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Blackpill Insights into JBWmaxxing from a .org user living in rural china for more than a decade

Jason Voorhees

Jason Voorhees

Apr 24, 2024
There was an old user on looksmax.org Jamesothy. He's an american living in a Chinese village for almost 15 years and is married to a Chinese woman and he is reported how common white tourists have become in the East. He also said in his posts how tall and decent looking zoomer asians were these days. Like I said you need to go to the villages or shithole countries like Laos and Cambodia to run JBW game now. He also made posts on how white sex tourists are just taking the trashy low iq women that no one wants. The sex tourists think they are winning but in most cases they are apparently the ones getting played by being slapped with alimonys, child support, getting divorce raped, catching STDs, getting scammed etc but if you are GL white man you will do very well in asian countries. GL white men also apparently get worshipped everywhere they go and not just by women you'll have people asking you to take pictures and do modelling. This is the real JBW halo in SEA countries he claims.

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@highschoolcel @Regenerator @IncelCream
Over for @Incline
I can say this utterly and purely untrue as somebody who’s spent time, not even in rural china but in urban china. Foids here chase after any non chink they see, including indians and blacks. Not for money since they chase after ones from countries such as nigeria and india too who work manual labor. They want blacks and indians because they are whiter than asians.
This is happening world wide

Why are zoomers so fucking talk everywhere ?
Also Chinese zoomers are just as subhuman as I am and shorter. Genetics don’t change in half a decade jfl its been the same everywhere for like 50 years now
@pyromancer1234 @mcmoohyun @SlayerSlayer @Lv99_BixNood @AsiaCel @starcrappo @Seahorsecel @lennox
Also Chinese zoomers are just as subhuman as I am and shorter. Genetics don’t change in half a decade jfl its been the same everywhere for like 50 years now
JFL you said you were 5'10 with 6/10 face and no flaws
I can say this utterly and purely untrue as somebody who’s spent time, not even in rural china but in urban china. Foids here chase after any non chink they see, including indians and blacks. Not for money since they chase after ones from countries such as nigeria and india too who work manual labor. They want blacks and indians because they are whiter than asians.
Blacks are whiter than Asians bro ?
@pyromancer1234 @mcmoohyun @SlayerSlayer @Lv99_BixNood @AsiaCel @starcrappo @Seahorsecel @lennox
*@starcrapoo. Y’all can confirm what I’ve said
I can say this utterly and purely untrue as somebody who’s spent time, not even in rural china but in urban china. Foids here chase after any non chink they see, including indians and blacks. Not for money since they chase after ones from countries such as nigeria and india too who work manual labor. They want blacks and indians because they are whiter than asians.
I see. Interesting how ypu amd hamesothy have conflicting views
JFL you said you were 5'10 with 6/10 face and no flaws
For a chink and if I leaned down and got surgery. I’m like average for a chink right now 3/10 subhuman below elephant man and brian peppers jfl. and my only flaw besides my race is my lips but my race us a HUGE flaw enough to ruin billions of lives
For a chink and if I leaned down and got surgery. I’m like average for a chink right now 3/10 subhuman below elephant man and brian peppers jfl. and my only flaw besides my race is my lips but my race us a HUGE flaw enough to ruin billions of lives
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For a chink and if I leaned down and got surgery. I’m like average for a chink right now 3/10 subhuman below elephant man and brian peppers jfl. and my only flaw besides my race is my lips but my race us a HUGE flaw enough to ruin billions of lives
Tales from the cuck chair of a self-hating chink. Just go to China to get laid if you are above average
"JBW" copers on suicide watch
@anandkonda I make you look like a psl god you most likely have forwward growth, a tall sharp nose, and a strong bear that accentuates the jawline all traits which will get you instant pussy around yellows
Tales from the cuck chair of a self-hating chink. Just go to China to get laid if you are above average
No I’m not sleeping with one of those disgusting things and catching an std
@anandkonda I make you look like a psl god you most likely have forwward growth, a tall sharp nose, and a strong bear that accentuates the jawline all traits which will get you instant pussy around yellows
Cope, none of them would matter at the height of 5'5. Even many noodle whores would height mogg me :cryfeels::feelsrope:
No I’m not sleeping with one of those disgusting things and catching an std
Exactly you are a volcel. Chink are also very rich, you can geomaxx to India, Turkey, EE or even SEA to get laid. Excuses of a self-hating volcel cuck
"JBW" copers on suicide watch
@anandkonda I make you look like a psl god you most likely have forwward growth, a tall sharp nose, and a strong bear that accentuates the jawline all traits which will get you instant pussy around yellows


He also addressed the Double eyelid ssurgeriesand skin lightening thing that is popular in Asia. Many people in the west think it is to look more caucasian but apparently it's not
View attachment 1197284

He also addressed the Double eyelid ssurgeriesand skin lightening thing that is popular in Asia. Many people in the west think it is to look more caucasian but apparently it's not
Now this is cope, we all know how much noodle whores are obsessed with race mixxing and white traits like blonde hair and blue eyes
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Not comfortable But on .org discord and with other blackpillers I’ve been rated as a 3 with the potential to be a 4 with leanmaxxing and 5 with surgery
Now this is cope, we all know how much noodle whores are obsessed with race mixxing and white traits like blonde hair and blue eyes
They do see as more beautiful and high class indeed but it's because of their history apparently hapas do better with asian women than white men themselves
They want blacks and indians because they are whiter than asians.
I agree with almost everything you said but this. Niggas will have no problem on SK too but it's not because of their "whiteness", tbf JBBmaxxing will only work if they're tall and masculine(so actually it's Just be Tyrone theory). And Indians.. personally have never seen a Pajeetbro with local Kimchiwhore here. Of course there might be some IMKF but i'd say it's still scarce as hens teeth. Noodlewhores here literally are whitu cocku onry. You have no chance here as deathnic unless you're Chadpreet/Tyrone/Chang/Chaddam.
They do see as more beautiful and high class indeed but it's because of their history apparently hapas do better with asian women than white men themselves
Only because theyre more likely to be down bad go settle for one
Don't worry, we moving to black women now
I agree with almost everything you said but this. Niggas will have no problem on SK too but it's not because of their "whiteness", tbf JBBmaxxing will only work if they're tall and masculine(so actually it's Just be Tyrone theory). And Indians.. personally have never seen a Pajeetbro with local Kimchiwhore here. Of course there might be some IMKF but i'd say it's still scarce as hens teeth. Noodlewhores here literally are whitu cocku onry. You have no chance here as deathnic unless you're Chadpreet/Tyrone/Chang/Chaddam.
Different in china. So you’re saying a short black framelet like clavicus vile wouldnt ascend there? I doubt it in china this 5’6 1/10 Nigerian was pulling according to my cousin
Op is a curry btw, makes sense that he doesn't believe in jbw. It hurts his little ego meanwhile Indians discriminate each other based on skin color and its completely normal there.
Op is a curry btw, makes sense that he doesn't believe in jbw. It hurts his little ego meanwhile Indians discriminate each other based on skin color and its completely normal there.
Ad hominem instead of addressing my points.
Op is a curry btw, makes sense that he doesn't believe in jbw. It hurts his little ego meanwhile Indians discriminate each other based on skin color and its completely normal there.
Are you an asianmasculinity infiltrator, here you deny jbw in asia a lot while shitting on whites like indians
They do see as more beautiful and high class indeed but it's because of their history
What history? Like I showed Tamils used to dye their skin black and hate people with fair skin, but after British they became colorist from being ruled by them for 200 years. This means Tamils are inherently black worshiping but due to conditioning they are now obsessed with fair skin

But chink, chinks always were cucks for white features. This means their white worship is just genetic.

Okay and explain why they dye their hair blonde and wear blue eye contacts

apparently hapas do better with asian women than white men themselves
@Despicablecel level cope
What history? Like I showed Tamils used to dye their skin black and hate people with fair skin, but after British they became colorist from being ruled by them for 200 years. This means Tamils are inherently black worshiping but due to conditioning they are now obsessed with fair skin

But chink, chinks always were cucks for white features. This means their white worship is just genetic.

Okay and explain why they dye their hair blonde and wear blue eye contacts


@Despicablecel level cope
These aren't my words bro. It's Jamesothy. He is the one saying this. I'm not coping about anything. I'm just posting what he has already posted
Don't read a single letter of his, if he claims chinks aren't white worshiping
He is saying they are white worshipping but he looks are also important in asia. Being white alone won't take you to far is what I understood from his posts
Being white alone won't take you to far is what I understood from his posts
Having white exclusive features like blue eyes and blonde hair would be enough from what I saw
It takes a level of desperation and NT to get with a decent girl in a place where everyone hates the foreign you. I'm not sure I can effectively geomaxx
sexpat that slaying for 10+ years, telling other sexpat not to come cause they wont be slaying,wow so surprise
jbw is mainstream and its no longer as effective as it once was the noodle whores are catching up.

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