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Serious Irish are legitimately subhuman.



Nov 7, 2017
Forget about not considering them white, I wouldn't consider them human.
They are on the same level as aboriginals.
These cucks fought for years to gain independence from Britain, and when they finally got it what did they do? They went full cuck.


>despise the fact that you where ruled by Englishman.
>let Jews, blacks, and Arabs control you instead.

Their police don't even have guns, wtf are they protesting about.
most diaspora Celts are not like this at all. that's why White Afghanistan is still largely white. the Celts kicked out the decent ones. I can't feel sorry for my relatives across the pond, they had a chance and fucked it up. like, multiple times.
I’m of Irish descent. :feelsrope:
It's over for Irishcels

Jacobites all got thrown out after the rebellion.

Ulster Scotland, though, is different story. last xenophobic part of the Isles left.
It's over for Irishcels


unless you're a diaspora American Celt. we're pretty fucking xenophobic and plan to stay that way.
Irish countersignaling though is eternal Anglo behavior and must be erased. besides, Britain is just as bad.
unless you're a diaspora American Celt. we're pretty fucking xenophobic and plan to stay that way.
Irish countersignaling though is eternal Anglo behavior and must be erased. besides, Britain is just as bad.
It's not over for American xenophobic Celticels :panties:
most diaspora Celts are not like this at all. that's why White Afghanistan is still largely white. the Celts kicked out the decent ones. I can't feel sorry for my relatives across the pond, they had a chance and fucked it up. like, multiple times.
What is White Afghanistan? I thought Afghans are mostly brown.
we're more powerful here than in our homelands, btw. lower Rust Belt, southern Ohio northern W. Va, Kentucky area
"What is an Irishman, but a nigger turned inside out"

Where do you think the term potato IQ came from. The eire look white, but aren't 100 IQ average people, they are more like 90-95.
most Irish politicians in the US are blowhards (and that's a compliment) because a) most Presidents who wanted the federal reverse destroyed were of Irish descent b) most attacked by jews were Irish Presidents and c) Nixon was Scotch-Irish and the closest America got to true Fascism from both an economic and social scale.
"What is an Irishman, but a nigger turned inside out"

Where do you think the term potato IQ came from. The eire look white, but aren't 100 IQ average people, they are more like 90-95.

countersignaling retards is urbanite soy behavior.

here's a :soy: for you
Then Ireland should be somebody's subject (most likely muslims)
Tfw i have strong irish roots :feelsrope:
actually Green Bean, the IRA and PLO saw themselves as allies. not far off, we just have to bring back pre-enlightenment Catholicism but it will take diasporas to make that happen. we're probably not allowed to go back because most of the good ones got kicked out/exiled here.
cucked because of brit invasion.

Go on home british soldiers!
Whenever I thought of Ireland, I always thought of a traditional Catholic country. Too bad how Ireland has changed.
My ancestors are Irish :feelsbadman: :feelsrope:
JFL if you don't think the rest of Western Europe is like this.
Ireland was supposed to be a based paradise full of redheads and beer for me... and now it's a jew town. :feelscry::feelscry:
Irish lack power, aspies lack power, I lack power. Last year, my roommates continually made fun of me for being Irish. They called me subhuman, nonwhite, etc and pointed out our history. No one even cares about the potato famine or Irish immigration yet Tyrones use slavery as an excuse to bully me and call me racist when I act out. It's over for Irishcels.
At least they have irish cream.
they're the most americanized country on earth
That's why the war in the north of ireland has to start again
Micks are cucked
id bet most whitecels are of partial or full irish decent, i myself am partially irish.
Its because the big tech companies (google, microsoft, intel, etc) have their european headquarters in Dublin
They have infected Ireland with their soy ideology
Britain colonized that small island thoroughly and completely. No part of Ireland is untouched by British influence. They are Brits adjacent in almost every way.
Britain colonized that small island thoroughly and completely. No part of Ireland is untouched by British influence. They are Brits adjacent in almost every way.

except northern Spain. my father's lineage is from there and Wales.
Irish lack power, aspies lack power, I lack power. Last year, my roommates continually made fun of me for being Irish. They called me subhuman, nonwhite, etc and pointed out our history. No one even cares about the potato famine or Irish immigration yet Tyrones use slavery as an excuse to bully me and call me racist when I act out. It's over for Irishcels.

have them come down to the Appalachians. full of Micks down there.

spoiler alert:
they will likely disappear and never come back
Its because the big tech companies (google, microsoft, intel, etc) have their european headquarters in Dublin
They have infected Ireland with their soy ideology

they need to get out. Big Tech go bye bye always on drm
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most diaspora Celts are not like this at all. that's why White Afghanistan is still largely white. the Celts kicked out the decent ones. I can't feel sorry for my relatives across the pond, they had a chance and fucked it up. like, multiple times.
White Afghanistan? You mean Appalachia or something?
I'm fully Irish, and I'm corpse pale compared to the rest of England where I live. Ireland is less cucked than UK though.

where are u bro :(
We've never seen the real Europe, the Europe of our ancestors. By the time we were born everything had already fallen apart.
Fuck the taigs
Normalfag posers doing the metal horns hand signal is infuriating.

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