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Incels hail “our savior St. Nikolas Cruz” - David Futrelle article on us



Feb 11, 2018



Your average inceltears male poster.

The Internet’s incels long ago adopted Isla Vista killer Elliot Rodger, the maladjusted twentysomething who murdered six in cold blood as a kind of revenge for his “involuntary celibacy,” as a patron saint of sorts.

Now they are doing the same with Nikolas Cruz, the Florida teen who allegedly murdered 17 students and teachers at a high school in Parkland, Florida today. On Incels.Me — the web forum that Reddit’s incel population migrated to after the admins at Reddit shut their forum there down — one enthusiastic commenter got the discussion started by posting a thread titled “A hERo rises on this day of incel exclusion (Florida Valentines Day School Shooting).”  (All links in this post go to archived pages.)

The capitalized “ER” in “hERo” is of course a reference to Elliot Rodger.

In the thread, assorted incels cheered as the details of the shooting came out over the course of the day, declaring their “immense respect” for their new “HERO.” And some wondered — with more than a little justification — if the shooter wasn’t one of their fellow commenters on Incels.Me.

“Respect to him if he kills over 60 normies,” a commenter called Towncel declared. “Hopefully he isn’t just using 2 pistols and actually has an assault rifle,” he added in a followup comment.

Vman, a prolific commenter with over 2500 posts on the site was already set to declare Cruz his new idol.

   holy shit its on valentines day! what a fucking hero! we have a new model! PLZ BE UGLY PLZ BE UGLY. WE NEED INCEL AWARNESS

Spicycurry was a little more reserved. “Watch the news blame incels rather than the femoids who mock us and oppress us,” he groused.

lonelyistheworld  has a rather different fear. “The media will probably try to cover up the fact that he’s an Incel,” he complained. “The elites know that there’s a huge problem with lonely men in the west.”

Naturally, many of the commenters hoped that most of the victims would be “femoids.”

“Hope his roastie kill count is high,” Reddit_is_for_cucks  opined

"Roastie contribute nothing to the society anyway, sll they do is shopping and suck chads dick and get free stuff from cucks"

Incel_Dikshit concurred, expressing his hope that the shooter had “snagged some degenerate roasties and depsrate beta orbiters with him.”

“Roastie” is a favorite incel slur for (cis) women, whose labia are thought (by incels) to resemble roast beef.

Many of the commenters took great pleasure in the fact that this murder spree took place on Valentine’s Day. “LIFEFUEL,” declared one. “The best Valentines Day in history buddy boyos.”

When several commenters expressed their uneasiness at this open celebration of mass murder, they were denounced as “Jooz.” Indeed, one prolific commenter called knajjd went so far as to justify the murder of young girls because, in his view female children can, at best, be considered a timebomb. even if you believe that children are totes innocent creatures, etc. etc. that argument makes no sense since they’ll inevitably develop into roasties.

Comments like these continue for page after page; all of those quoted so far come from the first three pages of what is currently a ten page thread.

It didn’t take long for some of the commenters to wonder if the shooter hadn’t frequented Incels.Me. Several mentioned a recent Incels.Me thread in which a lurker posted an elaborately detailed threat to shoot up his former high school and other schools in the area (including an elementary school north of his high school) on February 12 before escaping by blending in with the those fleeing from the scene.

More than a few of the details match up with what happened today. The alleged shooter today targeted his former high school. There is a middle school northwest of the high school, though it is more west than north. Some reports suggest the shooter escaped the school by blending in with fleeing students. The date of the threatened rampage was only two days different from the actual assault. The gun he reportedly used is similar to, though not the same model as, the one mentioned in the post.

You can see the screenshotted post here.

It’s certainly possible that the threat posted to Incels.Me was nothing more than a fantasy, and that the similarities between it and the events that unfolded today mere coincidence.

EDITED TO ADD: But even if Cruz wasn’t the anonymous commenter on Incels.Me, he may well have thought of himself as an iucel. The Daily Beast reports that someone calling himself Nikolas Cruz left a comment on a YouTube video a year ago declaring that ““Elliot rodger will not be forgotten.” (Meanwhile, a self-described paramilitary white supremacist group in Florida is telling The Beast that Cruz had trained with them.)

Was Cruz an incel, a white supremacist — or both, or neither? The clues to his motivation are certainly unsettling. As is the existence of a forum overloaded with so many bitter, furious young men who look upon mass murder as a kind of righteous retribution for the refusal of “roasties” to offer them sex.

NOTE TO REGULAR READERS: I was planning on returning to regular posts here shortly. I’m sorry it had to be with a story on this horrendous incident."
RE: "Incels hail “our savior St. Nikolas Cruz” for Valentine’s Day school shooting"

He was a filthy racist, he is no hero of ours.
RE: "Incels hail “our savior St. Nikolas Cruz” for Valentine’s Day school shooting"

He was a filthy racist, he is no hero of ours.

But racism is true, yo.
RE: "Incels hail “our savior St. Nikolas Cruz” for Valentine’s Day school shooting"

Mr Joyboy said:
But racism is true, yo.

You trying to get banned, faggot?  :love:
RE: "Incels hail “our savior St. Nikolas Cruz” cucktears user article



Your average inceltears male poster
RE: "Incels hail “our savior St. Nikolas Cruz” for Valentine’s Day school shooting"

You trying to get banned, faggot?  :love:

No, I just don't see anything objectionable about being "a racist".
RE: "Incels hail “our savior St. Nikolas Cruz” cucktears user article

RE: "Incels hail “our savior St. Nikolas Cruz” cucktears user article

Jockcel said:

Congratulations, cucktears and now this :)
This fat turd takes virtue signalling a whole new level.

He was a filthy racist, he is no hero of ours.

SJWs don't belong here. Take a short walk off a long cliff.
Damn no mentions of me, what a shame.
Kek. Another butthurt beta cuck.
DonkeyPunch said:
SJWs don't belong here. Take a short walk off a long cliff.

F-ck off, stormfrontcel. Just lol at being racist and incel.
RE: "Incels hail “our savior St. Nikolas Cruz” for Valentine’s Day school shooting"

Mr Joyboy said:
No, I just don't see anything objectionable about being "a racist".

racism is for copers tbh.

chad doesnt care.
That dude that wrote that article sounds like such a fucking limp-wristed cuck.

I love how they're also trying to connect him to white nationalists (of course). I haven't looked much into the details but it sounds a lot like when they tried to claim the Columbine shooters were "neo-nazis" when in fact their very personal blogs/websites were denouncing racism. They always do this shit. Oh, but ignore black shooters who pretty much admit the reason the shot whitey was because of all the left-wing propganda that has completely taken over popular culture.

It's all just part of the agenda against average looking and below white males -- try and associate them with ANY negative stereotype you possibly can.
F-ck off, stormfrontcel. Just lol at being racist and incel.

Not a "stormfrontcel". I just hate SJWs like you. 

And I feel no solidarity towards non white "incels" because they still have it way easier than white ones.
RE: "Incels hail “our savior St. Nikolas Cruz” for Valentine’s Day school shooting"

He was a filthy racist, he is no hero of ours.

t. currycel
Oh, the creepy cat man...
DonkeyPunch said:
Not a "stormfrontcel". I just hate SJWs like you. 

And I feel no solidarity towards non white "incels" because they still have it way easier than white ones.

>And I feel no solidarity towards non white "incels" because they still have it way easier than white ones.

thats retarded wtf ur iq is sub60
DonkeyPunch said:
F-ck off, stormfrontcel. Just lol at being racist and incel.
Not a "stormfrontcel". I just hate SJWs like you.
And I feel no solidarity towards non white "incels" because they still have it way easier than white ones.

F-ck off stormfrontcel. I'm glad you're incel.
White Knight Cuck
hehe xd said:
>And I feel no solidarity towards non white "incels" because they still have it way easier than white ones.

thats retarded wtf ur iq is sub60

You have tons of safety nets. Every SJW and college liberal apologizing for you and thinking you're poor, oppressed angels, your countries aren't being taken over by immigrants and are still homogeneous, good birthrates etc. A "currycel" could just go to India and find an Indian chick or even get an arranged marriage. An Asiancel could move back to their country of origin and find an Asian girl. Especially is he's of Chinese or Japanese descent. How many non Japanese are there in Japan? Or non Chinese in China? Virtually none. 

White incels can't go anywhere.

F-ck off stormfrontcel. I'm glad you're incel.

Way to prove my point. 

I feel no solidarity towards you. You are as much my enemy as women and normies. 

Also you're a fucking hypocrite. I saw you bash white males in another thread and say they have small dicks and age badly.
DonkeyPunch said:
Way to prove my point.

I feel no solidarity towards you. You are as much my enemy as women and normies.

Also you're a fucking hypocrite. I saw you bash white males in another thread and say they have small dicks and age badly.

"w-w-white incels can't go anywhere!" Go to SEA you dumbass. It's us curries who are doomed.
"w-w-white incels can't go anywhere!" Go to SEA you dumbass. It's us curries who are doomed.

I don't want to. 

You can just go to your country of origin that isn't under any demographic threat (quite the opposite) and isn't being invaded by immigrants and find a girl of your own race.
DonkeyPunch said:
"w-w-white incels can't go anywhere!" Go to SEA you dumbass. It's us curries who are doomed.
I don't want to.
You can just go to your country of origin that isn't under any demographic threat (quite the opposite) and isn't being invaded by immigrants and find a girl of your own race.

Well I don't want to either so we're both incels.
DonkeyPunch said:
You have tons of safety nets. Every SJW and college liberal apologizing for you and thinking you're poor, oppressed angels, your countries aren't being taken over by immigrants and are still homogeneous, good birthrates etc. A "currycel" could just go to India and find an Indian chick or even get an arranged marriage. An Asiancel could move back to their country of origin and find an Asian girl. Especially is he's of Chinese or Japanese descent. How many non Japanese are there in Japan? Or non Chinese in China? Virtually none. 

White incels can't go anywhere.

Way to prove my point. 

I feel no solidarity towards you. You are as much my enemy as women and normies. 

Also you're a fucking hypocrite. I saw you bash white males in another thread and say they have small dicks and age badly.

Kek when u dont leave ur basement for too long this is what happens

U seen too many alt right memes boyo ethnics are subhuman while whites have billions of asian fangirls
I mog this piece of fat into the oblivion.
RE: "Incels hail “our savior St. Nikolas Cruz” for Valentine’s Day school shooting"

He was a filthy racist, he is no hero of ours.

Stop being a cuck everyone is racist to some degree even currycels.
This is the fucking KING of numales. Jesus fucking Christ.
Schizoidcel said:
“Roastie” is a favorite incel slur for (cis) women, whose labia are thought (by incels) to resemble roast beef.
That guy is so fucking pathetic and sad. you should have linked an archieve link. why did u give him views?
DonkeyPunch said:
You have tons of safety nets. Every SJW and college liberal apologizing for you and thinking you're poor, oppressed angels, your countries aren't being taken over by immigrants and are still homogeneous, good birthrates etc. A "currycel" could just go to India and find an Indian chick or even get an arranged marriage. An Asiancel could move back to their country of origin and find an Asian girl. Especially is he's of Chinese or Japanese descent. How many non Japanese are there in Japan? Or non Chinese in China? Virtually none. 

White incels can't go anywhere.

Way to prove my point. 

I feel no solidarity towards you. You are as much my enemy as women and normies. 

Also you're a fucking hypocrite. I saw you bash white males in another thread and say they have small dicks and age badly.

your delusional if you think currys or ricecels have it better than whitecels i bet your not even incel just some bullying normie troll weve had quite a few of those recently
I hope they live stream that racist piece of shits execution
Jewsel said:
Stfu ethnics are subhumans anywhere but even the ugliest white boy can slay in asia

Thats true. I am half Asian and I cannot even slay with jungle gooks. SO I cannot run hypergamy theory
if the word "cuck" will ever appear in dictionaries, his photo should be under it.
TheVman said:
That guy is so fucking pathetic and sad. you should have linked an archieve link. why did u give him views?

Yeah you're right, wish I could edit.
Schizoidcel said:

Your average cucktears male poster.

so the guy is a failed MRA who has turned to feminism

judging from his history this guy is no place to judge incels on their opinions.
RE: "Incels hail “our savior St. Nikolas Cruz” for Valentine’s Day school shooting"

universallyabhorred said:
Stop being a cuck everyone is racist to some degree even currycels.

Who's the real cuck, someone who calls out people for being racist, or the one accepting racism towards his own kind? Checkmate.
@Schizoidcel why you never respond to my 2020 article on Futrelle and sex with dogs?

Also wondering what you think of this revelation about Kuriboh = Futrelle theory

I also wonder if @Shigechi might be Futrelle as well. He's been around longer (since June 2019) but hides his "last seen" data.

When I search it doesn't auto-fill Shigechi but does let me search it if I type in entire thing manually.

Last post I can find from him is 23 December 2021

Shigechi maybe you're not Futrelle but you can understand when I see you posted this

Making an attack thread against himself could be something he does to get attention from us so he can gain fame by being the "anti-incel champion" and say "I didn't want this, but they came after me, so the war chose me as it's champion" or some BS
@Schizoidcel why you never respond to my 2020 article on Futrelle and sex with dogs?

Also wondering what you think of this revelation about Kuriboh = Futrelle theory

I also wonder if @Shigechi might be Futrelle as well. He's been around longer (since June 2019) but hides his "last seen" data.

When I search it doesn't auto-fill Shigechi but does let me search it if I type in entire thing manually.

Last post I can find from him is 23 December 2021

Shigechi maybe you're not Futrelle but you can understand when I see you posted this

Making an attack thread against himself could be something he does to get attention from us so he can gain fame by being the "anti-incel champion" and say "I didn't want this, but they came after me, so the war chose me as it's champion" or some BS
I haven't looked into that as I'm not as active here as I used to be. Futrelle could be pretty much any user on this board to be honest :feelshaha: Brutal dogpill though, I'm not surprised they posted a reaction to that one. If a post REALLY triggers them (ped0/beastiality/r4pe/etc) they can't help themselves.
Last edited:
@Schizoidcel why you never respond to my 2020 article on Futrelle and sex with dogs?

Also wondering what you think of this revelation about Kuriboh = Futrelle theory

I also wonder if @Shigechi might be Futrelle as well. He's been around longer (since June 2019) but hides his "last seen" data.

When I search it doesn't auto-fill Shigechi but does let me search it if I type in entire thing manually.

Last post I can find from him is 23 December 2021

Shigechi maybe you're not Futrelle but you can understand when I see you posted this

Making an attack thread against himself could be something he does to get attention from us so he can gain fame by being the "anti-incel champion" and say "I didn't want this, but they came after me, so the war chose me as it's champion" or some BS
Futrelle por acaso fala português e é bostileiro, hue? No, i only did that thread to laugh at his fat face, i don't care if he thinks this is war or some shit, fuck this obese loser.
Futrelle por acaso fala português e é bostileiro, hue? No, i only did that thread to laugh at his fat face, i don't care if he thinks this is war or some shit, fuck this obese loser.
I am also an obese loser so I kind of empathize with Futrelle's frustration and compulsion to lash out at others.


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