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Brutal IncelTears won't post this...

Faded For Her

Faded For Her

Sep 19, 2024
Because they are cowards.

I was doing some research for posting a comment on another thread and I decided to go a little deeper.

You know how feminicide is cited everywhere as some worrying problem that absolutely needs to be addressed? How women are dying left and right at the hands of men? How women are the biggest victims in our society? Well, I decided to check on the numbers and this is what I got:

In 2022, nearly 89,000 women and girls were intentionally killed worldwide, marking the highest annual figure recorded in the past two decades.
Of these killings, approximately 48,800 were committed by intimate partners or family members, which constitutes about 55% of all female homicide victims. This means that more than 133 women and girls were killed every day by someone close to them. Source 1, Source 2

To this I raise a question: Who chose to be in those relationships? My goal is not to victim-blame, mind you, just to point an interesting fact: The same people who will tell you that these women were coerced and manipulated by their partners, will also tell you that women have a supernatural 'sixth sense' for detecting creepiness and bad vibes and this is the reason you are single - they can smell your 'bad personality'. Food for thought.

But that is not the highlight. This is:
Do you know how many men died of suicide in 2022 worldwide?

Over 500.000. Males represent 80% of the total number of suicides, amounting to roughly 100 men dying by suicide every day, over 36,000 annually in the US alone. Interestingly, indian males are the leading ethnicity in these US suicide rates. (I wonder why?)
Source 1, Source 2, Source 3

"The patriarchy killed them! Patriarchy hurts men too!" I said it before, and I will say it again: The patriarchy is dead. And it's never coming back. Gynocentrism pissed on its corpse and is now puppeteering it to make the real victims feel shame and to justify a group of already privileged people getting even more privilege. I call it the "Zombie Patriarchy". Yes, men were in 'power' about a century ago, but that changed. And if you are one of those who think "things were better back then", trust me, it was not. Men had - still do to some degree - this stupid notion of self-sacrifice being noble. And so they threw away their lives easily. For the women who would forget about them when they outlived their usefulness. For the countries who abandoned them in favor of supporting women because it became the most profitable zeitgeist. Men were tools. The difference from then and now is that they have no further use. The state can provide for women now. And what do you do with tools that you have no use for? You cast them out of your mind. Hence, average males are invisible.

Even when disenfranchised men and their struggles are noticed by women, it's for the wrong reasons. I have seen this pattern repeat itself many times, across cultures: "We need to do something about all those lonely men!" discourse, followed immediately by: "Because when men are lonely they get resentful, they turn to hate on women and spread misogyny!" This is the "empathetic" gender I keep hearing about. This is the extent of their 'empathy'; Men are only a concern when they become a threat that need to be dealt with. They don't care about you and your woes, they just care how you affect them.

So, whenever someone tries to tell you that "Misandry only hurts feelings, misogyny kills women", give them a little reminder of what hurt feelings are capable of. Spread the word, apparently this issue is - like every other male issue - invisible.
Too many words for their tiny brains to react to so of course they won't touch it.
IT wont touch anything that's not a 11year old child
Its even more ridiculous considering that they just reinvented a wheel. Femicide? Why not just call it murder. But the obvious stands out: most people consider the lives of a woman more important than the life of a man. Even feminists who claim they want and believe in equality.

Personally I'd put some victim blame on the victims too. The reason? I've seen women on social media posting stories about how their boyfriend is in jail, but they are waiting patiently for him to get out. Excuse me? I can already see a woman like her becoming just another statistic. She literally wants to marry a man with a violent, criminal past. None of this is news to her.

Needless to also say that women who go for drug dealers, gangsters, men with face tattoos, men with violent past, men with proven erratic and impulsive behavior. But then you also realize that's what women actually find attractive in men. Women would rather date a steroid abusing man with a violent past than a guy with a degree. Lets be real here. That's what women find "attractive" and "masculine" and "exciting." Not some guy with a degree.

But apparently its the fault of all men collectively that women choose these men, have kids with these men, and further continue the genes of these violent men, causing a nice cycle of violence to happen.

Once again, its literally the fault of women. But they'll take zero blame for it.
Because they are cowards.

I was doing some research for posting a comment on another thread and I decided to go a little deeper.

You know how feminicide is cited everywhere as some worrying problem that absolutely needs to be addressed? How women are dying left and right at the hands of men? How women are the biggest victims in our society? Well, I decided to check on the numbers and this is what I got:

In 2022, nearly 89,000 women and girls were intentionally killed worldwide, marking the highest annual figure recorded in the past two decades.
Of these killings, approximately 48,800 were committed by intimate partners or family members, which constitutes about 55% of all female homicide victims. This means that more than 133 women and girls were killed every day by someone close to them. Source 1, Source 2

To this I raise a question: Who chose to be in those relationships? My goal is not to victim-blame, mind you, just to point an interesting fact: The same people who will tell you that these women were coerced and manipulated by their partners, will also tell you that women have a supernatural 'sixth sense' for detecting creepiness and bad vibes and this is the reason you are single - they can smell your 'bad personality'. Food for thought.

But that is not the highlight. This is:
Do you know how many men died of suicide in 2022 worldwide?

Over 500.000. Males represent 80% of the total number of suicides, amounting to roughly 100 men dying by suicide every day, over 36,000 annually in the US alone. Interestingly, indian males are the leading ethnicity in these US suicide rates. (I wonder why?)
Source 1, Source 2, Source 3

"The patriarchy killed them! Patriarchy hurts men too!" I said it before, and I will say it again: The patriarchy is dead. And it's never coming back. Gynocentrism pissed on its corpse and is now puppeteering it to make the real victims feel shame and to justify a group of already privileged people getting even more privilege. I call it the "Zombie Patriarchy". Yes, men were in 'power' about a century ago, but that changed. And if you are one of those who think "things were better back then", trust me, it was not. Men had - still do to some degree - this stupid notion of self-sacrifice being noble. And so they threw away their lives easily. For the women who would forget about them when they outlived their usefulness. For the countries who abandoned them in favor of supporting women because it became the most profitable zeitgeist. Men were tools. The difference from then and now is that they have no further use. The state can provide for women now. And what do you do with tools that you have no use for? You cast them out of your mind. Hence, average males are invisible.

Even when disenfranchised men and their struggles are noticed by women, it's for the wrong reasons. I have seen this pattern repeat itself many times, across cultures: "We need to do something about all those lonely men!" discourse, followed immediately by: "Because when men are lonely they get resentful, they turn to hate on women and spread misogyny!" This is the "empathetic" gender I keep hearing about. This is the extent of their 'empathy'; Men are only a concern when they become a threat that need to be dealt with. They don't care about you and your woes, they just care how you affect them.

So, whenever someone tries to tell you that "Misandry only hurts feelings, misogyny kills women", give them a little reminder of what hurt feelings are capable of. Spread the word, apparently this issue is - like every other male issue - invisible.
Strong gray post
The same people who will tell you that these women were coerced and manipulated by their partners
If women are so strong and independent, then why do they always seek a partner ?
Needless to also say that women who go for drug dealers, gangsters, men with face tattoos, men with violent past, men with proven erratic and impulsive behavior. But then you also realize that's what women actually find attractive in men. Women would rather date a steroid abusing man with a violent past than a guy with a degree. Lets be real here. That's what women find "attractive" and "masculine" and "exciting." Not some guy with a degree.
Oh I have heard of hybristophiliacs quite a bit. One thing that surprised me is what I heard from a journalist who investigates serial killers to make books about them. He said that there are a lot of women that actually pay and travel long distances to have sex with serial killers. They want specifically the ones that killed women. It was a hard requirement. Moreover, they wanted sex, not relationships, just the dirty stuff. If they could not have sex, they simply moved on.
foids have made their choice and they have consented to it

it's their fault, in the same way as assisted suicide is not murder

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