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Blackpill Introduction to Blackpill- for Bluepillers



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019
In the 21st century, Men are told that they can attract women with "a good personality". This statement is drilled into them from a young age, through the education system by teachers, and further reinforced through movies/tv-shows, advertisements, news outlets etc. If a man fails in attracting a woman, he is told that he must be at fault for not having a good enough personality, lulling him into the illusion of having control over female attraction.

There has been a significant increase in the proportion of virgins in the 21st century among the male population. https://www.washingtonpost.com/resi...6Foc=/1484x0/arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-was
This has led to the emergence of a group of sex-deprived men around the world forming a community. They are known as "incels, short for "involuntarily celibate".

Now the question arises, what is holding these men back? What is it about the "personalities" of men in today's age which are preventing them from acquiring sex? The best way to understand the sexual dynamics between men and women in the present, is by analysing the past.

In caveman times (pre-agricultural era), humans were hunter-gatherers. Generally, the taller, well-built men, were more successful in hunting and therefore were able to provide his tribe with more food. In addition, taller males with wide frame were able to provide protection to his tribe from predators and from other males, with far more efficiency than their shorter counterparts. Females would select the taller, well-built males for sexual reproduction, as height/frame was an indicator of a males' ability to provide food and protection, which would increase the chances of survival of her offspring.

With regards to face, men with Trauma-resistant skulls, who typically have a high Face-Width to Height Ratio (FWHR), are able to absorb more force and minimise the injuries suffered if attacked by a predator/other males. Because having a trauma-resistant skull increases a man's chance of survival, it increases the chances of survival of any female partner of his and any offspring they have, due to which females preferred males who had trauma-resistant skulls such as the guy on the left, as opposed to a wimp skull like that of the guy on the right.


Because of this, the minority of top-tier men (in terms of face, height and frame) reproduced with the majority of females. The shorter, less built, weak skulled men had very limited opportunities to reproduce and thus, in most cases, were unable to pass on their inferior genetics to the next generation. The only way for physically weak men to reproduce was to form a small group and kill one of these physically strong men, steal his women, and then rape them.

This trend continued once the age of cavemen came to and end upon the advent of agriculture. 8000 years ago, not long after the beginning of the agricultural era, 17 women reproduced for every man. https://psmag.com/environment/17-to-1-reproductive-success
After analysis of modern genetics, it was determined that there was no mass death of males in this era, so the only reasonable explanation for the disparity between proportions of each gender reproducing, is female sexual selection of males BASED ON PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS.

Female sexual selection, which was historically based on physical characteristics, has become engrained into the female genetic code. Because of this, in the modern era women still have a sexual preference towards men who have a trauma resistant cranio-facial structure, are tall and have wide frame (although most women in the modern era have sex for the pleasure of the act alone, rather than for the purpose of reproduction). They subconsciously find these traits to be attractive- a fact which most women are not consciously aware of because they don't have the intellectual capacity to understand their own nature.

HEIGHT: Over 94% of women will reject a man because of his height.

Stulp et al (2013) used a sample of 5782 North American speed-daters making a total of 128 104 choices, to determine preferences for partner height and how height influenced the formation of a match

1) Cutoffs:

Their findings also demonstrated the cutoffs at which women consider a man too short or too tall:

  • 90% of women will reject a man who is 5'4" based solely on his height.
  • 65% of women will reject a man who is 5'7" based solely on his height.
  • 50% of women will reject a man who is 5'8" based solely on his height.
  • 14% of women will reject a man who is 5'10" based solely on his height.
  • 1.5% of women will reject a man who is 6' based solely on his height.
  • Past 6'2", women begin to increase rejections of men for being too tall.
  • 30% of women believe there is no such thing as a man being "too tall."
  • Over 94% of women will reject a man solely for him being too short.

FRAME: All women find the bodies of "strong looking men" more attractive than those with weaker bodies

Two studies by Sell,Lukazsweski and Townsley (2017) published by the Royal Society examining the preferences of 160 young female raters, found a very strong (r=0.80) correlation between bodily attractiveness and rated physical strength. Furthermore, they discovered "we found no evidence of the inverted-U hypothesis(i.e that there is a level of musculature/physicality that 'too much' to be attractive); rather, in both samples, the strongest men were the most attractive, and the weakest men were the least attractive".

The authors of the study also found that "(The data was) examined to see if any women in our samples showed a significant preference for weaker men. They did not. None of the 160 women in our study who rated attractiveness produced a statistically significant preference for weaker men (all p > 0.05) ... In other words, we could find no evidence that there exists a sizeable population of women who prefer physically weaker men when evaluating male bodies

FACE: Men with dominant, aggressive faces are preferred for short-term relationships.

A study was conducted by Valentine et al.;(2014) utilizing a speed dating format, which consisted of young male and female subjects (n=159;78 young men and 81 young women) who weren't compensated in any way for their participation, and thus were participating in the study because they were "(looking for the) chance to find a real-life partner, suggesting the choices were primarily motivated by actual mating interests.

It was found that men's FWHR was a significant predictor of being chosen for future dates by the women, and of the women's short term mating interest in the male.


Looks was the primary criteria for female sexual selection in the past, and this continues to be the case today.
Personality of a man only matters to a woman if he meets her basic looks cut-off first

Id read this but im too lazy so im just going to leave this pointless comment
Personality is boleshit look is everything
Come on, we have blackpill tab for such thing now.
Well written summary of key points.
The black pill has been ingrained in me but It still gets me everytime I read it and foids think its easier for guys to get sex in 2019 why so delusional
There are a lot of things about this stupid rant that piss me off, but I'm gonna limit myself to two.
First, this guy is angry at women for not being instantly physically attracted to every single man. As if men haven't been policing women's bodies for centuries. That MGM musical with the song "Keep Young And Beautiful" was released in 1933. Video evidence from nearly a century ago of how men aren't instantly physically attracted to every single woman, and this guy realizes that's a two-way street and now he suddenly cries foul? Welcome to the freaking planet. Grab a tissue for that, because I certainly won't be wasting any time making you feel better.
Second, the TL;DR version of this is this guy saying that he has body dysmorphia that he doesn't want to address and that is anyone's responsibility but his own. Which is 1000% infuriating. I've never met this man. I haven't done anything to him. But he's still blaming me (by virtue of being a woman) for his own issue. Even in a case of a person who can track their dysmorphia to being mistreated or made fun of by others, though, they still have to be responsible for their own head. Because nobody else can live in their brain and fix their issues. I'm sorry you feel bad, dude, but I'm not a telepath and I can't readjust your thoughts for you. That's something you've got to learn to handle. With a therapist, if you need one
And...that's it. I'm stopping myself before I devolve into a rant.
I missed the rant part, but the stronger thing indicates gymcelling can help for taller guys maybe? No gym for face though, lol.

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