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Indian spent 10 years studymaxxing as a doctor (ropefuel for curries)

Bangkok or bust

Bangkok or bust

A life of poorer quality due to skull & bones
Mar 22, 2018
And this is the best he could get - a fucking landwhale. HUGE White nasty pig!

I hope he leaves her at the beach.
Trust me when I say this, it's definitely over for curries in the west LOL. Quite a lot of them brag about sleeping with white women the moment they land in a western white country (when their only notches are OBESE white women). They have little to low self awareness and deny the fact that being an average looking Indian is a death sentence when it comes to dating non-fat, non- Indian women.
This is about the best a curry can do.
fucking betabuxx
The thing is, I doubt she has any noteworthy education and a shit job. This wouldn't really be a problem if she was a virgin and younger, but he's just picking up the scraps of fat.
just lol @ their kid he will be posting on here in 10 years indians should never race mix
congratz to him if it's his kid, at least he made it
He probably would rather have her than a curry looksmatch.
still ascension tbh according to 2019 SMV market place I swear it's still ascension
Trust me when I say this, it's definitely over for curries in the west LOL. Quite a lot of them brag about sleeping with white women the moment they land in a western white country (when their only notches are OBESE white women). They have little to low self awareness and deny the fact that being an average looking Indian is a death sentence when it comes to dating non-fat, non- Indian women.
Chadpreet or death
just get a good career br00o00
at least he is high IQ
He is not good looking I say she’s about his looks match.
just lol @ their kid he will be posting on here in 10 years indians should never race mix

The kid already looks like Mr Bean / comedic.
He is not good looking I say she’s about his looks match.

He's a fucking doctor. He should get his pick of thin women on the wage he's on.
This is what they mean as "I know an Indian guy who marries a blonde white girl."
it's still a big ascension, a white foid marrying an indian male...
It's over for ethnic men in any place in the Americas or Europe.
Tbh i don’t get why people like nordic girls so much, i don’t find them attractive
I'd still consider this ascension because his son has some white genes. Look for genes when selecting mates, not superficial fat.

Cope. If he stays in the West, his son will be an incel or a betabuxxer like him.
That landwhale looks older than him. At least he can brag about fuking a white foid and having a child, but he is a doctor , he deserves a better foid. In the past with patriarchy this guy can marry up srs.
And she;'s white? Jesus that curry got lucky
Jfl at this cuck. If he is a doctor then why not just pay whores
She can lose weight. The only problem is if she is a virgin or not
wow..... no fucking words seriously i hope for his sake that he will die soon
Still better than a indian girl though he got a half white son
Most indian women r as dirty and repulsive as this land whale
She can lose weight. The only problem is if she is a virgin or not

At that size weight loss is hopeless other than for health

Once you get that big even if you get down to a proper weight you will have a melted wax looking bodu
She can lose weight. The only problem is if she is a virgin or not
R u kidding me she landed a nice beta husband who will take care of her even of she doesn't give him sex or behaves like a wife
Also virginity doesn't matter does chad ever ask about virginity no
they are both ugly lol
This is what they mean as "I know an Indian guy who marries a blonde white girl."
Pretty much why I take it with a grain of salt. They are talking about some obese 3/10 foid (well into her 30's) who he is betabuxxing. not some prime 8/10 blonde JB
R u kidding me she landed a nice beta husband who will take care of her even of she doesn't give him sex or behaves like a wife
Also virginity doesn't matter does chad ever ask about virginity no
Lmfao cope cope cope Virginity is everything. You are sll volcel. I will take any foid lest she is a virgin
Lmfao cope cope cope Virginity is everything. You are sll volcel. I will take any foid lest she is a virgin
Absolutely stupid and retarted way of thinking u wouldn't think like that's if urwere Chad
Absolutely stupid and retarted way of thinking u wouldn't think like that's if urwere Chad
Chad has the luxury of fucking for carnal desire but when he settles he will get a jb virgin foid keep coping every man wants a virgin
Hopefully he’s completely delusional and happy about his family. In some way I envy his bluepilled delusion. I’m so blackpilled that even if I ascend, I’ll know it’s because I’m betabuxxing a landwhale.
Chad has the luxury of fucking for carnal desire but when he settles he will get a jb virgin foid keep coping every man wants a virgin
No he also gets a 20 to 28 year old girl who had been fucked by multitude of men
Believe me I have met many chad and normies on discord server they give 2 shit about virginity
No he also gets a 20 to 28 year old girl who had been fucked by multitude of men
Believe me I have met many chad and normies on discord server they give 2 shit about virginity
It is cucked
Ok keep coping buddy
I really hate curries and im saying this as a curry myself.I hope our race goes extinct
Think about this:
They are on different intelligence levels

Men try to achieve the heavens and women try to achieve the longest cock.

There is no future for humanity as long as females don't want men to develope shit
Your effort is pointless. You can't win as an ugly male.
I really hate curries and im saying this as a curry myself.I hope our race goes extinct
idk how curries have such a huge population if they are so subhuman. whatever happened to natural selection?
I don't approve of whaling
Did Hitler despise curries? I've not read much into how nazi germany viewed indian folk.
i dont think he hated curries particularly but he mustve saw them as an inferior race. eugenics was based tbhtbh

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