Immigration will insure that the far-left will soon control the United States. Ditto for nations like Sweden where even in-spite of all the garbage immigration is causing over there only a laughable 18% of swedes voted for the SD. And the protesters in France are retards who are asking for things like lower taxes AND more public spending, which makes PERFECT sense.
YOU are the one who has negative IQ if you think that the far-left isn't completely destroying everybody in the cultural and political war. You also don't seem to have a good understanding of just how fucking stupid the average person is.
You forget that pretty much all non-white immigrants are more conservative than the native white population, right or left. The only reason why immigrants vote for the left is because the right is avowedly against non-whites and immigration, and is also in favor of war/intervention against non-white countries. And of course, many non-whites also vote left for increased welfare.
Immigration will strengthen the left yes, as long as retarded right-wingers still continue to exist. Once the Western right-wing has declined sufficiently and is no longer perceived as a threat by non-whites, then you will see non-whites breaking off from the left and setting up their own patriarchal political parties. Without non-white support, the left will also collapse and fragment. Some of the leftists, the ones who are more strongly against racism will join the non-white patriarchal parties. Some white right-wingers will also side with the non-white traditionalists. The cucks who care more about homosexuality and feminism than anti-racism will stay as leftists. Non-whites will thus democratically take over the West and restore patriarchy. Or alternatively the existing political parties voluntarily change their own programs in order to appeal to non-white voters once whites are no longer as relevant as voters.
Look at California with Proposition 8, the white leftists in California were very solidly expecting a victory on Prop 8, because they perceived California to be a thoroughly leftist state. Yet, they lost, and it was mostly because the Blacks and Hispanics voted overwhelmingly against homosexuality. That was 10 years ago when California was more white. Today the consensus against faggotry would be even stronger because there are even more non-whites in California. Even the most Westernized non-whites have more traditionalist and "regressive" views than the white right-wing itself.
Likewise, most violence against women in Europe and America is perpetrated by non-whites. You have probably seen the statistics, Blacks and Hispanics in America relentlessly punish white sluts, and likewise as do Muslims and Africans in Europe. Non-whites especially don't give a fuck about women's rights or feminism. Women's "rights" are shit all across the non-white world.
Non-whites are also aggressive breeders, whilst white leftists have an average of 1.2 kids, meaning they will go extinct in the future. On the other hand, Sub-Saharan Africa's population alone will be 4.5 billion by 2100. All these white soyboys and white feminist sluts will have a very rude awakening once non-whites become a majority in their countries. Patriarchy will definitely make a come back.
However, in order for this to happen, the Western right-wing must lose. There is no point in the right-wing still existing, they are cucked anyway, and are only slowing down this process. Don't worry, if you are white and on the side of non-whites, non-whites will remember your help and support. You want patriarchy and so do we. We don't have to be divided. In Europe for example, we see the beginning of white men waking up about the loss of male rights, and many are converting to Islam in order to resolve this. Together the blackpilled white and the non-whites will restore male rights.
I was a very radical SJW who believed in Marxism and full gender equality and abolishment of gender, one thing about SJW space is that they are NPC braindeads and generally tries to censor pro-male views.
Its about planting a seed. Remind the SJWs of that, give them some blackpill and you can convert some of them in the long run once they begin questioning their existence and their cause. It took me years to get out of being a leftist and eventually finding my way on MGTOW, TRP and finally r/incels.
I also used to have leftist beliefs when I was younger. I assume you are non-white as well from your name? If so, it makes sense. Us non-whites only really gravitate towards leftism because we feel wronged by the whites and right-wing. But when we understand that the left are just white cucks seeking to impose Western feminism, emasculation and homosexuality on us non-whites, then we quickly wisen up to them as well.
No black people for example give a shit about some Tumblr leftist dyke whining about tranny rights. They only vote left to piss off white right-wingers and get their welfarebux.
Not sure if I can buy the idea that sjws can be converted honestly. Either you were never really that big of a sjw or you are a freak edge case.
Only whites are usually committed hardcore SJWs, non-whites who sympathize with leftists are only in it for their own self-interests.