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Inceltears try to convince themselves alphas don't exist



Feb 28, 2018
This video one of the posts on their subreddits. They just wish all incels would see it.

I bet whoever posted it is a weak framed ugly short loser who think kidness and being a good parent is really what a woman wants despite being a virgin
Alpha male = attractive male. You're certainly going to be confident and have a strong personality with social skills and low inhib if you've been validated and loved all your life.
Alpha male = attractive male. You're certainly going to be confident and have a strong personality with social skills and low inhib if you've been validated and loved all your life.
U dont have to be pretty, just be tall and intimidating with a non ogre face to mog manlet prettyboys
Alpha male = attractive male. You're certainly going to be confident and have a strong personality with social skills and low inhib if you've been validated and loved all your life.
U dont have to be pretty, just be tall and intimidating with a non ogre face to mog manlet prettyboys
You need to be all 3. If people don't want to reproduce with you you can't be an alpha
They absolutely don’t understand that it’s about genetics and not about how you act. If you only act alpha and couldn’t back it up, then you are still a fucking beta. A male is alpha simply because he is the strongest of the group and no other male can contest him in such. If you have another male acting like an alpha, it doesn’t matter as a male of superior genetics can simply take whatever the pathetic actor has away.
Alpha male = attractive male. You're certainly going to be confident and have a strong personality with social skills and low inhib if you've been validated and loved all your life.
Not really. Mike Tyson was definitely an alpha male. He wasn't attractive.

Alpha males have many varieties.
Alpha male = attractive male. You're certainly going to be confident and have a strong personality with social skills and low inhib if you've been validated and loved all your life.
its that simple. you must be attractive
U dont have to be pretty, just be tall and intimidating with a non ogre face to mog manlet prettyboys
Yeah because this 6'1 tall guy

Would mog this 5'7 tall guy

And i'm the one who's coping ? Being tall doesn't mean you'll be loved and validated.
Yeah because this 6'1 tall guy

Would mog this 5'7 tall guy

And i'm the one who's coping ? Being tall doesn't mean you'll be loved and validated.
I'd rather be the first guy
Alpha male = attractive male. You're certainly going to be confident and have a strong personality with social skills and low inhib if you've been validated and loved all your life.
my classmate was a handsome as fuck, every girl in class was complimenting him but he could only smile as an answer because he was so socially unadapted

when we had to move to another classroom he just went there alone with superfast step while looking on the floor

One day we were in the library and my my booklover crush was there. He was reading a book and she literally sat in front of him and pretended to read something while glancing at him all the time. Thank god he was such an autist or I would go ER that day.
Alphas/betas don't exist, it's all a cope.
my classmate was a handsome as fuck, every girl in class was complimenting him but he could only smile as an answer because he was so socially unadapted

when we had to move to another classroom he just went there alone with superfast step while looking on the floor

One day we were in the library and my my booklover crush was there. He was reading a book and she literally sat in front of him and pretended to read something while glancing at him all the time. Thank god he was such an autist or I would go ER that day.
Post pics or gtfo.
my classmate was a handsome as fuck, every girl in class was complimenting him but he could only smile as an answer because he was so socially unadapted

when we had to move to another classroom he just went there alone with superfast step while looking on the floor

One day we were in the library and my my booklover crush was there. He was reading a book and she literally sat in front of him and pretended to read something while glancing at him all the time. Thank god he was such an autist or I would go ER that day.
He certainly wasn't normal and something was wrong with his life. Maybe he was abused by his family or was raped or was legit aspie. I'm talking about attractive NTs and how they're always alpha because they never suffered and had everthing easy and fun.
Not really. Mike Tyson was definitely an alpha male. He wasn't attractive.

Alpha males have many varieties.
Mike Tyson maybe is an alpha in the eyes of other men, but in women eyes he's just a pathetic try hard.
Post pics or gtfo.
le blackpil ugly males don't sex handsome men sex cuck mog maxila manlet roastie virgin suifuel over chad incel black ops :pPPPPPPP :-DDDDDD

he was one of the most handsome guys in my class but he was more socially retarded than me
le blackpil ugly males don't sex handsome men sex cuck mog maxila manlet roastie virgin suifuel over chad incel black ops :pPPPPPPP :-DDDDDD

he was one of the most handsome guys in my class but he was more socially retarded than me
So you don't have pics of this handsome guy?
He certainly wasn't normal and something was wrong with his life. Maybe he was abused by his family or was raped or was legit aspie. I'm talking about attractive NTs and how they're always alpha because they never suffered and had everthing easy and fun.
so you're just disproving your own statement that looks = being alpha
maybe because normal men don't have photos of their male classmates on their PCs?
Who says you had to save them? Wtf, freak.
Also jfl at trying to say you're normal when you're larping as a loli hunter. @Akarin
so you're just disproving your own statement that looks = being alpha
I'm talking about NORMAL attractive men. How the fuck can an aspie even be alpha ?
The original concept of "alpha" and "beta" males is comes from a now-debunked (mis)interpretation of canid pack behavior. Strictly anthropologically speaking, it's a concept that doesn't accurately describe human social behavior or status.

"Alpha" is a decent shorthand, however, for men who are attractive to women for one reason or another. Looks being the biggest factor by a large margin, but it does include other traits like confidence or aggression, wealth, and to a small degree things like intelligence and social proficiency.

Arguing over what makes someone "alpha" is probably a waste of time, as it's going to be subjective. It isn't all that relevant to the incel condition. We are deeply unattractive to women, for whatever reason, and attacking each other or playing incel olympics isn't likely to yield much interesting exchange in my opinion.

Edit: Also I did not watch that video, as I cannot stand that faggot.
I'm talking about NORMAL attractive men. How the fuck can an aspie even be alpha ?
you said that normality and alphaness naturally come from being attractive
you said that normality and alphaness naturally come from being attractive
No, i didn't say that. I said attractive people are alpha and of course i didn't mean attractive retarded people. Have some common sense ffs.
Mike Tyson maybe is an alpha in the eyes of other men, but in women eyes he's just a pathetic try hard.
There are many women who would want to be with him just because he is dominate. He could fuck up every man and forcefully take their women. Alpha has more than one type. alpha could be the richest guy, most dominant strong guy, or best looking guy
There are many women who would want to be with him just because he is dominate. He could fuck up every man and forcefully take their women. Alpha has more than one type. alpha could be the richest guy, most dominant strong guy, or best looking guy
100% of women would choose the weak, beta Zac Efron or Justin bieber over the strong, alpha Mike Tyson. And we're not living in the fucking wild for him to fuck up guys and forcefully take their women.
it’s just the numales coping
100% of women would choose the weak, beta Zac Efron or Justin bieber over the strong, alpha Mike Tyson. And we're not living in the fucking wild for him to fuck up guys and forcefully take their women.
women are attracted to dominance
Dominant, good looking men. Dominant ugly male are a pathetic joke in women's eyes.
They aren't attractive, but they aren't pathetic. They take what they want and no one can stop them. that's alpha
Go back to the r/TRP boyo.
Im more blackpilled than anyone here. LMS theory. dominance over other men is S. obviously looks are more important to women than anything.

But do you disagree that someone like mike tyson could walk into a fast food place cut in place infront of brad pitt and order and no one can do anything about it? that's alpha. he can bully people and throw us around.
Reddit's numales should tell women to go masturbate to kind and confident 5'2 ugly bald small dick Indian.
Yeah because this 6'1 tall guy

Would mog this 5'7 tall guy

And i'm the one who's coping ? Being tall doesn't mean you'll be loved and validated.
Should've used one of those deformed basketball players to make your point, because many women would pick the first guy. Only girls with that Justin Bieber pretty boy fetish would go for a gayer weaker looking small dude. This would be especially apparent if you stood those two guys next to eachother and witness the height and frame mogging.
Should've used one of those deformed basketball players to make your point, because many women would pick the first guy. Only girls with that Justin Bieber pretty boy fetish would go for a gayer weaker looking small dude. This would be especially apparent if you stood those two guys next to eachother and witness the height and frame mogging.
Cope of the year.
They absolutely don’t understand that it’s about genetics and not about how you act. If you only act alpha and couldn’t back it up, then you are still a fucking beta. A male is alpha simply because he is the strongest of the group and no other male can contest him in such. If you have another male acting like an alpha, it doesn’t matter as a male of superior genetics can simply take whatever the pathetic actor has away.
Most normies have the introspective skills of a trash can lid, its because they havent experienced social rejection due to inheriting shitty mutated genes.
Alphaness is mostly about dominance and leadership. There are born leaders and born followers and one area where TRP copes hard is with the notion that you can become alpha if you follow their laundry list of learnt behaviours.
Alphaness is mostly about dominance and leadership. There are born leaders and born followers and one area where TRP copes hard is with the notion that you can become alpha if you follow their laundry list of learnt behaviours.
TRP tore this video apart, Its one of the few things I agree with them on
This guy just got cucked by a chad and this is his cope video
The host looks like he could be an FtM. He's about as masculine as Cher's daughter.
CuckQueers fails at biology again.
i fucking hate numale cunts
I usually love Adam ruins Everything, this felt like a really weak job with a great start. Alpha Male obv comes from wolves yeah. Wolves don't actually have Alpha Males, ok dope. Then it just turns into bad jokes about his shitty acting as a retarded Douche.
everyone knows Chad exists except cucktears JFL

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