that guy is a retard and I hope he dies of painful cancer. Seriously, his comic is rage inducing as fuck
only the most downtrodden posters talk about acid facing women, so great job, he is making fun of autistic NEETs that are hardly a step above the homeless. Hilarious how he adds the "even if he's joking" because he knows no one is actually fucking serious about that shit. Cucktears continually ignores the FACT that the internet is different than real life and has a different culture and that people don't act like they do on the internet in real life. The only reason they are talking about acid facing is because they are on the internet and it has a different effect and meaning. It's fucking shitposting. The comic depicts a sperglord sperging out to real life people. Cucktears will NEVER acknowledge these facts to justify their annoying crusade