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Brutal IQmog: 9 Year Old Graduates with an Electrical Engineering Degree



Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom
Jul 23, 2021
@Transcended Trucel it's over
Prob rich also.
Connor murphy lookism
growing up to be a chad also
Genes come in packages

View: https://youtu.be/oO3-7bLD-ic
There are people right now who took
longer to graduate University than the span of time from when he was born to now. :feelsclown:

Having a high IQ is the only way to live a good life as a below average looking man. People here underestimate how much having a high IQ matters. You can become a millionaire and have sex with escorts every day if you're high IQ.

No one here has a high IQ.
Having a high IQ is the only way to live a good life as a below average looking man. People here underestimate how much having a high IQ matters. You can become a millionaire and have sex with escorts every day if you're high IQ.
I think you're vastly overestimating the effect of IQ and misunderstanding what it actually means. Among high IQ individuals, extremely few are the kind of wealthy you're imagining. Most lead normal lives with jobs and careers, albeit with higher earnings.

No one here has a high IQ.
Having a high IQ is the only way to live a good life as a below average looking man. People here underestimate how much having a high IQ matters. You can become a millionaire and have sex with escorts every day if you're high IQ.

No one here has a high IQ.
giga brutal as fuck. I have same problem due to being low IQ
giga brutal as fuck. I have same problem due to being low IQ
First of all, you have a six-figure tech job. Secondly, you have an above average IQ, because that's what your line of work entails. Your average sales bro with a sociology degree couldn't be a programmer through sheer skill and knowledge, because they would fail data structures and algos.

These two points already puts you leagues ahead of the average person and place you in a small percentage demographic.

Your problems are mental.
I think you're vastly overestimating the effect of IQ and misunderstanding what it actually means. Among high IQ individuals, extremely few are the kind of wealthy you're imagining. Most lead normal lives with jobs and careers, albeit with higher earnings.

im imagining a net worth of 2 million or more
"The reality around this child is something completely different than what has been presented in the media. His parents see their own child as a business project and are only interested in gaining as much publicity as they can, with the ultimate goal of turning that publicity into cash at the end. Over the past few years, the father of Laurent has been constantly chasing the media all over Benelux and asking them to do interviews with his smart kid. Those who live in the Netherlands and Belgium know what it is all about. It is a totally abnormal, sick situation. The kid is smart, but is far from being a genius. Some of the courses he passed with barely sufficient grades (which is still a miracle for a 9-year old child), and some of them he failed and had to do resits etc. That all doesn't matter for the parents, as they are not genuinely interested in a healthy development of their son, but rather into having him enter the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest child ever graduating with a bachelor degree. Social isolation in which Laurent is growing up is horrendous. And the university? Well, they see this as a publicity stunt."

Not as smart as he seems. This kid has the luxury of not spending money and taking courses again and again, and some courses he passed with barely sufficient grades. We don't have this luxury since we don't have rich parents.
His dad probably did his homework, and he probably also got a lot of help from tutors and professors because of his age. He probably re-hashed everything and didn't do critical thinking on his own. The deeper I look into these so-called geniuses I learn that they had a lot of help along the way.
im imagining a net worth of 2 million or more
Then your imagination is lacking, brocel. That's easily attainable for your average IQ, hardworking businessman who got lucky or your standard fare career professional who's wise with their money. I know a handful of them myself. One of them was my accountant who now runs his own firm. I IQ mog the living shit out of them and we all know it, but they have way more money than I do.
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Then your imagination is lacking, brocel. That's easily attainable for your average IQ, hardworking businessman who got lucky or your standard fare career professional who's wise with their money. I know a handful of them myself. One of them was my accountant who now runs his own firm. I IQ mog the living shit out of them and we all know it, but they have way more money than I do.
If I had a net worth of 2 million i could NEETmax for the rest of my life. that would make life pretty good for me.

only 6.25% of households in the usa have a net worth of 2 million or more it's not easily attainable
If I had a net worth of 2 million i could NEETmax for the rest of my life. that would make life pretty good for me.

only 6.25% of households in the usa have a net worth of 2 million or more it's not easily attainable
I don't know the figure you're quoting, but net worth means all of your assets, investments, and finances. It's not liquidity, if that's what you're referring to.
I hope he gets run over and dies painfully (SARCASM XD)
Hahaha I watched the video too it's such utter bullshit. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

"In just nine months" jfl do you guys even understand what an electrical engineering degree encompasses?
Even if he could learn a subject merely by reading through the book he'd still not have enough time. And he plays Fortnite too and posts on Instagram. :feelskek:

This nigger would have had to learn complex math and physics theory and all he has to show for it is he is able to put a copper board in a clamp.

I'd like to see him explain how complex numbers and the fast Fourier transform work.

And his IQ is 145? You need 300+ IQ for this bullshit to be true.
I need to fuck his mother tho.
Not just higher but way higher, which means they are living far from a "normal life"
It doesn't matter what your IQ is once you meet the skill and competency threshold to get an education and attain a well-paying job. Your employers will not pay you because you're smart. They will pay you because you do a job for them. They won't pay you extra because you're smarter than the other employees. They will pay you extra because you deliver more than your colleagues. You won't get paid far higher for your job than what the market for your job is willing to pay for. There is no "IQ premium" in the job market. There are only qualifications, experience, and references.

It's the same thing with business. It won't matter if you hold three PhDs in maths and sciences, have several patents, and are a treasure trove of brilliant ideas. If there is no market for your business, you won't be successful and make your mega millions of bucks, no matter how well thought-out and intelligent your business plan and philosophy is. Your consumers won't care about how smart you are. They will only care about your product/service and what it can do for them. There's a LOT of factors that go into financial and business success - far beyond the one-dimensional takes in this thread.

It's for these reasons that there aren't an abundance of filthy rich high IQ geniuses at the upper echelons of business and industry.
Delivering more, doing brain work more efficiently than all your coworkers are all easier if said person has a higher IQ leading to their successes in promotion, if they choose to not to place in much effort then that's another issue but the fact that a higher IQ person has the potential to utilise information more efficiently will eventually lead them to earning more money long term.
Yes, and higher IQ individuals do earn money in their lifetime, on average. The statistics show this. The gap in earnings from that increased productivity, however, will not be disproportionately higher than their job position and title would warrant. A higher IQ is like an XP boost, but it's not a cheat code.

If someone can utilise the market by convincing consumers to buy their goods/services and make a successful business model out of it then that's high IQ enough to me. Unless you've got examples to show otherwise? Don't care if they don't have a math PHD or aren't smart as the top 0.5% at a college campus, they are higher IQ than average. Of course many of the times people can get lucky, but most of the times you can't create a successful business out of mostly luck.
Keep in mind that the successful businesses that you see are an extreme minority. The overwhelming majority of businesses fail. Those failures are not necessarily indicative of poor business planning, management, acumen, or any other factor intrinsic to the business or business owner/operator.

I'm using the term "high IQ" to refer to individuals who score in the genius range or higher (130+), by official testing standards. You don't need this level of problem solving capability in order to build a successful business model. It's literally not rocket science.

The smarter you are, the more scenarios you're able to anticipate and analyze. This generally results in a higher risk aversion. This usually translates (in what you see in the workforce and in business) to the highly intelligent person often working for the lesser intelligent person who then assumes all of the risk (in the company, for example). Out in the ancient wilderness of our ancestral past, this would be when the smarter caveman lets the dumber one try out the new mushrooms and berries first to see its effects.

Bezos and Musk are above average in intelligence, have excellent business acumen, and their personalities invite plenty of financial risk-taking. Underneath them, however, are entire teams of brilliant scientists and engineers who are the brains of their boss' operations, innovation, and R&D efforts. Have you never asked yourself why those high IQ people working for these household names don't just splinter off and start their own mega corps? Well now you know why.
I don't know the figure you're quoting, but net worth means all of your assets, investments, and finances. It's not liquidity, if that's what you're referring to.
i'd sell all the assets to neetmax
His dad probably did his homework, and he probably also got a lot of help from tutors and professors because of his age. He probably re-hashed everything and didn't do critical thinking on his own. The deeper I look into these so-called geniuses I learn that they had a lot of help along the way.
Fuck having a superior brain is so important

But ya no superior brain for your face
Fuck having a superior brain is so important

But ya no superior brain for your face
if we had high IQs. we could have been money moggers fuck!
Seems legit. Surely he will grow up to do great things.
It is odd that this Belgium boy has an IQ of 145 yet has achieved more than children his age who purportedly have an IQ of 165+...

He is a genuine savant.
Pretty sure savant syndrome applies to those who are clinically retarded but ofc excel in a specific skill
It doesn't matter what your IQ is once you meet the skill and competency threshold to get an education and attain a well-paying job. Your employers will not pay you because you're smart. They will pay you because you do a job for them. They won't pay you extra because you're smarter than the other employees. They will pay you extra because you deliver more than your colleagues. You won't get paid far higher for your job than what the market for your job is willing to pay for. There is no "IQ premium" in the job market. There are only qualifications, experience, and references.

It's the same thing with business. It won't matter if you hold three PhDs in maths and sciences, have several patents, and are a treasure trove of brilliant ideas. If there is no market for your business, you won't be successful and make your mega millions of bucks, no matter how well thought-out and intelligent your business plan and philosophy is. Your consumers won't care about how smart you are. They will only care about your product/service and what it can do for them. There's a LOT of factors that go into financial and business success - far beyond the one-dimensional takes in this thread.

It's for these reasons that there aren't an abundance of filthy rich high IQ geniuses at the upper echelons of business and industry.
Why are you an incel? Are you a shortcel or any uglycel or what?
That's what you thought? JFL
No, not really. I just didn't know. You're an incel, but you mog me. I am 5'1" and have a 0/10 face.
Will easily make $300,000+ a year

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