IQ doesn't matter, the only intelligence that could matter for an incel is social intelligence. Even if you graduate and have good logic and mathematic IQ you can still be socially retarded and never know how to integrate a social group, you will be only good to work like a fucking slave while everyone thinks that you are blunt like a stone because you're too socially retarded to tell them that you hate it.
Also, social IQ won't save your face nor height (kinda), maybe you can entrepreneur max and sacrifice your life to become rich to get some recognition with materialism. Although it is still the better choice for an incel because you can pay for plastic surgery and height surgery and finally get the recognition everyone else had when you were seen as worthless.
Also kind of a bp: most of the time, its not studies or hard work that gives you opportunities, it's contacts and knowing important people, studies can help you get contacts but you'll need a better social IQ to get more.