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RageFuel IncelTears TRIGGERED by Incel saying that women peak at 16



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017


The comments are basically like this:

I don't know about women in general, but my face didn't sort itself out until I was 23.

Women are AMAZINGLY, like truly ASTOUNDINGLY, like fedora-tipworthily INCAPABLE OF SELF-AWARENESS. They think that their perception is reality. In this case, the dipshit clueless women of IncelTears think that how they view themselves when they were 16 year olds RETROSPECTIVELY and I'd argue, cuz they're now post-prime and spend all day on IncelTears, "COPINGLY", reflects how men viewed them at that age.

In her mind, the woman above thinks that her face magically sorted itself out at 23 (because REASONS), but I can guarantee you that the average 16 yo girl is fuckable to most guys. Women around 16 yo and even a bit below are so FUCKABLE to men that society (namely, whiteknights) thunk up an age of consent law. Funny that, eh? If girls around that age are all terrible-looking and unfuckable, why impose a law on fucking girls under 16 yo?

What annoys me so much about coping IncelTears women and their cuckold, feminist, internalized-misandrist whiteknights is when they assert their subjective viewpoint or personal anecdote as biological fact: "Women peak 4 hours after they die of old age cuz I'm a necrophiliac, so that's when they peak.". Some dipshit in that thread said that women peak around 25-35 -- around the age when their likelihood of giving birth to Downie babies skyrockets. Way to biology CuckTears!

Sorry to break it to you, wamens, but men (i.e. not your husbands) find women between puberty and 25 the most fuckable, the most PRIME. The men getting busted on YouTube for grooming young women are the low-hanging fruit who don't realize that they missed the boat and that no prime teen girl would be interested in them. For every one of those, there are 100s of men who have resigned themselves to dating women their own age, for reasons such as:
- fear of repercussions (legal, social)
- less access to young teens
- inability to connect to young teens mentally (even if the physical attraction is there)
- prioritizing "older peoples'" life-goals, e.g. family, job.
- teens wouldn't want them
- etc

The guys who get busted grooming girls aren't anomalies. If you knew how many men would bang a prime 15 yo JB on a deserted island where there were no repercussions, your yeasty vaginas would go up inside your wombs.

BE TRIGGERED, you clueless pieces of shit. BIOLOGY is a BITCH (much like yourselves). Most men are attracted to (post)pubertal women because FERTILITY. Before a cuckold man can say that 15 yos are unattractive, he should be subject to those tests that measure arousal.

You're lucky that where I am I can't end this post with a gallery of prime jailbait.

"This post is why women aren't attracted to you tee hee. I'd say you're the one who's triggered tee hee" - these are not counterarguments.
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9/10 post.would've been 10/10 but you didn't post jbs.
A Roastie toastie got mad? A minor victory for the blackpill community.
most femoids hit the wall before reaching legal age
Women make everything about themselves. Look at her name, she just has to declare to the world that she's a Swedish woman.
Women make everything about themselves. Look at her name, she just has to declare to the world that she's a Swedish woman.
Lol. She featured my thread (about female friendships) on Incel Tears, months ago.
Women lose alot of looks when they reach their late 20s. Most girls I went to high school with look terrible now. Seriously, there isn´t a single one who looks good.
Amazing post. Should be pinned for a month.

@FACEandLMS how do you consistently write such high-quality content? You must have at least 130 IQ
Maybe the whole idea of the law is that people under the age of 16 are too young to understand what sex really means.
Fucking quality post man. It's funny how they ignore the blackpill in the rest of the post to nitpick the age portion because it makes them uncomfortable.
I seen thick booty 13 year old asian and white girls in leggings. How do their parents expect them to walk around like that and not cause raging boners within a 100 meter radius?
Maybe the whole idea of the law is that people under the age of 16 are too young to understand what sex really means.
If 15 year old chads with 7 inch dicks can bang them, then why not 40 year old incels with only 5 inches?
Maybe the whole idea of the law is that people under the age of 16 are too young to understand what sex really means.

You infiltrating womanbrained fool.

- A 15 yo boy having sex with a 15 yo girl = suddenly, the "law that protects those under 16 who don't understand what sex means" becomes null and void. Are you a woman poster cuz your logic sure is lacking.

But more importantly, you missed the point because you're a woman and you can't logic:

- The law protecting those under 16 who don't understand sex has no bearing on whether men find them attractive. If anything, because "those under 16 are too young to understand what sex really means", the age of consent law is to protect them from older men who -- SAY IT WITH ME, YOU FEMOID DIPSHIT --



Amazing post. Should be pinned for a month.

@FACEandLMS how do you consistently write such high-quality content? You must have at least 130 IQ


I think I come off high-IQ because the redpill is so logical that its tennets write themselves lol. My fingers are just the vessels.

I think I come off high-IQ because the redpill is so logical that its tennets write themselves lol. My fingers are just the vessels.

and your videos are the prophecies
It makes sense to be attracted to young fertile females from a biological point of view
Maybe the whole idea of the law is that people under the age of 16 are too young to understand what sex really means.
If they are too young to understand, they shouldn't be having it AT ALL with ANYONE.
these autists are taking quotes from 4chan now. ffs
If they are too young to understand, they shouldn't be having it AT ALL with ANYONE.
This. If they don't understand it or don't want it, they wouldn't be doing it.


What annoys me so much about coping IncelTears women and their cuckold, feminist, internalized-misandrist whiteknights is when they assert their subjective viewpoint or personal anecdote as biological fact: "Women peak 4 hours after they die of old age cuz I'm a necrophiliac, so that's when they peak.". Some dipshit in that thread said that women peak around 25-35 -- around the age when their likelihood of giving birth to Downie babies skyrockets. Way to biology CuckTears!

Can you expand on this ? A 25 years old woman have significantly more chance of having a down baby than a 18 years old one ? I knew that after 30 there were a lot of risks for pregnancies for women but i didn't know it started at 25 !
And can i ask you at what age do men peak ?

Because i notice some exception in men (the really exceptionnal chads) whot actually stay attractive after 30, like George Clooney, Brad Pitt etc and still elicit desire from young femoids. I don't notice the same exceptions in women (even celebrities women )
And can i ask you at what age do men peak ?

Because i notice some exception in men (the really exceptionnal chads) whot actually stay attractive after 30, like George Clooney, Brad Pitt etc and still elicit desire from young femoids. I don't notice the same exceptions in women (even celebrities women )

I would say that the majority of AVERAGE-LOOKING men peak from late teens to late 20s. Obviously, Chads and chadlites peak from puberty all the way into their early 30s or even later, but the average man, I mean: late teens to late 20s. A lot of men are Norwood 2 by the start of their early 30s.
Can you expand on this ? A 25 years old woman have significantly more chance of having a down baby than a 18 years old one ? I knew that after 30 there were a lot of risks for pregnancies for women but i didn't know it started at 25 !

Around 30 I think is when the risk starts to increase. By 35, the risk is up there.
I would say that the majority of AVERAGE-LOOKING men peak from late teens to late 20s. Obviously, Chads and chadlites peak from puberty all the way into their early 30s or even later, but the average man, I mean: late teens to late 20s. A lot of men are Norwood 2 by the start of their early 30s.

Yes, i know about the average males. My question was more about exceptions, is there a biological explanation why such exceptions exist in chads and gigachads but not in Stacey, for instance there is no looksmatch for george clooney in his age or even under 5 years of his age.

Even the nice MILF, without fakeup their physique is signiiiificantly less attractive than 10 years before, and you'd find very few guys who see them as a dream wife (they would be a sex fantasy, MILF fantasy) the same way many young femoids would see George Clooney as the perfect guy.

I'm asking if there is biological explanations that allow men in exceptionnal circumstances to be chad at 35/45 while it's not the case even for exceptionnal staceys.
Amazing post. Should be pinned for a month.

@FACEandLMS how do you consistently write such high-quality content? You must have at least 130 IQ

Not only are all his posts high IQ - and he's modest in saying that the Redpill just writes itself out, he's very eloquent and have a nice way of presenting, summarizing, and illustrating the points, intelligence isn't only about having intelligent views, you can present an intelligent view in a bad way, the same way you can present an absurd outlandish view in an intelligent, remarkable way, one philosophical author wrote a book named "In defense of trivialism, he defended the view that ALL CLAIMS ARE TRUE, this philosophy is so outlandish but he defended it in a so remarkable way he's obviously smart - but he have also a nice way of delivering it, good tone of voice, and what a taste in Music ! I love the musics he puts in his video.


I think I come off high-IQ because the redpill is so logical that its tennets write themselves lol. My fingers are just the vessels.

Nah, you're high IQ.
Except that women don't peak at 16. Go to PubMed and read the studies. The highest level of estrogen in normal healthy females peaks in the 20 to 24 year range. That peak estrogen level is what causes females to have their maximum libido, maximum sex drive, and maximum tightness (vaginally). Once they hit the 25 to 30 year range those numbers drop substantially. (When they hit the biological wall).

Men on the other hand are very different. For normal healthy men the peak testosterone levels occur in the 35 to 44 year range. And those numbers slowly decline over the next two or so decades with a sharp drop by the age of 75.
Except that women don't peak at 16. Go to PubMed and read the studies. The highest level of estrogen in normal healthy females peaks in the 20 to 24 year range. That peak estrogen level is what causes females to have their maximum libido, maximum sex drive, and maximum tightness (vaginally). Once they hit the 25 to 30 year range those numbers drop substantially. (When they hit the biological wall).

Men on the other hand are very different. For normal healthy men the peak testosterone levels occur in the 35 to 44 year range. And those numbers slowly decline over the next two or so decades with a sharp drop by the age of 75.

I wonder if the hormonal peak so long after men and women reach their physical attractive peak is to give them one last push to produce offspring. Anyway, women are still the most fuckable between puberty and their mid20s.
Not only are all his posts high IQ - and he's modest in saying that the Redpill just writes itself out, he's very eloquent and have a nice way of presenting, summarizing, and illustrating the points, intelligence isn't only about having intelligent views, you can present an intelligent view in a bad way, the same way you can present an absurd outlandish view in an intelligent, remarkable way, one philosophical author wrote a book named "In defense of trivialism, he defended the view that ALL CLAIMS ARE TRUE, this philosophy is so outlandish but he defended it in a so remarkable way he's obviously smart - but he have also a nice way of delivering it, good tone of voice, and what a taste in Music ! I love the musics he puts in his video.

Nah, you're high IQ.
I admit, I do find it amusing when someone asks "why do incels think/do this?"

> insert expert opinion
I wonder if the hormonal peak so long after men and women reach their physical attractive peak is to give them one last push to produce offspring. Anyway, women are still the most fuckable between puberty and their mid20s.

Perhaps adaptation made it happen. Men in the past who lived beyond their 30's were obviously strong and tough to last that long so they must have passed down traits to ensure maximum offspring survival. And they were probably stronger and tougher than the 20 year olds and beat then in mating with potential females. Thus ensuring their late hormonal boost traits get carried on.

The funny thing is, if humanity were to take biology as its indicators of who and when people should have offspring, then it would be pairing up late 30 to early 40 year old men to early 20's females. But feminists and modern society would absolutely hate that. Feminism is trying to push older women to go after younger men, and convince 20 something year old women that men in their biological primes (of 35-45) are gross. Which leads to a decline in better genetic offspring and an increase in defective and subpar offspring.
not all women have hit puberty by 16, som only start then. they are the good ones who hit their prime at a legal age
Perhaps adaptation made it happen. Men in the past who lived beyond their 30's were obviously strong and tough to last that long so they must have passed down traits to ensure maximum offspring survival. And they were probably stronger and tougher than the 20 year olds and beat then in mating with potential females. Thus ensuring their late hormonal boost traits get carried on.

The funny thing is, if humanity were to take biology as its indicators of who and when people should have offspring, then it would be pairing up late 30 to early 40 year old men to early 20's females. But feminists and modern society would absolutely hate that. Feminism is trying to push older women to go after younger men, and convince 20 something year old women that men in their biological primes (of 35-45) are gross. Which leads to a decline in better genetic offspring and an increase in defective and subpar offspring.


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