It's so satisfying to just level that notion with people. I've had maybe one moment when I allowed myself to say something of this nature who wasn't a friend, but it was so satisfying.
I was walking down the street in a major urban metropolis in the USA after taking a ton of acid and being at the beach all day the previous day/night. I was wearing swim trunks, a white T-shirt with permanent marker drawings all over it, a string backpack, and no footwear because my flip flops broke. It was a Monday at like 10 am or so. Businessmen, taxis, regular people, crowded city, skyscrapers, etc. My feet are tar black from walking on concrete, I am carrying a drum and beating it like idgaf. Me and my group are walking past an upper class outdoor dining area for some restaurant. Giga Douche, Suited Chad looks at me with that disparaging expression on his face, half smirk and 100% judgmental, and as I walk past him he says loud enough for his stock market buddies and biddies to hear, "Hey, where are your shoes?" I stop, turn 180, look him dead in the eyes and say "Hey, FUCK YOU!" loud enough for the whole street to hear. That shit boomed like a megaphone. Everyone looked at him. Smile fell faster than his daddy's stock portfolio during the economic recession. Just incredulous at the fact that he got shouted down by a dude with no shoes, a drum, and swim trunks in the middle of the city. Was incredibly satisfying.