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Blackpill IQ is meme

doomed 7

doomed 7

believer. j3ws are your enemy. get back to god!
Jul 13, 2019
no such a thing as intelligence measurement. all is jew bullshits.
gib a nigger bigger from street, restart his life over and raise him in Elbert Einstein environment and you will see how the nigger could be smartest man alive.
however, females life so easy, that's why they don't use brain much and they driven by retarded gay emotions
Chad's IQ is 6'4"
Enough to make any woman wet their panties
I tend to agree. Intelligence and instinct are not so dissimilar, I theorize. IQ tests don't measure instinct to any serious degree. In fact i would consider someone who intuitively guesses their way to a high score to be smarter than someone who knows the answers by way of conventional study and what not.
Just mismeasureofmanmaxx, bro!
Cringe and Bluepilled, however IQ isn't as much of a determinant for success as it was in the past, higher IQ individuals typically aren't being sought out as much as they have been in the past, many just rot away along with their potential. There's much more of a chance for a lower IQ person to succeed in many environments now than a higher IQ one in certain scenarios.
Cringe and Bluepilled, however IQ isn't as much of a determinant for success as it was in the past, higher IQ individuals typically aren't being sought out as much as they have been in the past, many just rot away along with their potential. There's much more of a chance for a lower IQ person to succeed in many environments now than a higher IQ one in certain scenarios.
imagine being so brainwashed by tv and reddit into believing in some stupid test made by math nerds.
can't relate
Yeah dude, everyone could be fucking TESLA if they grew up in a good enviroment, this is some next level bluepill shit
imagine being so brainwashed by tv and reddit into believing in some stupid test made by math nerds.
can't relate
Nice projecting, Reddit are IQ deniers like you, especially when you bring up correlations with race, or how there's far more high IQ whites by numbers in both America and Europe, and yet Jews and Certain Ethnics overrepresent certain fields in said countries.
low IQ people get laid more often
over for IQcels
IQ will be denied more in the future, because niggers are part of our society, they have to be supported in every way possible. So it's obvious that IQ can't be a thing.
high or low iq, iq wont solve the incel problem, foids dont care about "iq"
no such a thing as intelligence measurement. all is jew bullshits.
gib a nigger bigger from street, restart his life over and raise him in Elbert Einstein environment and you will see how the nigger could be smartest man alive.
however, females life so easy, that's why they don't use brain much and they driven by retarded gay emotions
Socio costrucrivist cope
no such a thing as intelligence measurement. all is jew bullshits.
gib a nigger bigger from street, restart his life over and raise him in Elbert Einstein environment and you will see how the nigger could be smartest man alive.
however, females life so easy, that's why they don't use brain much and they driven by retarded gay emotions
I tend to agree. Intelligence and instinct are not so dissimilar, I theorize. IQ tests don't measure instinct to any serious degree. In fact i would consider someone who intuitively guesses their way to a high score to be smarter than someone who knows the answers by way of conventional study and what not.
But there iq tests now that eliminate the factor of education and simply have pattern recognition questions.
That way some poor nigger from Africa and a rich jap will be on an equal playing field.
no iq for your face
retarded chad slays pussy; high iq incels have no choice but fap to hentai
high IQ post, even the guy creating IQ said you cant really measure a persons intelligence, also the tests are made so europeans can easily understand it. Barely any european person gets below 100
high IQ post, even the guy creating IQ said you cant really measure a persons intelligence, also the tests are made so europeans can easily understand it. Barely any european person gets below 100
high iq reply
most of chads arent even 90 iq and they winning the life
most of chads arent even 90 iq and they winning the life
You must be retarded. The average IQ is 100, and that is always the average. Learn what IQ is before you speculate.
Daily reminder that people will bump threads before replying to your new ones
gib a nigger bigger from street, restart his life over and raise him in Elbert Einstein environment and you will see how the nigger could be smartest man alive.

Cope and blue pilled.
no such a thing as intelligence measurement. all is jew bullshits.
gib a nigger bigger from street, restart his life over and raise him in Elbert Einstein environment and you will see how the nigger could be smartest man alive.
however, females life so easy, that's why they don't use brain much and they driven by retarded gay emotions
yeaaaaah sure
gib a nigger bigger from street, restart his life over and raise him in Elbert Einstein environment and you will see how the nigger could be smartest man alive.
over for bluepillcels
imagine being so brainwashed by tv and reddit into believing in some stupid test made by math nerds.
can't relate
Sorry to tell you dude but mathematics is the most important thing in the universe, its okay, you can always fix your mistakes and start to properly learn it from the scratch at any time.
IQ is true and it's successfully used to predict various stuff with good accuracy, but I believe in the multiple intelligences theory as well.

I got called dumb in a fucking construction site job but I'm called smart by professors in a top tier uni. I just suck at practical shit like manual work.

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