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Inceltears is massively more blackpilled in this place. Even they admit normies don't get laid via tinder or online dating.



Dec 28, 2017
Half the guys on here want the other half banned because they believe they are gatekeepers of the term "incel". That only they are ugly enough to be incel and guys with "normie" looks are basically chads.

I've been told I'm a chad countless times because I said I'm over 30 with a normie face. Apparently women want old normies. All I have to do is go on tinder and collect my pussy.

That's stupid as fuck but I guess whatever helps them cope.

How absolutely stupid do you have to believe to think normies get laid via online dating?

Even the most blue pilled lying reddit posters don't believe that shit.
Anyone below an 8/10 is an incel in 2020.
I don't know why I or anyone ever believed that you can somehow "break out" after making it through your teens and early twenties without a big friend group, without hookups that keep coming back for more, without a woman that's a serious prospect for future marriage.

Why would you ever think that? Based on what?
I am so fucked its laughable.
Weird, I don't get it. On the one hand, the Incel Theory rightfully focuses on jawlines. On the other, incels.co has a lot of folks with self-admitted "mental problems". So which one is it?

(Another weird thing is that I consider biologic psychiatry bullshit, but not mental issues and world outlooks per se. I for one believe marriage to be futile without the implementation of White Sharia law.)
Weird, I don't get it. On the one hand, the Incel Theory rightfully focuses on jawlines. On the other, incels.co has a lot of folks with self-admitted "mental problems". So which one is it?

(Another weird thing is that I consider biologic psychiatry bullshit, but not mental issues and world outlooks per se. I for one believe marriage to be futile without the implementation of White Sharia law.)

being autistic is a deathsentence nowdays even for chads , you can only get away with it if you are gigachad looking , or the girls in your area dont have options
You can't have flaws as a sub 8 because being sub 8 is already seen as a massive flaw. Basically sub 8s are expected to prove themselves because they're already seen as moderately subhuman by women, even if normie. You are expected to fill a checklist of a "decent man".

You need normie looks, respectable height, NT, career, large social circle with women in it, etc to stand a chance in finding a girlfriend. You probably have to go through UNI to get this or have remained in the same place since childhood.
Perhaps only because may be inceltears have higher average age than this board and are mostly roasties and sin gle mums and they have seen how the dating scene play out. We have alot of young cels here that have hope of ascension without looksmaxxing and surgerymaxxing before late 20s. So yeah many not blackpilled enough.
True. People on here complain about foids having unrealistic standards.
Then they say you have to be a deformed ethnic manlet in order to be an incel. :feelsUnreal:
Women have unrealistic standards, if you don't believe that then you are bluepilled :bluepill::bluepill:
Only Chad water is wet in 2020
6’5 , white and normie face
It has never been through dating apps. Normies at max can get one night stands via socialcirclemaxxing with foids a little below their looksmatch.
On the other, incels.co has a lot of folks with self-admitted "mental problems". So which one is it?
Ugly and crazy aren't mutually exclusive. They are, in fact, complimentary.
BASED AS FUCK. People need to start getting this shit into their heads. Its Chad or nothing and anything else is cope. Sub8 and 99+/1 are both real.

@NEETFREAK @Dregster666 @KilluminoidBR @omnilet
GTFIH you delusional sub8 denying copers.
Normies can still get laid through social circle or work. Everyone but chad struggles on dating apps. If normies couldn't get laid at all, we'd have seen a revolution by now
BASED AS FUCK. People need to start getting this shit into their heads. Its Chad or nothing and anything else is cope. Sub8 and 99+/1 are both real.

@NEETFREAK @Dregster666 @KilluminoidBR @omnilet
GTFIH you delusional sub8 denying copers.
Sub 8 is the cope lmfao. How do I walk around and see DOZENS of sub8s with foids and small children?
BASED AS FUCK. People need to start getting this shit into their heads. Its Chad or nothing and anything else is cope. Sub8 and 99+/1 are both real.

@NEETFREAK @Dregster666 @KilluminoidBR @omnilet
GTFIH you delusional sub8 denying copers.
For online dating Retard, water is wet confirmed, I never argued against online dating results.

It's why normies still go out, strive to be NT and meet foids in public areas like the parks, malls,bars, etc etc

The thread still cant address the simple reality that average looking males still get to reproduce year in year out.
Sub 8 is the cope lmfao. How do I walk around and see DOZENS of sub8s with foids and small children?
I don't buy it. You are probably just lying as a pathetic attempt to debunk "le sub8 theory" JFL

I trust statistics, data and facts. Not your cherrypicked theories.

For online dating Retard, water is wet confirmed, I never argued against online dating results.

It's why normies still go out, strive to be NT and meet foids in public areas like the parks, malls,bars, etc etc

The thread still cant address the simple reality that average looking males still get to reproduce year in year out.
Cope. Online dating + Tinder + instagram, etc = Real life.
Normies can still get laid through social circle or work. Everyone but chad struggles on dating apps. If normies couldn't get laid at all, we'd have seen a revolution by now

Basement Dweller IQ mongs like @Colvin76 dont seem to understand the effect humanity would have if 80% of males weren't getting laid.

We're a fucking minority as far as I'm concerned.
Cope. Online dating + Tinder + instagram, etc = Real life.

Basement Dweller IQ mongs like @Colvin76 dont seem to understand the effect humanity would have if 80% of males weren't getting laid.

We're a fucking minority as far as I'm concerned.
I'm not a basement dweller you cuck. I am still in high school aka BEING OUTSIDE for 7 hours a day, 5 times a week. The only exception is this week on Monday and Tuesday I get those days off because the Quarter just ended.

You can't call someone a basement Dweller just because they disagree with you :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
I'm not a basement dweller you cuck. I am still in high school aka BEING OUTSIDE for 7 hours a day, 5 times a week. The only exception is this week on Monday and Tuesday I get those days off because the Quarter just ended.

You can't call someone a basement Dweller just because they disagree with you :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Look man, you're not equal to 5/10 male. You're not bro, if you were you would be out there getting laid.

And I never called you a Basement Dweller, Im calling out your IQ and logic because it's trash and void of reality.
being autistic is a deathsentence nowdays even for chads , you can only get away with it if you are gigachad looking , or the girls in your area dont have options
Lol, you think women care about chads not being NT.

@Colvin76 thoughts?
The opinion of an incel who thinks only 8+/10 white men get laid is worthless.
The opinion of a cel with autism when approached with a question about autism is the right play.
Lol, you think women care about chads not being NT.

@Colvin76 thoughts?
8+ /10 males can get away with LITERALLY ANYTHING. That includes being non-NT.
Look man, you're not equal to 5/10 male. You're not bro, if you were you would be out there getting laid.

And I never called you a Basement Dweller, Im calling out your IQ and logic because it's trash and void of reality.
Even if I was 5/10, it wouldn't matter because I'm an autistic manlet. I would still be truecel.
The opinion of an incel who thinks only 8+/10 white men get laid is worthless.
Not 8/10 only. It's 7+ /10 only and 5-6 struggle extremely hard for landwhales and sub4 foids.
I don't buy it. You are probably just lying as a pathetic attempt to debunk "le sub8 theory" JFL

I trust statistics, data and facts. Not your cherrypicked theories.

Cope. Online dating + Tinder + instagram, etc = Real life.
It’s not a fucking theory when’s i was outside for hours yesterday and saw DOZENS of examples of your so called law being broken. WHile tinder is real life, sub8s ARE managing to get sex and have families. Do I know the mature of their relationships? No but I know I saw many sub8s with families and foids that were clearly dating them.
It’s not a fucking theory when’s i was outside for hours yesterday and saw DOZENS of examples of your so called law being broken
yeye yesterday I saw a bunch of balding Indian janitors SLAYING 8/10 Stacies, it was crazy.
I've been told I'm a chad countless times because I said I'm over 30 with a normie face. Apparently women want old normies. All I have to do is go on tinder and collect my pussy.

Wrong. You get called a chad because you're tall, white, and have a good face.

well, I got high psl ratings on another forum but don't want to say too much and get banned

point being, chad or death
The worst part about getting older is it becomes so much harder to enjoy your copes. Video games, movies, music just don't seem to have the appeal they did when you were young and hopeful.

My body is in great shape and I have lots of energy but my brain just wants to fucking check out of life.
you a tall white guy too? I used to have this retarded belief that tall white girls would go for me cuz i was tall, nope. tall girls still want chad, just a 6'6 chad who is muscular (which is nearly impossible if you're white unless you're juicing hard)

as predicted, the only girls who ever showed interest in me were short, like 5', ethnic girls

exactly as the JBW threads and stats predicted

if you want a white girl you better be a literal god who can shoot lightning out of his 18 inch dick

Just humblebrag until you get banned for LARPing theory.
yeye yesterday I saw a bunch of balding Indian janitors SLAYING 8/10 Stacies, it was crazy.
I actually did saw a mid 40s dark curry who had sunken eyes like Frankenstein with an average mid 30s White foid yesterday. Albeit he was probably betabuxxing hard but they were holding hands. Lmao.
yeye yesterday I saw a bunch of balding Indian janitors SLAYING 8/10 Stacies, it was crazy.
Yesterday I saw a 4'10" deformed midget literally having a 10/10 stacy beg to fuck him. You wouldn't believe it! :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
Wrong. You get called a chad because you're tall, white, and have a good face.

Just humblebrag until you get banned for LARPing theory.
holy shit
“as predicted, the only girls who ever showed interest in me were short, like 5', ethnic girls”

"Tinder isn't real life"

Okay despite the fact that for the younger generation almost all of people meet via social media and online dating, what type of men go to night clubs and bars? Do you think ugly men go to those places? How many people on this forum go there often?

Any place you can go to meet women there will always be more attractive men there. This is why for normie looking people high school and College social circles are crucial. It's the only chance you will ever have.
8+ /10 males can get away with LITERALLY ANYTHING. That includes being non-NT.

Even if I was 5/10, it wouldn't matter because I'm an autistic manlet. I would still be truecel.

Not 8/10 only. It's 7+ /10 only and 5-6 struggle extremely hard for landwhales and sub4 foids.
That still doesn't stop normgroids from getting laid, jesus fucking christ.

That's just you, you dont know that because you aren't even NT to begin with and you probably dont even know where to begin with looksmaxxing. You cant speak for something you dont have and attempted.

If the struggle for 5-6/10 males was real, we would have 5times the members online, night clubs would be dead, and inceldom would become a mainstream problem that gets properly addressed. None of this will ever happen because 5/10 males minimum will always get female validation at some point in their life, whether you want to accept that or not is your problem.
yeye yesterday I saw a bunch of balding Indian janitors SLAYING 8/10 Stacies, it was crazy.
Dude nobody said a anything about fucking 2/10 indian janitors. We're talking about bonafide 5/10males

You aren't equal to a 5/10male in the dating market.
Yesterday I saw a 4'10" deformed midget literally having a 10/10 stacy beg to fuck him. You wouldn't believe it! :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
This is why you think normgroids dont get laid.

You get tunnel visioned by "stacy or nothing" logic and forget that sub6 foids are out there sucking normie cock when chad is too busy with his harem of stacys.

Absolute fucking Memecel
I don't think anyone here believes that normies get laid on Tinder. It's a rather question on whether Tinder is the only way to meet girls and if these other channels have less requirements or is in someway easier than Tinder.
Dude nobody said a anything about fucking 2/10 indian janitors. We're talking about bonafide 5/10males
I was poking fun at the structure of his argument, literal IT move to say “I know a guy...” or “I saw a couple...”
It’s not a fucking theory when’s i was outside for hours yesterday and saw DOZENS of examples of your so called law being broken. WHile tinder is real life, sub8s ARE managing to get sex and have families. Do I know the mature of their relationships? No but I know I saw many sub8s with families and foids that were clearly dating them.
Boomer sub8s and predoomers. Not anymore bro
I was poking fun at the structure of his argument, literal IT move to say “I know a guy...” or “I saw a couple...”
I know that, but if you spend anytime in a populated area while knowing how to rate people and looked around, you will notice that every couple isnt a fucking gigachad/stacey.

There are alot of ugly couples out there. They just happen to look better than most of us and too many users on here are in complete denial about their subhumanity.
How absolutely stupid do you have to believe to think normies get laid via online dating?
View attachment 194814

Even the most blue pilled lying reddit posters don't believe that shit.
I have never said "that normies get laid using Tinder". What i have been saying since 2018 is that normies, NT average looking non-yellow/indian man, manage to get girlfriends using social circles. if you deny it and really thinks that only 8/10 (PROFESSIONAL MODEL MALES) are able to get woman without betabuxxing then you are retarded, just this.

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