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NSFW Iraqi father tortures his fag son

Transcended Trucel

Transcended Trucel

Peace & Dharma ; Vishwaguru India!
Feb 16, 2019
video is trending on Twitter btw, thoughts?

Very brutal imo, this is what happens when on takes a gamble to have kids. Many people end up having a mentally ill child and go insane.

Father claims child is bosexual who was caught fucking other boys. Not certain if that is true but that is what the father claims as he tortures his son below. @Arabcels thoughts?

View: https://twitter.com/basra_fem/status/1440995033671421953?s=21
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Iraq is gay as fuck because of extreme conservatism schools are gender segregated and marriage is the only way of sex and most of the time u marry at 26. Imagine spending 26 years with no pussy. Atleast in west there’s hookers.

And your not guaranteed pussy at 26 if u don’t have good job. There are literal incels in Islamic countries who can’t even marry
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Iraq is gay as fuck because of extreme conservatism schools are gender segregated and marriage is the only way of sex and most of the time u marry at 26. Imagine spending 26 years with no pussy. Atleast in west there’s hookers
"no Islam is based bro, just islammaxx bro" :feels::feels::feels:
Iraq is gay as fuck because of extreme conservatism schools are gender segregated and marriage is the only way of sex and most of the time u marry at 26. Imagine spending 26 years with no pussy. Atleast in west there’s hookers
Some Shias run prostitution rings there apparently. But yeah average Arab is sexually repressed to a large degree.
"no Islam is based bro, just islammaxx bro" :feels::feels::feels:
Pussy at 26-32 via arranged marriage is still better than never probably
@Made in Heaven do any of Iraqi relatives know about stuff like this happening? In curryland I could see this happening in some areas tbh
Faggot or not, that's a fucked up thing to do to your own child. The kid looks preteen.
What’s was he doing to the kid in the video? I was watching with my sound all the way down since my mom is around.
Faggot or not, that's a fucked up thing to do to your own child. The kid looks preteen.
True, I think the father is probably mentally ill and maybe schizo/delusional, kid looks too young to be gay.
What’s was he doing to the kid in the video? I was watching with my sound all the way down since my mom is around.
The father claims his son is a fag who has had sex with other boys and then tortures the kid. Electrocution/chains/whipping. Though it is totally possible that the father is mentally ill tbh as the kid looks too young to be a fag and even if he was, this is probably not going to fix the faggotry.
Pussy at 26-32 via arranged marriage is still better than never probably
I would say Islam would be more based if premarital sex was forbidden only for foids since men have higher sex drives. Spending your life wageslaving to get a foid in your 30s is cucked af.
I wish all countries in the world made it legal to beat then kill gays and trannies :feelsaww:
They should at the very least ban fag parades and public displays of affection.
I would say Islam would be more based if premarital sex was forbidden only for foids since men have higher sex drives. Spending your life wageslaving to get a foid in your 30s is cucked af.
I disagree, they should just make the marriage happen around 20-22 instead of 26-32. This would be an easy non degenerate fix.
@Diocel @Black Soul @gymletethnicel @incelerated does this type of stuff happened in Arab countries besides Iraq that you know of?
I disagree, they should just make the marriage happen around 20-22 instead of 26-32. This would be an easy non degenerate fix.
How are you going to do that? Most guys at 20-22 don't have the financial means for it. And in order to propose to a foid you gotta have your shit together because you gonna meet her parents and their insane standards, and all of that only if you meet a foid that you're ready to spend the rest of your life with, you think you're ready to make such decisions at 20-22? :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
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How are you going to do that? Most guys at 20-22 don't have the financial means for it. And in order to propose to a foid you gotta have your shit together because you gonna meet her parents and their insane standards, and all of that only if you meet a foid that you're ready to spend the rest of your life with, you think you're ready to make such decisions at 20-22 :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
Your right, imo government should force parents to select a groom to the government themselves will assign one. Best solution to force their hand.
I’m not fan of torture they should be killed with bullet or we should send these sick fucks to an island make faggot island and tranny island
I’m not fan of torture they should be killed with bullet or we should send these sick fucks to an island make faggot island and tranny island
Great idea, or maybe we should just send them to Antarctica or the Sahara desert let them brutally starve and die :feelsaww:
Bigger question - who took that video?
:feelsbadman: just a kid bro. If he was a certified fag disown him. :feelsbadman:
:feelsbadman: just a kid bro. If he was a certified fag disown him. :feelsbadman:
True the father is probably a mentally ill dark triad psycho tbh @Mentally lost cel
The beautiful religion of peace.
cope Mexican cartels do this shit all the time too while being (((christcucks)))
In Mexico and Brazil criminals do that shit.

In Muhammadstan it seems to be a normal aspect of religion.
video is trending on Twitter btw, thoughts?

Very brutal imo, this is what happens when on takes a gamble to have kids. Many people end up having a mentally ill child and go insane.

Father claims child is bosexual who was caught fucking other boys. Not certain if that is true but that is what the father claims as he tortures his son below. @Arabcels thoughts?

View: https://twitter.com/basra_fem/status/1440995033671421953?s=21

Somebody should send those shitskins good cameras
طفل يتوسل والده من اجل الموت على الجميع التدخل لمساعدة هذا الطفل اجعلوا من الفيديو قضية رأي عام اسم الطفل محمد عبدالله حاتم كاطع #انقذوا_الطفل_محمد
video is trending on Twitter btw, thoughts?

Very brutal imo, this is what happens when on takes a gamble to have kids. Many people end up having a mentally ill child and go insane.

Father claims child is bosexual who was caught fucking other boys. Not certain if that is true but that is what the father claims as he tortures his son below. @Arabcels thoughts?

View: https://twitter.com/basra_fem/status/1440995033671421953?s=21

this happened to @incelerated
jesus christ man they are a bunch of savages over there
JFL at the cucks who think the kid is too young to be a faggot. I've seen kids legit younger than him acting gay. it's all about being exposed to faggotory in his environment by his peers or people older than him which leads to this, age has nothing to do with his faggotory. he was a faggot.[UWSL] also the christcucks rushing to defend degeneracy and cucks who think faggotory is toleratble and saying copeslam but masking it by condemning what the father did: 1st, islam doesn't advocate torturing minors, it was all the father's blame so stop seething about islam, I can smell your christcoping miles away. 2nd, imagine you bust your ass in a shithole like this to marry in the first place and have kids, bust your ass to spend on your family and raise your son only for him to turn on you and end up being a faggot. the father's reaction was wrong, but it is justified to a certain point. [/UWSL]

as for my own opinion about this, the father definitely fucked up, not because it's wrong to beat his young faggot son, no. but the way he dealt with it (torturing his young son). his son got fucked in the ass and maybe liked it but he's still an underage who can't think. and in islam underage kids shouldn't be taken seriously. what he did will only cause complexities and this faggot kid will grow up to be an even more faggot, social media whores are quick to post this everywhere about "MUH HUMAN RIGHTS" soon the kid's father will be locked away and he will grow up to be a faggot like noor bm (Iraqis will know what I'm talking about). the fact that this is posted by a feminist/lgbtq page speaks volumes.

What the father should have done:

-beat your kid hard, but not torture him or harm him too much. the kid won't see himself wrong after literally torturing him, so he should've just kept it ok with only beating him. and before you cry about this stfu. beating is almost regular everywhere besides 1st world cuckheavens.

-grounding him, lock him in the house for a month, deny him things he likes or fantasize about. repeat step 1 and 2. torturing him will only make him feel right about the faggotory he committed because his father dealt with it in a bad way.

-and most importantly, kill whoever exposed your young son to faggotory in the first place, instead of your own son, and we are very liberal about this. we have tribe rules that can criminate these acts very harshly and brutally, whether by death penality or a fuckton amount of money so that the one who committed such acts will never think about doing them again.
In Mexico and Brazil criminals do that shit.

In Muhammadstan it seems to be a normal aspect of religion.
Some Shias run prostitution rings there apparently. But yeah average Arab is sexually repressed to a large degree.
Who tf told you this? some wahabi larping faggot on the internet? I am a non religious sunni and this shit is cringe. probably only an extremist shia hating wahabi larper soy redditor would tell you this.

I disagree, they should just make the marriage happen around 20-22 instead of 26-32.
again where or from who did you get this? marriage happens in very early age in strict or tribal areas, arabs marry below 20 all the time. it's the city bluepilled liberal cucks are the ones who marry at very late age, expose their foids to liberty and cuck themselves.
Iraq is gay as fuck because of extreme conservatism schools are gender segregated and marriage is the only way of sex and most of the time u marry at 26. Imagine spending 26 years with no pussy. Atleast in west there’s hookers.

And your not guaranteed pussy at 26 if u don’t have good job. There are literal incels in Islamic countries who can’t even marry
none of this is true. I have already talked about age of marriage. Iraq is getting gay as fuck thanks to liberalism, if there is anything that is holding Iraq from being a gay cesspool it is tribal rule, islam and militias. city life, overpopulating and west culture worshipping is what makes faggotory grow here.
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Brutal. Was he practicing sodomy or just feels the feelings though? That's very brutal but it gets even worse there, fags are thrown from buildings and hanged.

The media will have a field day with that one.
JFL at the cucks who think the kid is too young to be a faggot. I've seen kids legit younger than him acting gay. it's all about being exposed to faggotory in his environment by his peers or people older than him which leads to this, age has nothing to do with his faggotory. he was a faggot.[UWSL] also the christcucks rushing to defend degeneracy and cucks who think faggotory is toleratble and saying copeslam but masking it by condemning what the father did: 1st, islam doesn't advocate torturing minors, it was all the father's blame so stop seething about islam, I can smell your christcoping miles away. 2nd, imagine you bust your ass in a shithole like this to marry in the first place and have kids, bust your ass to spend on your family and raise your son only for him to turn on you and end up being a faggot. the father's reaction was wrong, but it is justified to a certain point. [/UWSL]

as for my own opinion about this, the father definitely fucked up, not because it's wrong to beat his young faggot son, no. but the way he dealt with it (torturing his young son). his son got fucked in the ass and maybe liked it but he's still an underage who can't think. and in islam underage kids shouldn't be taken seriously. what he did will only cause complexities and this faggot kid will grow up to be an even more faggot, social media whores are quick to post this everywhere about "MUH HUMAN RIGHTS" soon the kid's father will be locked away and he will grow up to be a faggot like noor bm (Iraqis will know what I'm talking about). the fact that this is posted by a feminist/lgbtq page speaks volumes.

What the father should have done:

-beat your kid hard, but not torture him or harm him too much. the kid won't see himself wrong after literally torturing him, so he should've just kept it ok with only beating him. and before you cry about this stfu. beating is almost regular everywhere besides 1st world cuckheavens.

-grounding him, lock him in the house for a month, deny him things he likes or fantasize about. repeat step 1 and 2. torturing him will only make him feel right about the faggotory he committed because his father dealt with it in a bad way.

-and most importantly, kill whoever exposed your young son to faggotory in the first place, instead of your own son, and we are very liberal about this. we have tribe rules that can criminate these acts very harshly and brutally, whether by death penality or a fuckton amount of money so that the one who committed such acts will never think about doing them again.
No hope only rope
Sad to see a young kid beaten like this, but hopefully he remembers it if he was licking his lips for cock.
Seems pretty tame compared to what the Taliban or ISIS would do.
Seems pretty tame compared to what the Taliban or ISIS would do.
Yeah, to other people's sons. Hard to say if they'd be as vicious (or worse) with their own fag sons.
brah hes like 13 how do fuck hes a fag :feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown:
Big oof

Annihilation of the species is the only morally correct choice.
Shouldn't have been a faggot then :feelshaha:
based department, middle east branch

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