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Theory Indian invasion of canada



An alcoholic
Jun 25, 2022
Screenshot 20240526 114307 Reddit
Screenshot 20240526 114323 Reddit
dnr, fuck reddit
Over for currycels who come to Canada and expect a good life when all that’s awaiting them is eternal KHHVness
Indians to the North, spics to the south, with every nigger conclave betwixt beneath the ivory towers of jews sprawled about this country. We are so fucked.
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@Grim_Reaper thots?
I have already, said this. Indians are a scapegoat, the only race you can only openly mock without consequences. Not saying, a lot of them don't do stupid shit, but it's exaggerated most of the time. Niggers are responsible, for so many white deaths, yet, nobody opens their mouth. Even, the most liberal soyboy will make "bob and vegene" jokes.
I have already, said this. Indians are a scapegoat, the only race you can only openly mock without consequences. Not saying, a lot of them don't do stupid shit, but it's exaggerated most of the time. Niggers are responsible, for so many white deaths, yet, nobody opens their mouth. Even, the most liberal soyboy will make "bob and vegene" jokes.
Yeah they commit more crimes than Indians in Canada(as usual) but whites are too afraid to say anything.
I can only pray the living standards in this country fall fast enough for migrants to realize Canada is not worth moving to. I know some curries will do anything to move out of India but there are way better options especially at the rate things are going.
I have already, said this. Indians are a scapegoat, the only race you can only openly mock without consequences. Not saying, a lot of them don't do stupid shit, but it's exaggerated most of the time. Niggers are responsible, for so many white deaths, yet, nobody opens their mouth. Even, the most liberal soyboy will make "bob and vegene" jokes.
well it's not like curries are not fucking up Canada...just because you all are not raping and killing....Curries are scamming here left right and centre from faking their driver lisence to causing huge car accidents to depressing the local wages to straight up lying about their achievements on a resume to such an extent that my uncle just straight up throws a curry resume in trash when he recieves it
Yeah they commit more crimes than Indians in Canada(as usual) but whites are too afraid to say anything.
And most libtards are aware, of that. But because, even dog whistles about niggers are censored, they take their frustration out on curries, because, neither reddit nor the moderators will do anything.
I can only pray the living standards in this country fall fast enough for migrants to realize Canada is not worth moving too. I know some curries will do anything to move out of India but please have some standards. There are way better options especially at the rate things are going.
their Shitdia is such a shithole they will keep moving in until the country will be run to the grown and Canucks are too cucked up to do anything about it
well it's not like curries are not fucking up Canada...just because you all are not raping and killing....Curries are scamming here left right and centre from faking their driver lisence to causing huge car accidents to depressing the local wages to straight up lying about their achievements on a resume to such an extent that my uncle just straight up throws a curry resume in trash when he recieves it
I'm Lebanese. Not Curry. I'm not saying a lot of them don't do stupid shit, scam people like they do in India. But Niggers have been killing and doing far worse things in Canada/America. Yet, nobody, complains.you can't say anything about them without, getting your post removed on reddit.
I don't even have any problems with curries but u know a sentence that has been ever uttered once on any country on this planet - We need more jeets to fill up our nation like roaches ...

They are quite literally Everywhere now ...every Tim Hortons every McDonald's is filled with jeets as waiters and they don't even understand English lol....I can't make sense of their grating stupid accent

Wages have dropped down....rents have risen exponentially as jeets have fucked that too.....
Fuck Trudeau and fuck shitskins
their Shitdia is such a shithole they will keep moving in until the country will be run to the grown and Canucks are too cucked up to do anything about it
It's also because the Cuckdeau government keeps lowering the requirements for what's needed to immigrate so they can arrive here more easily. The only reason indians don't move to the US or another better more affordable country is because they actually require the migrants to prove themselves to be at least somewhat financially secure before accepting their papers. Canada did away with all of this because we're run by clowns and want to import anybody at any cost with no regard for the consequences.
It's also because the Cuckdeau government keeps lowering the requirements for what's needed to immigrate so they can arrive here more easily. The only reason indians don't move to the US or another better more affordable country is because they actually require the migrants to prove themselves to be at least somewhat financially secure before accepting their papers. Canada did away with all of this because we're run by clowns and want to import anybody at any cost with no regard for the consequences.
what's even worse is that poilivere isn't even planning to curb immigration....ovER for Canada
what's even worse is that poilivere isn't even planning to curb immigration....ovER for Canada
Canada is the poster child for everything wrong with the western world and globohomo as a whole. The soulless multicultural shithole of a post national state with no culture or identity. It was bound to happen once the ruling class decided this was the best direction for the country
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It's also because the Cuckdeau government keeps lowering the requirements for what's needed to immigrate so they can arrive here more easily. The only reason indians don't move to the US or another better more affordable country is because they actually require the migrants to prove themselves to be at least somewhat financially secure before accepting their papers. Canada did away with all of this because we're run by clowns and want to import anybody at any cost with no regard for the consequences.

I have already, said this. Indians are a scapegoat, the only race you can only openly mock without consequences. Not saying, a lot of them don't do stupid shit, but it's exaggerated most of the time. Niggers are responsible, for so many white deaths, yet, nobody opens their mouth. Even, the most liberal soyboy will make "bob and vegene" jokes.
Thanks arab bro for defending us

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