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News Incels don't exist



lonely since 1995
Apr 15, 2018

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/1e58m8u/incels_dont_exist/


Looks like i don't actually exist. Bye boys
Goodnight bye

Edit: looks like this was already posted. My bad, i should have checked before
Sure bro it's an option sure...
Me if I took care of myself, went to the gym, etc...
I don't care about the Sex honestly. I would still take a girl as my gf even if her pussy is sewn together aslong as she loves me
In 10 years, most will be incels.
Women are retarded my god
I need to increase my declining IQ then (IT will never touch my response)

"Tittle says it pretty much, I'll explain why I think so. There is nothing involuntary in them, most of their problems is their mindset. It's not about look, it's not about your height, or even not about your jawline,it's about your mindset."

It's almost all involuntary, btw mindset cannot be changed in very short time unless some traumatic experience that won't probably happen even we leave our basement regularly

"They have so many weird and wrong believes builded on porn addiction, poor world knowledge and with zero tolerance and empathy, but despite that, they are obsessed with sex. All they talk about is sex, sex is their holy grail, sex will "cure" them. In fact, sex wouldn't cure abyone from anything."

I assume that normscums never watched porn and they don't talk about sex or relationships. We watch porn because it's a substitute of watching naked females in real life and gaining knowledge from them. Basical post hoc fallacy.

"And yes, there is something about their look. And no, still not height, face or even jawline. It's hygein, there is hundreds of treads about them not showering for months, making piss bottle or not leaving their rooms for a long time."

Take 10 from 1000 men and assume that other 990 are the same

"Another problem is how they believe in work on themselves. Making yourself better is not a cope, it's a will. Will to be a better person."

Making myself better don't make me better in others eyes (if others are present at all)

"But that's not all, they also extremly sexist, racist, hateful and homophobic. .IS is perfect example. Why would anyone date a guy that see them as a meat for sex?"

Another day, another people who believe we genuinely express our thoughts here. We can write bad about women, but does it make we behave bad daily towards women on the streets?

"To be loved, you have to love yourself."

IMG 0442

"Being an incel is an option, and you always can become a normal person. All you have to do is change your mindset and work on yourself."

Being ugly and autistic is an option, all you have to do is change your mindset despite being still treated like Scheiße

"They put to much effort to justify themselves, than actually solve a problem."

Do we live in society? Its members are main judges, we can work on ourselves, but if those judges still rate us poorly, we stay poor for lives.

Dziękuję za uwagę
If sex is the only thing I wanted, I'd be so Happy, because it is a simple transaction...
Schrodinger's incel: where we are in a state of existence and non existence.

Yet these soy niggers will call any opinion that doesn't worship their "qweens" as incel behavior

That begs the question, if incels don't exist, then does IT even exist?
It's almost all involuntary, btw mindset cannot be changed in very short time unless some traumatic experience that won't probably happen even we leave our basement regularly
Yeah, it's funny how they think you can magically change your entire personality through sheer force of will.
Oh we don't exist they just have a reddit to post about us and whenever something bad happens in the world they attribute it to us
Tldr; we can betabuxx single mothers who'll suck up both chad dicks and incel pennies

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