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Incels usually can't have friends because said friends use incels to make fun of to further their social status.



Dec 28, 2017
The ugliest guy or non-normie in the group is the butt of jokes so the other guys in the group reap social status. Most friendships are unbalanced unless it's something like the military, which even then, has a hierarchy and practices hazing.

At the end of the day, a lot of men don't even get real companionship, just some shitty form of "frenemies", people trying to use you for gain who have a slightly friendly demeanor.

Yet another reason why coping alone in a room with a computer screen or mobile device will always be the #1 time consumer of men. That or drugs / alcohol.
It reminds me of my first stint in college back in 07-09, or even further than that: high school. I was always the target of nasty jokes. Normies would make fun of my curly hair, my poor athletic abilities, the way I talked. They even made fun of my accent. Some dude said that I sounded like a girl. Those were difficult years. I didn't drop off in 7th grade because my mom encouraged me to continue with my education. Looking back, I don't know if it paid off. I've never been happy.
If you want a social life as an incel , You’re gonna have to take some bullying from your own “friends”
Yeah, you're often the butt of every joke. Or they use the old "hang around with someone uglier to make yourself look better by contrast" technique to have a better chance with foids (doesn't really work but they think it does).
Its either this or you are ignored. Life as an ugly male is a scam.
This is true but it's even worse when some is a friend to you when it's just you two hanging out but when femoids are around that person turns against you and start talking shit and using you to boost his status
Yep. Spot on. You posted my thoughts on this 100% perfectly. Can’t believe how 100% exact same thoughts, literally 0 difference in how I have thought about this in the past
Yep. Spot on. You posted my thoughts on this 100% perfectly. Can’t believe how 100% exact same thoughts, literally 0 difference in how I have thought about this in the past

It's sad how there is no escape from this shit. Males are just always in competition with each other, always trying to one-up the other or take advantage of them almost all the time.
Frenemies is the perfect word to define those guys that bullied me in high school in a soft way compared with the real bullies.
I already don't care about having friends IRL anyways.
It's sad how there is no escape from this shit. Males are just always in competition with each other, always trying to one-up the other or take advantage of them almost all the time.

It's all about social status and looks. Who's the guy in your profile pic btw?
But aren't normal (nomies) people so nice for this planet and the ones who deviate from the norm extremely evil?
I strongly agree, an incel cannot have friends unless they are other incels.
Normies feel like being the bottom is your place and won't think twice bullying you, or ruining your chances of ascending. They will also consider a terrible offence your attempts to raise or to ascend. That's how I lost some "friendships"
It's sad how there is no escape from this shit. Males are just always in competition with each other, always trying to one-up the other or take advantage of them almost all the time.

I think it’s the way modern society is.

There is not only a break down of the family, not only a break down of the genders, but there’s is a break down of male companionship and respect for one another. I think competition for jobs, sex and status has become so competitive that it has turned all men against each other.

Any men that are close and help each other are shamed and called gay or pedo. When you see groups of young white people it’s usually 2-4 Chads and 10 Foids, and a bunch of isolated men on their own. These 2-4 Chads im sure have then oldschool close male bond, and they have the 10 foids around with them to stop any “lol fag” accusations.

But there’s is a thing now where older men are terrified of taking on young broken man and bringing them up and helping them get out of rut because he’ll be called a pedo.

So even if a male wants to help another male he can’t. It’s just too damaging to his image in today’s world to help men out.

I guess this works in favour for governments because men are no longer forming bonds with each other and therefore aren’t any threat because all men are isolated from each other due to extreme competition and fear of accusations of being gay or pedo
I think it’s the way modern society is.

There is not only a break down of the family, not only a break down of the genders, but there’s is a break down of male companionship and respect for one another. I think competition for jobs, sex and status has become so competitive that it has turned all men against each other.

Any men that are close and help each other are shamed and called gay or pedo. When you see groups of young white people it’s usually 2-4 Chads and 10 Foids, and a bunch of isolated men on their own. These 2-4 Chads im sure have then oldschool close male bond, and they have the 10 foids around with them to stop any “lol fag” accusations.

But there’s is a thing now where older men are terrified of taking on young broken man and bringing them up and helping them get out of rut because he’ll be called a pedo.

So even if a male wants to help another male he can’t. It’s just too damaging to his image in today’s world to help men out.

I guess this works in favour for governments because men are no longer forming bonds with each other and therefore aren’t any threat because all men are isolated from each other due to extreme competition and fear of accusations of being gay or pedo

China breaks up / kills religions or or any non han chinese culture because they become a threat to gov power so I think your explanation makes sense. Governments don't like men getting together and plotting shit. They want everyone to be reliant on the government.

I think western gov are too stupid to have done this on purpose though. It just naturally happened because of insane competition for money and pussy.
I know a dude who introduced me twice as a literal incel to his friends (he knows the word from facebook/twitter)
I just embraced it, who fucking cares
China breaks up / kills religions or or any non han chinese culture because they become a threat to gov power so I think your explanation makes sense. Governments don't like men getting together and plotting shit. They want everyone to be reliant on the government.

I think western gov are too stupid to have done this on purpose though. It just naturally happened because of insane competition for money and pussy.
Western governments definitely too incompetent and divided for it to happen on purpose. Def agree.
China breaks up / kills religions or or any non han chinese culture because they become a threat to gov power so I think your explanation makes sense. Governments don't like men getting together and plotting shit. They want everyone to be reliant on the government.

I think western gov are too stupid to have done this on purpose though. It just naturally happened because of insane competition for money and pussy.

Yeah that is true
Get a group of incel friends, best thing you’ll ever do for yourself.
I tried getting friends but they quickly started to just insult me passively left and right to get an ego and status boost.

Normshits being the pieces of shit they are it was never even direct, just passed off as "just a joke bro chill" and all that to where I couldn't even do anything about it or I'd be painted as the villain for standing up for myself. It was infuriating and depressing. I stopped trying to get friends after senior year in high school because the best I could do was either being ignored or made fun of. I still remember this one dude literally used everything I told him against me in a twenty minute rant/insult to me while some other dude was driving. Even thinking of shit like that makes my blood boil even to this day, I remember being so close to bashing his head into the dashboard and strangling him I had to walk in circles like a pathetic idiot at home for two hours just to calm down after that. I said no more ever again ,because next time I would have done something stupid when it inevitably would come to being insulted endlessly again

That was my attempt at ascending. Was an outcast my entire other three years but thought senior year I'll try to network and get friends. Normshits refused to let me into any social circle, just belittled me when I tried.
Get a group of incel friends, best thing you’ll ever do for yourself.
I have one incel friend now, but he doesn't want to admit he's incel but it's the best I can get.
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Get a group of incel friends, best thing you’ll ever do for yourself.

Best I could find was "virgin (don't tell anyone) but not incel" guys and I drifted apart from them since I only really knew two of them well and one of them moved cities. And because they were cucked.
I think it’s the way modern society is.

There is not only a break down of the family, not only a break down of the genders, but there’s is a break down of male companionship and respect for one another. I think competition for jobs, sex and status has become so competitive that it has turned all men against each other.

Any men that are close and help each other are shamed and called gay or pedo. When you see groups of young white people it’s usually 2-4 Chads and 10 Foids, and a bunch of isolated men on their own. These 2-4 Chads im sure have then oldschool close male bond, and they have the 10 foids around with them to stop any “lol fag” accusations.

But there’s is a thing now where older men are terrified of taking on young broken man and bringing them up and helping them get out of rut because he’ll be called a pedo.

So even if a male wants to help another male he can’t. It’s just too damaging to his image in today’s world to help men out.

I guess this works in favour for governments because men are no longer forming bonds with each other and therefore aren’t any threat because all men are isolated from each other due to extreme competition and fear of accusations of being gay or pedo
oh yeah. The faggot accusations when you have a male friend who doesn't throw you under the bus for a crumb of validation. It's so sad. People are garbage. I can't wait for the world to Nuke itself already.
Get a group of incel friends, best thing you’ll ever do for yourself.
Basically me in highschool, just a small loyal group of 4 of us, without them school would have been so depressing.
Very true. Whenever a girl showed up my 'friends' would instantly start making fun of me.
It's possible to make close friends that aren't like that. But 'acquaintance' type friends will for sure do that at every opportunity.
Sometimes, pre-jecting (rejecing people first) is a good strategy. These days it's the only strategy!

Unfortunately, community is what makes people thrive in the long-term. And people these days shit all over each other and ruin the fragile bridges that need to exist.

#thanksjews for dividing us into individuals and ruining our world! (Via money, pseudo society, and normie lifestyle desires....etc.)
It reminds me of my first stint in college back in 07-09, or even further than that: high school. I was always the target of nasty jokes. Normies would make fun of my curly hair, my poor athletic abilities, the way I talked. They even made fun of my accent. Some dude said that I sounded like a girl. Those were difficult years. I didn't drop off in 7th grade because my mom encouraged me to continue with my education. Looking back, I don't know if it paid off. I've never been happy.
Normies always can make up something to mock you
Even if it's objectavly not true

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