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Incels who rage at ugly guys getting girlfriends should throw themselves off a cliff



Nov 8, 2017
Seriously. Some girl, instead of choosing to be yet another piece of ass for Chad's harem, goes with some uglier guy. That ugly guy who probably got treated like shit trough life finally finds some justice and balance, instead of Chad hoarding everything even tho he doesnt need it like the former guy does.

yet you are at him because "how can that subhuman have that girlfriend suicide fuel" holy shit. You are no better than fucking hypergamous lookist women if you rage at a woman going with an ugly guy. And how is it suicide fuel? If you are not shit at rating and that guy is actually uglier than you, it means that its not so over for you too.

Can't understand incels who support Chad hoarding everything, its like incels who think they deserve the suffering.
We know that the guy is going to get exploited and cucked. There is no ascension for subhumans.
Jockcel said:
We know that the guy is going to get exploited and cucked. There is no ascension for subhumans.

No, thats not what I'm talking about, nor what the incels i am talking about mean.
Jockcel said:
We know that the guy is going to get exploited and cucked. There is no ascension for subhumans.

This and fuck the ugly blue pilled bastard. If I can't be happy than no one can.
why is this fakecel unbanned.
please show me a sub5 curry dating hot girl i have never seen example of this
99% of this forum are bitter faggots so its no surprise
There's people on here who get mad at that? Haven't seen them.
Zyros you have really proved your stupidity on this thread. If a guy is ethnic, low status and uglier than me then he is getting a woman from simping/woman worshipping not because the girl is doing an ugly guy a favour or something like that.
NeverSubmit said:
Zyros you have really proved your stupidity on this thread. If a guy is ethnic, low status and uglier than me then he is getting a woman from simping/woman worshipping not because the girl is doing an ugly guy a favour or something like that.

You proved yours in this response. I never said that the girl was doing it in order to do the ugly guy a favour.

Also the ones who complain at things like this don't do it becuase they think its woman worshipping. They do it because "how can a subhuman get a girlfriend".
Ugly guy with hot girl is always a power complex relationship where the female is at advantage

Stick that in your head so you remember next time that no subhuman stays happy in this life, Zyros.
Zyros said:
Seriously. Some girl, instead of choosing to be yet another piece of ass for Chad's harem, goes with some uglier guy. That ugly guy who probably got treated like shit trough life finally finds some justice and balance, instead of Chad hoarding everything even tho he doesnt need it like the former guy does.

yet you are at him because "how can that subhuman have that girlfriend suicide fuel" holy shit. You are no better than fucking hypergamous lookist women if you rage at a woman going with an ugly guy. And how is it suicide fuel? If you are not shit at rating and that guy is actually uglier than you, it means that its not so over for you too.

Can't understand incels who support Chad hoarding everything, its like incels who think they deserve the suffering.

Lol have you seen the thread about madison beer back in chaddism? Bunch of morons
Zyros said:
And how is it suicide fuel? If you are not shit at rating and that guy is actually uglier than you, it means that its not so over for you too.

Very true.
Zyros said:
You proved yours in this response. I never said that the girl was doing it in order to do the ugly guy a favour.

Also the ones who complain at things like this don't do it becuase they think its woman worshipping. They do it because "how can a subhuman get a girlfriend".
Those beta, women worshipping, subhuman faggots don't deserve anything they put femoids on an even higher pedestal than society already has I hate those bastards.
Don't forget the fact that there is more to it. He most likely has a positive quality, otherwise why would she choose him? Examples are height, money status, ect
Sme people have the biggest cake and theyre continuing to get one after they ate it. Some people must search for a little cake piece and when they have it, they will enjoy it long time but it will be difficult for them to get another.

Edit: Iam not talking about chad in this example.
I think what Zyros is trying to say is that, we should be happy that a subhuman is not incel anymore, and that he got laid..as that would be an improvement for a majority of us. But you have to remember...he is probably betabuxed right now, and something is haloing the dude to the girl somehow...this can be some sort of attribute as some have said..i.e. money, or status is the most common one.
Zyros said:
Seriously. Some girl, instead of choosing to be yet another piece of ass for Chad's harem, goes with some uglier guy. That ugly guy who probably got treated like shit trough life finally finds some justice and balance, instead of Chad hoarding everything even tho he doesnt need it like the former guy does.

yet you are at him because "how can that subhuman have that girlfriend suicide fuel" holy shit. You are no better than fucking hypergamous lookist women if you rage at a woman going with an ugly guy. And how is it suicide fuel? If you are not shit at rating and that guy is actually uglier than you, it means that its not so over for you too.

Can't understand incels who support Chad hoarding everything, its like incels who think they deserve the suffering.

Fuck off Zyros you fakecel, you got laid several times and still come here.
VST said:
Fuck off Zyros you fakecel, you got laid several times and still come here.

chad cant help but come back here and mock the virgins even after he realised he could get girls and was just a mentalcel.

hes worse than gambler and its a joke the mods let him post here.
Virginp0wers said:
chad cant help but come back here and mock the virgins even after he realised he could get girls and was just a mentalcel.

hes worse than gambler and its a joke the mods let him post here.

honestly wonder how he gets laid he has a shitty frame and his face is normie status, on top of this he like an edgy teenager look/vibe
Maybe, a girl who is in a relationship with an ugly guy has a fetish for ugly guys, could technically be possible, people develop fetishes for all sorts of weird shit and unattractive traits fall in this category, if it is the case then she's with him because of physical appearance.
I agree with.

To me when I see a ugly guy dating a hot girl, I see life girl.

Like “he made it”.
If I'm not getting my dick sucked, then there is absolutely NOTHING to be happy about.
Zyros said:
Seriously. Some girl, instead of choosing to be yet another piece of ass for Chad's harem, goes with some uglier guy
You don't know the nature of women. A girl will only go out with an ugly dude if she can't do better than that, it's a last option sort of thing. Money and status may have played a part in her choice.
What grinds my gears is the incel who denies their looksmatch and goes after Stacy.

Um, isn't that what femoids do?

And a looksmatched sub8 guy doesn't NEED to bux, that's a bullshit cope.
Jockcel said:
We know that the guy is going to get exploited and cucked. There is no ascension for subhumans.
Just become beta cucks theory.
Popbob said:
99% of this forum are bitter faggots so its no surprise

This whole forum should be a circle of hell.
Zyros said:
yet you are at him because "how can that subhuman have that girlfriend suicide fuel" holy shit. You are no better than fucking hypergamous lookist women if you rage at a woman going with an ugly guy. And how is it suicide fuel? If you are not shit at rating and that guy is actually uglier than you, it means that its not so over for you too.

100%. Zyros, this is your best thread yet.
Today, in the morning, I saw some ugly, short, skinny, pale-skinned nerd dude with glasses and deformed walk, walking around with a hot Latina girl. He was even making her laugh and conversating with her.
What the fuck is that?! The dude was even shorter than me, and I saw them walking around a few times before, while I was standing alone, by myself, like a fool. The guy is not even a social outcast. I've seen him talk to other people that look more popular than him.

How could an ugly, inferior, pale nerd get the attention of a hot Latina girl, while I'm suffering as an Hispanic incel? I never even had the attention of a Latina girl in my life! And yet I see that disgusting animal walking around with the hot Latina girl, while I'm all alone. It doesn't make any sense.

So yes, I do get angry as an incel when seeing type of shit. Its nonsense. It's slightly more rage-inducing than seeing attractive men with the hot girls.
Saint ??????? said:
Today, in the morning, I saw some ugly, short, skinny, pale-skinned nerd dude with glasses and deformed walk, walking around with a hot Latina girl. He was even making her laugh and conversating with her.
What the fuck is that?! The dude was even shorter than me, and I saw them walking around a few times before, while I was standing alone, by myself, like a fool. The guy is not even a social outcast. I've seen him talk to other people that look more popular than him.

How could an ugly, inferior, pale nerd get the attention of a hot Latina girl, while I'm suffering as an Hispanic incel? I never even had the attention of a Latina girl in my life! And yet I see that disgusting animal walking around with the hot Latina girl, while I'm all alone. It doesn't make any sense.

So yes, I do get angry as an incel when seeing type of shit. Its nonsense. It's slightly more rage-inducing than seeing attractive men with the hot girls.

Then you are not better than supporters of Chad and female hypergamy, who would prefer Chad hogging all the good things in life instead of things being more failr and equal.
Jockcel said:
We know that the guy is going to get exploited and cucked. There is no ascension for subhumans.

exactly this. Ugly guys who get girlfriends are being used for validation.
As usual Zyros is right again
Because it means I'm a fucking mentalcel which is fixable so I don't have an excuse and must face my fears instead of blaming it on genetics and giving up.
Zyros said:
Then you are not better than supporters of Chad and female hypergamy, who would prefer Chad hogging all the good things in life instead of things being more failr and equal.

I don't support that. On the contrary, I hate female sluts who date a... blond blued Chad, or a Tyrone with a big dick, all because of hypergamy, like you said. I hate hypergamous cunts... and Chads... more, of course.
But I'm saying that ugly dudes getting the hot girls (who clearly DON'T deserve them) while incels like myself ( who are better looking) rot is unacceptable. It doesn't make sense. But perhaps, because that male is of a different race than I, and he gets the hot Latina girls, I experience my incel rage more at his race than his looks.

As I've said the guy has lots of friends, talks to hot girls, conversates with popular people, and yet he looks like an ugly nerd; more incel looking than me. And yet, good Hispanic gentlemen such as myself rot in loneliness. We are denied.
It´s always rage enducing seeing an ugly with an attractive girl. It´s similar to seeing an 80 year old winning a 400million dollar lottery.

The ugly guy with the hot girl has no clue how lucky he is cheating his genetics big time. He even thinks she likes him back as much because he likely isn´t blackpilled on looks. While that guy is barebacking her I have to work like a donkey for years and save up thousands for plastic surgery on my face without a guarantee that it´ll help me get a gf. It´s like he´s raising the bar. Even if I got a gf and she isn´t as hot as the ugly guys gf I´ll always feel like I got short end of the stick.
It pisses me off how ugly, tall guys get girlfriends tbh.
He was handed that relationship on a plate just like chad, not always but if the femoids where you live just treat sub4.5 males like human trash regardless of their personality and he gets a gf isn't that sui fuel?
I don't agree with this at all.
I think its a massive shame if an ugly guy gets with a hot girl, or vice versa
The good looking people should stick with good looking, just like whites should stick with whites, black with blacks etc.
Nothing more nausea inducing than seeing an ugly guy bat out of his league, it makes my fists tense up with rage whenever i see it in public.

jackbud said:
exactly this. Ugly guys who get girlfriends are being used for validation.

Holy fuck Venne needs double jaw surgery SO badly. It would save his life

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