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JFL Indian manufactured Eye drops Cause death, vision loss and infections in the US



Jun 2, 2023

View: https://twitter.com/RamiSteele/status/1683104133845340160?s=20

View: https://twitter.com/monkiii07/status/1683112598362017792?s=20
In 2022, Indian syrups claimed the lives of over 100 children’s in Indonesia, Uzbekistan and Gamibia.
Avoid taking anything made in India if you value your life.

@wereq @Transcended Trucel @fang
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meme race strikes again
Fear BRICS boyos
I think he is more a of an "Axis of resistance" Larper. Aren't Indians just Anglo slaves politically?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRAQezn85tw

They're trying to have their cake and eat it, and so far they are having some success with that, but China especially doesn't like that. I don't think I have it saved, but there was some actual survey which found thatt India is the most hated country in China, even far below the USA and so on.

Fear BRICS boyos
Their incompetence?
China is actually growing and well on the way to be a world power if they already aren't, Russia is painfully declining, Brazil is stagnating at best as its current GDP is 40% lower than its 2011 peak, India is slowly growing just like China but still a very long way from a world power status, and South Africa is a shithole.

Will be interesting to see what happens at the summit (which Putin won't attend and Lavrov will take over him lol:feelskek:) but if they won't add some new members with real potential or come up with something to shake up the global politics, their star will definitely start to fade at least a bit, not least because of the internal disunity.
Indians should be skinned alive and humiliated at every point in their life.
i remember reading this when it happened

i am kinda anti-medication nowadays, so my first thought was 'did they even really need the eyedrops in the first place?'

and of course it turned out to be mostly 'artificial tears' i.e bullshit that you can definitely live without
legit killed by the 'medicate yourself every day in every hole, goy!' jew
Giga-IQ curries.

If white Stacies are blind, then everyone is Chad. Now Raj will get bobs and vegene.
the US should adequatly respond to this failure by nuking india
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Peter Baker was a bold and honest auditor. He refused to announce lab inspections in advance, as is FDA\u2019s lackadaisical practice. From 2012 to 2018, Baker discovered \u201cfraud or deceptive practices in almost four-fifths of the drug plants he inspected\u201d in India and China. Indian and Chinese manufacturers engaged in data manipulation that could prove deadly.\n\nAt one firm, the Wockhardt plant in India, Baker caught the company knowingly releasing insulin vials containing metallic fragments from a defective sterilizing machine into Indian and foreign markets. Eban reports that \u201c[Baker] learned that the company had been using the same defective equipment to make a sterile injectable cardiac drug for the American market.\u201d Two months later, the FDA banned imports from that plant.\n\nAnother chilling statistic is that \u201cNearly forty percent of all our generic drugs are made in India. Eighty percent of active ingredients for both our brand and generic drugs come from abroad, the majority from India and China\u2026 America makes almost none of its own antibiotics anymore\u201d (My emphasis). The outsourcing of the production of drugs to foreign countries presents vast challenges for health and safety regulators.\"\n\n- Ralph Nader",
"headline": "Top FBI officials were 'quite worried' Comey would appear to be blackmailing Trump",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/top-fbi-offi...ppear-to-be-blackmailing-trump-132955356.html",
"timestamp": "Thu May 16 05:31:10 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Trump: Importing Dangerous Medicines and Keeping Consumers in the Dark\n\nBy Ralph Nader\nMay 15, 2019\n\nConservatives favor consumer choice. Consumer information is vital to make that choice meaningful. Corporatists, masquerading as conservatives, do not care about informed consumer choice. Donald Trump is a corporatist, as are the vast majority of Republicans in his Cabinet and in Congress. Corporatists do not even want you to know where products are made. Today, producers and retail sellers do not have to tell you the \u201ccountry of origin\u201d for meat and pork products. Before 2015, when Congress bowed to the dictates of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Congress had enacted a law that required country of origin labels on meat products.\n\nPeople wanted to know whether the beef and pork sold in their local stores was from the U.S., or Canada, Brazil, China, Mexico, or South Africa, among other importers. But after the WTO judges in Geneva, Switzerland decided, bizarrely, that \u201ccountry of origin\u201d labeling was an impermissible non-tariff trade barrier, Congress meekly repealed the labeling law and President Obama signed it into law.\n\nWhile Donald Trump claims to reject \u201cfree trade\u201d treaties, he has been silent on country of origin regulations. State Cattlemen\u2019s Associations want laws mandating country of origin labels, believing that consumers are more trusting of the U.S. meat industry than the meat industries in most other countries. These associations know that the U.S.D.A. Food Safety and Inspection Service has a much less rigorous inspection process for imported meats. Unfortunately, the rest of the meat industry likes to import meat, without labeling, and mix it up with the U.S. products. Trump \u2013 a prodigious meat eater has yet to tweet in favor of the American cattle industry, even though many people in this part of the U.S. meat industry voted for him in 2016.\n\nEven worse, we cannot tell where our drugs are being manufactured. Rosemary Gibson, author of China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America\u2019s Dependence on China for Medicine thinks American patients are endangered by imported medicines. Gibson is about to testify before Congress on her very disturbing findings regarding importation of medicines from China. I\u2019ve been trying to get the attention of Donald Trump, his Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, and the Secretary of Agriculture, Sunny Perdue, regarding risks with importation of food and drugs. Letters, emails, and calls have been met with silence. By not responding, they\u2019re telling us who they primarily support\u2014corporate profiteering interests. That is one reason why Trump has broken his promise to the American people to bring down staggeringly high drug prices.\n\nIt will be harder for the Trump administration to ignore journalist Katherine Eban . Eban provides us with a terrifying glimpse of her new book, Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom, in a New York Times article published on Sunday May 11, 2019. The article, \u201cAmericans Need Generic Drugs, But Can They Trust Them?\u201d exposes the widespread unsafe conditions in many Indian and Chinese labs and plants that manufacture generic drugs for the U.S. market (generics amount to 90 percent of the U.S. supply of drugs). One of her sources was an intrepid Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspector, Peter Baker (he has since left the agency).",
"headline": "Top FBI officials were 'quite worried' Comey would appear to be blackmailing Trump",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/top-fbi-offi...ppear-to-be-blackmailing-trump-132955356.html",
"timestamp": "Thu May 16 05:13:27 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "he a murderer. plain and simple. homicide mean he kill.",
"headline": "Medical examiner: Police shooting of Texas woman a homicide",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/newsroom/vibe...c0e339_a-f624b48d-8195-3980-945c-cc9b42c0e339",
"timestamp": "Thu May 16 01:15:18 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "You're no more qualified than he is.",
"headline": "Chris Evans praised for slamming 'absolutely unbelievable' Alabama abortion bill: 'Captain America for president'",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/chris-evans-slams-alabama-abortion-ban-103137963.html",
"timestamp": "Wed May 15 12:36:18 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "XI hates racism, Trump loves racism. No wonder China is advancing as America falters.",
"headline": "Amid trade war, China's Xi preaches openness, says no civilisation superior",
"url": "https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trade-war-bites-chinas-xi-preaches-openness-054033744.html",
"timestamp": "Wed May 15 12:27:50 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Nothing that Europeans haven't already done.",
"headline": "Amid trade war, China's Xi preaches openness, says no civilisation superior",
"url": "https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trade-war-bites-chinas-xi-preaches-openness-054033744.html",
"timestamp": "Wed May 15 12:22:35 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Ah, White conservatives.....always projecting.",
"headline": "Amid trade war, China's Xi preaches openness, says no civilisation superior",
"url": "https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trade-war-bites-chinas-xi-preaches-openness-054033744.html",
"timestamp": "Wed May 15 12:21:26 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"It is stupid to believe that one's race and civilisation are superior to others\"\n\nNo wonder Republicans hate him.",
"headline": "Amid trade war, China's Xi preaches openness, says no civilisation superior",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/trade-war-bites-chinas-xi-preaches-openness-054033744.html",
"timestamp": "Wed May 15 12:20:50 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Yes. It feels good to have the GDP of France.",
"headline": "Tucker: Homelessness getting worse in California",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/tucker-homelessness-getting-worse-california-010900692.html",
"timestamp": "Wed May 15 08:10:57 UTC 2019"

Re: fav oters

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#148851190Thursday, October 30, 2014 11:58 AM CDT
"Do my eyes deceive me or do I see fixingtoaster?"Quite an accurate analysis.
Based currycels in Indian factories, intentionally sabotaging products to cause harm to the clown west
who the fuck buys anything from india except curry and foreign bribes anyway?
their fault for buying from literally the worst and uncleanest country in the world.
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My toothpaste was made in India

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