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LifeFuel Insecurity gives you drive. Confidence just signals being auto-valued from birth.



Jan 2, 2018
Women want a guy with natural confidence but that odens't work with incels because the way most humans biologically pattern esteem doesn't lean confidence to being a loser/ failure.
Insecurity leads to comparison, to developing anger from your foibles, and gives you perfectionism. Especially if you have the entitlement mindset. Why do people not like insecurity? It would make all human beings more advanced/ dominant and constantly driven by the hatred of what their foibles are. There is nothing wrong with it.

Being stressed, is one thing that makes people lack focus. But this is from a philistine point of view. Eventually if you're well grounded/ disciplined you won't be stressed while angry. This is only said for sensitivecels/ low-pain-threshold-cels.
When I'm not angry. With an insecure mindset... I just feel drunk. And if I am completely secure then I feel like I am settling/ being happy clappy. Loving my life doesn't give me an incentive to push myself. It just makes me content. And being driven by what I love... I don't ahve what I love. And most of the hurdles that come my way give me fear/ terror/ insecurity... and I need to be a perfectionist/ insecure/ paranoid person because I lack winning skills in the offhand.

Fear mobilizes you, and makes you aware of danger. Love makes your mind just comfortable, and indulgent. Addicted to the positive, which often shirnks your mind. Typically. People don't foten revel in the darkness. Psychopaths might, but those are a rarity. Being uncomfortable/ being disciplined sharpens your senses/ understanding. Positivity just dullens. Even if I were perfect myself, and being happy, and driven with positivity of what I love, well there's a point where I wouldn't grow because being happy clappy is addictive, and the range of mental conceptualization doesn't cross off into everything .When you're negative you can look at the whole spectrum, as most things are detirmental to human comfort, and you're unafraid of it. Sure you can be happy doing that. But I'm saying that putting everything in a displeasurable mode as a major priority (heightening stimulus around you) will make you more determined to succeed. Deep love for something for most people makes you complacent. Deep fear for everything as a habit for most people keeps you pushed on. As is Anger. You just need to get used to the stress.

Positive energy doesn't exert perfectly. Because I am not positive about a lot in my life. I am angry/ negative about the disparities towards what I am without which would make me positive. Positivity is for the content. And I just don't meet the standards of what makes me happy. So I cycle back into discomfort and dissatisfaction.
Running on positivity makes you compalcent, even when you love keeping yourself going, there is an undertone of addictive jubilance to positivity that makes you complacent.
And being emotionless? And being monomood as an organic/ emotional creature just makes you sluggish also. We have emotions that consistently seep through. NO one has pure self control to be monomooded by being calm/ content. The emotions will soften you if you don't constantly exert feelings of being pushed, of dealing with danger, of being insecure and pushing towards yourself for a higher pain resilience. It's a constraining status.
I wish i could be emotionless monk, but im always stressed, angered and can joke and fun (defence mechanism, i guess) even when i feel bad. It's just naturally and maybe prevents me from 80 lvl rotting, but i want to stop being funny and be more serious. Not because i really want it, but becuse it seems like i mustnt be happy
Code of power.
From Primality in our Biology you get Entitlement.
From Entitlement you create an egotistical standard of life.
The standard is broken by reality obstacles.
They give you fear, and the fear is bent into anger.
Anger leads to correction, and corrective behavior fueled by fury becomes perfectionism.
But not all things can be fixed by mind over matter, and people will be wary of it when you do.
You need to be able to learn how to think. And to do this you need to diffuse your anger. Take pride in being an intellectualizer to remove your anxiety.
Create a veneer, train your mind like a puppy dog to temper your anxieties with intellectualizing your anxieties from turning into stress.
Then systematize your insecurity/ sadness/ disappointment, entitled anger (sense of justice attacking the injustice of life not meeting your standards), and then gaining substance by perfectionism. But use your perfectionism/ need for a powerful surface with intellectualizing your flaws/ along with circus training your mind to abide by your new system of being. And create the ultimate veneer of power from there.
insecurity/ any sort of emotions dont correlate with success. you can be negative while doing something, you can be positive while doing something, if you have the innate talent you will succeed anyways.
I wish i could be emotionless monk, but im always stressed, angered and can joke and fun (defence mechanism, i guess) even when i feel bad. It's just naturally and maybe prevents me from 80 lvl rotting, but i want to stop being funny and be more serious. Not because i really want it, but becuse it seems like i mustnt be happy
Don't be a copeguru.
You deserve your pain and stress.
Analyze your self-esteem by nazi lenses/ vanity lenses because we analyze our self esteem by the standards/ lifestyle/ scale of status we want to be analyzed by.
You wanna be an emotionless monk then you're basically just a rotter intellectually.
Be a Sith and advance yourself across the entire stimuli sensory grid. Don't just let go and be a fag.
insecurity/ any sort of emotions dont correlate with success. you can be negative while doing something, you can be positive while doing something, if you have the innate talent you will succeed anyways.
Wrong. There are a ton of people with drive. And more often than not, insecurity has produced people who were able to conquer the innately talented. Though not always. But still, you can evolve yourself.
Not seeing the connection makes you seem ignorant of the causation.
People are probably born better not being innately talented because the resentful/ non successful innately will probably push and push and resort to walking as a weasel if they weren't frontrunners. Many people would rather win as a weasel than live as a Lion. Look at the Jews.
Insecurity gives you surgical fury, and not raw rage. Because you're attacking passive fears that present a threat to you. So essentially you're going to learn how to destroy the threat while learning how to prevent falling victim to the threat your insecurities pose altogether. Raw rage is typically just striking back against injustice in a flurry. But insecurity based indignation is different.
Typically insecure peopel are lacking in terms of ego. But not always. Still, it will give you power. If you let it coarse through you.

Emotionless monks are insular rotters. They will not evolve oyu and learn to just delude yourself into being uncritical, and in that void, be a happy clappy sanctimonious faggot.
Don't be a copeguru.
You deserve your pain and stress.
Analyze your self-esteem by nazi lenses/ vanity lenses because we analyze our self esteem by the standards/ lifestyle/ scale of status we want to be analyzed by.
You wanna be an emotionless monk then you're basically just a rotter intellectually.
Be a Sith and advance yourself across the entire stimuli sensory grid. Don't just let go and be a fag.
Didn't get an idea. What do you advice me to do?
Didn't get an idea. What do you advice me to do?
You probably don't have the heart, drive, determination, anger.

But essentially because you're all incels and see your self worth through the lens of value that comes from being primal, and analyze yourself from the primality/ existentiarchy/ natural selection/ darwinial/ dominarchical social status aspects... then see all the disparity between yourself, and htose ogals, and use that negativity to erode your soul/ make your conscience irrelevant/ absorb your foibles and get insecure again if you're not already. Then find the injustice with it contrasted by your sense of entitlement to greatness/ value/ power (if you have one. It was easy for me because my family spoiled/ altarized my ego). Then take the injustice you perceive and strike strike strike.

No morality would advocate for this, but this would be the best method to giving you the substance by your standards to make you happy. So ignore morality and get what you need.
insecurity/ any sort of emotions dont correlate with success. you can be negative while doing something, you can be positive while doing something, if you have the innate talent you will succeed anyways.
No one has innate talent independent from making your state of mind integral to the aspects of success.
The word confidence is thrown around like crazy. Also there is advice being repeated over and over again without questioning. "Be positive. It will get better. Be confident. Haters are just jellous". That is not very helpful. I started gymcelling because I was insecure about my body, and my life was greatly improved. Nowadays I get "diminishing returns" from gymcelling. Just making a point.
The word confidence is thrown around like crazy. Also there is advice being repeated over and over again without questioning. "Be positive. It will get better. Be confident. Haters are just jellous". That is not very helpful. I started gymcelling because I was insecure about my body, and my life was greatly improved. Nowadays I get "diminishing returns" from gymcelling. Just making a point.
Why are you getting diminishing returns?
legit foibles
Insecurity is a part of being a man. And owning up to it. Holding on to pain. It's just that people are soft and treat the stress from it as unbearable, and ignoring its finer points. Where you mentally grow and gain fortitude against things. People are unaware of how essential/ integral insecurity usually is in people's growth/ habits/ health/ competency.
You will be so insecure at a point where you will conquer morality/ everyting else itself. BEcuase your insecurities and conquering them will be so crucial/ completion so crucial that you will do anything to make your goals met. We're a preventionist species, not unthinkative frontfooters like movies depict us being. Like in John Wick where guys just run up to him to get his ass beat. They would be in the corners with snipers and LMGs. That's reality.
Look at this shit. Case and point. Unreal. Think about the contrast in REALITY. And see how insecurity is the inner instructor we have to be tactical, and to be methodically corrective/ remedying towards imperfection.

In a real fight people would be more tactical/ dirty. But hollywood propaganda doesn't want to have people who take role models from movies to develop the effective mindset. And to understand how real combat/ martial nature of the universe works. It's stupid. And people need to feel comfortable, and not have the worst projection when thinking other people are out there going to fight to the death dirty. People wouldn't be good consumers if they were terrified.
Why are you getting diminishing returns?
I get respected and my body is qiute attractive now. It won't be long until I reach the point where it's actually starting to look unattractive for normie standards. Plus as weight increases the likelihood of injury increases.
I'm not sure you develop tolerance to stress.
Constant exposure to high cortisol levels shrinks the hypocampus and grows the amygdala (fear zone). I easily lose my shit over petty stuff nowadays.
I get respected and my body is qiute attractive now. It won't be long until I reach the point where it's actually starting to look unattractive for normie standards. Plus as weight increases the likelihood of injury increases.
Oh well. Live life on the high rise. It's always like a tightrope. Your power makes you have to withstand it.
I'm not sure you develop tolerance to stress.
Constant exposure to high cortisol levels shrinks the hypocampus and grows the amygdala (fear zone). I easily lose my shit over petty stuff nowadays.
Yes. And that's good. Makes you more prone to doing what's necessary. Awareness of fear, when controlled, is more compulsive towards success if funneled properly than being stoic. Stoicism is a drag. And fear can be paralyzing. The difference is that high habituation makes you stronger.

But what you said, about fear being a greater constant has nothing to do with how I have or not become immune to stress. That fear is just more accommodated because cortisol is high? It's better to strengthen your adrenal glands. This is one of the things that can't be overworked as much as people say contrary to what Guru-sages tell you. Fairy braiders.

People who think they're extrasensory really just get wound down into being faggots. Faggots stuck up their own ass, in an attempt to be sanctimonious. Puts them under another sort of decadence.
About the hypocampus, I always dismissed that as a new wave positivity pusher/ fairy braided myth. I'm more skeptical about certain sciences because there is probably latent propaganda in anything that can't be independently explored. My memory/ reflexes were alwasy stronger with anger. I suppose I might be conflating the benefits of the hypocampus with that of the amygdala.
that's an interesting way to think of it. its kind of like the movie split I saw a little while ago. the movie had the idea that people who have been through trauma are usually the stronger/more driven people, while people who live life on easy mode are usually the ones running around like headless chickens, not knowing what to do every time a problem arises.

or did I completely misunderstand?
that's an interesting way to think of it. its kind of like the movie split I saw a little while ago. the movie had the idea that people who have been through trauma are usually the stronger/more driven people, while people who live life on easy mode are usually the ones running around like headless chickens, not knowing what to do every time a problem arises.

or did I completely misunderstand?
You understood.
It's exactly right.
But this is the reason foids want good looks. So that there aren't angry hungry people with "bad" life experiences. Where peopel can have the ominous oppression vibe that really knows how to take shit and hit it home easily.
My fucking psychologist said I was sick for this. I just think I was the one who knew how to put it all together.

If you are accustomed to easy mode, then you may be the obvious winner. But you didn't earn it as a model citizen. It's undeserved. So a person with the inner identity resonance of a model citizen should be the one who understands how to win.
If you live too insulated then you will not be of the best help when issues come.

If half a room is a mess, the person who is pessimistic, and preventative of the negative will win out. The people who look at the bad (blackpill) and conquer.
And then the people who huddle to the happy side of the room that isn't a mess will linger on the positive and the negative will spread. The positive person will eventually have to address the negative... but the angry, isnecure, or people who are lovingly passionate about fixing messes (rare... but angry/ insecurity are more common and understandable/ relatable to deal with messes) will eliminate it faster.
Loving the process is rare for people. We love the result, and rush to it. If we were process lovers, and not result lovers I don't think we'd be alive as a species. Because we wouldn't be driven to get the deed done, but just to be in the danger of doing it.
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