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Inceltears platitudes I hate and why I hate them.

  • Thread starter Incel_Because_Short
  • Start date


Nov 11, 2017
There needs to be some physical/sexual attraction between two people in order for them to consider entering into a romantic relationship with one another. This is just a fact. Your appearance won't prevent you from being friends with women but if you want romance you need to be attractive. 

There are two kinds of platitudes that you'll receive: Ones that have to do with what you can change, and platitudes about aspects of your physical appearance that are outside of your control. I hate most of these platitudes not only because they are unrealistic, but because none of that advice guarantees that you'll have romantic success. I'll go through one by one all the platitudes I've gotten from members on r/inceltears over the past couple of months and why they anger me.

"Take a shower/anything to do with hygiene or fashion sense."

 This is the first thing that you'll be told, as if somehow you were never taught to clean your-self and make sure that you smell and dress pleasantly. As someone who showers daily, brushes three times a day, flosses twice a day, combs his hair, gets it cut monthly, always wears clean clothing and puts on a light scent of cologne every day before leaving the house, this advice means nothing to me.

This is the kind of advice that will likely work for Chads who were too lazy to work on their hygiene. Yes, a smelly, dirty, white, 6'4", goodlooking guy will fix his dating problems if he gets better hygiene.

Having a good sense of hygiene alone is not enough to fix your dating problems. It should be considered something that's standard.

 "Hit the gym and lose the weight."

I was never above 20% bodyfat my whole life, but I actually did take this advice seriously and worked on getting a better body, thinking that it would help compensate for my short height and ugly face.

So I hit the gym for the past year and went from 5'5", 115 lbs to 140 lbs, 12% bodyfat. I have visible abs and look buff enough without looking too big (It's impossible to look too big as a natty). If you were to make me proportionally taller I'd be the equivalent of a 6 ft, 200 lbs guy which is very Chadlike.

Unsurprisingly, my getting stronger and more muscular didn't really help out my dating life. It made it easier to get respect from men, definitely, but no woman is going to be gushing over the big-nosed midget who has a huge muscular chest and triceps. Bodybuilding for the sake of being more attractive to women is counterproductive in my opinion, but if anyone is going to benefit romantically from bodybuilding, they have to be at least 5'8" with an average face.

Don't get me wrong there are girls out there who just want to be stretched by a muscular brute, but that kind of girl wants a guy that's just big in general, not just muscular. I'll never be big enough at 5'5" to be considered by those girls.

I can PM you my transformation if you don't believe me, but I'd rather remain anonymous on here.

"Just get some hobbies and live an interesting life, then women will want to be with you."

That's again not necessarily true. Again, they assume that I'm a basement dweller who sits in his computer all day which is far from the truth.

I'm a semi-athlete, and I compete in both powerlifting and kickboxing. These are things I do or train at least twice a week. I volunteer as a mentor for at-risk youth associated with gang violence. Basically, I just chill with one of these guys once a week, they're around 12 or 13, and we either do some fun activity like go karting or we play basketball or whatever it is they want to do. In my free time, I like growing plants indoors and experimenting with hydroponics and have invested quite a lot of money into setting those up in my house. I grow a variety of things from vegetables, to flowers, to mushrooms. I like cooking with some of those plants too.

r/inceltears overestimates the importance of hobbies when it comes to finding relationships. Yes you need to get out of your house, and having an interesting life will make a woman more inclined to stay with you if she's already attracted to you, but hobbies alone are not going to make a woman sexually attracted to you.

The only exception is if you're some varsity level athlete who plays football or basketball, but that's mostly because the only athletes that play those sports tend to be pretty tall, which is an attractive trait to begin with.

I know way too many deadbeat guys who do nothing but smoke pot all day have no ambitions and work low level jobs who have girlfriends. They tend to be goodlooking and tall as well, go figure. Having an active and "interesting" life has not made it easier to find a relationship.

"Well the reason none of that is helping you is because you're only doing them to get a relationship. Women can sense that and are put off by it."

And this phrase is where all this self-improvement crap is thrown out of the window. By taking part in self-improvement, you're basically admitting to yourself that you're not good enough and that you have to fundamentally change the way you are. It is a toxic mindset on its own which will seethe into everything you do. People will detect if you are only doing things to appease others.

You think Chad ever had to do any self-improvement? You think normal people ever go to the lengths I went through to get a relationship? Far from it. I've done more to improve my-self than most people have who are in relationships.

That being said, no, I don't do any of these things for women anymore. I do them now because I genuinely enjoy them and they help me cope with life by giving it a greater meaning than it actually has.

"Get Therapy to deal with your socialization issues and depression."

They like bringing this one up a lot, as if having a thirty-minute talking session with somebody who barely knows you once a week is enough to get you a romantic relationship. And I let them know that I have tried therapy for over a year and it hasn't solved my real problem, which is a lack of a relationship.

Now for those of you who never went into therapy I'll explain what they do. The only thing therapists will help you do is develop coping strategies so that you minimize the impact that your actual problems have on your life. They will give you SSRIs, which are chemicals that increase the amount of serotonin in your brain, and that helps regulate your mood and increase suggestibility if used in the long-term.

So let's say you have problems getting into a relationship. The therapist won't help you solve that problem, but will try to convince you that a relationship is not that important in life. Or let's say you're insecure about your physical appearance. A therapist won't improve your physical appearance but will try to convince you that physical appearance doesn't matter. So if you want to learn proper coping strategies, you could visit a therapist, but they won't tell you anything different than what you can find if you search up, "Coping strategies" on Google.

This is regardless of the fact that I don't have issues socializing to begin with. I've never had problems making friends with either men or women, and don't face anxiety issues.

"Treat women like human beings and one of them will be attracted to you."

I treat women exactly the way I treat other men. I don't place them on a pedestal or anything. 

Either way, that's not even going to guarantee that you'll get a girlfriend. If you treat a woman that's not attracted to you as a human being, and she likes your personality, your character and who you are as a person, then at most you'll be just a friend. You know how I know this? Because I can easily make friends with women, but not one of them wanted me to take things further.

There can be value in friendship with women, but if all you're seen as is a friend by women when you're a heterosexual male, then it's as if your sexuality is being disregarded and denied.

I've known guys who actually had misogynist views about women and treated them like garbage, yet he still managed to get laid because he's a 6'3" goodlooking white guy.

"Who cares? Having a girlfriend or getting sex is not that important anyways."

Okay, I encourage you to find me a perfect substitute to the kind of attention and affection you get from a romantic relationship.

"Not all girls care about height. Some girls even like short guys."

 In my four years of University (a place that has a gender ratio of 60% women to 40% men mind you), I have never met a single girl who has a preference for shorter men. Not even a preference for men who are her height. The only guys I see around walking with girlfriends tend to be 6-8 inches taller than their girlfriend.

Do yourself a favour. Go and talk with, or eavesdrop a group of girls talking about what they like in guys. Do this a couple of times, and you'll almost always see an agreement among all the girls that tall guys are hot. It's just a fact that women like tall guys, this platitude doesn't help me or help any shorter guys out there.

"I'm dating a short guy right now. I'm into short guys."

 Okay I believe you for a second. Answer all these questions:

Is he 5'7" or taller?
Did you make him wait a while before you went out with him (he was a friend for a long time)?
Do you believe that he makes up for his height through other attributes?
Do you secretly wish he were taller?
Are you severely overweight?
If yes to the above, would you still be dating him if you lost weight?
Would he still be dating you if he were taller?
Did you used to only date tall guys until you turned 25 or 30 then realized you don't mind short guys?

If you genuinely answered, "No" to all the questions, then congratulations, you're one of the very few women that actually doesn't care about height or maybe prefers shorter men.

Now my question to you is, how realistic do you think it is to find somebody like you? About 35% of men are 5'7" or shorter. Girls that truly don't care about height or don't make it a priority are about 20% of all women, if not less. If all the women who didn't care about dated a short guy, there would still be short guys left over who won't be able to find a girl that doesn't care about their height. Furthermore, not all the girls who don't care about height are dating short guys, so the pool for short guys is even smaller than that.

Yes, there are girls out there that are willing to date short guys, but the chances of finding them is very, very slim.

"You're still young at 20. Wait until you're 30 and a lot of girls will stop being shallow and appreciate al your other qualities. Just get rich in the process and demonstrate you're a stable person with financial stability"

 This one is insulting. Basically what you're telling me is that I am supposed to wait for ten years, alone and sexless, while my future wife is banging all the guys that she wants to bang and having the time of her life with an abundance of sex and affection. When she gets tired of that and wants to settle down, then and only then can I get to experience a fraction of what she got to experience.

And it doesn't come for free either. While the guys she fucked around with got her love, sex and affection for free, I had to work my way up and spend a decade trying to get a nice house, a good car, basically all the stuff that signal financial stability. I need all of that to be with her.

And what's worse is that she won't be with me for me, but she'll be with me because of what I am to her; A stable support with financial means to take care of children. The passion she had for the other guys she dated in her youth won't be there, and she'll feel like she settled for someone she wasn't attracted to just because he had money. This type of marriage never ends well.

Why should I wait ten extra years to experience something that fucking 14 year olds get to experience? Explain that to me and maybe I'll believe you.

There are others but they're not in my head at the moment.
The halo effect works against us, for them, it always OUR fault we're Virgins, never a GIRLS fault, because women can do no wrong
They're stupid, they can't exist unless they believe that the world is just and people are good.
So much truth crammed into one post.
kkt6 said:
They're stupid, they can't exist unless they believe that the world is just and people are good.

Ir hurts man. I actually spent time improving my-self and got nothing as a result. None of their advice worked, which is why I hate seeing it.
Incel_Because_Short said:
kkt6 said:
They're stupid, they can't exist unless they believe that the world is just and people are good.
Ir hurts man. I actually spent time improving my-self and got nothing as a result. None of their advice worked, which is why I hate seeing it.

I swear some people are just better off never trying, hence LDAR. You just put in so much work for nothing.
All these platitudes arent even the worst part. Whats worse is that the terminally retarded automatons on cucktears will keep repeating them till the end of time despite the evidence to the contrary. Its pretty much self evident that being a manlet is a death sentence and yet these fags act as if that reality is somehow false, for example.
/pol/cel said:
All these platitudes arent even the worst part. Whats worse is that the terminally retarded automatons on cucktears will keep repeating them till the end of time despite the evidence to the contrary. Its pretty much self evident that being a manlet is a death sentence and yet these fags act as if that reality is somehow false, for example.

There are short guys on inceltears. Unsurprisingly, they are also either incels in denial or in some polyamorous relationship AKA their girl sleeps with other guys and he can't do shit about it.
Incel_Because_Short said:
There needs to be some physical/sexual attraction between two people in order for them to consider entering into a romantic relationship with one another. This is just a fact. Your appearance won't prevent you from being friends with women but if you want romance you need to be attractive. 

There are two kinds of platitudes that you'll receive: Ones that have to do with what you can change, and platitudes about aspects of your physical appearance that are outside of your control. I hate most of these platitudes not only because they are unrealistic, but because none of that advice guarantees that you'll have romantic success. I'll go through one by one all the platitudes I've gotten from members on r/inceltears over the past couple of months and why they anger me.

"Take a shower/anything to do with hygiene or fashion sense."

 This is the first thing that you'll be told, as if somehow you were never taught to clean your-self and make sure that you smell and dress pleasantly. As someone who showers daily, brushes three times a day, flosses twice a day, combs his hair, gets it cut monthly, always wears clean clothing and puts on a light scent of cologne every day before leaving the house, this advice means nothing to me.

This is the kind of advice that will likely work for Chads who were too lazy to work on their hygiene. Yes, a smelly, dirty, white, 6'4", goodlooking guy will fix his dating problems if he gets better hygiene.

Having a good sense of hygiene alone is not enough to fix your dating problems. It should be considered something that's standard.

 "Hit the gym and lose the weight."

I was never above 20% bodyfat my whole life, but I actually did take this advice seriously and worked on getting a better body, thinking that it would help compensate for my short height and ugly face.

So I hit the gym for the past year and went from 5'5", 115 lbs to 140 lbs, 12% bodyfat. I have visible abs and look buff enough without looking too big (It's impossible to look too big as a natty). If you were to make me proportionally taller I'd be the equivalent of a 6 ft, 200 lbs guy which is very Chadlike.

Unsurprisingly, my getting stronger and more muscular didn't really help out my dating life. It made it easier to get respect from men, definitely, but no woman is going to be gushing over the big-nosed midget who has a huge muscular chest and triceps. Bodybuilding for the sake of being more attractive to women is counterproductive in my opinion, but if anyone is going to benefit romantically from bodybuilding, they have to be at least 5'8" with an average face.

Don't get me wrong there are girls out there who just want to be stretched by a muscular brute, but that kind of girl wants a guy that's just big in general, not just muscular. I'll never be big enough at 5'5" to be considered by those girls.

I can PM you my transformation if you don't believe me, but I'd rather remain anonymous on here.

"Just get some hobbies and live an interesting life, then women will want to be with you."

That's again not necessarily true. Again, they assume that I'm a basement dweller who sits in his computer all day which is far from the truth.

I'm a semi-athlete, and I compete in both powerlifting and kickboxing. These are things I do or train at least twice a week. I volunteer as a mentor for at-risk youth associated with gang violence. Basically, I just chill with one of these guys once a week, they're around 12 or 13, and we either do some fun activity like go karting or we play basketball or whatever it is they want to do. In my free time, I like growing plants indoors and experimenting with hydroponics and have invested quite a lot of money into setting those up in my house. I grow a variety of things from vegetables, to flowers, to mushrooms. I like cooking with some of those plants too.

r/inceltears overestimates the importance of hobbies when it comes to finding relationships. Yes you need to get out of your house, and having an interesting life will make a woman more inclined to stay with you if she's already attracted to you, but hobbies alone are not going to make a woman sexually attracted to you.

The only exception is if you're some varsity level athlete who plays football or basketball, but that's mostly because the only athletes that play those sports tend to be pretty tall, which is an attractive trait to begin with.

I know way too many deadbeat guys who do nothing but smoke pot all day have no ambitions and work low level jobs who have girlfriends. They tend to be goodlooking and tall as well, go figure. Having an active and "interesting" life has not made it easier to find a relationship.

"Well the reason none of that is helping you is because you're only doing them to get a relationship. Women can sense that and are put off by it."

And this phrase is where all this self-improvement crap is thrown out of the window. By taking part in self-improvement, you're basically admitting to yourself that you're not good enough and that you have to fundamentally change the way you are. It is a toxic mindset on its own which will seethe into everything you do. People will detect if you are only doing things to appease others.

You think Chad ever had to do any self-improvement? You think normal people ever go to the lengths I went through to get a relationship? Far from it. I've done more to improve my-self than most people have who are in relationships.

That being said, no, I don't do any of these things for women anymore. I do them now because I genuinely enjoy them and they help me cope with life by giving it a greater meaning than it actually has.

"Get Therapy to deal with your socialization issues and depression."

They like bringing this one up a lot, as if having a thirty-minute talking session with somebody who barely knows you once a week is enough to get you a romantic relationship. And I let them know that I have tried therapy for over a year and it hasn't solved my real problem, which is a lack of a relationship.

Now for those of you who never went into therapy I'll explain what they do. The only thing therapists will help you do is develop coping strategies so that you minimize the impact that your actual problems have on your life. They will give you SSRIs, which are chemicals that increase the amount of serotonin in your brain, and that helps regulate your mood and increase suggestibility if used in the long-term.

So let's say you have problems getting into a relationship. The therapist won't help you solve that problem, but will try to convince you that a relationship is not that important in life. Or let's say you're insecure about your physical appearance. A therapist won't improve your physical appearance but will try to convince you that physical appearance doesn't matter. So if you want to learn proper coping strategies, you could visit a therapist, but they won't tell you anything different than what you can find if you search up, "Coping strategies" on Google.

This is regardless of the fact that I don't have issues socializing to begin with. I've never had problems making friends with either men or women, and don't face anxiety issues.

"Treat women like human beings and one of them will be attracted to you."

I treat women exactly the way I treat other men. I don't place them on a pedestal or anything. 

Either way, that's not even going to guarantee that you'll get a girlfriend. If you treat a woman that's not attracted to you as a human being, and she likes your personality, your character and who you are as a person, then at most you'll be just a friend. You know how I know this? Because I can easily make friends with women, but not one of them wanted me to take things further.

There can be value in friendship with women, but if all you're seen as is a friend by women when you're a heterosexual male, then it's as if your sexuality is being disregarded and denied.

I've known guys who actually had misogynist views about women and treated them like garbage, yet he still managed to get laid because he's a 6'3" goodlooking white guy.

"Who cares? Having a girlfriend or getting sex is not that important anyways."

Okay, I encourage you to find me a perfect substitute to the kind of attention and affection you get from a romantic relationship.

"Not all girls care about height. Some girls even like short guys."

 In my four years of University (a place that has a gender ratio of 60% women to 40% men mind you), I have never met a single girl who has a preference for shorter men. Not even a preference for men who are her height. The only guys I see around walking with girlfriends tend to be 6-8 inches taller than their girlfriend.

Do yourself a favour. Go and talk with, or eavesdrop a group of girls talking about what they like in guys. Do this a couple of times, and you'll almost always see an agreement among all the girls that tall guys are hot. It's just a fact that women like tall guys, this platitude doesn't help me or help any shorter guys out there.

"I'm dating a short guy right now. I'm into short guys."

 Okay I believe you for a second. Answer all these questions:

Is he 5'7" or taller?
Did you make him wait a while before you went out with him (he was a friend for a long time)?
Do you believe that he makes up for his height through other attributes?
Do you secretly wish he were taller?
Are you severely overweight?
If yes to the above, would you still be dating him if you lost weight?
Would he still be dating you if he were taller?
Did you used to only date tall guys until you turned 25 or 30 then realized you don't mind short guys?

If you genuinely answered, "No" to all the questions, then congratulations, you're one of the very few women that actually doesn't care about height or maybe prefers shorter men.

Now my question to you is, how realistic do you think it is to find somebody like you? About 35% of men are 5'7" or shorter. Girls that truly don't care about height or don't make it a priority are about 20% of all women, if not less. If all the women who didn't care about dated a short guy, there would still be short guys left over who won't be able to find a girl that doesn't care about their height. Furthermore, not all the girls who don't care about height are dating short guys, so the pool for short guys is even smaller than that.

Yes, there are girls out there that are willing to date short guys, but the chances of finding them is very, very slim.

"You're still young at 20. Wait until you're 30 and a lot of girls will stop being shallow and appreciate al your other qualities. Just get rich in the process and demonstrate you're a stable person with financial stability"

 This one is insulting. Basically what you're telling me is that I am supposed to wait for ten years, alone and sexless, while my future wife is banging all the guys that she wants to bang and having the time of her life with an abundance of sex and affection. When she gets tired of that and wants to settle down, then and only then can I get to experience a fraction of what she got to experience.

And it doesn't come for free either. While the guys she fucked around with got her love, sex and affection for free, I had to work my way up and spend a decade trying to get a nice house, a good car, basically all the stuff that signal financial stability. I need all of that to be with her.

And what's worse is that she won't be with me for me, but she'll be with me because of what I am to her; A stable support with financial means to take care of children. The passion she had for the other guys she dated in her youth won't be there, and she'll feel like she settled for someone she wasn't attracted to just because he had money. This type of marriage never ends well.

Why should I wait ten extra years to experience something that fucking 14 year olds get to experience? Explain that to me and maybe I'll believe you.

There are others but they're not in my head at the moment.


i feel sick
I created an account here just to tell you how thorough and logical this post is. Nice work.
Some of them are truly disgusting ppl
This is one of the best posts I have read for awhile
They use the term 'self-improvement' often and never explain what that is, why they should do it, etc...

They have so many code words for 'be attractive'.

My least favorite though are when they say that incels only blame everyone else. They rip on the blackpill while not understanding it in the slightest.

Unlike the majority of just-world society, we recognize our faults. We know why we've been rejected by society. We know:


and we don't have it.
Great post.
Incel_Because_Short said:
"Treat women like human beings and one of them will be attracted to you."
Mate copying is strong in women. Other women's opinions have a lot of influence in how she sees a man. Considering that and the fact that what is attractive is for the most part universal, if no woman found you attractive until some point, chances are none will.

Incel_Because_Short said:
Some girls even like short guys.
I'm into short guys.
This is such bullshit. There are maybe some girls who are willing to date shorter men, but I doubt very much that they are attracted to short guys. If nothing else because of this:
"Women’s preference for tall mates also increases during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, when the probability of conception is greatest." (source)
That paper is full of height blackpills, but just this pretty much makes it clear. Think about it. It's in their nature to prefer tall men.
Fucking top kek mate. I'll add my own responses to these accusations.

"Take a shower/anything to do with hygiene or fashion sense."

Yeah. I love how these normie retards think we're all basement dwellers who don't shower for a month. I literally have to shower almost every day because i work a manual job and get covered in oil, coolant, dust and grease during my shift. I shower every time i leave work and change clothes. My overalls are the only thing that stink.

 "Hit the gym and lose the weight."

My weight has been up and down the last 10 years. Its up a bit at the moment because I've been working night shifts. I'm considering switching to a higher protein diet to try and compensate. I've actually always been a little bit on the bigger and heavier side. I used to play rugby as a lad. I generally played on the front row. I always wondered why i was bigger than other people who ate way worse than i did and did much less exercise and were far less physically fit than me. A lot of the boys in my class at school, all of who were a lot skinnier than me. I could run the 1500 and 5000 meters quite comfortably and none of them could. I used to cycle 50-60 miles in a week. I used to swim competitively. Only a handful of boys i knew were faster in the pool than me. I swam the 2000m when i was 7. I swam the 5000m when i was 9. I used to swim 20 laps in a 25m pool most weeks. I still swim. I still try to cycle. I tend to average around 15,000 steps a day.

"Just get some hobbies and live an interesting life, then women will want to be with you."

Lets see. I fix cars and electronics. I fiddle with computers. I build stuff. I do wood work and metal work as a hobby. I read books. I shoot guns. I go camping and hiking when the weather permits. I travel when money permits. I know plenty of people who do nothing except drink lager, smoke cannabis and play PS4 all day who have relationships. Men who don't even have jobs. Yet for some reason i'm excluded from it.

Women don't give a shit about hobbies.

"Well the reason none of that is helping you is because you're only doing them to get a relationship. Women can sense that and are put off by it."

Incel poses as a chad and gets a tinder date. Woman gets all pissy because he isn't a 6'3'' ripped model. Then says he can't get a woman because of his "personality". Funny, his personality didn't seem to be an issue when he was "chad" now he's just a regular Joe. All of a sudden its "muh personality". Serial killers and other kinds of violent criminals don't seem to have a problem with their personalities.

I remember the case of former Lost Prophets lead singer Ian Watkins who was jailed for (among other things) trying to rape a baby willingly given to him by its mother. Even though he is serving 30 years in prison for his crimes he has dozens of groupies who send him stuff and are waiting for him when he gets out. Karla Hoomlaka willingly aided Paul Bernardo to drug and rape her own sister and then covered for him after he killed her and several other girls. Levi Bellfeild. A psychopathic serial killer who was active since at least 1996 in the south of England raped and murdered at least 3 young women although may have up to 20 victims. His specialty was bashing them to death with hammers. Levi Bellfield fathered 40 children with dozens of different women. Many of them underage. He would regularly have underage girlfriends and offered to "sell them" to other blokes in front of them.

"Get Therapy to deal with your socialization issues and depression."

Therapy is what neurotic normies need when they get the wrong expensive milkshake from Starbucks or their printer is out of ink. Its a pseudoscience and a middle class jobs program. SSRi's are supposed to treat depression yet an awful lot of suicide and mass murder has been attributed to them. My anaylsis of therapy techniques seem to be to try and guilt you into internalising your issues even more to guilt you not to speak about them full stop.

"Treat women like human beings and one of them will be attracted to you."

If women were treated like men most of them would kill themselves.

That being said, its generally what i do these days. I treat women as men and it hasn't got me anywhere.

On the other hand i know women who hop from abusive relationship to abusive relationship and love getting treated like shit. So you can't win either way.

"Who cares? Having a girlfriend or getting sex is not that important anyways."

According to normies who haven't been single for more than a few months since they were 16 or 17. Who put up with regular cuckings and who kiss womens bum holes because they don't want to be single? According to roasties who have had 100 cocks in them by the age of 25? Ok. You try being incel for a year and then you have the right to lecture me.

"Not all girls care about height. Some girls even like short guys."

Even women who aren't even 5ft like guys who are 6ft+. Being short is a death sentence and i'm a guy who is 6ft and it still hasn't done me any favours because women want ever taller guys.

"I'm dating a short guy right now. I'm into short guys."

I like short guys. My boyfriend is only 6ft. Teehee.

"You're still young at 20. Wait until you're 30 and a lot of girls will stop being shallow and appreciate al your other qualities. Just get rich in the process and demonstrate you're a stable person with financial stability"

People have been telling me shit like "you're young" since i was 17 when i was one of the only virgins. That i just had to wait a few years. Well i took matters into my own hands at 20 with a prostitute after my underage sister beat me to it and made me fucking listen to it.

I also think its quite funny that we're expected to wait around while women have 100-200-1000 different penises in their vagina, anus and mouth while we sit around alone, working our arses off just so we can take care of their bastard children from Chad. Not to mention by the time a woman has had 15 different sexual partners, she is almost certain to divorce. We are expected to take on her bastard children, a certainty of divorce and divorce rape for what exactly?

Not to mention women will happily shack up with just about any human dross that can't even support themselves let alone them and a family.

I actually believed this blue pill shit at one point. I tried to go to university so i could become a programmer and make lots of money writing code. Turns out i'm a shit programmer and i probably wouldn't fit in with the diversity hiring policies or corporate culture anyway. I'm glad i'm useless at coding in a way. The jobs market is shit. To be honest men simply don't have the prospects to keep women to the style in which they demand. Women's expectations only seem to get more insane while prospects look so bleak i don't know how we're going to survive a few years in the future.
Took the words out of my mouth.
This is why every inceltears member needs to be gunned down. They're too stupid to think for themselves. Take them out of their misery.
Amazing post. Of course, cucktears won't respond to this.
Very well said. This post was so well written that I don't even have anything to add. Women are scum, the "advice" they give you is counterproductive. The funny thing is that Chad doesn't have to adhere to these "rules". Women just open their legs for him. You know what else? It really shows their true colors when they say things like "You don't need a relationship/love/sex/intimacy in order to be happy!" Because they've lived their entire fucking lives getting validation and romance, they can't even fucking fathom the fact that people get none of it. 

Some cunt told me just today that in order to get a relationship I should focus on inner happiness and that once I achieve that, a girl will come. Fuck you. I haven't had happiness since I was cut out of my mother so thank you for not respecting me enough to just tell me the brutal truth. 

I'm seething, guys.
Berdea said:
Amazing post. Of course, cucktears won't respond to this.

Usually they're quick to screenshot threads and post it on their subreddit, but they won't screenie this one for some reason.
10/10. Should become a copypasta or something. You really covered basically everything.
Amazing blackpill.
your post is so nuclear i think i hear my geiger counter ticking
You felt for the self improvement meme.. but did your life get better?

Incel_Because_Short said:
Usually they're quick to screenshot threads and post it on their subreddit, but they won't screenie this one for some reason.

They never in their lifes poated my blackpilled threads lmao

Agree with most of the OP, but as someone who saw therapists on and off for about 20 years (from about age 6 to age 26), I think you are even being too kind to therapy.

I never got any "coping strategies." I got a bunch of questions about random shit. Sometimes I got pills. That's it. I saw different psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers, and mixtures of those classifications.

They would ask me about my life. And that's it. They had no advice. Ever. And when I did press one of them for advice, all I got was psychobabble. A bunch of abstract nonsense about how I need to be "creating da opportunitiez." May as well tell me to "seize the moment" and "live life for all it's worth!!!111"
Weed said:
You felt for the self improvement meme.. but did your life get better?

Objectively speaking, yeah it did get better. It's easier to cope with being dealt a shitty hand in life if you've got other stuff going for you. I was much more depressed and suicidal before I kept my-self busy, so.

FemaleInventionsLOL said:
Agree with most of the OP, but as someone who saw therapists on and off for about 20 years (from about age 6 to age 26), I think you are even being too kind to therapy.
I never got any "coping strategies." I got a bunch of questions about random shit. Sometimes I got pills. That's it. I saw different psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers, and mixtures of those classifications.
They would ask me about my life. And that's it. They had no advice. Ever. And when I did press one of them for advice, all I got was psychobabble. A bunch of abstract nonsense about how I need to be "creating da opportunitiez." May as well tell me to "seize the moment" and "live life for all it's worth!!!111"

Again therapists are incredibly vague in their work and are not meant to help you directly with your problems. I can make a whole thread about my experiences with therapy (I've had three different ones over the past couple of years, on and off), but it's redundant.

A therapist will listen to your problems and then give you a couple of things to look at. They'll tell you about negative thinking patterns, ask you if you have them, and then find ways for you to avoid them.

They'll tell you about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which is basically this: Take any problem. Does this problem affect your life? If yes, then describe how it makes you feel. Then figure out the environment, time or mindset that you get or behaviours that you do before you start to feel negatively about the problem and then figure out ways to control for that. The theory is that once you control the behaviours that lead up to the negative emotions, you can also control the thought processes that are associated with those negative emotions, leading to you being more positive.

So for instance let's say a behaviour you do is visit incels.is. Visiting this website makes you feel depressed, and then leads to you forming thought processes that lead you to become even more entrenched in depression. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy's goal is to limit your access to incels, with the intention of controlling that behaviour to eventually control your mood and your negative thought process.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can be effective if you can fully control for the factors that lead up to your negative emotions and thinking patterns. Our problem is that we are constantly bombarded with events that remind us that we're not lovable (due to our physical appearance or stature), and it's really hard to apply cognitive behavioural therapy here unless you can get yourself to be delusional.

Either way, you don't need a therapist to tell you all of this stuff in order to do it. You can learn all about negative thinking patterns, brain chemistry, cognitive behavioural therapy and coping strategies online.

In my time working with a therapist I have never actually felt like my mental health was improving solely because of that therapist.

As for SSRIs, at most they are good for getting yourself out of a rut, but extensive use of it will end up making you feel suicidal. It was when I took SSRIs back in Summer 2016 that I convinced my-self to start hitting the gym, but the constant use of SSRIs as well made me want to kill my-self.
Just launch a bombing campaign and just spam the board with it. Spam it everywhere.
Incel_Because_Short said:
Either way, you don't need a therapist to tell you all of this stuff in order to do it. You can learn all about negative thinking patterns, brain chemistry, cognitive behavioural therapy and coping strategies online.

In my time working with a therapist I have never actually felt like my mental health was improving solely because of that therapist.

CBT isn't meant to make it feel like the therapist is improving your mental health, but that they are guiding you to a path where you maintain your own mental health. You pretty much explained as such above.

What you said about being able to learn about all of these things online is definitely true, but like almost any field, "reading a book about it" doesn't make you great at it. We are also our own most subjective judges, so your approaches and strategies are tainted by your own subjectivity. Everyone is subjective, but a proper therapist will have a lot less bias and a lot more experience, thereby avoiding the more common pitfalls.
blickpall said:
CBT isn't meant to make it feel like the therapist is improving your mental health, but that they are guiding you to a path where you maintain your own mental health. You pretty much explained as such above.

What you said about being able to learn about all of these things online is definitely true, but like almost any field, "reading a book about it" doesn't make you great at it. We are also our own most subjective judges, so your approaches and strategies are tainted by your own subjectivity. Everyone is subjective, but a proper therapist will have a lot less bias and a lot more experience, thereby avoiding the more common pitfalls.

The best way to get out of the realm of subjectivity is through taking psychedelics. They tamper with the part of your mind responsible for your ego (which is the culmination of your subjective experiences), and thus allow you to truly analyze yourself and problems from an objective view.

Two carefully planned LSD trips where I actually meditated and reflected were more meaningful and helpful to me than the two or so years of therapy. Despite this small rant I'm actually the happiest I've ever been in a while, so.
Incel_Because_Short said:
The best way to get out of the realm of subjectivity is through taking psychedelics. They tamper with the part of your mind responsible for your ego (which is the culmination of your subjective experiences), and thus allow you to truly analyze yourself and problems from an objective view.

Two carefully planned LSD trips where I actually meditated and reflected were more meaningful and helpful to me than the two or so years of therapy. Despite this small rant I'm actually the happiest I've ever been in a while, so.

I absolutely agree with the potential therapeutic value of hallucinogens, but I also don't think that unassisted and uneducated use of them is a safe option either. Some people just can't handle their shit, especially on their first time. Some don't have access to them. Let's not forget that even though you are more objective and more likely to see the other side of an issue or look from "outside the box" on your life situation, your thinking is also at least slightly warped and careful measures must be taken (as well as re-analysis at a later point) to ensure that you're not just chasing a novel delusion presented through the drug.

The other element is that when the effects wear off, the innate brain chemistry of some people will "undo" the good that the drug did; when the drug was active, that person was more likely to be proactive or plan proactive activities, but once the drug wore off they return to their sedentary depressed state. The point of having a therapist is the same reason why people have personal coaches at the gym - an experienced person who is telling you what the objectively correct approach is, and motivating you to take it. Not many people who are in the depths of depression or who have high anxiety can do those things, or extract the optimal outcome from a hallucinogenic experience.
blickpall said:
I absolutely agree with the potential therapeutic value of hallucinogens, but I also don't think that unassisted and uneducated use of them is a safe option either. Some people just can't handle their shit, especially on their first time. Some don't have access to them. Let's not forget that even though you are more objective and more likely to see the other side of an issue or look from "outside the box" on your life situation, your thinking is also at least slightly warped and careful measures must be taken (as well as re-analysis at a later point) to ensure that you're not just chasing a novel delusion presented through the drug.

The other element is that when the effects wear off, the innate brain chemistry of some people will "undo" the good that the drug did; when the drug was active, that person was more likely to be proactive or plan proactive activities, but once the drug wore off they return to their sedentary depressed state. The point of having a therapist is the same reason why people have personal coaches at the gym - an experienced person who is telling you what the objectively correct approach is, and motivating you to take it. Not many people who are in the depths of depression or who have high anxiety can do those things, or extract the optimal outcome from a hallucinogenic experience.

You're probably right.

I've done a total of five trips in the past couple of months, once in October 18th, 19th, November 4th, 7th, and 19th.

The October 19th and November 7th ones were the carefully planned ones.

Either way you're right. I avoid incels.is for at most two weeks after the trip but I always come back. The only change is that I don't care nearly as much as I used to about all of this.
Incel_Because_Short said:
I've done a total of five trips in the past couple of months, once in October 18th, 19th, November 4th, 7th, and 19th.
I see, lowering the euphoric effects by depleting the dopamine through the recent previous trip in both cases, I assume? Definitely a good way to have a more grounded trip, if you don't doubledose.
Just ignore them and rope or LDAR.

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