I ask why? Why the resistance or fight against this? Why are they so threatened by traditional senses? Most people want commitment/loyalty/monogamy. It has been this way how long with some exceptions? Why is the leftist snowflake sensitive sjw fags so against this? I ask for a moment, forget about looks, and chads and stacies and who's fucking who and sex and all that, and think about values, trust, etc. Cause it don't matter how ugly or good looking someone is, if they're gonna fuck you over and do you bad they will. Wait a lil off topic. Anyways, why the strong war against tradition? I say we make a new rule, for those who don't want traditional love/fidelity/trust/marriage/family/monogamy, they go and do whatever they want, maybe even put them in like their own seprate city where they fuck each other over selfishly nonstop and they can like interract with other people, but they can't make their personal issues and problems anyone else's. Cause we all know no matter what whatever two people do in privacy is their business. It's when they make it everyone else's problem or create these double standards/special treatments are what I have a problem with. Anyways, for those who do believe in and want that traditional stuff, we have a choice to say otherwise and when we tell the others to shut the fuck up and it's not our problem, they have to shut up and listen or be exiled to their city of non stop fucking over everyone.
They claim humans are terrible at monogamy and they pick the worst examples for Jerry Springer and not the many other obvious succesful examples of it.
Jesus christ, I mean, Bill Clinton, (((Anthony Weiner))), and others, they pick the worst examples and not obvious succesful examples.