stare at girls and young women, especially if they're 5+ on the looks scale. I do restrain myself, never looking more than a second or two, because otherwise I would stare at them for minutes and listen like a creep to their conversations.

I have observed that it is an uncommon trait in males. Is it linked to inceldom?
used to, looked like a creep, got called out a few times, now i dont.
Yes I do this all the time. I continue to stare even if they notice. I've stopped giving a shit for so liong, now I just try to intimidate them if they catch me.
It’s called being “thirsty” fuck femoids why feed their ego by staring?
I don't think it's an uncommon trait in guys unless they're gay.

The problem is I have trained myself to avoid looking at any girl so I don't feel depressed over my inceldom.

No girl who caught me looking at them ever seemed like they appreciated it..... in fact they all seemed annoyed or neutral.....and one seemed visibly angry that I remember recently.

Not sure if I'm too socially retarded to know what an IOI is or what's going on.

The next time I feel confident about my self I'm going to look at girls until they look back then smile at them when they do, their is no way I can misinterpret their response to that.
used to, looked like a creep, got called out a few times, now i dont.
Broscience evopsy hypothesis (just for lulz): in our evolutionary past, a way for ugly males to pass on their genes was rape, which involved a lot of staring and listening beforehand to assume the "way was clear" for rape.

Women have since retained this primal fear of rapers, which they describe as being "creeped out".
Broscience evopsy hypothesis (just for lulz): in our evolutionary past, a way for ugly males to pass on their genes was rape, which involved a lot of staring and listening beforehand to assume the "way was clear" for rape.

Women have since retained this primal fear of rapers, which they describe as being "creeped out".

tbh i still do when im not staring. i looked to the side once and i werent looking at the girl but the girl in that hallway said "OH MY GOD" like she was repulsed.
Kinda yes. I generally look at everyone, their looks tell a lot about their healthy and lifestyle.
I don't think it's an uncommon trait in guys unless they're gay.
It is actually quite uncommon, from what I've observed. Not more than a few minutes ago, I saw a group of four teenage boys (14 or 15 yo) crossing path with a group of four girls their age, quite pretty. The boys didn't even register them, it's as if nothing happened.

No girl who caught me looking at them ever seemed like they appreciated it..... in fact they all seemed annoyed or neutral.....and one seemed visibly angry that I remember recently.

Not sure if I'm too socially retarded to know what an IOI is or what's going on.
Yeah, they usually don't like it or don't understand why you look at them. You're not socially retarded.
theres nothing better
I have (and always had, ever since puberty) a tendency to stare at girls and young women, especially if they're 5+ on the looks scale. I do restrain myself, never looking more than a second or two, because otherwise I would stare at them for minutes and listen like a creep to their conversations.

I have observed that it is an uncommon trait in males. Is it linked to inceldom?
I’m classified as this, but for entirely different reasons. Whenever I’m in deep thought, I blankly stare at anything in front of me. I don’t even realize I’m staring at a female’s face until I come to. I’ve received many awkward looks, but I can’t help it.
Yes but I try to hide it.
I have (and always had, ever since puberty) a tendency to stare at girls and young women, especially if they're 5+ on the looks scale. I do restrain myself, never looking more than a second or two, because otherwise I would stare at them for minutes and listen like a creep to their conversations.

I have observed that it is an uncommon trait in males. Is it linked to inceldom?

gawker checking in. I make girls feel uncomfortable.
Yes. I find myself staring most at the girls who I can’t decide are attractive or not. It’s weird...like I’m trying to determine if they are.
yup its natural to stare at what you covet
I stare at pretty boys with extreme envy, but i'm good at hiding it....or at least I think I'm good at hiding it.
I look at the ground and I can feel people staring at me
It’s called being “thirsty” fuck femoids why feed their ego by staring?
It doesnt matter their egos will always be fed. We need to either collectively e.r. or rope.
I used to before I got blackpilled and started avoiding femoids like the plague.
one time i got call out mid class by a guy cause i was staring at him too much

im aspie sometimes
. I do restrain myself, never looking more than a second or two

I have observed that it is an uncommon trait in males. Is it linked to inceldom?
If I didn't do this, I'd be in jail. Also I think gawking is normal, I've seen plenty of normies do it.
I stared at all people but I kicked the habit.
I do but feel awkward if the femoid catches me staring.
Guys gawk at femoids, femoids gawk at chads, fags gawk at guys. It's a circle.
No, but people think I do. A girl said I look like a pedophile back when I had a small beaner stache.
Guys gawk at femoids, femoids gawk at chads, fags gawk at guys. It's a circle.
This is not a circle
Not a circle
used to, looked like a creep, got called out a few times, now i dont.
What a wuss.
I stare at women's asses all the fucking time and I don't even try to hide it. If they call me out on it (Never happened before even though I have been doing this for years now), tough luck, I don't fucking give a shit.
Not staring won't help me get laid anyways so I might as well enjoy the views.
I don't leave the house so have no opportunity to do this.
It’s called being “thirsty” fuck femoids why feed their ego by staring?
Because it only feeds their ego if you're good looking. If you're ugly it makes them feel uncomfortable.
What a wuss.
I stare at women's asses all the fucking time and I don't even try to hide it. If they call me out on it (Never happened before even though I have been doing this for years now), tough luck, I don't fucking give a shit.
Not staring won't help me get laid anyways so I might as well enjoy the views.

well i actually care about my dignity, plus im on nofap. staring as hot asses for too long is pretty much a lesser effect of watching porn, it gives you great dopamine rushes stimulated by sexual stimuluses.
I'm really happy you started coming back to the forum. (not sure if that's a good thing lol)

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