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Venting Interacting with normie men is incredibly annoying



Sep 28, 2018
Does anyone else experience this feeling around normie men where they default to this "tough and assertive" vibe, and you're just acting normal, and it seems to drive them to try to be even more tough and assertive?

It's hard to describe. You either get it or you don't.

It's bizarre behavior on their part though. It feels as if they want you to try to play along and try to be tough as well. And if you don't, you can feel that they're becoming irritated by you, even though you both know that they're the one that's acting like a complete douche.

As a self-diagnosed autist, I can't help but feel that we're actually the psychologically normal ones and that society's behavioral norms are fucked beyond belief.
I don’t have long enough conversations with people to agree or not agree, so I don’t know
The guys I talked to were normal, dont see ur point
Yeah there's a big disconnect between the normie male & spergs, they want to compete for everything all the time.
Modern normie men are such insufferable coping faggots, and I dislike them much more than the typical college slut. I don't mind Chads because they don't need to prove anything and make everything seem like a dick measuring contest, but with normie men, they always try to act tough and try to one up you at everything.
Modern normie men are such insufferable coping faggots, and I dislike them much more than the typical college slut. I don't mind Chads because they don't need to prove anything and make everything seem like a dick measuring contest, but with normie men, they always try to act tough and try to one up you at everything.

I agree.

I hate Chad more than anyone, but at least when interacting with Chad there's already an understanding that he giga-mogs me and we can simply have a conversation, without the needless dick swinging.
Agreed, last sentence is high IQ.
Does anyone else experience this feeling around normie men where they default to this "tough and assertive" vibe, and you're just acting normal, and it seems to drive them to try to be even more tough and assertive?

It's hard to describe. You either get it or you don't.

It's bizarre behavior on their part though. It feels as if they want you to try to play along and try to be tough as well. And if you don't, you can feel that they're becoming irritated by you, even though you both know that they're the one that's acting like a complete douche.

As a self-diagnosed autist, I can't help but feel that we're actually the psychologically normal ones and that society's behavioral norms are fucked beyond belief.
Imo they expect you to be submissive to them and not feel comfortable enough acting normally around them. And then when you do this they taunt you asking why you are acting so shy and reserved.

Normies like to play mind games just like foids to flex their social dominance on guys they see as quote, easy targets.
Hearing them talk about sports is brain rotting.
As a self-diagnosed autist, I can't help but feel that we're actually the psychologically normal ones and that society's behavioral norms are fucked beyond belief.

Throughout existence the things that survive win. There is no preconceived good or bad. I see no way for the more down to earth blackpill mindset to survive and be part of this ongoing evolution. The future will be degenerate lgbtq+ drillrap low-iq gangsta and thot-life.
Does anyone else experience this feeling around normie men where they default to this "tough and assertive" vibe, and you're just acting normal, and it seems to drive them to try to be even more tough and assertive?

It's hard to describe. You either get it or you don't.

It's bizarre behavior on their part though. It feels as if they want you to try to play along and try to be tough as well. And if you don't, you can feel that they're becoming irritated by you, even though you both know that they're the one that's acting like a complete douche.

As a self-diagnosed autist, I can't help but feel that we're actually the psychologically normal ones and that society's behavioral norms are fucked beyond belief.
also never was competitive, even as a child.
I derive no pleasure from putting other down, it doesnt feel good.

Also, most men desperately cling on to some form of pseudo masculinity because they know they are betabuxxing.

btw, hod did you figure out that you are an autist?
Does anyone else experience this feeling around normie men where they default to this "tough and assertive" vibe, and you're just acting normal, and it seems to drive them to try to be even more tough and assertive?

It's hard to describe. You either get it or you don't.

It's bizarre behavior on their part though. It feels as if they want you to try to play along and try to be tough as well. And if you don't, you can feel that they're becoming irritated by you, even though you both know that they're the one that's acting like a complete douche.

As a self-diagnosed autist, I can't help but feel that we're actually the psychologically normal ones and that society's behavioral norms are fucked beyond belief.
Barely talk with normies for this reason. I don’t enjoy fakeness
I avoid normans like the plague
I think "tough" guy normies acting is subconsciously

he doesn't want to appear like weak weirdo, its socially acceptable to be tough guy not weak, he challenges you to see do you deserve respect, i saw that every time there is more than few guys at the same place, like animal behaving.
This was a discussion I had with a real life school friend, we basically do everything together. Sometime we are forced to be paired up for whatever reason, it could be for a presentation, a discussion or just writing a report assignment. We always notice how petty these normies are.
My friends theory is that there is a totempole with chads up top, normies middle and incels bottom. Since the normies are in the middle and don't want to associate with people of lower status they will do the most pettiest shit to avoid having to deal with low tier people, while being very very nice and revering of chads. In my personal experience from having dealt with both chads and normies, I far prefer working with chads as they don't have this putting down mentality because they already know there is no competition between him and an incel.
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The future will be degenerate lgbtq+ drillrap low-iq gangsta and thot-life.
Already is. Can't get one quiet moment to yourself without hearing people blasting rap loudly and driving by in their cars. Or people gathering outside and talking loudly about music and internet videos they heard recently if you live in a building with thin walls.
im so detached from reality that during social interactions i literally feel like im talking to a npc in a video game, the dialogue is always just repeated and mediocre so i kind of just stand their confused as to what the fucks going on.

which is the state im perpetually stuck in, confusion.
Most men try to act all alpha and shit because they think that’s what attracts women
Welcome back, OP.

What you're talking about is typical macho bullshit posturing.
Throughout existence the things that survive win. There is no preconceived good or bad. I see no way for the more down to earth blackpill mindset to survive and be part of this ongoing evolution. The future will be degenerate lgbtq+ drillrap low-iq gangsta and thot-life.

The future will be fire and blood.

Civil War II is already underway.

Once WWIII kicks off as a transition from CWII all these LGBTQ faggots, mewling hipster SJW soy slurping faggots, nigger and mexican gangbanger scum will all be annihilated in the conflagration.

They are most definitely not going to be a part of the future whether it’s a Jewish controlled future or one in which whites wake up to the Jewish threat and re-assert our dominance and control of the planet.

They exist presently only for Jewish nation wrecking and demoralization purposes of the white masses.
I get it perfectly. I got bullied by overcompensating normies both in school and jobs. They're are the worst. Chads never did shit to me with one single exception of a Chadlite who once ripped off the pocket part out of my high school uniform. Apparently they were doing it to lots of people though.
also never was competitive, even as a child.
I derive no pleasure from putting other down, it doesnt feel good.

Also, most men desperately cling on to some form of pseudo masculinity because they know they are betabuxxing.

btw, hod did you figure out that you are an autist?

I noticed in college that people were starting to become really, really good at social skills. Way better than they were in high school. In high school, even NTs were still pretty awkward. But by the end of college that had totally changed. People become more experienced with all the nuances that go into socializing and I could tell I was getting left behind and would have to put in some substantial effort if I wanted to catch back up.

But it also occurred to me that I had no desire to do this, and that this wasn't normal. I could tell that NTs enjoyed getting better at socializing. It was clearly pleasurable for them. Staying up-to-date with the latest pop culture stuff, the latest fashion trends, networking, meeting as many new people as possible, jockeying for in-group status, etc.

I noticed that the things that interested me were not interesting to NTs and that if I wanted to fit in, I'd actually have to actively sacrifice my real interests for new, more normie-centered interests; my tastes were seriously hurting my ability to fit in. The kind of movies I enjoyed (slower, dialogue-driven dramas or extremely dark thrillers) were considered boring or too nihilistic. The kind of books and music I enjoyed suffered from similar problems.

At first, it was tempting to just say, "Oh, I'm just super high-IQ and everyone else is a retard". But it became apparent to me that some NTs had a LOT of mental horsepower and had chosen to devote all of it to social skills, jestermaxing, impressing normies, etc. I knew that even if I tried to do that, I couldn't do it as effectively as them. So I concluded that I was fundamentally different, and assumed autism was the cause.
I far prefer working with chads as they don't have this putting down mentality because they already know there is no competition between him and an incel.

Yeah I have always felt this way too.
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Does anyone else experience this feeling around normie men where they default to this "tough and assertive" vibe, and you're just acting normal, and it seems to drive them to try to be even more tough and assertive?

It's hard to describe. You either get it or you don't.

It's bizarre behavior on their part though. It feels as if they want you to try to play along and try to be tough as well. And if you don't, you can feel that they're becoming irritated by you, even though you both know that they're the one that's acting like a complete douche.

As a self-diagnosed autist, I can't help but feel that we're actually the psychologically normal ones and that society's behavioral norms are fucked beyond belief.
Yes I've had this too, which is why I hate interacting with normgroids
I noticed in college that people were starting to become really, really good at social skills. Way better than they were in high school. In high school, even NTs were still pretty awkward. But by the end of college that had totally changed. People become more experienced with all the nuances that go into socializing and I could tell I was getting left behind and would have to put in some substantial effort if I wanted to catch back up.

But it also occurred to me that I had no desire to do this, and that this wasn't normal. I could tell that NTs enjoyed getting better at socializing. It was clearly pleasurable for them. Staying up-to-date with the latest pop culture stuff, the latest fashion trends, networking, meeting as many new people as possible, jockeying for in-group status, etc.

I noticed that the things that interested me were not interesting to NTs and that if I wanted to fit in, I'd actually have to actively sacrifice my real interests for new, more normie-centered interests; my tastes were seriously hurting my ability to fit in. The kind of movies I enjoyed (slower, dialogue-driven dramas or extremely dark thrillers) were considered boring or too nihilistic. The kind of books and music I enjoyed suffered from similar problems.

At first, it was tempting to just say, "Oh, I'm just super high-IQ and everyone else is a retard". But it became apparent to me that some NTs had a LOT of mental horsepower and had chosen to devote all of it to social skills, jestermaxing, impressing normies, etc. I knew that even if I tried to do that, I couldn't do it as effectively as them. So I concluded that I was fundamentally different, and assumed autism was the cause.
This is another relatable thing too. I don't know why it should be I that has to "renew" myself for something that in the long run isn't worth my time, thus I just talk to who I need to talk for things and get out. Too much time wasting away in conversing with people that don't have similar interests or are definite indicators of being boring, instantly shuts me down or makes me want to hide from them.
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I wish a painful death upon every single normie for this reason. And it doesn't even end after college. Workplaces are the same, where bullies and Chads get paid more while the introverts get lesser positions or are fired. I wish Corona were less of a meme so I could work from home until retirement
I noticed in college that people were starting to become really, really good at social skills. Way better than they were in high school. In high school, even NTs were still pretty awkward. But by the end of college that had totally changed. People become more experienced with all the nuances that go into socializing and I could tell I was getting left behind and would have to put in some substantial effort if I wanted to catch back up.

But it also occurred to me that I had no desire to do this, and that this wasn't normal. I could tell that NTs enjoyed getting better at socializing. It was clearly pleasurable for them. Staying up-to-date with the latest pop culture stuff, the latest fashion trends, networking, meeting as many new people as possible, jockeying for in-group status, etc.

I noticed that the things that interested me were not interesting to NTs and that if I wanted to fit in, I'd actually have to actively sacrifice my real interests for new, more normie-centered interests; my tastes were seriously hurting my ability to fit in. The kind of movies I enjoyed (slower, dialogue-driven dramas or extremely dark thrillers) were considered boring or too nihilistic. The kind of books and music I enjoyed suffered from similar problems.

At first, it was tempting to just say, "Oh, I'm just super high-IQ and everyone else is a retard". But it became apparent to me that some NTs had a LOT of mental horsepower and had chosen to devote all of it to social skills, jestermaxing, impressing normies, etc. I knew that even if I tried to do that, I couldn't do it as effectively as them. So I concluded that I was fundamentally different, and assumed autism was the cause.

Yeah I have always felt this way too.

interesting and reltable to an extend.
I also derive no pelasure from social interaction whatsoever.
The movie thing, also relatable.

hmm hmm

but how did you jump from that to concluding that you are on the autistic spectrum?
interesting and reltable to an extend.
I also derive no pelasure from social interaction whatsoever.
The movie thing, also relatable.

hmm hmm

but how did you jump from that to concluding that you are on the autistic spectrum?

I just knew something was off. And autism, from what I'd read, seemed highly likely.

I could tell I cared way too much about getting at "the heart of the truth of matters" than normal people. I remember having what I thought were serious conversations with friends about political or economic matters and they'd always turn it into some joke to lighten the mood.

And I remember coming to a realization that NTs actually don't even really care what's objectively true and what isn't, insofar as it doesn't advance their evolutionary aims. To them, science, philosophy and all that stuff almost purely a form of entertainment.

It was disturbing to me at the time.
I just knew something was off. And autism, from what I'd read, seemed highly likely.

I could tell I cared way too much about getting at "the heart of the truth of matters" than normal people. I remember having what I thought were serious conversations with friends about political or economic matters and they'd always turn it into some joke to lighten the mood.

And I remember coming to a realization that NTs actually don't even really care what's objectively true and what isn't, insofar as it doesn't advance their evolutionary aims. To them, science, philosophy and all that stuff almost purely a form of entertainment.

It was disturbing to me at the time.
ok i see that

but what about the usual shit, like not getting jokes or being unable to read sarcasm?
do you meet the diagnostic criteria?

i am not trying to fuck you here bro, I just cant follow.

Do you care about social validation?
I have this thing where people have zero priority in my mind.
I dont seek them out.
And I dont remember them or their names, even after a year in the same class.
ok i see that

but what about the usual shit, like not getting jokes or being unable to read sarcasm?
do you meet the diagnostic criteria?

I was never officially diagnosed, so I don't know. I always understood jokes and sarcasm, but was never as fascinated by it as normies. Normies absolutely LOVE this stuff, especially sarcasm.

i am not trying to fuck you here bro, I just cant follow.

No worries.

I don't really have a preference in terms of how I identify; I typically just assume that I probably come across as autistic to most people and so it makes sense to identify that way.

Do you care about social validation?

This is a tricky one. Because I think what happened is that when I was very little, my parents noticed I didn't care and were concerned, so they put a lot of effort into training me to care. Then as I became older I grew out of that and stopped caring.

I have this thing where people have zero priority in my mind.
I dont seek them out.

That's how I am now and I think that's how I would've been growing up if not for my family, freinds, and teachers intervening heavily.

And I dont remember them or their names, even after a year in the same class.

Yeah I can relate to that. I'm absolutely awful at this and have to put extreme focus into remembering peoples' names, even when they literally just introduced themselves to me minutes ago.
I was never officially diagnosed, so I don't know. I always understood jokes and sarcasm, but was never as fascinated by it as normies. Normies absolutely LOVE this stuff, especially sarcasm.

No worries.

I don't really have a preference in terms of how I identify; I typically just assume that I probably come across as autistic to most people and so it makes sense to identify that way.

This is a tricky one. Because I think what happened is that when I was very little, my parents noticed I didn't care and were concerned, so they put a lot of effort into training me to care. Then as I became older I grew out of that and stopped caring.

That's how I am now and I think that's how I would've been growing up if not for my family, freinds, and teachers intervening heavily.

Yeah I can relate to that. I'm absolutely awful at this and have to put extreme focus into remembering peoples' names, even when they literally just introduced themselves to me minutes ago.

ok interesting about the nature vs nature argument.
Experiencing something similar right now, certain things seem to straighten out as I get older.
My parents were kind of strickt about certain things when I was a child.

Also, on your parents trying to socialize you, my parents did similar things.
They would drop me off at peoples houses and shit.

Yes, I dont remember people at all as a whole.
One time this new foid student got introduced to our class after a year.
So they made us form a circle and throw a ball around. When you caught it you had to say whow the person throwing it was and what she was like.
It was so fucking embarrasing holy fuck.
I didnt know anybody lol.
After a year.

The validation thing was an issue in school. My parents tried the usual reward-punishment approach but I would respond to neither. Punishment just made me more withdrawn and didnt increase the level of effort I put into my work and rewards or praise doesnt work on me.
Idk, it is just meaningless.

Do you have anything that stands out? what is your most obivous trait?
ok interesting about the nature vs nature argument.
Experiencing something similar right now, certain things seem to straighten out as I get older.
My parents were kind of strickt about certain things when I was a child.

Also, on your parents trying to socialize you, my parents did similar things.
They would drop me off at peoples houses and shit.

Yeah. For me, it was similar. Lots of summer camps and social activities and things like that. Which I had absolutely no desire to take part in. But my parents were ultra normies and so they believed strongly in that stuff.

It's strange thinking back on it now because I remember not really having any close friends at those things but also not feeling bored or lonely. As an adult, that sounds like hell. But as a kid I didn't know any better than to put up with it; I was just doing what my parents ordered me to do and it seemed perfectly reasonable.

Yes, I dont remember people at all as a whole.
One time this new foid student got introduced to our class after a year.
So they made us form a circle and throw a ball around. When you caught it you had to say whow the person throwing it was and what she was like.
It was so fucking embarrasing holy fuck.
I didnt know anybody lol.
After a year.

Lmao. Yeah, those sorts of things are pure suifuel for autists. I had to fake so hard at all of that stuff growing up. I was pretty good at faking it, but it wasn't pleasant.

The validation thing was an issue in school. My parents tried the usual reward-punishment approach but I would respond to neither. Punishment just made me more withdrawn and didnt increase the level of effort I put into my work and rewards or praise doesnt work on me.
Idk, it is just meaningless.

Yeah, I always ended up playing video games by myself instead of doing the things my parents considered to be valuable. I would procrastinate schoolwork until the very last second, often choosing to skip assignments altogether.

Do you have anything that stands out? what is your most obivous trait?

Oh yeah, lots of stuff.

I think the most obvious trait for me though is that, throughout my life, I've come across to people as like, an actual retard when meeting them for the first time. Lol.

Now, by almost any objective measure, I'd test very highly for all correlates of intelligence, but they don't know that of course since they're just meeting me and the one correlate they care about--basic NT social skills and quick-wittedness--I've always tended to be very rusty and out of practice on since I always avoided socializing as much as I could.

And it would always take me a few moments to gather my bearings and get back in "normie social mode" where I'm talking smoothly and filling the empty space with small talk, cracking normie jokes, and making the acceptable facial expressions and whatnot.

If the interaction didn't last more than a few moments though, it would sometimes end in a way such that I could tell that they were thinking, "Wow, that guy's a literal retard".

Which is funny. It's happened since as early as I can remember. As a very young child, I even had a teacher that told my parents she thought I had a learning disability, and then later in the school year, the same teacher said I should be in the school's gifted program (dumb whore).
Yeah. For me, it was similar. Lots of summer camps and social activities and things like that. Which I had absolutely no desire to take part in. But my parents were ultra normies and so they believed strongly in that stuff.

It's strange thinking back on it now because I remember not really having any close friends at those things but also not feeling bored or lonely. As an adult, that sounds like hell. But as a kid I didn't know any better than to put up with it; I was just doing what my parents ordered me to do and it seemed perfectly reasonable.

Lmao. Yeah, those sorts of things are pure suifuel for autists. I had to fake so hard at all of that stuff growing up. I was pretty good at faking it, but it wasn't pleasant.

Yeah, I always ended up playing video games by myself instead of doing the things my parents considered to be valuable. I would procrastinate schoolwork until the very last second, often choosing to skip assignments altogether.

Oh yeah, lots of stuff.

I think the most obvious trait for me though is that, throughout my life, I've come across to people as like, an actual retard when meeting them for the first time. Lol.

Now, by almost any objective measure, I'd test very highly for all correlates of intelligence, but they don't know that of course since they're just meeting me and the one correlate they care about--basic NT social skills and quick-wittedness--I've always tended to be very rusty and out of practice on since I always avoided socializing as much as I could.

And it would always take me a few moments to gather my bearings and get back in "normie social mode" where I'm talking smoothly and filling the empty space with small talk, cracking normie jokes, and making the acceptable facial expressions and whatnot.

If the interaction didn't last more than a few moments though, it would sometimes end in a way such that I could tell that they were thinking, "Wow, that guy's a literal retard".

Which is funny. It's happened since as early as I can remember. As a very young child, I even had a teacher that told my parents she thought I had a learning disability, and then later in the school year, the same teacher said I should be in the school's gifted program (dumb whore).

I would also be sent to summer camp every year until I got too old.
I hated it.
I would just sit around and do nothing.
Especially on the first day, I would just sit on a chair and do nothing while other kids ran around, made friends...
Even the adults there noticed it.

I never went as far as faking social skills to fit in.
Instead, I would withdraw an stay silent.

I cant do facial expression. People either say I am monotone or have dead face. Psycho stare etc...
When I smile people are weirded out, they think I am making a grimace.

My parents were told I was mentally retarded by a female psychologist when I was in kindergarden.
I think I refused to talk to them or something.
But my dad didn't accept this and taught me how to read before gradeschool to give me a head start.

So I went to a normal school and not special education.


idk if people think that I am retarded upon intially meeting me lol
but they shure act that way.

I was never successful academically though, failed classes, never studied....
I might be legit retarded.
I enjoyed reading on my own though.

I am tired rn, thx for your post bro. I really appreciate it

See you bro,
burpsu :heart:

Lain big smile alpha
that's why I'm not a fan of @FastBananaCEO
Does anyone else experience this feeling around normie men where they default to this "tough and assertive" vibe, and you're just acting normal, and it seems to drive them to try to be even more tough and assertive?

It's hard to describe. You either get it or you don't.

It's bizarre behavior on their part though. It feels as if they want you to try to play along and try to be tough as well. And if you don't, you can feel that they're becoming irritated by you, even though you both know that they're the one that's acting like a complete douche.

As a self-diagnosed autist, I can't help but feel that we're actually the psychologically normal ones and that society's behavioral norms are fucked beyond belief.
I relate 100%. Friendships with normie men doesn't feel like what a friendship should be but rather feels like a competition, there's always an undercurrent of hostility
Not only that but somehow they always manage to bring up their sexual experiences
Most normie men are infatuated with female attention because they want sex. It's how the male brain works, to impress and attract it tries to dominate the other males around, in whatever ways possible. They can't dominate if there is no competition, they can't attack you if you don't play the game. It's simple.
im so detached from reality that during social interactions i literally feel like im talking to a npc in a video game, the dialogue is always just repeated and mediocre so i kind of just stand their confused as to what the fucks going on.

which is the state im perpetually stuck in, confusion.
Can relate heavily, just nod your head and pretend to care about what the NPCs are talking about.
I wish a painful death upon every single normie for this reason. And it doesn't even end after college. Workplaces are the same, where bullies and Chads get paid more while the introverts get lesser positions or are fired. I wish Corona were less of a meme so I could work from home until retirement
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it's how the monkey brains work normie men subconsciously cope in order to attract a femoid they follow the trends they say the say the slang the wear the clothes and they try so hard to Jestermaxx fashionmaxx haircutmaxx bullymaxx anything they can to attract stacy but it never works they just end up being laughed at or ignored trust me I would know.

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